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Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


EnviroExpo 2016 - Evolocity and an Electric Bike Extravaganza!

The EnviroExpo is just three weeks away. And Evolocity is powering up, literally, to give you the ride of your life!

Come along to the Evolocity workshops, April 8-10, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the EnviroExpo. Learn about electric bike technology and how you to can embrace this in your life. Enjoy taking an electric bike for a spin - a 20 metre track will be there just waiting for you - Site 617 at the EnviroExpo! Get you tickets for the Waikato Show today - click here


Commuty Fruit Hamilton Hui - Tuesday 22nd of March

For all those interested in being part of this awesome community initiative - there are opportunities galore - not just picking!

Coordinating, posting, driving, boxing, delivering, preserving - so many ways to contribute. Interested? Please come along and be part of this wonderful movement that appreciates the kai all around us!


Potting Notice

Our next potting morning will be on FRIDAY 18 MARCH, 2016 at the Tamahere Nursery (Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall) from

9am-12 noon. Don't forget your morning tea.

Look forward to seeing you then.

Catherine Smith



Tickets for the 2016 National Permaculture Hui are now available

PiNZ Member discount will be applied automatically for current members provided you are logged in to the website.


This year, the hui will run from April 23rd to the 25th and be located at a quiet and private retreat situated on the banks of the mighty Waikato River at Lake Karapiro. To recognise the importance of the river to our region and the interconnectedness to our lives here, the theme will be Wai Whenua: Water & Land. Keynote speakers include Heidi Mardon, founder and national director and of the Enviroschools Foundation and someone who always walks the talk when it comes to sustainable living and education. Also speakers are being sought to walk us through the Waikato River ecosystem and restoration projects. As well as our keynote speakers, we will have a full program of formal and informal workshops and activities, so there will be something for everyone from the newbie to the experienced permaculturalist. There will be some awesome site visits to local projects as well as activities for children and teenagers. On the registration page costs include food and there are a range of accomodation options, including camping.

Register here



Share your expertise at NZRA National Conference 2016

The New Zealand Recreation Association (NZRA) National Conference will take place from 9-11 November at the Millennium Hotel in Queenstown.

This year’s conference will be hosted by the Southland and Otago Regional Conference Committee, and address the subjects of sustainability and new technologies.

Potential speakers are invited to submit abstracts for presentations or interactive workshops.

Contact us for more information

If you have any questions regarding submitting an abstract please contact NZRA Events Co-ordinator Nicole Ramage via email (nicole@nzrecreation.org.nz) or by telephone (04 801 559804 801 5598).


Hamilton Organic Gardeners

The next HOGs meeting is planned for Sunday 3rd April from 10 till 12. It will involve peach tree pruning and possibly a demo in concrete removal so we'd like some fine weather. If it is wet we can postpone to the following weekend on either the 9th or 10th.

Happy Organic Gardening



On 19th March I am working with a Sports Hub called Eastlink Sports to host a Neighbours Day event. The event serves as a multipurpose initiative; to make the public more aware of local facilities, opportunities and their neighbours. Sport and recreation is an important part of the health and well-being of the community, but so is knowing your neighbours. Stronger neighbourhoods can help battle social issues, creating stronger, safer and happier neighbourhoods.

The East Hamilton Sport & Recreation Hub project is a partnership between Hamilton City Council, Sport Waikato and the University of Waikato and is also supported and primarily funded by Sport NZ.

We would like to invite you along on the day. You can either look to run a stall promoting the work you do or just come along and enjoy the day.

The day will be running from the 19th March 11.00 am - 3.00 pm, with pack in and pack out running about an hour either side.

Zoe Toombs zoet@sportwaikato.org.nz

East Hamilton Sport & Recreation Hub Project Manager


Waikato Regional Council, in conjunction with the Te Pahu Landcare Group and NZ Landcare Trust, is organising a “Landcare Networking Field Day”, on Wednesday, 6th April 2016 starting at 9.30 am. The field day is held at the Te Pahu Community Hall and at the Khaniwhaniwha stream.

You are invited to attend the field day

Please RSVP by 1st April 2016 to Bala Tikkisetty bala.tikkisetty@waikatoregion.govt.nz or Georgina Murphy georgina.murphy@waikatoregion.govt.nz or phone on 0800 800 4010800 800 401. For further information, please contact Bala Tikkisetty at WRC on 0800 800 4010800 800 401.

flyer attached


Bala Tikkisetty| Sustainable Agricultural Advisor

Waikato Regional Council



Are you interested in the health and wellbeing of your community?

Do you work directly with families or do you work with organisations that do?When our homes are damp and cold they get expensive to heat and the people who live in them get sick more often.

However, there are many tools for making a home dryer and warmer. Many of these are free or very cheap to implement. More often than not, the issue is about awareness of the problem(s), and then knowing what to do about it.

Come to our FREE workshop for some simple strategies and expert advice on how to incorporate effective ‘Healthy Homes’ messages and practices into your everyday work.

Thursday 24th of March 2016

9.00am – 12.30pm at the Western Community.

RSVP to Ani ani.nock@hcc.govt.nz.

Ani Nock

Community Advisor | Community Development and Leisure




Submissions In Support Of Waiwhakareke

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


Please make a submission in support of the proposal to declare the land as

Local Purpose  ( Natural Heritage Park) Reserve


Your viewpoint is important as to why this extra land is important to the expansion to the greening of Hamilton City.

Please personalise your own positive  submission  to this proposal - ​​it doesn't have to be long, but it is a numbers game.A paraphrase would be fine but not cut and paste - it tends to lessen the impact!

Don't be put off by the phrase "anyone objecting". Positive submissions are important to head off potential opponents saying that the supporters don't care.

I can't find any way to make an on-line submission to this so an email is probably the best way, parksopenspaces@hcc.govt.nz or write to the address in the advertisement.


An example sent to the centre is:

"I am writing in support of the proposal to declare Lot 2 DP425316 reserve, subject to the Reserves Act 1977.

Adding this land to Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park will bring many benefits, among them that:

  • It will increase the area restored to natural vegetation, providing additional habitat for fauna and reducing edge effects;
  • It will increase the buffer distance between the existing residential development and the lake;
  • It will increase the area of the lake's catchment in natural vegetation, with consequent water quality benefits;
  • It will emphasise the strength of the Council's commitment to the project, smoothing the path with potential funders;
  • It will provide real encouragement to the many community volunteers, both group and individual, who put so much time into the project;
  • It will reduce the risk of waste-water contamination to the lake.


OPTIONAL: If a hearing on this matter is necessary I would like to appear

A paraphrase would be fine but not cut and paste - it tends to lessen the impact!


Future Living Conversations Coming Up This Thursday 17 March.

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Future Living Conversations Coming Up This Thursday 17 March.

Now running during the day at The Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Ave Hamilton


Just go to the Training Room and we’ll have the kettle on!


Two different sessions each day -Why not bring your lunch and stay for both


10.30 am to 12pm

Water Water everywhere… and we need to care for all of it. Looking at where our water comes from and where it goes and what effects its quality. In this conversation we will learn some sensible water saving habits and why we want to keep nasties out of our drains. We will find out how Hamilton City Council provides us with clean drinking water, treats our waste water and the challenges facing a growing city. Di from Make will discuss why she avoids certain chemicals in her body care and home cleaning products and then teach us how to make our own cleaners. Helping us save money and keep the water pure!

Food glorious food.

12.30pm to 2pm


Essential for life, health and enjoyment but is our food as wholesome as we would like to believe? Our food choices impact our health and the health of the environment. So how can we make the best choices when there are so many pressures such as time, advertising, cost, skills and even our culture. Come along to our conversation and we will discuss this and some fun healthy food possibilities.

Camilla from Oooby will be there to help us engage with this important topic. There will be some taste testing too. What a good way to finish off our last conversation in this series!




CHANGE OF DATE - Tell Hamilton City Council to Listen to the Experts, March 22nd

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Hamilton City Council has CHANGED THE DATE of their Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting where they are likely to report on their commitment to sustainability. The new date is Tuesday the 22nd of March at 1.30pm. The agenda for this meeting will be out on the 17th of March and will likely contain details of their response to the sustainability experts who have advised them. The experts have recommended a full and comprehensive approach to sustainability and we think HCC should listen. Get in touch with Steve (steven.m.schoultz@gmail.com) if you are interested in coming along on the 22nd. Join us to tell HCC to listen to the experts -- The Sustainable Hamilton Working Group - Aaron, Steve, Sonia, Gareth, Robert and Anna.

Permaculture Design Workshop

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Permaculture Design Workshop

Climate and Water

Tutors: Robin McIntyre & Simon Thomson

This workshop will take you from global patterns to local detail. You will develop a better understanding of climates and weather pat-terns, and how these are being affected by the way we live. You will be able to identify the climatic conditions that affect your home, town/city, region and country. You will look at the hydrological cycle, water conservation, devices/technology aids, harvesting/storage (rainwater, dams, and swales) and water quality and be able to set for your home or design project the next step you can take to make the most of this valuable resource.


When: Saturday 19 March, 9am­–5pm

Where: Hamilton


Fee: $135

Note: This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate (Module 2). To register email: permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz

See Attached

Mod 2 Climate and Water web.pdf

To find out more about the Modular Permaculture Design Certificate course and the requirements for the certificate see our website

or call us on 839 4452.





Tell Hamilton City to Listen to the Experts - Support Sustainability!

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


In 2013, Hamilton City Council engaged a panel of sustainability experts to advise them. The experts, Jeanette Fitzsimons, Professor Iain White, Dr Wayne Cartwright, Annie Perkins and Rachael Goddard, produced a report recommending a full and comprehensive approach to sustainability.

On Thursday the 24th of March 2016, at 1.30pm, Hamilton City Council, will present their response. It's taken a while, so it's got to be good!

If you care about sustainability in Hamilton City, here is your chance to show your support. Join us on the 24th, Hamilton City Council Chambers, and encourage Hamilton City in the only direction that makes sense - one that supports and protects the future. See you there

- The Sustainable Hamilton Working Group - Aaron, Steve, Sonia, Gareth, Robert and Anna. Contact steven.m.schoultz@gmail.com for more info.





Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


More Paper has arrived Please log into NO THROW  to show expressions of Interest



Invitation to the Ministry of Health's Health of Older People meetings.

Please see attached

Hamilton elder.pdf

Message from Hamilton Organic Gardeners

I've put the link to the organic options for controlling grass grubs on the Facebook page. We talked about this at the meeting. Grass grubs are the probable cause of scabby skin on apples.

Here's a link to  help you identify garden problems too:


Thanks for the likes. .

Happy Organic Gardening.





12th March 2016 - Hebe Speciosa site North of Aotea Harbour

Leader: Mike Paviour Ph: 027 801 9452027 801 9452,

Email: mpaviour@doc.govt.nz

Rocky coastline north of Aotea Harbour, accessed over private farmland.

You need a four wheel drive to get across the farm so numbers are needed, as are four wheel drives.

Meet:  South Western End of Phillips Road, North Side of Aotea Harbour at 10 AM.Â

Please let Mike know that you are coming so we can arrange car poolling with four-wheel drive vehicles to the site.

Grade: Hard. The site is quite challenging as there is steep gullies, climbing, small streams, a real adventure that people need to be relatively fit for and not too creaky.

Bring: Bring sturdy foot wear, clothing that you can climb through bush, streams and steep areas, and whatever the weather is forecasting.

Kerry Jones

027 747 0733027 747 0733



Study Permaculture Design in the BOP

You no longer have to be lonely online or leave the Bay of Plenty toearn your Permaculture Design Certificate. Attending one Saturday per month, this modular format allows the knowledge to sink in, spreads out the fees, and gives you ample time to create your first design project. The next year long program starts 28 May. Save $150 by registering before 29 March. Find out more at: www.PlentyPermaculture.co.nz


And a heads up for an April event:

A whole bunch of you built a cob cottage in January, and its been settling and drying since. The first two weekends in April should be the perfect time to apply the finishing plasters and the electrics. Come be a part of the Natural Finishings Workshop on 2,3,9 or 10th of April. Contact Tess for full details: info@craftygatherer.co.nz




Please find attached job descriptions for two positions at Methodist City Action.


Brain Gym Plus Facilitator p1.pdf

ART CLASS Facilitator job description p1-3.pdf

Future Living Conversations Coming Up This Thursday 10 March.

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Future Living Conversations Thursday 10th

Now running during the day at The Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Ave Hamilton

Just go to the Training Room and we’ll have the kettle on!

Two different sessions each day -Why not bring your lunch and stay for both

Eco-design for building and renovation

 10.30 am to 12pm

Want to understand why most NZ homes are cold in winter? Want to retrofit or build a healthy home? This is the talk for you. Ian Mayes is leading our conversation about eco designing our homes and buildings. Ian Mayes is Hamilton's Eco Design Advisor who has 20 years general building experience and 10 years of Eco building. He is employed by Hamilton City Council to provide individual rate payers with sound sound advice to improve the sustainability of our homes. So this conversation is going to be full of practical advice and insights.

Resilient and Thriving Communities

12.30pm to 2pm

The people within a thriving community feel cared for, acknowledged, and yearn to give back to their community. A thriving community becomes greater than the sum of the parts. Resilient communities are capable of bouncing back from adverse situations. They can do this by actively influencing and preparing for economic, social and environmental change.

Sounds good but how do we help create these types of communities? Come along to our conversation on Thursday and discuss how, with a Waikato Time Bank member,  and Chris Hattingh from Civil Defense.

 Please RSVP to Tania  <tania@envirocentre.org.nz>

