See 'Bats in Hamilton City' on "Campbell Live" tonight 7pm!
Yes we have native long tailed bats in the city.
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
See 'Bats in Hamilton City' on "Campbell Live" tonight 7pm!
Yes we have native long tailed bats in the city.
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
Backed by EECA’s expertise and knowledge, the EECA Awards provide credible recognition of your organisation’s achievements, acknowledgement of your staff, and the opportunity to learn from and network with other successful organisations.
This year we offer nine different categories:
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
For the first time the Hamilton the Recognyz Youth Awards will have an Enviro Award in 2010 to recognise someone who has made an outstanding contribution to our environment.
The 2010 Recognyz Youth Awards are designed to showcase the amazing contributions young people make to Hamilton. This year's seven categories invite entries from performers, environmentalists, achievers through adversity, inventors, those with leadership qualities and volunteers. Great prizes are on offer with $2,000 dream dollars going to one lucky Supreme Award winner to further their dream!
Individuals or groups who live, work or go to school in Hamilton, aged 12-24 and fit one of the seven categories are eligible to enter. You can nominate someone you know, or you can nominate yourself. You can also enter more than one category, but if you do, one entry form per category is required. Two referees over 18 years of age must also accompany all entries.
Enviro Award is sponsored by Enviroschools Foundation
This is a new award for the Recognyz Youth Awards.
We are looking for young people or groups of young people who are passionate about caring for their environment. Not only this, they inspire others around them to do the same. This award is to recognise the ongoing commitment that young people have to their environment and the projects that they are involved in to make a difference.
For more information or to nominate check out
Nomination close Friday 13 August.
Aaron Fleming
Environmental Policy Advisor
City Strategy Team
Hamilton City Council
Private Bag 3010 Hamilton 3240
DDI: (07) 838 6483
Fax: (07) 838 6464
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
Keen to certify all or some of your produce? Got some organic challenges to overcome, or successful techniques to share?
Want to know more about organic growing, certification? Think it’s too expensive? Too Complicated? Unnecessary?
Then come and learn more and/or let us give you a helping
hand with the certification process.
Free for potential new members, existing members and
consumers of organic produce. Limited registrations
Training will be covering the requirements of certification, overview, history and explaining how the standards work and the pod structure.
TRAINING DAY: will be one day followed by a number of field trips.
Peter Downard to be the main presenter.
VENUE: Greenspace 60 Te Aroha St
9.30 Introductions
10.00 History of Organic Certification in NZ
10.30 Cuppa
10.45 How the OFNZ Standard Works
11.30 The certification process
12.30 Lunch Break
1.00 Practical exercise, preparing a property management plan
3.00 Pods and membership options
3.30 Facilitated Q&A
4.30 Finish
To register please email
Include name(s), address, phone numbers, and reason for wishing
to attend; are you a grower/producer interested in becoming certified, a retailer, a consumer of organic food etc.
More info see attached pdf.
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
1 - 3 July
Ice Floe Productions in association with STAMP at THE EDGE presents
By Lynda Chanwai-Earle
Directed by David O’Donnell
Sound designer and composer Gareth Farr
Echoing the restrictions of life in the Antarctic, award winning theatre show Heat brings its own alternative energy source to power up an original love story between a woman, a man and a penguin.
“exciting and intriguing … a gripping and moving tale of magical realism.” Laurie Atkinson, Dominion Post
It’s 1999 and a husband and wife scientific team hunker down inside a tiny, tightly packed survival capsule on the Ross Ice Shelf, wintering over in the vast frozen Antarctic, accompanied by only web-cam, sporadic radio contact, the amazing Aurora Australis, and a colony of male penguins. Struggling to maintain a failing relationship, Stella (Kate Prior) observes breeding patterns among Emperor penguins, while John (Simon Vincent) monitors climate change – until the untimely introduction of a third character (Byron Coll) blows their fragile world apart.
Unlike other conventional theatre shows Heat uses self-sustainable energy means - powered off-grid with lights, sound and electronics from low drain and/or renewable energy. This unique Spacewise energy installation on site at the theatre is a world first. The production will look, as the Antarctic stations are increasingly doing, to partnerships with companies developing sustainable, renewable power sources.
With a powerful script written by the acclaimed Lynda Chanwai Earle (Ka Shue, Alchemy, BoxRoleDream), music by CNZ Antarctic Fellow Gareth Farr, lighting by Marcus McShane and design features by Brian King and Afterburner’s Marty Roberts, Heat opens a rare glimpse into the extraordinary isolated experience of being an Antarctic scientist, being a human pushed to the extremes, and of the sheer beauty of a winter in the Antarctic.
Heat was nominated in its premiere Wellington season for two Chapman Tripp Awards in 2008, winning the coveted Actor of the Year Award for the role of the penguin.
The 2010 national tour of Heat includes seasons in Hamilton (1-3 July), Auckland (12-17 July), Christchurch (6-9 October), Dunedin (13-16 October), Nelson (20-23 October) and a return Wellington season (28 October – 20 November).
HEAT contains adult content and full male nudity.
Recommended for mature audiences.
HEAT plays Hamilton
1-3 July, 8.00pm
The Meteor Theatre, 1 Victoria S
Tickets: $32/22
Bookings: 0800 BUY TICKETS or
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
Learn about propogating ecosourced plants.
The next workshop session at the Tamahere Community Nursery in Devine Road will be held this coming Sunday, 4 July, starting at 1.30 pm. We will continue with the potting of seedlings for next year's planting.
There is a selection of plants ready for planting now so if anyone is interested in acquiring ecosourced native plants for gully restoration come along to the nursery on Sunday afternoon.
Hope to see you there.
Jan Simmons
on behalf of Tamahere Gully Care/Ecosourced Waikato.
Ph 856 8995
Hi everyone - bring along your hoarded seeds to swap with other gardeners at our July meeting, and get a head start with your spring garden plans! We’ll be trialling an “alternative currency” for the seed/ plant table, but if you don’t have anything to swap don’t worry, you can still bring along a few coins to get started. And we’re also planning to watch a short-ish film with a gardening theme.
Meeting will be 7.30pm at the Environment Centre.
Last opportunity to enrol - only a few places left - contact Nelson Lebo to enrol.
$50 per day plus accommodation
Saturday 12:30 - 6:30 pm
Advanced permaculture design: Maximizing beneficial relationships
Sunday 10 -12 & 2 - 6
The essentials of green home design
Monday 10 - 12 & 2 - 6
|Human-scale swales, rain gardens and plumbing basics
Retaining water on the landscape in times of excess is like money in the bank for times of drought.
Tuesday 9 -12 & 1 - 3
Maximizing vegetable production while minimizing inputs
Posted 14 years, 7 months ago 0 comments
Overview workshop
- a bit of each of the green homes topics including Energy, Materials and Toxicity, Water, Site Considerations, and Passive Solar Design.
Hamilton - Hukanui School eco classroom, The Living Room
Presented by Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor Hamilton City Council
Passive Solar Design
Hamilton - Hukanui School eco classroom, The Living Room
Presented by Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor Hamilton City Council
For further information and registrations contact Megan Edmeades 021 414 529 or
Posted 14 years, 7 months ago 0 comments
Two plantings this Saturday at Waiwhakareke, Brymer Rd
9.00 -12pm Friends of Waiwhakareke
1.00-3.00pm Kiwi Conservation Corps
Meet at entrance to park by Project sign Brymer Rd, Stage 3 plantings, see attached for location.
1pm to 3pm this Saturday
This month the focus will be on planting native seedlings in the southern part of the reserve.
Meet at the southern (Balfour Cres) end of the boardwalk
Please bring a spade and gardening gloves
All welcome!
Stephen Hamilton
Riverlea Environment Society Inc.
Tel. +64 7 856 8355
Transistion Towns meeting in the Environment Centre
7.30pm Time to have another get together, midwinter!
Recap of what is currently happening around the region, and then brainstorm at what else could be happening ie where are the gaps - biofuels, community assisted agriculture, roof gardens, etc etc and how we can progress some of those ideas. RSVP to the Environment Centre 839 4452
Tree crops plant sale
10 - 1pm
Camellia carpark at Hamilton Gardens - Gate 2
SBN, EW and HCC present
Rainwater Harvesting Seminar
Water is a precious resource and, in many parts of the world, extremely scarce. Flagged as the next oil, its management is already under much debate. New Zealanders rely on a constant supply of water for residential, commercial or industrial use.
The Waikato Sustainable Business Network is partnering with Environment Waikato and Hamilton City Council to bring you this breakfast seminar on rainwater harvesting. Harnessing rainwater by using sustainable design and a lifecycle thinking approach to behaviours and operations can ensure ongoing supply, avoiding possible shortages and increasing costs in the future.
The seminar will give you the opportunity to:
· Understand the drivers for and benefits of rainwater and grey water re-use.
· Hear from businesses that have been there, done it and have the experience!
· Talk with council representatives and national experts during the interactive sessions.
Global and national issues will be discussed as will low impact design (LID), grey water use, compliance and product specifications.
Date: Thursday 1st July
Time: 7am – 10.30am
Venue: McMeekan Centre, Seminar Room, AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, East St, Hamilton
Cost: $50 (includes breakfast)
RSVP: essential to by Monday 28th June. Any cancellations received after the RSVP date will be charged at full cost.
The Emissions Trading Scheme will be coming into force 1st July. There are many questions surrounding what this means and how it will impact SME’s. In order to support small businesses to be better informed about the ETS, SBN has organised an objective presentation on the what, why and how’s of the system, with a strong focus on voluntary actions, both certified and non-certified.
This 2 hour presentation will provide you with the opportunity to ask all of those questions you have about the ETS. SBN will talk about a few practical ideas to introduce sustainable business practices into your workplace that will help to lessen the impact of the ETS on your business, whilst ensuring ongoing best practice. Please join us for a coffee and note this presentation is not designed to be for nor against the ETS, only informative.
Presentations will be from Ministry for the Environment and SBN.
When: Tuesday 27th July
Time: 8am – 10am
Where: TBC
RSVP: essential by Wed 21st July – rsvps are essential
Jo Wills
National Events Manager, BOP/WK Manager
Sustainable Business Network
P: 07 577 9355 M: 021 686 645
Smart Business Centre
Level 1, 65 Chapel St
PO Box 14098
Tauranga Mail Centre 3143