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More action, funding, workshops

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Monday 29th March 
Waikato Trains NOW petition
9:30am – 10:15am

Hamilton (Frankton) Railway Station

The Campaign for Better Transport cordially invites you to the presentation of our Waikato Trains NOW petition. The petition calls for the introduction of a commuter rail service between Hamilton and Auckland.

This is now possibly the largest petition for a local Waikato issue for many years. Public support for a Hamilton to Auckland passenger train service has been high. The petition literally has thousands of signatures and is fast approaching 10,000.

Local Members of Parliament, local and regional councillors, the Mayor of Hamilton City have been invited to attend and briefly speak. MP Sue Moroney will be receiving the petition.

Petition Organiser: Jon Reeves
Email: jon.reeves@BetterTransport.org.nz
Telephone: 021 535 295
Jon Reeves
Waikato Trains NOW! Campaign Organiser

Envirofund Applications - closes March 31st

Groups can apply for up to $5,000 to fund a project and/or a particular aspect of a project. For some projects it may only be $500 that is needed to get the project off the ground. Whatever their size or scope, all projects are welcome provided they meet the fund’s criteria - see How to apply section, on Council's website www.hamilton.co.nz/Envirofund.
Note applications close 4.00pm 31 March 2010.

 If you are interested, please view the application information available online at www.hamilton.co.nz/Envirofund. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. Remember, applications close 4.00pm 31 March 2010!
Kevin Hogg
Sustainable Environment Team, HCC

2010 Green Home Workshop series

Retrofitting an existing home

This is the first of a series which will continue through the year. Improve the energy efficient performance of an existing home. Learn how to make your home warm, comfortable, healthy and energy efficient through insulation, ventilation, curtains, addressing condensation and other changes which mean big energy saving gains. You will also visit a home where you will put your ‘energy audit’ skills into practice.

Saturday May 1, 9:30-4pm, one day workshop, $20
Tuesday May 18, 6:30-9, evening workshop (second part on Materials May 25), $10


From the framing to exterior cladding to interior floors and wall claddings, you’ll learn about the issue of toxicity of products used in housing and the alternatives available for all aspects, inside and out. An important part of the materials consideration is the minimisation of waste during the build by incorporating it into the design stage.

Tuesday May 25, 6:30-9, evening workshop (first part about Retrofitting existing homes May 18), $10

Saturday August 8, 9:30-4pm, one day workshop, $20
Presented by Ian Mayes, Hamilton City Council’s Eco Design Advisor

All enquires to Megan Edmeades: megan@greenme.org.nz, 021 414 529





Radio NZ Actions Thursday 25th and Rescued exhibition

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Radio NZ Actions Thursday 25 March

If Radio New Zealand is a valued part of your life, do join us at a congenial gathering to show support for this national treasure which is threatened with reduced funding.

12.30 - 1pm  Garden Place   (outside Central Library)
There are plenty of tables and chairs so bring along a transistor and a sandwich, if you wish. Please pass on this email to others who may be supportive.
You may also like to:

* sign the e-petition at www.handsoffradionz.co.nz <http://www.handsoffradionz.co.nz>

* join the Facebook page Save Radio New Zealand which now has 19,000+ fans

* Write or email the Minister of Broadcasting, local MPs, Prime Minister

 Daphne Bell phone 854 5555 mob 021 341 76

 Also on Thursday:

Come and join us on Thursday 25th March at 5.30pm in the Hall at 34 Harwood St for an informed discussion on the proposed funding cuts to Radio NZ. What would the cuts mean to us as community members? Why are the cuts being proposed?

Cr Daphne Bell will be our guest speaker on this topic and there will be an informal question and answer time and the chance for more discussion.


An exhibition showcasing art works created by local artists using “recycled or found objects” will soon go on display at ArtsPost. Displayed at ArtsPost Chartwell Gallery from 1 April-3 May 2010, ‘Rescued’ will showcase innovative and surprising works, from the quirky to the functional, created from recycled, repurposed, salvaged materials and found objects in mixed media work. Amongst the materials will be wood, textiles, metal, glass, plastic and seaweed.

Rescued is the brainchild of ArtsPost retail co-ordinator Marion Manson, who said she “had a vision of curating an exhibition of works using recycled materials”. “This exhibition will raise questions concerning want versus need, and will highlight the overabundance of choice and manmade products in a commercial society and the waste it produces,” she said.
“It will promote recycling and make viewers rethink what they throw away. Hopefully it will inspire them to make use of waste that they would normally overlook and look at sustainable ways of living.”

Ten established and emerging artists from throughout the greater Waikato will showcase their work in the exhibition, including Hamilton artists Marti Wong, Nancy

Caiger, David Lloyd and Shelley Norton; Raglan artists Chris Meek and Rob Kear; Tim Holman of Coromandel; Julie McDonnell of Taupo; Heather Olesen of Morrinsville; and Di Jeffries of Otorohanga…




Situation Room Opening 26th March

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Movie at Waimarie Wednesday 24th March

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Next Wednesday's film:  Crude:

One of the largest and most controversial legal cases on the planet. An inside look at the infamous $27 billion "Amazon Chernobyl" case, CRUDE is a real-life high stakes legal drama set against a backdrop of the environmental movement, global politics, celebrity activism, human rights advocacy, the media, multinational corporate power, and rapidly-disappearing indigenous cultures. Presenting a complex situation from multiple viewpoints, the film examines a complicated situation from several angles while bringing a story of environmental peril and human suffering into focus.

 At Waimarie Community Centre

53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East

7pm Wednesday 24th March.

green market

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Calling all Market vendors!!

 Do you have fresh locally grown produce, scrumptious manufactured delicacies or practice original, eco-friendly art?
We need you! 

The Earth Market is part of Hamilton’s Earth Hour initiatives, in Garden Place on Saturday 27 March.

We are looking for produce, delicious food and sustainable arts and crafts of all types.
The markets are part of a full day of activities planned for Earth Hour in Garden Place: pledge signing; chalk art; entertainment on stage all day; educational stands and information for all the family and activities for kids.

Saturday 27 March
Garden place

$20 for a 3mx3m stall; no charge for education groups or educational stands
For a stall site contact Lisa Pemberton 07 838 6977 Email lisa.pemberton@hcc.govt.nz Website Earth Hour www.hamilton.co.nz

(The Environment Centre is happy to provide a marquee for any groups who would like to be part of this, you don't have to be selling anything other than your message, and we encourage you to take part, should be a fun day. Contact me if you would like to have a stall, or half a stall with another group before Friday.  And register with Lisa at HCC.
Sorry I can't be there. Katherine.)


Movie and HCC information day

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Movie at Hamilton East tomorrow: Affluenza.

Here is a review:
I watched this documentary in environmental science class this past semester. It really made me think about how obsessed our society is with having things. It wrecks our bank accounts and spoils our kids  and gives us all unrealistic expectations, etc., etc. You know what I'm talking about.

Or do you? Please watch this documentary. While, deep down inside us somewhere, we knowing everything it teaches, we really need a movie like this to actually make us aware of what harm our "affluenza" is actually causing.

At Waimarie Community Centre
53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East
7pm Wednesday 17th March.

Saturday 27th March - Your City Expo

9 - 1pm, The Grandstand, Claudelands
This is an opportunity to hear what HCC have planned over the next year. Elected members will be available to answer questions and explain how to make submissions,so a good opportunity to put in a plug for what you want in your environment.

Royal Society Lecture and Landcare Day

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

17th March
Royal Society of
New Zealand, Waikato Branch

2010 Talk Series – Facing the Future

All welcome

Alexander Gillespie will present a talk on Wednesday 17 March 2010 as follows.
Title: The Role of Science in International Environmental Law and Policy

Speaker: Alexander Gillespie

Environmental problems of an international magnitude can only be dealt with collectively. The key to success in all of these processes is science. Whilst a robust scientific consensus is not a guarantee of success in international law, the failure of a robust scientific consensus is a guarantee of failure. To illustrate the options in this area, Professor Gillespie will show the different ways science have been approached within the three different regimes of whaling, air pollution and climate change to show what works, what does not, and what needs to be done.

Personal profile: Al Gillespie is professor on the staff at the Waikato University Law School. For a more extensive bio see http://www.waikato.ac.nz/law/faculty/staff/academic/alexander_gillespie

Wednesday 17 March
7.30 p.m.
Room AG.30,
Gate 8
Waikato University

Room AG.30 is within the School of Maori & Pacific Development. A campus map is available at http://www.waikato.ac.nz/contacts/map.pdf. There is no charge for this event.

24 March
Landcare Networking Day

Environment Waikato, in conjunction with the Lake Ngaroto Care Group and Waipa District Council, is organising a Landcare Networking Field day on Wednesday, the 24th March 2010 from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm at the Lake Ngaroto, Bank Road, off; Paterangi Road, RD3, Ohaupo. Speakers include Dr (Prof) David Lowe of Waikato University, who will be speaking on historic changes of peat lakes following lake formation.

You are invited to participate in the field day.

Morning Tea and Lunch provided. For RSVP and further details please contact Bala Tikkisetty, sustainable agriculture coordinator at EW on 0800 800 401 or e-mail; bala.tikkisetty@ew.govt.nz



Volunteers wanted, Green Building Series, Loder Cup

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Volunteers needed

TVNZ Breakfast at Dawn is on again this year on March 25th during the Balloons on the Waikato. The Environment Centre provides compostable plates and spoons at the free breakfast and takes the organic waste away to compost. Breakfast is provided for about 2000 people, so it is a good opportunity to promote education around preventing organic waste going to landfill.

We need volunteers who are happy to get up early in the morning to help dish out breakfast and monitor what is going into our bins. It is fun for all the family, with the balloons inflating and lifting off, and TV will be there as well.
If you are able to help could you pls contact Katherine at the Environment Centre, 839 4452 or email katherine@envirocentre.org.nz

Green Home Design – The economic advantages of sustainable energy efficiencies in the home

(one session has already taken place but you still have time to get to the rest)

Whether you are building or renovating this series will offer an introduction to the general concepts of ‘green homes’ and look at environmental impacts, the economic goals you may wish to achieve and the economics of energy efficiency.
Over four evenings participants will be advised of how to renovate an existing home to ensure energy efficiencies with a focus on options around water heating, appliances and the benefits of passive solar design. 

Options presented will also include discussion about appropriate use of alnternative energy sources such as solar, micro wind & hydro systems appropriate for domestic installation.  Energy efficiencies can also be achieved by examining water use and understanding water conservation in the home.

Tutor:             Ian Mayes, Eco-Design Advisor, Hamilton City Council
            7pm – 9pm
             Tuesdays 9th – 30th March (4 weeks)
LAIN Building, LAIN.G.27, University of Waikato (enter gate 1 off Knighton Road)

Fee:                 $25.00 (or $5.00 per session)
Course Code:

Contact Bev Collison at Continuing Education ph 858 5124

2010 Loder Cup award nominations

Nominations close at 5pm on 31 May 2010.

The Loder Cup is New Zealand’s premier conservation award.
Gerald Loder donated the Loder Cup in 1926 to “encourage and honour New Zealanders who work to investigate, promote, retain and cherish our indigenous flora”.
The Minister of Conservation awards the Loder Cup to a person or group of people who best represent the objectives of the Cup,to celebrate their outstanding conservation work in New Zealand.
For more information visit http://www.doc.govt.nz/getting-involved/events-and-awards/awards/loder-cup-award/
