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Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments



My apologies for the extremely late notice, but if you have five minutes to spare, please consider writing a very brief submission to HCC regarding the provision of safe crossing point(s) on Ruakura Rd near the Ruakura Research Centre. We have a refuge at present, which is better than nothing, but only just. A young man lost his life on this road, and we also have three major research institutions linked by Ruakura Rd: Ruakura itself, the Innovation Park and the University of Waikato. Almost anywhere else in the world, there is a huge emphasis on safe, sustainable access to institutions like this.


I intend to suggest that consideration be given to moving the main entrance to the Ruakura campus slightly further down Ruakura Rd so that it is opposite Sherwood Park subdivision at Nottingham Drive. This would allow the installation of a single set of traffic lights, with pedestrian phases, which would allow safer access to the subdivion and safe access to the Ruakura campus for all road users: vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Since the land is Tainui-owned and is currently paddocks, there shouldn't be a major problem in diverting the present Ruakura avenue sideways to connect to a new set of lights.

Kind regards,




1)SIGNING  Claire Dowsett's Petition for: - ' Safe Pedestrian
Access into the Ruakura Campus from Ruakura Road '

2) Please write a simple 'further submisson' to HCC in support our
two requests above from the CAWaikato attached submission.
Please use your own example of how these two affect your journeys.

3)Please read the attached HCC guidelines for further submissions.

Thank you for your support, Rob Davidson (On behalf of Cycle Action Waikato)

Ruakura District Plan Variation, Aug 2015-1.pdf


Cycling and Walking Incident  ONLINE FORM

I have just been alerted by another group to the existence of a very useful online form on HCC's website for reporting minor incidents that represent a danger or difficulty to pedestrians and/or cyclists.

The URL is as follows - you might like to keep a note of it in case of need!


Kind regards,




Love to see some of our Environment Groups Featured this year!


How do you nominate? Take your pick!

1. If you prefer to fill in a hard copy nomination form, you can download one (or as many as you need) from our website CLICK HERE

2. Complete your nominations online - no need to fill in the paper forms anymore - just CLICK HERE

Nominations close Friday April 22




Tuesday 22nd March 1 to 2.30pm at The Environment Centre

Do you like to coordinate, market, promote, tweet, post, pick, pack, drive…? There are many volunteer opportunities with Community Fruit Pick - endless ways of helping share the load and share the fruit!

With Feijoa season just around the corner, and potentially acres of trees to pick, people to coordinate, transport to arrange, boxes to collect, promotions to make – now is your chance to join in the fun!

Community Fruit Pick is dedicated to utilising the abundance of fruit that is around us. Wonderful fruit is just hanging out waiting for someone to care, so let’s get together and make sure that this juicy, sweet love can be shared

Community Fruit Pick could do with some willing helpers with differing strengths and abilities.

If you’d like to help but you’re unsure how, this really could be for you! Everybody has a gift to share.

Please come along to the Community Fruit Pick hui, Tuesday the 22nd March 1-2.30pm, Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

And if you can’t make the hui but you’d like to contribute please let the Environment Centre know admin@envirocentre.org.nz or p 07 839 445207 839 4452

07 839 4452



Thursday March 17th 12 -1.30pm Migrant Resource Centre



We are looking at appointing a new allocation committee to make decisions around our single year grant for the next 3 years. Ideally we want a diverse crew of people with backgrounds that cover the range of applications we will receive.

Applications for the committee require a Covering Letter and CV. Applications must be submitted via email to: funding@hcc.govt.nz




Welcome to new members. The first HOGs meeting of the year is next Saturday 5th March at Wendy's place from 10am till midday.

Wendy's address is 89 Jellicoe Drive, Ham East. We'll start with a cuppa. It may pay to bring your favourite cup/mug as there may not be enough cups to go round. We'll be talking about problems with pests and produce people have had this summer; seed saving and what to plant now.


There'll be the usual swap table so bring along plants, produce, seeds etc. to swap. Always interesting to see what people have and are growing. You're welcome to sell plants etc. too. Deborah Brown would like any spare plant pots you have.


The way HOGs work is, there isn't a membership fee as such. We meet/visit gardens and chat and swap plants etc. Koha for plants etc. appreciated if you don't have swaps. (This goes towards gifts and for speakers) We sometimes have meetings at the Environment Centre and have an entry fee for those meetings that we donate back to the EC. It's an excellent venue and has many interesting things going on. HOGs uses the EC more in winter when we have speakers. Local natural health practitioners talking about health topics are popular. If you have any suggestions for speakers or would like a HOGs visit to your garden, please let us know.


The main way of contacting people is via the email list. HOGs also has a Facebook page and notices are posted on the page but not addresses or details. "Likes" from members and friends of on the page are always appreciated; another avenue to promote organic gardening:


Happy Organic Gardening

Alice, Deborah and Joy


The University has around 20 rolls of carpet (up to 2m long), that would be useful for weed mat.

Pick up weekdays between 8.30am-4.30pm


Rachael 0 7838 47710 7838 4771


The Children’s Action Plan Directorate are currently running a national survey on the current state of the Children's Workforce in New Zealand.

As you can see from the paragraph below, the survey is open to all those that work with children, or are in a position to identify and respond to child vulnerability.

You may have already been forwarded the survey, from your head office or managers, so I apologise in advance if you have.

I encourage you to forward the link to other members of your staff that fit the require criteria and ask them to complete the survey. The more people that complete it the better ‘picture’ the researches will get (I think nearly 1,000 people have completed it so far!).

It takes about 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. Just click on the link below.

The Children’s Action Plan is currently running a Children’s Workforce Survey. The survey is open to all those who work with children, or who are in a position to identify and respond to child vulnerability. It’s an opportunity for you to have your say on the current state of the Children’s Workforce. The survey will close on 15 March 2016.


Lance Tebbutt I Hamilton Workforce Lead | Children’s Action Plan

10 Bryce Street, Hamilton | PO Box 1063, Hamilton 3204






Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Future Living Conversations Coming Up This Thursday 3 March.

Now running during the day at The Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Ave Hamilton

Just go to the Training Room and we’ll have the kettle on!

Two different sessions each day -Why not bring your lunch and stay for both Please RSVP to Tania   tania@envirocentre.org.nz

Energy Efficiency in the Home 10.30 am to 12pm

If you want to save money on your power bills, feeling cold over winter / hot in the summer, worried about indoor air quality, or simply wanting to do your bit for the environment, then come along to this conversation with Ian Mayes. Hamilton City Councils Eco Design Advisor Ian Mayes has 20 years general building experience and 10 years of Eco building. He lives in his own Eco house he designed and built himself. This is not to be missed!

Reduce Your Waste  12.30pm to 2pm

Want to reduce waste and figure out how to recycle? Would love to know how to avoid plastic packaging? Need to know what composting system is the best for you. Come along to this conversation and we will point you in the right direction. You will be encouraged to just get started or take the next step. As an added bonus you get to hear the inspiring story of South Waikato Achievement Trust turning waste into resource. How good is that?



Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments



Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


A Free Public Talk by Rafaele Joudry, founder member of Atamai Eco Village in Motueka New Zealand. Friday March 4th, 1-3pm at the Waikato Environment centre.

Traditional villages are the most enduring sustainable form of human settlement. Atamai is based on the concept of a traditional village with its own common land, governance and village economy. Come and hear about the building of the village, the inspiration behind it and the possibilities of this way of life.

Please RSVP to Jan admin@envirocentre.org.nz



Would love to see all our supporters enjoying this beautiful site with a little weeding!

Saturday 27 February. We will be weeding and /or releasing plants. The weeding will involve releasing this years and last years Arbor Day plantings. .

9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Best to bring gloves and wear gumboots in case we're working in wet areas. And most importantly morning tea.

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning. Much appreciated

Cheers Moira convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke


Mangaiti Gully Restoration Group news letter blog site.

· A disappointing year for possum control

· The third fresh water fish survey

· Last major clearing job

· Preparing for autumn planting

· A road named after us!

Click here to view: http://gullyrestoration.blogspot.com/


Wild Places Conference

Wild Places: EDS's 2016 Conference: 10-11 August 2016

Diary the dates!

Wild Places define New Zealand. They evoke powerful emotions that connect us to these islands with their outstanding scenery and unique biota. They include land, lakes and rivers, and the sea. They extend over conservation, Māori and private land. Wild Places make this country special for those who live here and those who visit. Our economic welfare and country brand depends on Wild Places.


EDS’s 2016 conference will explore New Zealand’s Wild Places and assess both emerging threats and exciting new opportunities. It will draw on insights from international and local experience, case studies and workshops. It will look creatively at the development of powerful new synergies between conservation and tourism and will explore novel management and funding initiatives.

Join us and help define a better future for New Zealand’s Wild Places.

Visit the conference website.


NAAEE is seeking compelling proposals that inform environmental educators about proven practices; explore emerging issues in EE research; advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field; and motivate the pursuit of excellence.

Details here

Visit for information on submitting proposals or volunteerng as a reviewer



Find attached important information about Single- Year Community Grants .

The Single-Year Community Grant round is opening 1 March & closing 31 March 2016. Please see attached the advert that is going to be published for this, we are also advertising for the 5 representatives from the public to make up the Allocation Committee (see attached).

grant two.pdf

Any questions about this grant should be directed to Renee Doughty –Community Funding Advisor on email renee.doughty@hcc.govt.nz Phone 07 838 663007 838 6630




Details attached

UoW Sistema Programme Manager JD &PS 2016 (1).pdf
SW Programme Manager letter.pdf


6 April, 12-1pm, Huntly


13 April, 12-1pm, Te Awamutu


18 May, 12:30-1:30pm, Raglan

Finding the right volunteers for your programme is more than simply locating warm bodies. Knowing exactly the kind of volunteers you seek, and ensuring that you keep them, will reap positive recruitment rewards.

Facilitated by Volunteering Waikato, these workshops run after the HandsOn Funding Workshops and are provided at no cost.


For more  information on the workshops.



at 27 Feb & Sun 28 Feb 2016







Be a Voice for the Environment

Posted 8 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Fill the Gallery (again) this Thursday in support of Waiwhakareke

Following the Hamilton City Council's Finance Committee meeting that took place on 18 February 2016, the Committee’s resolution on the Waiwhakareke Land proposal (to retrun 5.1 hectares to the reserve) will be presented as a Recommendation to Council at the Council meeting being held on Thursday, 25 February 2016, 1.30pm.

The reccommendation from supportive Hamilton City Councillors is for Waiwhakareke advocates to, once again, fill the gallery and ensure that things stay on track. Please come along this Thursday to support Hamilton City Council in returning 5.1 hectares of land to the Waiwhakareke reserve!


Community Voice calling for local body candidates

This year we elect our local and regional councillors, and DHB members.

Hamilton based group Community Voice is looking for quality candidates with strong community connections and progressive values who want to serve their communities as elected members:  people with relevant skills and experience who would better represent our diverse communities.

When elected they would be expected to consider all council’s decisions in the light of their impact on people in the wider community and on the environment.

The Community Voice ticket will help voters better assess candidates and give candidates support through pooled resources and volunteer help.

 Interested?  Want to know more? Or know someone who would be a good candidate? Contact us through communityvoicehamilton@gmail.com before 31 March. And keep in touch via the Communuity Voice Facebook Page

Community Voice -  your voice!

Invitation to anyone who is interested in the Healthy Rivers Project - March 1st

You are invited to participate in a workshop for Environment / NGO groups and individuals interested in the Healthy Rivers Project.  The primary purpose of this workshop is to ensure we hear the Environment / NGO sectors views on issues associated with the project.

David Campbell and Al Fleming are the Environment / NGO representatives on the Healthy Rivers Collaborative Stakeholders Group.  They will share their perspectives on these issues and how the project is progressing.

Workshop details are:

DATE: Tuesday 1 March

WHERE: Ambassador Hotel, Ambassador Boardroom, 86 - 92 Ulster Street, Hamilton

TIME: 12.00 noon to 3.30 pm

An agenda will be sent out in the near future but please do book this event into your calendar and share with others you think may be interested in attending.

A lunch will be served  at noon when you first arrive.  Coffee / tea will be available at the end of the workshop.  If you do wish to attend the Environment / NGO workshops please RSVP by 26 February for catering purposes to Al Fleming - A.Fleming@forestandbird.org.nz


Share your vision for our treasured Maungatautari

What do you think the possibilities are for the future of Maungatautari?
Share your thoughts and ideas on this treasured Maunga. Submissions open until March 1st -  Click here to have your say. 



A once in a life time chance for our oceans - have your say!

NZ’s current Marine Reserves Bill is more than 40 years old, and desperately out of date. After promising an update for nearly 15 years, the Government has finally released a discussion draft – which does not include 96% of NZ oceans. That’s right. The entire Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is specifically left out of the draft legislation. Some extraordinary habitats and animals exist only in these deep seas and need certainty of protection. The only certainty offered in this document is to the oil, gas and mineral industries.

This may be the one chance in our lifetimes to create legislation that allows meaningful protection of our oceans. Let’s make sure the Government gets it right. Have you say today! Here is an opnion piece with some good ideas and the Forest and Bird blog is helpful too. Click here to make a submission. Closing date is the 11th of March.


Government call for public submissions on the TPPA - Have your say

The government has opened up the call for public submissions on the 
TPPA. The submission deadline is Friday 11th March. More Kiwis oppose the TPPA than support it, AND there are a growing number of doctors, lawyers, economists, iwi and business leaders speaking out against the deal.

Your submission, highlighting your concerns, will send an important message to all political parties and MPs about the kind of society, we, the voters, want prioritised in 2017. A society that puts the interests of New Zealanders, environmental protection, public health and self determination above those of foreign multinational corporations. Take action with Action Station - and make your submission today.



Posted 8 years, 11 months ago    0 comments




1.30pm  today at Council Chambers in Garden Place…

Unsure how you can help then phone Anna 022 354 6550

0r Moira 027 222 3791




Methodist City Action will be hosting a guest speaker from a community organisation. This month Arthritis New Zealand will be presenting a talk on the “Social Burden of Arthritis”(see attached flyer).

Arthritis New Zealand flyer.pdf


Our next potting morning will be on FRIDAY 19 FEBRUARY, 2016 at the Tamahere

Nursery (Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall) from 9am-12 noon. Don't forget your morning tea.

Look forward to seeing you then.


Thanks in anticipation,

Catherine Smith 07 855829607 8558296




Posted 8 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Ever wondered what Permaculture is all about? We have two information evenings coming up that will give you the chance  to find out. Come and meet tutors and graduates and discuss how permaculture can make  a difference to your life.

The information evenings are free and very informal...cups of tea all round!


The sessions are between

6.00 to  8pm  Wednesday 17th February

6.00  to 8 pm   Monday 22nd February.

Parking at rear of the Centre


We are now taking registrations for this year's course which begins on 27 February 2016. We're feeling really excited about the course as there are a few new developments and updates this year.

More information, including a schedule of the modules, can be found on our website: http://www.envirocentre.org.nz/page/modular-pdc/


Please RSVP to Sarah permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz








Posted 8 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Running during the day at The Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Ave Hamilton New Zealand.


Thursday 25 February 2016

Growing Fruit and Vegetables

10.30 am to 12pm

Realise your garden's awesome potential to feed you and keep you healthy.

Travel Choices

12.30pm to 2pm

Find out how Hamilton City Council will be supporting walking, biking and public transport and why we need to give up our car addiction.


If you want to live well and still be kind to the planet, these free introductory conversations are for you!

The Future Living Conversations are fun, practical gatherings, offering you the future living skills needed to help you reduce carbon emissions, save money and create a healthier lifestyle.

Come along to a supportive relaxed environment where you can ask questions, learn, and meet local experts and like-minded folk. The speakers include business owners, city council staff, enthusiasts and knowledgeable locals.

Future Living Conversations are facilitated by Waikato Environment Centre and are funded by Hamilton City Council. The conversations complement the Sustainable Living Aotearoa on line programme at www.sustainableliving.org.nz

Dont miss out!!!

RSVP Tania tania@envirocentre.org.nz


