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Green Drinks

Posted 15 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Green Drinks 5:30pm Friday July 3 is brought to you by the Green Building Network Waikato and will be hosted by WEL Networks at their new Greenstar 4 building: 114 Maui St, Cnr Maui St and Chanan Pl.

Brendon Moloney, Customer Relations Manager at WEL Networks, will be there to greet us and show us around.

Basic directions are - head up Te Rapa straight, go passed the Base and turn right into Church Rd and left into Maui St. Give carpooling a go!

As usual, please bring a bottle of something to share and a gold coin to cover nibbles.

Forward this message on through your networks. The more the merrier!

Contact Megan Edmeades on 021 414 529 or email greenme@xtra.co.nz

Godwits presentation

Posted 15 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Thursday July 9, 2007,  Chartwell Room,  Hamilton Gardens. 

6.45pm Live Music

7.30pm Presentation

Godwits with the world authority Keith Woodley from Miranda.  Live music by Dave Calder, Hamilton County Bluegrass Band.

This a Forest and Bird event. Phone Jon 07 8558852 for more details.

Hakarimata Gully trip

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Free bus gully trip to Hakarimata Ranges this Saturday phone 8585209 before Saturday to register and secure a seat on the bus  
Saturday        30-May  1.30 pm Bus  to field trip      Tour of the Hakarimata Ranges with Wayne Bennett        The walk looks at a gully system in the Hakarimata ranges and shows original natural vegetation of a gully site, showing what Hamilton’s gullies may once have looked like.     3 hrs   Uni Management School Carpark 

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Monday 29 June 2009 Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park (WNHP)

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

The next Waikato Biodiversity Forum is to be held on Monday 29 June 2009 from 9am-3.20pm in the Centre for Sport and Exercise Science, Q block, Wintec, Avalon Drive, Hamilton

 Directions:-Travel along Avalon Drive to the Wintec Avalon Campus entrance gate, after entering the gate veer right towards the large carpark and park anywhere in this area.  Walk towards the building with a light aqua trim above large cream bricks. You can either cross the sports filed or walk towards the Trades building and follow the path left towards the Centre of Sport and Exercise Science.   Enter the Centre through the main reception area.

Key outcome: Discuss the Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park project and develop solutions for maintaining the momentum of the project.

This Forum is an opportunity for you to:-

  • have fun and share ideas with others who undertake conservation related work
  • establish on-going partnerships/contacts for biodiversity restoration
  • visit the Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park and examine management issues of the site
  • contribute to developing solutions for advancing the project
  • publicise the project to the wider community
  • highlight the projects of community groups in the area
  • provide collective Forum expertise for the project
  • take away ideas for your own restoration projects.


  • The Vision and context of the WNHP project locally and nationally
  • Ecological restoration - succession planting
  • Lake management
  • Infrastructure development
  • Workshops/discussion


  • Setting up a community nursery
  • Funding options-achieving the business plan
  • Education and publicity 
  • Developing and maintaining community support

Contact Moira Cursey for more detail and registration  phone 07 8465066, mobile 027223791 or email m.cursey@xtra.co.nz


Conference- Environmental Policy

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Reform in paradise: threat or opportunity? is being held at the SKYCITY Convention Centre, Auckland, on 8-9 June 2009.

This national summit will critically examine the Government's environmental reform agenda and is the place to be if you want to understand the proposed changes and influence the outcomes.

Issues being examined include proposals to do away with regional councils, the potential roles of the new EPA and the merits of establishing a Coastal Commission. Other potential reforms which will be debated include the removal of metropolitan urban limits, a separate legislative regime for aquaculture and the introduction of water and nutrient trading. The conference will also consider what should be included in the next round of amendments to the RMA and related legislation.

The conference has been endorsed by the Minister for the Environment, Hon Dr Nick Smith and is being supported by the Ministry for the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and a range of other sponsors. This year it is being organised by EDS in partnership with the Ecologic Foundation and the New Zealand Council for Infrastructure Development.

To register and to review the programme, go to http://www.edsconference.com/

Job opportunity- Te Kauri

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Custodian position available - Te Kauri Lodge

After almost two and a half years of exemplary service, our friendly custodians have decided to leave Te Kauri Lodge to continue their travels.

Their departure creates a unique opportunity for someone who may be contemplating a change of lifestyle, and who perhaps would be keen to spend a year or two in the beautiful surroundings of 1,100 hectare Te Kauri Park in Oparau, near Kawhia.

The Custodian position will become available in September this year and would ideally suit a retired or semi-retired couple with an interest in conservation and forest restoration, and with excellent customer relations and general handy-person skills.  

This is a live-in position with a 3-bedroom house provided for the successful applicant.   If you are interested in this position, or if you know of any other potential suitable candidates, please contact Mike Safey: 07 855 1242 or Dave Matthews: 07 846 4013 for further details. 

We are keen to fill this position quickly to allow plenty of time for a smooth hand-over and to maintain a high standard of service and hospitality for our many guests.

Green Drinks June and July

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Friday 5th June 2009

note the time!
World Environment Day Green Drinks breakfast - from 7am
Being hosted by NZAEE at Cafe Five Forty Seven at 529 Grey St.
Come along for a yummy breakfast - (you will need to pay for your own).
Also same day Arbor Day planting at Jubilee Bush in Claudelands - starting at 9am.
Enquiries and RSVP for this Green Drinks, to Dean King, Dean.King@ew.govt.nz

Friday 3rd July
Hosted by WEL Networks in their new energy efficient greenstar 4 building which we will be able to have a look around.
Corner of Maui St and Chanan Pl, 114 Maui St

RSVP to Environment Centre

Refit - new organisation

Posted 15 years, 4 months ago    0 comments


1. Craig Potton talk tonight at Hamilton Gardens 7pm, put on by Forest and Bird. $5 adults, children free.

2. Enviroment Centre AGM 6pm Monday 11th May in the Environment Centre

New organisation you may be interested in:

REFIT-NZ (Renewable Energy Feed in Tariff –NZ) is a newly formed charitable trust.
REFIT-NZ is educating the public about Feed-in Tariffs, a renewable energy policy widely recognised by the rest of the world as being the best strategy to increase the uptake of small-scale renewables, help resolve issues around security of energy supply and rising power bills. By harnessing the collective power of New Zealanders, REFIT-NZ’s aim is to drive change for fairer market conditions within New Zealand’s energy industry so that all New Zealanders have a chance to make a profit by producing using and selling renewable energy.
REFIT-NZ represents all New Zealanders by raising public awareness and creating opportunities for everyone to benefit economically, socially and environmentally. These benefits are wide ranging and certainly not restricted to those who choose to generate their own renewable energy. You can learn more about this on our website.
REFIT-NZ welcomes partnership and support from all industry associations, organisations, individuals and communities who share common goals and desires to improve the energy industry in New Zealand and push for the introduction of a Feed-in Tariff policy. As a charitable and totally independent organisation, REFIT-NZ obviously relies on financial contributions from organisations and individuals, as well as widespread public support, to achieve success for New Zealanders.
I encourage you to visit our website at http://www.refit.org.nz to learn more about us and register as a supporter. The only way changes will be made is if a clear message is sent to decision makers that this is what New Zealanders want! If you are interested in becoming more involved with REFIT-NZ through corporate partnership and/or an ambassadorial role, we will welcome you with open arms so please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Charmaine Watts | REFIT-NZ | Fitting out New Zealand with renewable energy | http://www.refit.org.nz E charmaine.watts@refit.org.nz | Twitter wattspower | M 024 679 4044 | W 09 235 5082 | A Gleeson Rd, RD3 Waiuku, Auckland 2683
