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Plants for sale

Posted 16 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Waikato RiverCare has 600 root trainer Cabbage Trees for sale for $1.20 each. It's a bit late to be planting but they would be good for a wetland project. The plants are ecosourced from the Hamilton Ecological District.
If anyone is interested they can contact Michelle Hodges on 859 0727 or michelle.hodges@ew.govt.nz

Please note that the minimum order is 100 plants.

Michelle Hodges
Waikato RiverCare
Po Box 4115
Hamilton East
Ph: 07 859 0727


December 5th Green Drinks

Posted 16 years, 1 month ago    3 comments

Hi there,

Green Drinks for December will be at the Cook in Hamilton East, from 5.30 on, Friday 5th.

If your organisation would like to host Green Drinks next year please let me know so I can get the list made up and on the web.

Cheers Katherine

Fun Cycle Ride - Tour de Melville - Dec 6th

Posted 16 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Hi everyone,
We will be hosting the Tour de Melville on Saturday December 6th from 10am -12pm at the community house. We have our usual 2 bikes as spot prizes, plus a 'chopper' as an added bonus. We have heaps of other spot prizes and are looking forward to a fun and safe event.
The event is open to all riders. It is non-competitive. Cyclists have one hill that is quite steep for a beginner but generally the course is undulating countryside so nothing too rough. It goes from Bader street, at the community house, down peacockes road, to just about the end, turn around and come back. Turn left onto Norrie Ave and this road curves around back onto Bader Street. There is only one right hand turn.

The ride is 10km long and children over 9 and adults are able to ride in this event. We do not separate the riders into groups as it is a fun ride although the person who crosses the line first will be given the 'green' jersey.
We have a shorter 1km path for younger children. They go from Bader street, onto Norrie Ave, following the road back onto Bader Street and back to the community house. There are no right hand turns on this path and we send adults riders with them.

The course is all on roads. We stop traffic to start the event but otherwise riders share the roads with cars. It is not a busy area. We do have traffic management of course and so all our turns are staffed.

We hope to see you there! I would also appreciate you passing the information on to anyone else you think may be interested in our event.

Kind regards
Holly Snape
Community House Manager
Hamilton South Community Centre



Shallow Lakes Workshop Dec 1

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Hi there,

If you are interested in attending this workshop on shallow lakes restoration, please contact Melinda at Landcare Trust asap melinda@landcare.org.nz or phone 859 3745.

Waikato Shallow Lakes Workshop Dec 1.pdf

Presentation and movie

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Presentation: Education, Solar Energy and Sustainable Agriculture

Wednesday 26 November
University of Waikato L1

Ladakh, or" Little Tibet" in India is one of the highest and driest inhabited places on earth and currently one of the least populated districts in India.
"Development" arrived in Ladakh in the 1970s. Along with roads and tourism came idealised images of western consumer culture as well as heavily subsidised goods - most notably rice. The result has been increasing community and family breakdown, a changing perspective on wealth and poverty, migration from villages to cities and land and water pollution.
In this presentation you can learn about problems that Ladakh faces as it develops, including those relating to the education system. Hear stories about the "Students' Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh", which has made good use of numerous technologies, and has a campus powered and heated completely by solar.

Nelson Lebo is an award-winning environmental educator with 18 years of teaching (and therefore speaking) experience. He is passionate about sustainable building, organic farming and permaculture.
Nelson recently sold his solar-powered home and organic garden in New Hampshire, USA to come to Waikato and work on integrating principles of permaculture into Science curricula as a PhD project.
Nelson has been a WWOOF volunteer; he already sits on the Waikato Committee for the NZ Association for Environmental Education and in a few short months Nelson has contributed to community events in Hamilton, Taupo and Wanganui respectively.Presented by Waikato Botanical Society and University of Waikato Centre for Continuing Education

Movie and Presentation - Eden the Inside Story

Lecture theatre L1 University of Waikato Gate 1
4th December, 6.30 for nibbles, 7pm for movie and presentation

The Eden Project in Cornwall(UK) is an educational charity which has resulted in the transformation of a derelict clay pit into a "garden of Eden" an educational facility with huge greenhouses or 'biomes' showcasing plants and landscapes from around the world.
The film presentation is by award-winning documentary film-maker Robin Kewell who filmed over 4000 hours of footage from when Tim Smit conceived the idea of the Eden project in 1997, right up to the day it opened in a blaze of glory in 2001. This is an insider's view of how the Eden project came about, a priviledged look into how a small team of people turned a derelict industrial wasteland into what has been described as the 8th Wonder of the World. This showing has been specifically edited for the night and there will be time at the end for questions.
$5 waged, $2 students and unwaged (children under 12 free)

All Welcome

Eden Project film poster.pdf

Spring Greening Garden Tour - Saturday 15th November

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

If you haven't already picked up your entry booklet for the Spring Greening garden tour then come into the Environment Centre and get one, or phone 839 4452. Tell all your friends, and please circulate this to your contacts

Only $10 to view a mixture of productive gardens, and enjoy hearing from the experts as you go.

Talks include Annie Perkins at the Greenspace in the morning only, Clare Jackson talking on Sustainable Design, Wendy Mead on Weeds, Scott Bartlam on birds in your garden and a talk on Bokashi and worm farming. So come along and learn how to improve your gardening techniques and see what others are doing.



PricewaterhouseCoopers Breakfast Meeting with Simon Upton

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

"Where to next with Climate Change?"

Simon Upton is a specialist advisor to PricewaterhouseCoopers.

A former NewZealand Member of Parliament (for 19 years) and a senior cabinet minister for nine years, Simon held a wide range ofportfolios including environment, research, science andtechnology, bio-security, health and state services. As Minister for the Environment, Simon was responsible forenacting both the Resource Management Act and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act.

In this capacity he worked extensively with regional and territorial local government. On the international stage, the environment portfolio saw Simon involved in the entire negotiating agenda of the 1990s including the process leading to the Kyoto Protocol and the Bio-safety Protocol.

On retiring from Parliament in 2001, Simon took up the chairmanship of the Round Table on Sustainable Development at the OECD. He developed the Round Table into a significant high level forum which has made significant contributions to a variety of sustainable development issues including climate change, energy security and the sustainability of forestry and fishing. Simon left the Round Table in January 2007 to join PWC and a variety of other policy and business projects. He directs the Global Subsidies Initiative (a project promoted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development). Other commitments include membership of the Advisory Board to the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction, the Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University and membership of the International Council for Sustainable Innovation of Switzerland (ISIS).

Simon is a qualified lawyer and a Rhodes Scholar. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal New Zealand Society in 1999, and made a member of the Privy Council in the same year.

Venue: PWC Corner Bryce and Angelsea St Hamilton.
Date: Thursday 11 December 2008
Time: 7.30am - 8.45am
Cost: $35 SBN Members and $65 Non-Members Breakfast is included
RSVP: Waikato@sustainable.org.nz by 8 December 2008

PricewaterhouseCoopers is opposite the bus terminal > check this link for bus near you.







Reminder for tomorrow - 7th, 5.30

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Get along to the garden next to Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington St in Hamilton East - to Green Drinks, 5.30,  being put on by the Permaculture Trust.

The pizza oven will be fired up, so come and sample earth-fired pizza straight from the oven, bring your own beverages, bring a friend, and come and enjoy the community garden, and others' company. And celebrate the great US election result!

If it is wet we will go to the Cook, but you won't be able to take your bottle in.

