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Spring Greening Garden tour and talks

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 15th November
10 - 4pm

Get your entry booklet for Spring Greening garden tour and talks from the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St or phone Katherine 839 4452

Spend a happy day mooching around other people's backyards, listening to the experts, and gaining inspiration for improving the productivity of your own patch, not matter what size it is.

Sustainable garden design, weeds, birds, insects, bokashi and wormfarming are all dealt with by experts at various urban gardens. So come along, see what others are doing and have a fun day

Hamilton Urban Growth consultation

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Check out Council's Proposed Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy - now currently available and open for public submission until 17 November 2008.

There are two more public meetings to be held on the proposed strategy.

o Thursday 30th October - 5.30 - 7.00pm
Melville High School, Collins Rd

o Monday 3rd November - 5.30 - 7.00pm
The Meteor, Cnr Victoria and Bridge St, City

The Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy is based on the concept of 'mend before you extend' and puts forward 4 key growth propositions:
* Facilitating a move towards more choices for compact living environments in the existing city - with a greater focus on quality
* In the short to medium term, recommitting to the development of Rototuna as the preferred residential growth cell, plus 900 sections in Rotokauri and 500 sections in Peacocke
* The transfer of Ruakura land from Waikato District Council to be used as an innovation/employment area rather than residential (from around 2016)
* In the longer term (beyond 2023) prioritising the development of the remainder of the Peacocke residential area.

For a copy of the strategy document and more information including online submission form visit www.hamilton.co.nz/urbangrowth

Tegan McIntyre
Strategy and Research Manager
Strategic Group
Hamilton City Council
Private Bag 3010 Hamilton 3240
DDI 07 838 6637
Fax 07 838 6464
Email tegan.mcintyre@hcc.govt.nz




Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Need information about solar panels etc etc?? Get along to the Energy Fair this Saturday - there will be a great selection of energy efficiency related businesses and organisations there. These fairs are going to be run two monthly so support this great initiative from Jim at Jassco. and if you want to be a sponsor or stall holder then contact Jim at the number below.

Energy Efficiency Trust Fair

Saturday 1 November
8:30am - 1:00pm
Killarney Lane, Hamilton

This is a free event for the public and is being held in Killarney Lane which is adjacent to Hamilton's Western Bypass. We have the support of the local businesses in Killarney Lane.


We invite you to join the Energy Efficiency Trust by becoming a sponsor. The initial cost is $170 which will help cover signage and advertising for the first fair. We anticipate sponsors will then only pay approximately $50 each for subsequent fairs. Benefits of your sponsorship are:

* allocated spot as an exhibitor at the bi monthly fair
* promotion of your brand through media
* use of the Energy Efficiency Trust name
* logo on future website and link to your website

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please send a cheque for $170 made out to the Energy Efficiency Trust and post it to Jassco Ltd, 29 Reeves Close Hamilton.


We are also looking for stallholders to participate at the fair. The cost is $20 and you must apply to become a stallholder prior to each fair. We cannot guarantee a spot as sponsors have priority so early application is essential.
If you are interested in being a stall holder please contact Jim Stevenson on 847 8558 or 021 358 458.
If you would like to discuss any of the above please do not hesitate to contact one of the following people:

Jim Stevenson 847 8558 021 358 458
Bryan Williams 827 7030 021 931 160
Michael Tattersall 0274 778 897



Agresearch GE application

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

FYI - This has arrived from Greenpeace.

Hi Hamilton Environment Centre,

This is a bit of an emergency and I'm sorry about the late notice but we've been so focused on climate change that this one nearly slipped by me.

I'm sure you'll remember the nationwide fight to keep New Zealand GE free. Tens of thousands of us marched, not once but three times, to stop GE crops and food from entering our food-chain. And even though the Government lifted the moratorium on GE release in 2003 New Zealand has been effectively GE Free ever since. This is now under threat from AgResearch, a Government research institute, which has applied to 'field test' GE organisms with "a range of genetic modifications and maintain these organisms in containment for research, breeding and for the production of products with potential commercial applications".

If it gets approval AgResearch will be able to conduct broad-ranging genetic experiments on a vast range of animals including cows, goats, sheep, pigs, rats, rabbits, possums and chickens. They even want to alter milk composition and have the right to release GE milk onto the market and intend using cells taken from 'non-Maori humans' mixing genes from different species to make transgenic animals. The application is so broad it lists humans as "host organisms" to modify.

It's really important that as many people as possible oppose this monstrous application. NZ's GE Free status, food, environment, economic wellbeing and clean green image are at stake.

Please take a moment to make an online submission (here) to help keep New Zealand GE free and forward this on to your friends and family.

It is a little complicated so I've included the submission I made with the help of our lawyer below.

You can find out more about the application (here) and several other related applications. We're most concerned with GMF07001 but GMC07012, GMD08012 and GMD07074 are also of concern so I've also mentioned them in my submission. You can read the Greenpeace submission here .

Here's my submission:

In the 'Reason for submission' box I wrote ...

There is inadequate information on genetic constructs, location and disposal for ERMA to make a good decision, or for submitters to make an informed submission, and ERMA should not have notified this application until these matters were adequately specified.

Its inadequacy is seen in the apparent mistaken inclusion of humans as a host organism to be genetically modified. There is insufficient information for ERMA to undertake an adequate risk assessment. This application should be declined for this reason alone.

Genetic modification of cows, buffalo, sheep, pigs, goats, llamas, alpacas, deer, and horses will endanger New Zealand's GE -free status and non-GM exports as well as New Zealand's dairy, sheep, deer, pig, goat, llama, alpaca and equine industries. It can also threaten New Zealand's natural environment, including flora and fauna, through escape of genetically species, including pigs, goats, rabbits and possums.

The application for unlimited duration must not be accepted.

Conditions on disposal of waste matter are inadequate.

The genetic modification of rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, and possums as research models involve risk of escape and breeding.

The Appendix to application GMC07012 lists the following species as "The range of host organism to be genetically modified": these species are listed in the following table." The list of animals is:, cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, pig, deer, llama, alpaca, horse, rat (excluding kiore), mouse, rabbit, possum, chicken, hamster, guinea pig, monkey, and human.

I oppose the genetic modification of these species by AgResearch.

AgResearch said that is " not possible at the time of application to specify all the details of each field test which may be carried on under this approval (including the effects tested, the location or duration)" since "this application is for a generic approval (i.e. approval for any field test of organisms complying with the organism description for the purposes set out in this application) of unlimited duration." The application is so broad that "whatever the boundaries, any outdoor activity will be approved under one approval or the other". The breadth of this application, together with its lack of specifics of genetic constructs and locations, and its unlimited duration, means that it must not be approved. I also want no approval of commercial release of products approved.

I want these submissions also taken into account on applications GMC07012, GMD08012 and GMD07074 and hope that they will be taking in to consideration within those hearings.

Then for the 'decision I seek' I simply said:

The application declined.


All the best,

Nick Young


HCC Council of Elders

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

HI there,
HCC is calling for nominations for the 2009 Council of Elders - never heard of them?
Well they are meant to be a representative team (aged over 60) with wide range of experience who are elected by Hamilton residents over the age of 60. They need to have a strong interest in Hamilton and would like to help shape the city.

According to the website, "in 2008 the Council of Elders discussed, commented on, and advised Council on issues relative to the citizens of Hamilton including:

*City development and access
*City publications and tourism

Looking through the current council I would say that every church is represented, fed famers, motor industry, banking, real estate, some community organisations, but on the whole a very conservative bunch. (Nothing personal against any of those people who are on it, I applaud them for doing this) But with the baby boomers arriving into their 60s, surely it is time for change!
People with strong environmental interests are sadly lacking. Also not represented are arts, architecture, planning, hardly anything creative at all. Plus there is also only one woman!

If you know of anyone who would be prepared to go on this council please encourage them to apply - www.hamilton.co.nz/councilofelders.
Nominations close on 21 November

News items 23 October

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

In this post:
Sustainable Urban Design Weekend
Seven Summits series
Next Green Drinks 7th Nov
New Landcare Research website
AFS Students wanting host families

Interesting reading - especially in light of upcoming elections

Register now!
Sustainable Urban Design Weekend
Prerequisite Evening session October 28
Weekend 6/7 November

The final workshop in the Sustainable Urban Design programme is fast approaching, hot on the heals of three very successful workshop on energy efficiency retrofitting of the home, alternative domestic water, and alternative domestic energy.
Last year the fourth workshop was an "eco home design workshop' for people with new building projects. However, due to repeated requests and interest from people who have participated in the programme workshops this year, this final workshop will also be for homeowners with an existing home who wish to incorporate, add on or replace part of the structure with eco design, and/or created using sustainable products and/or materials.
This workshop will include the passive solar design assessment, R value evaluation, computer 3D mock up of the intended addition or change, and perhaps touch on life cycle anaylis in general. It will address the necessary building consent process needed, along with other unknown necessaries in the building process.
The workshop will be held on the weekend of Nov 8-9, and will have a prerequisite meeting on October 28 in the evening. Attendance at this evening meeting is necessary so that participants are able to do the necessary background work to ensure that they are able to fully participate in the weekend workshop.
The course will cost $70 per project, so as many people from the household who wish to participate are able to. Please register with Katherine at the Environment Centre on 07 8394452 or email envirocentre@paradise.net.nz

Seven Summits series - 2 events left in the Waikato October 25 Maungatautari (3 options)
Saturday 1st November Pirongia (3 options)
Check out the www.stream2summit.org.nz website for details

Next Green Drinks - support your Green Drinks network.
Presented by the Hamilton Permaculture Trust.
November 7th at the community garden next to Waimarie Community House in Wellington St. Come and enjoy pizza from the pizza oven. As usual bring your own beverage, (fruit juice and nibbles provided)

Put yourself on the map!

Landcare Research is the catalyst for an exciting new web development that will provide people with access to information about sustainability projects nationwide. Landcare Research has partnered with QEII National
Trust, Forest & Bird and NZERM to develop this pilot site using Google mapping technology:
We are inviting organizations and groups to load your projects onto the site. It is very easy -you just need to fill out a template and send it to us.
The structure of OurFuture is based on 'place' and 'theme. The themes currently are; places to visit, NZ wildlife, habitat restoration, pest control, water and wetlands, sustainable business, climate change and
As well as being an information site, Landcare Research will also use the information to assess the overall trends in restoration and sustainability projects nationally.
For more information and for the project template please contact ourfuture@landcareresearch.co.nz
or call Claire Mortimer on 027 292 0006
Help us make it easier for people to learn about your sustainability initiatives by becoming a part of OurFuture.

Claire Mortimer
Senior analyst and project manager
Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd
Private Bag 92170, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142
231 Morrin Road, St Johns, Auckland

T: +64 021 292 0006
F: +64 9 574 4101

AFS Students wanting homes
We are currently looking for voluntary host-families for students from all over the world who will be arriving into New Zealand in January/February 2009. This year, many of our students are very passionate about ecology and the environment.
All AFS students and host-families are supported during the exchange by trained volunteers from the local community, the students attend the host-families local secondary school, participate in community service work and AFS organised orientation camps and activities. Our students are not fee-paying international students and are treated as domestic students during their time in New Zealand.

Hosting with AFS is a great way for families to experience a different culture and language without leaving the country.

I would love to be able to put you and your contacts in touch with the relevant local AFS volunteer group (we are nationwide). Please do not hesitate to contact me to find out more about AFS, our great students and the local volunteers in your area. I can be contacted on 0800 600 300 ext.1, Jolene.young@afs.org or you can refer to our website www.afs.org.nz




Tree meeting tonight 7pm

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

ENVIRONMENT CENTRE - Ward St (opposite Air New Zealand - upstairs ) Monday 13th OCTOBER at 7.00pm

To discuss a plan of action regarding the Seddon Rd Plane Tree that is being proposed to be removed for the V8 Race.

Please forward this email to anyone you think maybe interested in attending as we need to have a discussion on an action plan to prevent this tree being removed as it seems from reading the email from Councillor O'Leary that a notified consent is to go ahead.

Below is a copy of part of an email sent from Angela O'Leary to Penny Pollard, who also wants to save the tree -

Here's an update of where it's all at presently:
* There is a recommendation from the independent commissioner Mr Peter Stubbs for removal of the tree and this went to Council for consideration
* Council then made the decision that if the tree was going to be a notified consent then that way the public would be able to be fully consulted on the issue and could submit their support or opposition. If it wasn't a notified consent then Council would have had to have made a full decision... without consultation with the public.
* There is a memo coming to Council soon that will formally tell us that it will be a fully notified consent

So that's good news for you!

There is no decision to remove the tree because it has to be fully notified and has to go through the process of public submissions.

At this stage I haven't been told of when the submissions will be accepted or who will hear them but as soon as I have more information for you I will let you know.

Kind regards



Vote for the Environment

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Monday 6th October
Venue: Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Candidates' evening for the environmental community - come and hear the local candidates, ask questions. This is your chance to find out where the candidates and parties stand on environmental issues.
The evening will be chaired by Dr Eva Collins, Senior Lecturer at the Waikato Management School.

Each candidate will have a set time to answer a general question about their party's priorities concerning environmental issues,  and then questions will be taken from the floor.
Supper will be another opportunity to talk to the candidates.

Please circulate this notice around your networks.

Forest and Bird Soc is supporting this event but has had problems with their email list so please pass on to other F & B members too.

Any questions please phone Katherine Hay 839 4452, 021 267 2773
