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Green Drinks 5th Sept

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Green Drinks is on this Friday in the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton 5.30pm.

As usual, bring a drink, a friend and sparkling conversation!

Please forward to your organisations  - numbers have been dropping, but this is a good opportunity for green networking,  so come along, bring your business card to go into a draw for a bottle of something nice.

Fruit juice and nibbles provided

Top International Journalist to Speak at Waikato University

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Journalist Gwynne Dyer, whose newspaper columns are syndicated throughout 45 nations, holds a public lecture at the University of Waikato early next month.

Dyer's free public lecture is on Tuesday September 2 at 7.30pm, where he will speak about the geopolitical implications of climate change.

Dyer is an independent journalist based in London who writes on world affairs for more than 175 newspapers, including the Waikato Times. Originally a military historian, Dyer now writes columns, books, makes documentaries and lectures on international affairs. His columns cover a wide range of world affairs, from Middle East politics to the recent Georgian-Russian skirmishes.

Dyer has degrees from Canadian, American and British universities, and began writing about the Arab-Israeli conflict for newspapers in the early 1970s and has spent the past 20 years in full-time journalism. He has written books such as Ignorant Armies, about going to war in Iraq, and has produced several series for radio, including one called The Gorbachev Revolution.

The university and the Waikato Times, a Fairfax daily newspaper, have collaborated to bring Dyer to Hamilton. He is visiting friends in the country and is taking the chance to meet with some of the thousands who read him regularly.

University Vice-Chancellor Professor Roy Crawford said the university was honoured to host such a highly regarded writer such as Dyer. "Increasingly we are aware that the university operates not just within New Zealand but on a global scale, and by hosting top communicators such as Gwynne Dyer, we are helping people tap into the international consciousness."

Waikato Times Editor Bryce Johns expected readers to flock to Dyer's session. "This is a rare opportunity to hear a man whose opinions on world affairs are keenly digested. The world section of the paper is one of the most widely read, and there are few commentators able to get to the point of a conflict or issue like Gwynne does."

Dyer speaks at the university's Wel Energy Trust Academy of Performing Arts on Tuesday September 2 at 7.30pm.


NZ Post Community Post Programme

Posted 16 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

This is now open for applications until the 31 August.
Free postage-paid envelopes for use in local fundraising or communications activities are available to non-profit organisations. Each year there are 1.5 million envelopes available.

Apply online at www.nzpost.co.nz/communitypost or collect an application form from any Postshop.

Coming up August

Posted 16 years, 5 months ago    1 comment

Waikato Sustainability series being held at the University

An audio recording of the first lecture by Prof. Al Gillespie is available through the following link. Please continue to check this site for subsequent recordings of lectures on Sustainability. http://events.waikato.ac.nz/events/UniPR/2008/07/22#u5MIgkl6W5g3DIJ3vXfFqihX9

Response to the first three seminars has been extremely positive. Nearly 500 members of University staff and the wider community have attended so far and the rigorous Q + A sessions have been very popular! We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday to hear Mike Pratt discussing:

Sustainable enterprises: How can they do well by doing good?


Date: Tuesday 12 August
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Venue: WEL Energy Academy of Performing Arts

Sustainable enterprises: How can they do well by doing good?

Sustainable Enterprise is about how enterprises can do well by doing good. Waikato Management School Professor Mike Pratt focuses on making the world a better place through enterprise, looking at 10 pioneering companies that have been founded on sustainability principles. A developed theory and practice of sustainable enterprise to assist other enterprisers will be presented.

A cash bar will operate from 6.30pm and tea and coffee will be provided after the session for those who would like to engage in further discussion.


Thursday 21 August 2008

Royal Society of New Zealand, Waikato Branch
The 2008 Charles Fleming Lecture
All welcome

"Science for Conservation"
Professor Mick Clout
University of Auckland.

Room S.1.02, Waikato University at 7.30 pm.
(Near the Library)

Invasive alien species now rank as one of the most serious threats to natural ecosystems and native species, worldwide. In isolated archipelagos such as New Zealand, invasive species may in fact be the most serious threat of all. This land was one of the last to be settled by humans and their associated cargo of invasive animals and plants, and we are still witnessing the impacts of consequent changes. Here, active conservation is necessary, involving direct intervention to aid the recovery of threatened species and to remove or reduce the threats of invasive species. This talk will use a series of examples, including research on kakapo, invasive mammals and island ecosystems to illustrate how ecological science can help with the practical business of conservation.

Mick Clout is Professor of Conservation Ecology at the University of Auckland, and served on the previous Biosecurity Council. He is also the founding Chair of the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group, through which he is involved in a wide range of international biosecurity initiatives to prevent, eradicate and manage invasive species. Before joining the University of Auckland in 1993, Mick Clout was Research Manager and Acting Director (Protected Species) at the Department of Conservation. From 1977-1989 he was a scientist with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research's Ecology Division at Nelson. Professor Clout is a vertebrate ecologist and has worked extensively on the behaviour and control of brushtail possums and the conservation biology of native birds that are threatened by introduced pests.

A campus map is available at http://www.waikato.ac.nz/contacts/map.pdf. There is no charge for this event.

For further information: Paul Taylor, NIWA Hamilton, 8591 854 DDI, 0274950525 mob, p.taylor@niwa.co.nz

Friday 22 August 7.00 p.m.

An evening with Amos Brandeis

‘Ecotourism on Maungatautari'

The Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust cordially invites you to spend an evening with renowned Israeli ecologist, architect, and regional planner Amos Brandeis.

In 2006 Amos inspired us with his heartfelt presentation on the award winning restoration and peace project along the Alexander River - a project he is involved with. He described how Palestinian and Israeli communities had worked together to remove pollutants from the river and create parks, including a children's peace park, along the river banks.

Now, due to popular demand, we have invited Amos to give us his perspective on ecotourism on Maungatautari. This is a timely topic for the Trust as throughout August we are seeking feedback from the community on their views and preferences on future developments on the mountain.

Please bring your friends, mix and mingle with other Maungatautari supporters and be inspired!

Where: Seminar Room, Cambridge Community Centre, 22A Taylor Street, Cambridge

Please RSVP by 18 August to Linley O'Neill at the Trust office on (07) 823 9256 or email mail@maungatrust.org







Retrofit workshop this saturday

Posted 16 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Please forward this to anyone you know who may be interested

There are still spaces left for the  second series of Sustainable Urban Design Workshops for 2008 which kicks off this Saturday 9th August.


Venue - WINTEC

With Hamilton already having a large stock of houses, this workshop looks into incorporating sustainable building techniques and application into an existing home to make it a healthier and warmer home, and cheaper to run.

To register for this workshop please contact the Hamilton Environment Centre now on 839 4452 to secure your place. Please pass this on to anyone who you feel would be interested.

SUD workshops are brought to you by a collaborative effort between various agencies with the aim of contributing towards a sustainable future for Hamilton through exploring designs that improve comfort and health, reduce natural resource consumption and save money.

Upcoming Workshops Include:

Sept 13 - Water Efficiency Workshop

Oct 11 - Solar/Wind/PV Workshop

Nov 8 & 9 - Home Eco-Design Workshop

Registrations are also being taken for these through the Hamilton Environment Centre.
Price - $25 - you will need to bring ID ie. Drivers Licence
Visit www.hamilton.co.nz/sud for more information.


The Greenspace Address correction

Posted 16 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

The correct address for Green Drinks at The Greenspace is 60 Te Aroha St, Hamilton

Maungatautari consultation

Posted 16 years, 5 months ago    0 comments


The Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust is seeking community input into its long term planning and funding strategy through community consultation during August.

We'd like feedback on how the community sees the project in the future - as an eco experience with tree top walks, an information centre, the chance to see the wildlife up close, or, as a more natural experience without the tourism frills.

This input will help determine which funding avenues the Trust explores over the next five years.

Maungatautari is the largest multi-species pest proof fenced area in New Zealand. Takahe, kiwi, kaka and kokopu have already been reintroduced to the two pest free enclosures.

Maungatautari is considered the most significant conservation opportunity for kokako, stitchbird, and North Island saddleback, and an essential protected refuge for a wide range of other wildlife, for example the pair of South Island takahe already released onto the mountain.

Join our consultation road show at the following halls in early August. If you can't make it to one of these halls please call into the office in Cambridge for a form (64 Alpha Street, the back half of the Vosper Law building), or download one off the website www.maungatrust.org during the month of August.

We value your feedback!

Tues 12 August Putaruru (Bridge Club Rooms) Overdale Street, Putaruru (opposite library) 10am -1pm
Tues 12 August Hora Hora Hall Maungatautari Road, RD 2, Cambridge 3pm-6pm
Wed 13 August Roto-o-rangi Hall Kairangi Road, RD 3, Cambridge 10am-1pm
Wed 13 August Pukeatua Hall Arapuni Road, Pukeatua 2pm-6pm
Thurs 14 August Environment Centre 25 Ward Street, Hamilton 3pm-6pm
Fri 15 August MEIT Office 64 Alpha Street, Cambridge 10am-4pm
Sat 16 August Te Awamutu Council Chambers 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu 10am-1pm


Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust
64 Alpha Street
P.O. Box 476
Cambridge, New Zealand
Ph: 07 823 7455
Fax: 07 823 7456

Website: www.maungatrust.org



Events 4 August

Posted 16 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Green Drinks this Thursday at the Greenspace
5.30 30 Te Aroha St

Saturday - August 9th
First of the series of Sustainable Urban Design 2008 Workshops - Retrofit Workshop

Contact the Environment Centre to register for these workshops 839 4452 or email envirocentre  #at# paradise.net.nz
With Hamilton already having a large stock of houses, this workshop looks into incorporating sustainable building techniques and application into an existing home to make it a healthier and warmer home, and cheaper to run.

AUGUST 10 SUNDAY Forest and Bird trip

Meet at F&B's Morgan Reserve at 10.00 am. To find Morgan Reserve, turn left at the old Waikino Railway Station and travel along Waitekauri Rd 2.8 km to the sign posted Reserve. After a brief look at the Reserve the plan is to drive on up the valley to the site of the now closed Golden Cross gold mine. At the end of the road is a public car park. From here we will walk up to the head of the valley and look down into the Maratoto valley.
Bill Fairweather 07 825 0563

Wednesday 13th August
Funding workshop
for community groups 9.30 - 12.30
Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens
for more information or to register, please phone 838 1583 or email anne #at# ssw.org.nz

Wednesday 13th August
Free IT Computer workshop for Community Groups.

A free informative course for people wanting to know more about computer's, back ups, anti virus, fire walls, the internet, file management, RAM, passwords, emailing and trouble shooting.

3-6.30pm  Hamilton
Nibbles and drinks provided

15 places only available. Bookings essential.
Contact Sally Ridley sally@communitywaikato.org.nz

Wednesday 13th August
Sustainable Living course starting. 7-9 at Wintec
This will run for 7 weeks. Practical, hands on course.
Contact Katherine at the Environment Centre 839 4452, there are a few places left.

Can you help?

The 2008 National Pollination Survey is underway. The purpose of the survey is to measure the health of bird-plant mutualisms throughout New Zealand. We are using the pollination service for tree fuchsia as an indicator of the health and wellbeing of our native ecosystems. This is
part of ongoing research jointly run by Landcare Research, Department of Conservation and University of Canterbury.

We need your assistance. We need people to complete the survey from locations all over New Zealand this spring and summer. Please help by completing the survey for a tree fuchsia population near you.

A major issue we had last year (2007) was people not taking part in the survey because they couldn't find enough fuchsia trees. Any area, with even a few tree fuchsia plants can be surveyed. Even if there are only 2 or 3 trees near you the data you collect is valuable.

For more information and the survey forms visit:

While there you can also check out the 2007 survey results.




