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More events - April 15

Posted 16 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


Amendment and more events that I have missed previously – wow there is so much on! Note also Community Media grant

Amendment: Waikato Botanical Soc trip
– meeting place is now 10am at corner of Brooklee Road and Waitomo Caves Road (main road to Waitomo off SH3) in the parking bay on the left hand side of the road.

Additional events coming up –

Reminder tonightForest and Bird AGM and talk on Climate Change from Alan Emmerson
7.30pm Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Saturday 19th April Waikato Tree Crops Assn field trip to two productive Hamilton properties. If you are interested in joining Tree Crops or going on the fieldtrip please email jj.hammonds2 #at# xtra.co.nz or phone Jim Hammonds 07 871 9636

Gully Restoration events - This wonderful range of activities to assist you in understanding the challenges of clearing and restoring a gully is being sponsored by Hamilton City Council and Centre for Biodiversity Ecological Restoration, University of Waikato.

Saturday 19th April Local gully trips – all involve a certain amount of walking, sometimes on rough terrain.
To Kirikiriroa and private gullies,
Hammond Park and private gullies,
Ranfurly Park and private gullies (3 separate trips) Start at  1.30 but check times on registration.
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Sunday 20th April – Gully trips
Chelmsford Park and private gullies Mangakotukutuku private gully, tracks and erosion control
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

 Saturday 26th April – Gully trips
Mangaiti walkway and private gullies
Sandford Park and private gully on Mangakotukutuku
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Sunday 27th April – Gully trips
Mangakotukutuku private gullies
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Saturday 3rd May –
Bus Field Trip1.30pm Matangi restoration – Peter Morris’s gully and ecosourced nursery

Sunday 4th May - Gully trips
St James private gully
Hukanui gully and step building workshop

Saturday 10th May    3 Gully trips -
Donny Park, Waitawhiriwhiri private gully, and Mangaonua private gullies and park.
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Saturday 24 May - Part of the Gully restoration programme
Boat trips
on the river from Hamilton Gardens, first trip 8.30am, $20
Trips take about 1.5 hours.
Tours of the Hamilton City Council nursery Hourly from 9am to 3pm

Sunday 25th May - Gully field trips
Tamahere Gully
Kirikiriroa private gully birds and controlling rats.

Other notices:

A Rocha Aotearoa
New Zealand  - 1st National conference.  Eden to Aotearoa
Queens birthday weekend 30 May – 2 June in Raglan

 5th June – World Environment Day – NZ is the world host this year so make it a good one!
The Environment Centre is going to have an open day, and displays in the centre, and incentives for people to walk up the stairs. Would be good if groups can put something together about their activities – preferably laminated and with Velcro hooks on the back, or on your own stands. Please let Katherine know if you are interested in doing something.
Also please let me know if your group is going to do an activity for WED – so start thinking about it now – could be things like lunchtime walks, bikerides, movie showing, etc

If your not-for-profit organisation could benefit from $15,000 worth of free advertising we would love to hear from you. The Community Media Grant is an initiative from Hamilton City Council's City News magazine, Community Radio and Bettle Advertising. It is open to not-for-profit organisations, large and small, working in Hamilton.
Applications open 1 May and close
30 May 2008.
For more information phone Christine Watson  8386509.

Trash to Fashion ’08 to be held on Saturday 26 July.
Calling for entries – get your entry form now from The Body Shop, Centreplace Information desk, The Radio Network, and Waikato Times reception or go to www.hamilton.co.nz/trashtofashion



April events 14/4/08

Posted 16 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


News Items 14 April 2008

Some items have been covered already so just their dates are included here as a reminder
Tuesday 15th
Sustainable Urban Design – How to buy a better house –
Continuing Education 858 5209

 Wednesday April 16th  Men’s Shed Meeting - this sounds like a great initiative - (I am hoping that they will be able to fix all the broken objects around all our places!)
If anyone has tools they no longer want get in touch with Neil

2nd Monthly Men's Shed Meeting  -
7pm @ 80 Sunshine Avenue.
As a representative of the steering group / Board of Trustees,  I can say we are single minded in our support for having the Hamilton Community Men’s Shed operational at a more practical level from this meeting on. We are preparing to have the shed open more frequently than the regular monthly meeting confirmed as the third Wednesday of each month. This will assist us in preparing the shed for projects that will be discussed this Wednesday evening. You as possible members or advocates for men are important in this regard. Without men offering skills and help this will not happen. Your suggestions are welcomed.

Welcome  and Introductions

Progress to date and issues to be discussed

Guest Speaker - Kim McKENZIE  an Environment Waikato navigation safety officer is in his 60’s and has a wealth of information, an interesting background and experiences to share and great sense of humour.

Programme and focus confirmation

Group project (Neil to introduce)

Ideas Bank….next monthly meeting.

For more information contact:
Neil Bruce.
Hamilton Community Men’s Shed 
Contact details  Neil Bruce ph 07 843 6934 Fx 07 843 4627 mob 021 1545 026
Email  nbruce@melville-high.school.nz

 Saturday 19th April
Waikato Botanical Society - Hangitiki Wetland, Waitomo
Hangatiki Scenic Reserve has a mixture of forest types including regenerating scrub, tawa and rewarewa dominated forest. The wetland lies in the centre of the reserve and is dominated by manuka and raupo with kahikatea bordering and also contains Gratiola concinna and G. sexdentata. The forest has a large healthy population of king fern and Dactylanthus has been recorded here in the past.
This trip will provide a good opportunity to compile a species list and locate several threatened plants (as well as the odd weed such as pampas and willow).

Meet: Waitomo Tavern Car park at 10 a.m.
Thomas 07 878 1055 (wk) or 07 878 3437 (hm)

Next Monday: 21st April,
5.30pm in the Environment Centre

Transition Towns meeting – for anyone interested in looking at positive solutions for our community to the problems created by increasing oil prices and possible future reductions in supply.
Most people are familiar with climate change and the issues involved. Not so many understand the theory of Peak Oil and its implications for the future. While the two are inextricably linked, the effects of peak oil are already directly impacting on our society, and are likely to intensify both here and globally. Not only in our transport system, but nearly everything we use has an oil-based component.
This meeting is about positive and creative thinking, linking and celebrating the things already happening in
Hamilton, and finding ways to spread the message so that our city looks at alternatives and develops a resilience to future problems.
For more information contact the Environment Centre 839 4452

21st April also – Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting, 7.30 Fairfield Community House

 Sunday 27th April
Modern Nappy Options Workshop

Venue:  Parents Place, Boundary Road,  2 sessions - 10-12 and 1-3
Many parents start to look for nappies online and end up overwhelmed and possibly give up.  Kate's workshops are hands on.  She will have examples of seven leading brands of modern cloth nappies available and will review each system individually.  There will also be a chance for parents to try them out on supplied dolls so they get a feel for each nappy system.  As well as parents, these workshops have been of great interest to midwives who want up to date information on the different systems so they can advise their clients of their options.  Kate runs her own business NappyDays and stresses the workshops are a nappy promotion, not a business promotion.  She is an experienced speaker and has run similar seminars at Parent and Child shows, for councils and environemtn centres around the country and has appeared of morning television to talk about parents options.  Come along and find out how you can be more environmentally aware and reduce your carbon foot print.

Bookings to Environment Centre Hamilton 839 4452

 Sustainable Living Course
Starting on the 6th May at Wintec, for 7 weeks
Being run by the Environment Centre, with various experts to be brought in where appropriate.
Venue: Room D2.04
Charge: $5 per session
7pm – 9pm

This study series is about options that are available to you, and how to influence the everyday choices that your household members make. These affect what money you spend, and also concern protecting your family’s health and the health of the natural world.
It’s not about guilt from past actions, but about the future that we shall soon live in and what is being passed on as a legacy to future generations from today.  
We are hoping to give information and support so that participants can make lasting changes in their lives.  It will be a fun and interactive course, with practical solutions.

The course will cover:
1st Session:  Introduction - Sustainability

2nd Session: Waste Minimisation
3rd Session: Conscious Consumption
4th Session: Energy efficiency
5th Session: Transport/travel
6th Session: Gardening/organics
7th Session: Construction/ecodesign

 Bookings to the Environment Centre, 839 4452. or email  envirocentre  #at#  paradise.net.nz



Dawn Patrol on Thursday - Helpers wanted

Posted 16 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

The Environment Centre is once again providing biodegradable plates at the Dawn Patrol Breakfast on Thursday 10th April., which is a free breakfast for the first 2000 people who arrive. Hopefully this year the weather will be better and the balloons will be able to be inflated.
Breakfast is advertised as 6am, but as per last year, we had people queuing from 5.30am onwards. So we are expected to be there from  5.00am! (just think it is really 6am in old time)

 Helpers are needed to:

  1. Put out the potato plates as breakfasters file past
  2. Patrol the bins we have set out to collect the plates and wooden spoons in
  3. Help tidy up after the event.

 Please note, entry to Innes Common will be from the Alison Street end only, there will be no access from Lake Domain Drive end of the Common.  I have a couple of passes, so someone else can take a vehicle onto the grassed area as well.
If you are willing and keen and able to come down it would be really appreciated. Last year they were really good about telling the crowds about the potato plates and people were very interested.
Please give me a ring or email – Katherine on 839 4452, or a/h 856 1906 or 021 267 2773.

Thanks Katherine

Newsletter 1st April

Posted 16 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


There are a lot of events coming up – and don’t forget about the HCC Proposed and EW Draft Annual Plans that we should be putting submissions into – HCC by 22nd April and EW by 1 May
(10th April HCC Annual Plan consultation day at Celebrating Age 11 - 12.30)

Wednesday 2nd April
Flora in a Frozen Land with
Catherine Beard
Waikato Botanical Society Evening talk and AGM

Some of the coldest, windiest, driest and highest habitats on earth are found in Antarctica; not the type of environment where you would expect to find many plants. However, the Antarctic flora includes some 250 lichens, 100 mosses, 25-30 liverworts, around 700 terrestrial and aquatic algal species, an unknown number of (mostly microscopic) fungi, and (in the maritime Antarctic), 2 flowering plants. This presentation will take you on a photographic tour of the plant life, the delights (and challenges) of field work in some very remote locations, and will highlight some of the vegetation research that Catherine was involved in since 1996 with the University of Waikato in continental Antarctica.
Time: 7pm for brief AGM followed by talk.
University of Waikato, Room S 1.01, S Block, Gate 8 Hillcrest Rd.
Liz Grove ph 846 0965 (hm) eg3@waikato.ac.nz

 Wednesday, 9 April 2008 - Landcare Networking Field day 2008
Environment Waikato is planning to organise a "Landcare Networking Field Day", in conjunction with the Mangawara Landcare Group, at the Hoe O Tainui Hall Community Centre and near the Mangawara River on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 starting at 9.30 am
The primary objective of this field day is to enable representatives from each landcare group and other community groups to get together and discuss current issues affecting their areas and to develop an understanding of each group's programmes and strategies.
Please give this invitation wide circulation and encourage as many community groups as possible to attend this field day.
Please RSVP by
4 April 2008 to  Lyn Clement (lyn.clement@ew.govt.nz).

 Sunday April 13 Forest and Bird Trip  Nikau Caves, Waikaretu
Come and enjoy a magical caving experience at Waikaretu in the Nikau Cave. Guided walk takes over 1.5 hours. You will see stuinning limestone formations
Contact Maureen 07 889 3968 for more details and booking.
Cost $25.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008 - Climate Change Talk – Forest & Bird Society
AGM and Talk
Alan Emmerson is a F&B member who saw Inconvenient Truth and was deeply moved by it.
He therefore never hesitated when he got the chance to go to
Melbourne, meet Al Gore and take part in training on how to present a new version of the slide show that is the basis of the film.
Over the last two years Al Gore has trained 250 Australians as "climate presenters" but only two New Zealanders!
The talk will cover what global warming is, what the signs of change due to global warming are, how these changes will affect the world and what we can do about it.
Where: Exhibition Hall,
Hamilton Gardens off Cobham Drive Hamilton East, Hamilton
Contact Details:  Jane Mcleod  Phone: 07 856 2505
Cost and booking details: If you wish to share a light meal ($10) with us beforehand at 6.30 please book with Colleen Brimblecombe at least 5 days prior.

 Tuesday, 15 April 2008 - Sustainable Urban Design programme
How to Buy a Better Home?

Find out how to choose a property that can be easily brought up to modern standards of comfort and efficiency, and what features to look for in a house that will make it cheap to run.
Where: Centre for Continuing Education,
University of Waikato, Building RS6, Ruakura Satellite Campus, 21 Ruakura Road, Hamilton
When: Each workshop will start at
Fee: There is a small fee of $5 per workshop
To register or for more information on the workshops please contact the
University of Waikato Centre for Continuing Education on 858 5209.

17th and 24th April Gully Restoration Training Days – see March 10 newsletter or our events page on our website for more details.

Saturday 19th April
Waikato Botanical Society
Hangitiki Wetland, Waitomo

Hangatiki Scenic Reserve has a mixture of forest types including regenerating scrub, tawa and rewarewa dominated forest. The wetland lies in the centre of the reserve and is dominated by manuka and raupo with kahikatea bordering and also contains Gratiola concinna and G. sexdentata. The forest has a large healthy population of king fern and Dactylanthus has been recorded here in the past.
This trip will provide a good opportunity to compile a species list and locate several threatened plants (as well as the odd weed such as pampas and willow).

Meet: Waitomo Tavern Car park at 10 a.m.
Thomas 07 878 1055 (wk) or 07 878 3437 (hm)

Monday 21st April – Transition Town Hamilton
5.30pm Meeting at the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St  for anyone interested in being involved in a Transition Towns group – concerned about Peak Oil, rising energy costs? Help start planning ways to power down, and promote resilience in our community. More information contact Katherine 07 839 4452 at the Environment Centre.

Monday, 21 April 2008 - Hamilton Organic Gardeners - propogation
Venue: Fairfield Community House, 60a Sare Cres.
Gold Coin donation

Fruit propogation, how difficult is it to do?
Maxine Fraser will let us into the secrets of propogating fruit from seeds, cuttings and by grafting.

Tuesday 22nd April

Engage your Community Conference 2008: Using blogs, internet, youtube and other cool tools to Achieve your group’s goals.
Waikato Management School, University of Waikato
Cost: $100 registration, $50 for extra person.
More info – www.webguide.net.nz/engage-your-community or contact Ted Zorn 07 838 4776

Wednesday 23rd April
Movie – “A Crude Awakening”

Victoria Theatre, Forest and Bird fund raiser, $10 presold, $15 doorsales.
7pm for cake, coffee and wine (Bring extra cash) Screening starts 7.30pm.

 Saturday, 26 April 2008 - Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Group
2:30-4:00 pm - Releasing of last year's plantings - Sandford Park weeding:
Meet at
Waterford Rd entrance to Sandford Park. More details on www.streamcare.org.nz

 Tuesday, 29 April 2008 - Sustainable Urban Design 2
Green Home Introduction

Whether you are building or renovating, this workshop will give you an introduction to the general concepts of 'green house building' looking at environmental impacts, the goals that you want to achieve and the economics of energy efficiency.
Where: Centre for Continuing Education,
University of Waikato, Building RS6, Ruakura Satellite Campus,
21 Ruakura Road, Hamilton
When: Each workshop will start at
Fee: There is a small fee of $5 per workshop
To register or for more information on the workshops please contact the
University of Waikato Centre for Continuing Education on 858 5209.

 Saturday May 3 Forest and Bird Plant sale
Pac’n’save Mill Street, starts at 8am
Contact Colleen Brimblecombe 07 855 636 or Jane McLeod 07 856 2505

Power of Community film showing

Posted 16 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 3rd April 2008- 7pm sharp start

Indymedia Hamilton presents:
A Stupendous Night of Film:
"The Power of Community- how Cuba survived the US sanctions"
Where: Dreadnought Spitoon, 467 Victoria Street, Hamilton
Discussion, cake and conversation
Koha entry
An inspirational film which is particularly significant to Aotearoa an
island nation dependant on oil "the goal of this film is to give hope 
to the developed world as it wakes up to the consequences of being 
hooked on oil.."


HCC Proposed 2008/09 Annual Plan meetings

Posted 16 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

 As a member of the Environment Centre’s network, you are invited to hear about, and express your views on HCC’s proposed Annual Plan for 2008/09. 

The Mayor of Hamilton, Bob Simcock, will be presenting the key points and highlights of the proposed plan at a meeting to be held as follows:

 Date:               Thursday 10th April
11.00am - 12.30pm
Venue:            Celebrating Age Centre ,
Victoria Street

 Come along to find out more about the proposed direction for the City, and to take the opportunity to ask the Mayor questions and put across your point of view on subjects that are important to you.

 Refreshments to be provided.


HCC would also like to invite you to come along to the Your City Expo, held at the Meteor (Corner Bridge and Victoria streets) on Saturday 29 March from 10am-3pm.

Tomorrow - speakers in Sustainable Backyard

Posted 16 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Tomorrow, Saturday March 15th, the Hamilton Permaculture Trust is celebrating the 7th birthday of the Sustainable Backyard at Hamilton Gardens.

Part of the day is open to the public, when there are two interesting speakers in the Sustainable Backyard garden.

1.30pm Lynda Hallinan "Self-sufficiency in the city"

Lynda is the editor of the NZ Gardener and famed for her experiment in self'sufficiency in her urban garden, spending only $10 a week in the supermarket and bartering.

2.30pm Iain Trousdell "Creative secrets of water and how to use water sustainably"

Iain is passionate about water's life sustaining properties and will inform people of the vital importance and beauty of water. The flow form in our garden was made by Iain.

Sustainable Urban Design Workshops

Posted 16 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

HCC has just confirmed the first series of Sustainable Urban Design workshops for 2008.  Whether you are looking to build, or want to save money and live more comfortably - then there is something for you.  So make sure you get involved, and please help us spread the word by passing this information on to anyone you think may be interested.

 For more information on the Sustainable Urban Design programme go to www.hamilton.co.nz/sud

 2008 Workshops

 APRIL 15: How to Buy a Better Home?

Find out how to choose a property that can be easily brought up to modern standards of comfort and efficiency, and what features to look for in a house that will make it cheap to run.

 APRIL 29: Green Home Introduction

Whether you are building or renovating, this workshop will give you an introduction to the general concepts of ‘green house building’ looking at environmental impacts, the goals that you want to achieve and the economics of energy efficiency.

 MAY 13: Eco-Design for a New House

Thinking of building?  Discover the win/win of building an eco home.  Increase the value of your asset, while at the same time reduce your outgoing monthly costs.  This workshop will cover issues such as site considerations, toxicity and water use, material choices and energy efficiency.

 MAY 27: Fine Tuning a New House for Energy Efficiency

Even if you’ve recently built your new dream home, there are plenty of things you can still do to improve the energy efficiency of the building.  Learn how to reduce your electricity bills while increasing the value of your property.

Where: Centre for Continuing Education, University of Waikato, Building RS6, Ruakura Satellite Campus, 21 Ruakura Road, Hamilton

When: Each workshop will start at 7pm

Fee: There is a small fee of $5 per workshop

 To register or for more information on the workshops please contact the University of Waikato Centre for Continuing Education on 858 5209.

Aaron Fleming
Environmental Policy Advisor
Hamilton City Council
Council Building, Garden Place
Private Bag 3010 Hamilton 3240
DDI: (07) 838 6483
Fax: (07) 838 6464
E: aaron.fleming       hcc.govt.nz
