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Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments






Hamilton Organic Gardeners are delighted to offer a workshop with Dee Pigneguy, author and writer for Organic NZ Soil and Health magazine


The workshop includes:

•Soup, nutritious and delicious, and rolls for lunch. Some of the plants we’ve been talking about will be used as ingredients.

•followed by a short field trip to Hana’s garden identifying weeds, useful plants, examples of mulching, compost, compost teas, fruit trees

Dee will have copies of her two books for sale "Gardening for planet earth" at a discounted price of $15 (normally $25) and "Grow me well" at $25 (normally $35).

Yes, the workshop is at the Environment Centre on Peachgrove Rd. We would like people to book in please, particularly for catering purposes. The field trip is a short distance from the EC at Hana and Marco's place at 28 Winter St.

We will be offering the option of GF bread rolls. If you would like GF, please mention it when you book in

Cost $10.



I am undertaking a PhD with the topic being

People, Planet and Consumption: Investigating young New Zealanders' environmental awareness and its impacts on their consumption practices.

If you are a New Zealand citizen aged between 18 and 28 years, I would like to invite you to participate in a  research study to share your views and thoughts relating to sustainability, environmental challenges and how you think consumption might be a part of these issues.

My name is Jo Bailey and I am a Kiwi who lives in Hamilton, but undertaking a PhD research study through the University of Western Sydney.

This research has not been undertaken in New Zealand before and so if you are interested in participating by undertaking a short questionnaire, interview and/or participating in a focus group, then please contact me.

For further information on becoming involved in the research project please contact me at

jo@wilss.ac.nz  0274 398666 or on my website http://jo6565.wix.com/peopleplanetconsum



The challenge is quite simple. Attempt to refuse single-use plastic during July. 
"Single-use" includes plastic shopping bags, plastic cups, straws, plastic packaging...basically anything that's intended only to be used once and then discarded. If refusing ALL single-use plastic sounds too daunting this time, try the TOP 4 challenge (plastic bags, bottles takeaway coffee cups etc.

The rules

  1. Attempt to refuse single-use plastic during July.
  2. Remember it's not going to be easy! It is a challenge, not a competition so don't worry about being perfect.
  3. Collect any unavoidable single-use plastic you buy. Keep in a dilemma bag and share it with us at the end of the challenge.
  4. It's up to you regarding how long you participate. You might decide to go plastic-free for a day, a week, a month or longer! However long you choose will still make a contribution.



Hamilton City Council is developing concept plans for the future development of Mangaiti and Te Manatu Parks.

The first step in this process is seeking the ideas and input from of the community.

We would like to invite you to share your ideas for the parks.

Feedback will be used to develop draft concept plans. There will be an opportunity to give feedback on the draft plans once they have been developed. Concept plans will inform future reserve management plans for the parks.

You can do this until 19 June via Council's website – www.hamilton.govt.nz/parksplans

If you have any questions in regards to this process please contact Parks and Open Spaces Unit on 07 838 6622.



Join us for a walk in the Walter Scott Reserve, this coming Saturday June 13.

The Walter Scott Reserve, located south of Mt Pirongia on Pekanui Road, was gifted to the Waikato Branch of Forest and Bird in 1963 by Lilian Valder and her sister, who farmed on the slopes of Pirongia. The vegetation in the reserve consists of tawa-kamahi forest with pukatea, miro, king fern and the occasional hinau. There is a large kahikatea in the streambed of the Pekanui Stream which is estimated to be around 600 years old and some impressive pukatea on Valder walk. Birdlife in the area has flourished due to ongoing pest control & planting projects undertaken by the Waikato branch. This trip should be good for fungi as well, for those of us enthused about fungi after our recent Ganoderma search.

Meet: 9 am Landcare Research Carpark or 10 am at the reserve, 80 Scott Road

Grade: Easy

Contact: Mike Clearwater 07 854 725907 854 7259 or 021 203 2902021 203 2902, please let me know if you are thinking of coming, and in case of cancellation

More information: http://waikatobotsoc.org.nz/?tribe_events=walter-scott-reserve



The Million Metres Streams Project is a non-profit project set up to restore the health of New Zealand waterways, metre by metre, stream by stream. Our aim is to reach a million metres, and we need your help.



Waikato Branch Annual Tree and Plant Sale

Saturday 4 July 2015 - 9 am to 1 pm

Venue: Hamilton Gardens, Camellia Carpark


Enter Gate 2 from Cobham Drive. A short distance down, on the left, is the entrance to a large sealed area, with room for buyers and sellers to park.

Everyone welcome:  gardeners, lifestyle and small block holders, farmers, nurseries. You can buy, sell, look, talk trees, gardens and ask questions.

  1. The Waikato Branch of NZTCA will have a stall including heritage and unusual varieties of fruit and nut trees as well as staples for the home garden.   There will be a good range of public stalls selling tree crops and plants, ornamentals, farm trees and natives, perennials, growing-on lines and produce.

Tree Crops Fundraiser for Trees in Schools

This year we are holding a Green Elephant stall and contributions will be gratefully accepted.  Old garden books, cook books, useable old tools, plants, produce, etc.


Set up and sell from your car-boot, trailer, ute or pavement. There are no pre-allocated sites. This is a great way to sell any trees, seedlings, herbs, garden plants, gardening-related equipment or any excess produce. Sellers should be in place by 8.30 am.

Commission on Sales: 

There are no site charges but a 10% commission on all sales is payable by sellers on the day. This money will be used for NZTCA projects in the Waikato Branch area.       


We would appreciate if sellers could let us know they are coming:
Beryl le Grove (Secretary of Waikato Branch) Ph: 07 829 3272  OR   mobile 027 695 6229027 695 6229   OR  email:   blegrove@clear.net.nz






Waikato Ooooby at the Centre

Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

OOOOBY needs you and you NEED OOOOBY!!!

Calling all our local, spray free, organic food growers! Feeding and sustaining each other Out of Our Own Backyards. That's the OOOOBY mission - so let's do it Waikato! If you are a local grower who would like to be part of the OOOOBY mission and can deliver your produce to the Waikato Environment Centre every Monday morning, then we'd LOVE to hear from you!! Contact Camilla today on 022 341 0643022 341 0643 or


OOOOBY needs you and you NEED OOOOBY!!!

Support the local food revolution - sign up for an OOOOby box today - why not give it a go and see how you like it.

Fresh food delivered to your door step - ethical products that you can fully trust. OOOOBY is well on the way to supplying 100 happy customers in the Waikato - the more OOOOBY customers the more local food will flourish.

Be part of this EXCITING food revolution and sign up for a Waikato OOOOBY box today - you will LOVE it!! Contact Camilla today on 022 341 0643022 341 0643 or

camillasustainablefuture@gmail.com or
visit www.ooooby.org/waikato






Another Planting Event for Saturday 6th June!

Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

A Community Planting Day for Mangapu River

Meeting at  697 Oparure Road, Alsmere Farm


Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments


Please help us make a difference with this years plantings.

Meet at the zoo's Brymer Rd capark at 9am on Saturday 6 June. 9-12pm. Bring gloves, a spade and morning tea

The Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park is a former farmland which is now New Zealand's largest inland restoration project. As well as being a home for native birds, in a few years it is going to be an amazing place for community recreation with plans for walking and cycling paths.


Help  maintain our collection and display garden of threatened native plants at the University of Waikato.  There is a good amount of weeding to be done.  Please bring gloves, tools, old clothes and boots for weeding activities. Meet outside the link between E and F block, accessed from Hillcrest Road via Gate 8.
Meet: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm,  at Waikato University Gate 8, Hillcrest Rd, outside Science and Engineering entrance (outside the link between E and F block).
Contact: Angela Simpson 0212392554


Click here to view http://gullyrestoration.blogspot.com/


News on host (Puriri) Moth Aenetus virescens

· Giant Willow Aphid

· Extension to shade house

· A serious population of copper skinks



What do you think of the Council’s vision for biking in Hamilton over the next 30 years?

Public feedback is now being sought on the draft Hamilton Biking Plan 2015-2045, so if you have a view, now is the time to share it with the Council. The draft Plan is available online at hamilton.govt.nz/bikingplan until 19 June 2015 and feedback will be gathered through an online form.

Councillor Margaret Forsyth says the draft Hamilton Biking Plan aims to deliver projects that will create a fully connected biking network that is safe, family-friendly and attractive.

“The plan is not just about building new biking infrastructure, it’s also about promoting biking in the city and providing educational programmes for all road users to create a bike-friendly city for Hamiltonians now and well into the future,” she says.

Hamilton’s size and relatively flat landscape make it an ideal city for biking and walking. The Government is encouraging major urban centres to develop quality biking infrastructure and the draft Hamilton Biking Plan provides a framework for some exciting initiatives, including a Western Rail Trail.

Feedback on the Hamilton Biking Plan can be provided online until 19 June. Responses will then be considered and a final report will be put forward to Council’s Strategy and Policy Committee on 11 August 2015.

For more information contact> Kate Doran

Designation: Communication Advisor

Tel (Direct): 07 838 666607 838 6666




Saturday 4th July from 1pm - 4 pm

Grandview Community Garden

Growing native medicinal plants

Come and learn about some useful medicinal native plants and how to grow them..


1 pm Rongoa presentation

1:45 Tour of Garden with tips for managing weeds and planting

2.30 Getting to know the plants (learning to identify them)

3.30 light refreshments


Cost $5 (free to Grandview Community Garden members and volunteers)

As well as our allotment gardens and orchard areas, Grandview Community Garden is developing and restoring an area of useful, medicinal and edible native plants.

Volunteers have been clearing weeds and planting, and will be planting another 100 plants on the 21 June from 1:30pm. All are welcome to the planting.


Book available for purchase:

Rongoa Maori, A practical guide to traditional Maori Medicine

by Rob McGowan

Cost $15. Some available on day or order a copy when you register

p Tim 021 1035755







Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments



New Zealand’s Climate Change Target – make a submission by June 3rd and have your voice heard!


In December 2015, countries will meet in Paris to establish a new international climate change agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. All countries have been asked to put forward a target to reduce emissions after 2020. The New Zealand Government is seeking your input as they decide on the contribution Aotearoa New Zealand will make.

The Waikato Environment Centre thinks that a fair contribution to the prevention of dangerous climate change would be for the government to adopt a minimum target of a 40% emissions reduction in net emissions below 1990 levels by 2030. This is the level of reduction in emissions that is necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change. The European Union has already indicated this level of commitment and we think that Aotearoa New Zealand can do the same.

The Waikato Environment Centre encourages you to tell the government how much you care about preventing dangerous Climate Change. Below is a submission that you can ‘cut and paste’ and email to climate.contribution@mfe.govt.nz


Thank you for joining us in calling for an emissions reduction target that we, and our future generations, will be proud of!


Submission to ‘cut and paste’


Dear Tim Groser (Minister for Climate Change Issues),

Thank you for this opportunity to make a submission regarding the New Zealand Government’s Climate Change target.

I call on the government of Aotearoa New Zealand to adopt a minimum target of a 40% emissions reduction in net domestic greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels by 2030.

I make this call for the following reasons:

• If human made greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current record-breaking rate, leading to a temperature rise of more than 4C by the end of the century, 16% of species, or one in six, face extinction. I don’t want this to happen.

• A large fraction of both terrestrial and freshwater species faces increased extinction risk under projected climate change during and beyond the 21st century. I don’t want this to happen.

• All around the Pacific, islanders are struggling to protect their land and livelihoods from encroaching seas and coastal erosion due to climate change. Their climate related challenges are likely to increase. I don’t want this to happen.

• Climate change will result in the loss of marine and coastal ecosystems, biodiversity, and the ecosystem goods, functions, and services they provide for coastal livelihoods worldwide. I don’t want this to happen.

• Climate change over the 21st century is projected to increase displacement of people (climate change refugees) who can no longer live where they are. I don’t want this to happen.

• Climate change increases the vulnerability of the world’s food supply. Food insecurity and the breakdown of food systems is linked to climate change induced warming, drought, flooding, and precipitation variability and extremes, particularly for poorer populations in urban and rural settings. I don’t want this to happen.

• People who are socially, economically, culturally, politically, institutionally, or otherwise marginalized are especially vulnerable to climate change. Climate change increases the vulnerability of poorer communities. I don’t want this to happen.

• Climate-related extremes, such as heat waves, droughts, floods, cyclones, and wildfires alter ecosystems, disrupt food production and damage infrastructure including critical services such as water supply, electricity and health and emergency services. These climate-related extremes kill people as well as negatively affect mental health and well-being, particularly for vulnerable populations. I don’t want this to happen.

• Climate change can indirectly increase risks of violent conflicts in the form of civil war and inter-group violence by amplifying well-documented drivers of these conflicts such as poverty and economic shocks. I don’t want this to happen.

New Zealand has met its current greenhouse gas emissions targets largely through the purchasing of reductions (carbon off-sets) while increasing our emissions at home (21% increase since 1990). I think there is more that we can and should do at home in Aotearoa New Zealand as part of a fair contribution.

The expense of not reducing our emissions is far greater, particularly for future generations, than the costs of reducing our emissions now.


There is a lot we can do now!

• We can diversify our land use practices to reduce methane gas emissions

• We can increase our investment in public transport

• We can upgrade and improve our rail system to allow for greater volumes of freight and passenger transportation

• We can improve our cycling and pedestrian infrastructure

• We can increase our native forest restoration, our afforestation of marginal hill country and our plantation forestry

• We can increase the proportion of electric vehicles.

• We can increase our renewable electricity generation to 100%.

• We can invest in research towards the development of new technologies that will reduce our emissions and our dependency on fossil fuels

Please adopt a minimum target of a 40% emissions reduction in net domestic greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels by 2030.


Yours sincerely,








Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

PLASTIC FREE JULY ! Get Ready! Lets start with a POT LUCK TEA IN JUNE



Ecostore Bulk Dishwash Liquid now available for dispensing in store. Bring your own container and fill up!

LIVING STREETS meeting for May will be this Thursday, May 28, 5.30pm at 29 Claude St

Secondly a reminder for those of you who would like to be involved in consultation that submissions on New Zealand's Climate Change Target are due by June 3. This is a very important piece of consultation and there are direct links to things that concern many people who are interested in alternative transport. If we could change NZ's focus away from road building and towards effective public transport and the use of cycling and walking, we would be taking a step in the right direction (so to speak). The discussion document and submission details are available via http://www.mfe.govt.nz/sites/default/files/media/Climate%20Change/climate-change-consultation-document.pdf

  and if you would like a quick, pre-prepared submission which you can also personalise as you wish, try here: http://fixourfuture.nz/

There are many other aspects besides transport issues involved in this country's policies on addressing climate change, and you may want to have your say on those as well.


Saturday 6 June 2015 - We will be planting. Please try and come to this working bee as we need every pair of hands we can get for planting.

9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Bring a spade and wear your gumboots as it maybe wet in the area we're planting. Best to bring gloves to wear and most importantly morning tea.

It would really help us a lot with planning the amount plants to have at the Park on the 6th if you could RSVP by Wednesday 3 June if you're planning to attend. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning.

Cheers Moira Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke


In the Soil and Health magazine the days in June they've recommended for planting garlic are 6th June and 15th June. They use the biodynamic moon calendar. They also recommend: "Leave the tip of the clove above the soil level. They don't like to be buried too deep.


A ROCHA TREE PLANTING DAY for a Waikato farmer. 

Hamilton meeting place: 8 am Hillcrest Chapel car park, 120 Masters Ave., Hillcrest

Interested? Please contact Richard Storey for more information:
Richard.storey@arocha.org (ph 027 366 0481027 366 0481 or 07 856 324107 856 3241).




Posted 9 years, 8 months ago    0 comments





Get your own tui or wood pigeon, fantail, tomtit or chicken metal art

These are all made with 2mm Thick NZ Mild Steel.

They will rust over a period of a couple of weeks and will last for years.


Lots of nice plants, can send a list if you want to know exactly what is there.

Give me a ring if you want to come at another time. 856 1906 or 021267 2773. I live Nixon St, Ham East. Pls park on the road, trolley available.

There are bulk rengarenga, hebe, pittos, but lots of other things too.


Arbor day planting this year at Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park, Brymer Road (opposite the Hamilton Zoo), Friday 29th May at 10.00am

As per usual you will need to bring a spade, unfortunately all the buses have been allocated to schools, we just don’t have any more to send to the University or Migrant Centre etc. so apologies for that , perhaps next year we can have some sponsors for more buses. If you are taking a vehicle please carpool where you can.

We will have a traffic management team directing traffic , please follow their instructions. The buses will park again in the Zoo car park, all other traffic will be at the Waiwhakareke parking area as directed.

PROGRAMME – Arbor Day 2015 – 29 May, 10.00am, Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park , Brymer Road, Hamilton , New Zealand

Time Activity

9.00 - 10.00am Volunteers arrive, Brymer Road entrance.

Buses to Zoo car park and other vehicles to Waiwhakareke Car park Brymer Road

MCs from FREE FM to start 9.30 to entertain volunteers

10.10 – 10.20am Mayor Julie Hardaker to welcome participants

Karakia by Tame Pokaia

10.20 – 10.30am Mayor and dignitaries to plant first tree of day

10.30am – 12.30pm Planting of 12,000 native plants

12.30 – 1.15pm BBQ vegetarian sausage sizzle to celebrate event

Some buses return to school

1.30 – 2.00pm Zoo school programme - talks with plant, bug and water people

Buses return to school

Volunteers from Volunteering Waikato , City Parks staff and other check through plantings to see all planted properly!

Gerard Kelly

Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces

DDI: 07 838 650107 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz



Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park is an internationally recognized ecological restoration project happening on 60 hectares of farmland opposite Hamilton Zoo. Many members of the Hamilton Community are helping to replant the various landforms from peat lake to ridge crest in accordance with the native plants and trees that used to be there.

Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park is a joint partnership between Hamilton City Council, The University of Waikato (particularly the Environmental Research Institute (ERI), Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec), Tui 2000 and Nga Mana Toopu O Kirikiriroa.

In future the park will provide not only a home for native birds, insects etc but also a stunning setting for community recreation as both young and old enjoy walking and cycling through native forest . We have been planting there since 2004 and with such terrific growth rates in the Waikato we are seeing great progress and the return of many birds.

BUT….the Winter planting season is here and we need your help to get trees in the ground. Tui 2000, one of the four partners in the project, has formed a planting group called “Friends of Waiwhakareke”. We are looking for new members. We meet at 9am at the Zoo’s Brymer Rd carpark on the last Saturday of each month and would love to see you there to help. Bring gloves, a spade and morning tea. You will be most welcome! We aim to finish at noon.

Please note that our end of May planting will be held on 6th June. After that we plant on 27 June, 25 July, 29 August and 26 September.

We have an email reminder list so if you would like to be involved (or have a query) please send your name to m.cursey@xtra.co.nz or just turn up!

Lynne Garnham


Tui 2000 Inc.


WEL Quick Response Round

OPEN NOW! Go to this link to apply for a grant of up to $5000


Closes 12 June

Please be reminded that your organisation can only receive ONE grant per calendar year

Don't hesitate to contact the Trust office on (07) 838 0093(07) 838 0093 if you would like some advice about your application.



You are invited to participate in a 1/2 day workshop for Environment / NGO groups and individuals interested in the Healthy Rivers Project.

This is the 2nd of these workshops and its primary purpose is to ensure we hear the Environment / NGO sectors views on the project and how it is progressing. Michelle and I are the Environment / NGO representatives on the Healthy Rivers Collaborative Stakeholders Group. We are also arranging for some presentations and will share our perspectives on how the Project is progressing.


Details are:

DATE: Tuesday 2 June

WHERE: Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

TIME: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm

An agenda will be sent out in the near future but please do book this event into your calendar and share with others you think may be interested in attending. Coffee / tea will be available at 9.00 am and a lunch will be served at 1.00 pm. If you do wish to attend please RSVP by 28 May for catering purposes.




A Rocha is facilitating a tree planting day for a Waikato farmer.

On Saturday 30 May we are assisting a South Waikato dairy farmer in developing an example of environmentally-sustainable dairy farming. Gray Baldwin has created a wetland on his farm to improve the water quality flowing into the Waikato River. He needs help planting the area around the wetland with native trees.

Location: Spitfire Dairies, 280 Lichfield Road (Fonterra Supply Number 77958 on front gate). This is 3 km past Putaruru Golf Course on the right.

Start time: 9.30 am End time: 2pm

Hamilton meeting place: 8 am Hillcrest Chapel car park, 120 Masters Ave., Hillcrest

Please contact Richard Storey for more information:







Posted 9 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Good George


This Sunday 17th MAY 3pm until 5 pm

The Good Neighbour Brew Bar, is offering The Waikato Environment Centre a chance to fundraise through their Sunday Club project. Each week Good Neighbour run a fundraiser for a local charity or cause by selling raffle tickets for two raffles. They provide the prize, have an MC who sells the tickets on our behalf, and 100% of the money from the tickets goes to our Centre!

We are inviting all of our friends, members and families to attend !

If you haven’t been there before it is the pub in the middle of the carpark at Rototuna, it’s family friendly, and they also do a pizza special during Sunday Club . We would love to see you there.



Kaivolution is now seeking volunteers for Saturday morning 10am to 12pm. The main work will be sorting food for recipients. Please contact us if you are able to help out. Lets make a difference .

Phone Jan or Tania on 839 4452



My Mojo offers cost effective, accessible, eco-friendly products that help reduce your environmental footprint, providing the opportunity for individuals, organizations and companies to make a difference.

Doing your bit for the planet is good for your mojo!

Image 1


Thursday 21st 7pm at The Environment Centre

A reminder that we still have places available for this workshop. The cost is $15 and Di will show you have to make low cost user friendly cleansers .

Ring Jan 839 4452 to confirm a place


Forest and Bird annual native plant sale is on this Saturday and Sunday mornings, 8.30 to 12.00 at 88 Nixon St, Ham East, down the ROW. Bring cash, no eftpos. Park on road and walk in. Barrow and garden trolley available.


Hello fellow potters

We will be working at Tamahere Gully Care Nursery this coming Friday 15th May from 9am-12noon.

Any queries ring me on 078558296 or my email is <blchsmiths@gmail.com>

Don't forget morning tea! Thanks very much, there is lots to do!




Just a reminder that formal submissions to the LTP are really important is we are ever to change the funding for pedestrian and cycling facilities and provide safe ways for people to get around the city. Even if you have attended an 'engagement session' with the council, it's still very important to make a formal submission - numbers matter!

The website URL for making an online submission is

This allows you to attach a document at the end, so the easiest way to get your point across is to tick an appropriate option on the main questions and say "see attached submission."

The deadline for submissions is Friday May 15th


August 2012 Banksia integrifolia trees were offered for sale by Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust; however plants were not available when the final order was placed.

We now have a number Banksia integrifolia trees for sale that we have grown from seed. 

Cost:                $5.00 each

Delivery:           Available, Rototuna, Hamilton

Banksia trees are evergreen, an excellent bird attracting tree, especially Tui.  Fast growing, frost tolerant, flowers form yellow cylindrical spikes.  Height at maturity 10 meters.

Please contact us at the above email or phone 07 854 3243, mobile 021 073 1215021 073 1215 to place an order.

Regards Malcolm Watkins


This month's working bee is on Saturday May 16 at 1:00 pm. Planting time is here. The ground is moist, the temperatures are holding up and the plants are ready for our first planting session of the year. Mostly infill planting, this time, using the thriving products of that last winter's potting session hosted by Judy Holdsworth. Everyone loves planting!

Regrds Keith



The Emergency Management Advisor at the Hamilton City Council in the months of July and August  will be presenting, “Planning/Preparedness for Emergencies”  to small businesses.

The presentation will be approximately 20 minutes long plus a 10 minute opportunity for questions. It could be done during your lunch break if your business needs to continue operating as normal.

Should a disaster strike Hamilton, we want you to be prepared. You and your workers should have the opportunity to be involved in this free presentation.

Please let me know if you would be interested in this, so that we can discuss dates and times.  lavelle.stuart@hcc.govt.nz













