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Community Native Tree Planting day; Walk - Karangahake Mountain

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Community Native Tree Planting day

Saturday 2 August, 10am

Cnr Silverdale Rd and Morrinsville Rd.

You are invited to a native tree planting day at Mangaonua Stream Gully. Finish time approx 1:30pm. Please RSVP to Ngati Haua Mahi Trust ph 07 8896398507 88963985, or contact Keri Thompson 027 522 8158027 522 8158.


Walk:  Karangahake Mountain

Meet at 9am at Karangahake Gorge.

From Paeroa drive thru gorge til you come to double decker railway bridge just before Karangahake village, turn right and drive over this bridge. follow road to left and almost immediately park in parking area on the right. For more details phone Philip Hart 07 8567992. Bring torch to see mines along the way. Suitable for families and children 8+.


Meet the Candidates evening, "Choice!" - Comedy, Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

"Meet the Candidates" evening

Wednesday 6 August, 7:30pm

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens.

The evening is for party reps to answer questions on sustainability and the environment. Attending are Cliff Allen (Labour), David Bennett (Nat), Nanaia Mahuta (Lab), Mark Servian (Greens), Ron Smith (ACT),  and Barbara Stewart (NZ First). MC'd by Dr. Chris Eames. Light refreshments to follow.  Sponsored by Forest & Bird Society, and Waikato Environment Centre. Enquiries phone Ruth  07 839 445207 839 4452.

"Choice!!" A comedic satire from Fullhouse Productions.

14 - 23 August. For tickets visit http://fullhouseproductions.co.nz/

This show is about the effects of advertising and consumerism on our lives, society and planet. It has a strong environmental message, promoting recycling and sustainability through cool use of comedy.

Wilderland Organic Fruit Tree Pruning workshop.

Saturday 16 August, 10am - 4pm.

Wilderland Community Tairua-Whitianga Rd. Follow Wilderland sign at end of Comers Rd. driveway.

If extreme weather, change to Sun August 17. $50 book in advance. Ph 07 866 384807 866 3848. contact@wilderland.org.nz. www.facebook.com/WilderlandTrust



Business Lectures

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Winter Lecture Series to explore the future of business

Steve Crowhurst

ONLINE SUCCESS: Raglan-based online retail store owner Steve Crowhurst will speak at this year’s Winter Lecture Series.


Business online

For Steve Crowhurst, the best place for his business is undoubtedly online. “The biggest benefit for me is geography. I don’t have to live in a big city like Auckland to do business. I can be based in Raglan, or be travelling, and still take care of work.”

If Steve Crowhurst’s successful online retail venture is anything to go by, it’s easy to understand why so many businesses head online to trade.

Fallenfront.co.nz trades exclusively online. The reason, he says, is that his business doesn’t become confined to a geographical location. “The whole world effectively becomes my market,” he says.

Winter Lecture Series

The University of Waikato Winter Lecture Series is an annual free public lecture series held every Wednesday in August. It is a focused and relevant series designed to inspire robust discussion on topical issues, and this year each lecture will have a forward-thinking element as the University of Waikato celebrates its 50th anniversary.

In the first lecture of the series on 6 August, Mr Crowhurst will join 37 Degrees South Executive Director and Waikato alumnus Chris Insley and University of Waikato sustainability academics Professor Juliet Roper and Associate Professor Eva Collins, to look at some of the ways we will do business in the future.

Sustainability and the role of iwi

Chris Insley is the Executive Director and founder of 37 Degrees South, a company that provides sustainable business solutions for a rapidly-evolving business world.

Always a hot topic, sustainability comes under the microscope with Professor Juliet Roper and Associate Professor Eva Collins, who will raise the issue of whether legislation is needed for monitoring sustainable practices and look at the extent to which businesses are currently embracing sustainability.

Winter Lecture Series 2014

Other lectures in the series include:

  • 13 August: Don’t Get Bit-ten: How Safe Are You Online?
  • 20 August: That’s Entertainment: What Does the Future of Viewing Look Like?
  • 27 August: City of the Future: What Can Hamilton Learn From the Others?

Find out more information on the University of Waikato’s 2014 Winter Lecture Series.

Mangaonua Planting Day, Hamilton Gully Restoration Series 2014, Community Meeting Te Aroha

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Community Planting Day

Saturday 2nd August 2014, 10am

At Maungaonua Esplanade

Meet at corner of Silverdale Rd & Morrinsville Rd in association with Ngati Haua Mahi Trust.


Hamilton Gully Restoration Series 2014

Seminar Session One - 21st August, 7pm - 8:30pm

S1.01, Gate 8, Hillcrest Rd, University of Waikato

Introduction to Hamilton Gully Restoration, Bats in Hamilton's Gullies, Kukutaruhe restoration experiences, Pest animal identification and control.

Gully Trip One - 23rd August 9am - 12pm

Tamahere Nursery - Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall. 

Growing your own natives - plant identification, seed sourcing, sowing and plant care.  Morning tea provided.

Seminar Session two - 28th August 7-8:30pm.

S1.01, Gate 8, Hillcrest Rd, University of Waikato

Native trees of Hamilton Gullies, Mangakotukutuku restoration experiences, Pest plant id and control, Q&A session.

Gully Trip two - 30th August 10am - 1pm

Claudelands Bush / Te Papanui and Jennifer Place. Meet at the Waikato Migrant Resource Centre, Boundary Rd.

Understanding restoration targets - explore a remnant Hamilton forest and visit an advanced gully restoration. Morning tea provided.

Queries to Catherine Kirby: c.kirby@waikato.ac.nz

Community Meeting - Te Aroha

Saturday 9 August 2014, 2pm – 5pm

Venue: The Future Te Aroha Centre,13 Boundary Street, Te Aroha

Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided. The Kaimai Mamaku Catchments Project invites you to a community meeting on the environmental health and restoration of the Te Aroha region.

For further information or to RSVP please contact Kate Akers, NZ Landcare Trust on 07 574 8310



Waikato Environment Centre on the move...

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Can you help us move?

After over a decade in our current site the Waikato Environment Centre is on the move to Peachgrove Road. We gain access to our new home at the five cross roads shopping centre on Friday 1st August, but we need some help at the new centre and the old centre to ensure a smooth transition.

In particular we need help with:

  • Removing some basic changing cubicles at Peachgrove Road
  • Painting of a concrete block wall at Peachgrove Road
  • Removing and refitting the reception and retail counters from Ward Street to Peachgrove Road
  • Transportation of our furniture, office equipment, library, stock...
  • Careful deconstruction of the plywood partitions at Ward Street
  • Transporting the old partitions from Ward Street to Peachgrove Road

These jobs can be started anytime from 1 August.  Some need to be completed before we can move while others can be worked on throughout the month of August.

If you think you are able to help with any of the above tasks please give Ruth a call 839 4452 or 027 225 2233 for more details.



Gardening Woofer wanted, Whaingaroa EC Vacancy, Working Bee, Meet the Candidates evening

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Gardening Woofer wanted

A Woofing Position opportunity for a few months has arisen in the organic permaculture gardens at Solscape Eco retreat, Raglan. Someone with previous gardening experience is preferred, and willing to stay until at least the end of Nov 2014. 

If you would like to know more please phone: Wayne on 022 609 0052022 609 0052 or Solscape 07 825 826807 825 8268 or email info@solscape.co.nz, or visit www.solscape.co.nz


Vacancy at the Environment Centre

Whaingaroa Environment Centre (WEC) has the following position available: Part Time Co-ordinator, (approx 15 hrs/week)

We are looking for an energetic, creative, motivated people-person who can promote sustainability issues, manage projects, run the centre and co-ordinate volunteers.

Job description and application details available from WEC. envirocentre@whaingaroa.org.nz  07 825 0480

Applications close 24th July 2014

Working Bee, Riverlea

Saturday 26th July  - another planting session from 1-3 pm. We'll finish the planting near the sign and perhaps move on to another place if we have time. This is fairly easy work, except for being boggy. It's extremely rewarding to be part of.

Please bring a spade and gardening gloves if you have them. 
Pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested.
Thanks, Dr Andrea Graves,Chairperson
Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated
40 Chesterman Road  Riverlea  Hamilton 3216  New Zealand
Tel. +64 7 856 1575+64 7 856 1575

Meet the Candidates Evening

Wed 6th August, 7:30 pm, Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens.

This evening is focused on providing political candidates and party reps the opportunity to answer questions on their party's policies about the environment and sustainability.  Everyone welcome.  For more info, phone the Waikato Environment Centre, 07 839 445207 839 4452.


National Moth Week

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

National Moth Week

19th - 27th July 2014

Pukemokemoke, Hammond Park, Mangaiti Gully, Hamilton Lake Domain.

On Saturday 19th  and Saturday 26th at 5pm, the Waikato Natural History Society will conduct a National Moth Week activity at Pukemokemoke.  During the week the group will organise moth watching at other reserves in and around Hamilton. If you can't make it to an event, you can observe moths from outside your home and submit them to Moth Week in the Waikato page on NatureWatch NZ.

Please contact waikatonaturalhistory@gmail.com, the Waikato Natural History Society on Facebook or contact Angela Simpson on 021 239 2554 for more information.


Port Waikato work Postponed, Pukemokemoke planting bee, Tamahere potting morning,

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Port Waikato Environmental Work postponed.

Due to the heavy rain today's planting day at Port Waikato has been postponed to later next week. I'll be in touch as soon as I have a definite date. Have a great and dry day!
Cheers Karen, email k.opie@xtra.co.nz

Pukemokemoke Planting Bee

Sat 19th July, 1-5pm

Hope you can make it. Bring a spade, gloves and afternoon tea!

Alan Leadley,   Em: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Ph. 07-855291907-8552919      Mob: 0272249622


Tamahere Potting Morning

Friday 18th July 2014, 9am - 12 noon

At Tamahere Nursery, Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall.

Bring your morning tea. For more info, contact Catherine Smith, email 2smiths@wave.co.nz 07 855 829607 855 8296.

Growing Animals

Saturday 19 July 2014, 1pm - 4pm

At Judy Chrystall's property at 99 Whitikahu Rd, Taupiri

Cost: $5 per person (pay on the day). A handout will be provided. 

Come along to learn about integrating animals into your small farm/garden system. Discussions include which animals, effects of, and animal welfare. Organic food provided by Ceres. Register with Tony Banks bankst@ihug.co.nz. Pre-registration essential - participant numbers limited.
