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Tamahere Nursery potting morning, Pukemokemoke working bee, Kay Baxter talk

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Tamahere Nursery potting morning

Friday 16th May, 9am - 12 noon

Devine Road, off Airport Rd

Don't forget your morning tea. For more information, phone or email: Catherine Smith, 07 855829607 8558296, 2smiths@wave.co.nz


Pukemokemoke working bee

Saturday 17th May, 1pm onwards

Contact Alan Leadley, 07 855 291907 855 2919, 0272249622, mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Bring friends and family!


Kay Baxter's National Speaking Tour

Join the urgent race to save New Zealand's heritage seed.  Two talks, one night, in Hamilton on Wednesday 22nd May, For more info contact www.koanga.org.nz/tour/



Commedy Performance on Waste & Environment

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Comedy duo Matt and Andy, from Fullhouse Productions are performing a free comedy show (with a message) at the University of Waikato.

Both experienced professional entertainers, their goal is to use comedy and song to spread the message to reduce waste going into landfills. Their show is only 15 minutes long and is guaranteed to make you laugh (and think), save you money and of course save the earth!

They have already performed to 20 businesses in Hamilton to rave reviews.  This is an open invite to attend: Thursday 15th May 11.30am at New Place Theatre (LAW).

Water Sensitive Cities Forum

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Water Sensitive Waikato

Tuesday 13 May 2014, 9 - noon

Te Runanga O Kirikiriroa offices at 57 Higgins Road, Dinsdale

Next week The Sustainability Society welcome three speakers at the first Hamilton forum on Water Sensitive Cities.  A Water Sensitive City is one that takes note of the entire urban hydrological cycle, utilising the diversity of water resources available to meet the cities needs with maximum flexibility, resilience & sustainability.

This forum is open to the public and free.

Please RSVP: by Friday May 9th by email to Liz Duggan on: lizduggan@toiconsulting.co.nz


Landcare Networking Field Day

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Landcare Networking Field Day

Tuesday 6 May 9.30am to 3.30

Sunset Motel Conference Hall, Raglan

Waikato Regional Council is organising a Landcare Networking Field Day in conjunction with Whaingaroa Harbour Care.  The primary objective of the day is to enable representatives from each landcare group and other community groups to discuss current issues affecting their areas and to develop an understanding of each group's programmes and strategies.

Transport will be available from the Waikato Regional Council offices, 401 Grey Street, Hamilton East for people who want to attend the day.  The minibus will depart at 8.30am.

Please RSVP toBala Tikkisetty

0800 800 401





Waikato Botanical Society & Waikato Environment Centre Volunteers

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Botanical Society AGM

Thursday 1 May 6pm

Final reminder for the AGM on tonight. The meeting is at the University of Waikato in Room SG 03 at 6:00 PM.

There will be drinks and nibbles available beforehand and Peter de Lange will be giving a talk on his recent trip to Sardinia.



Waikato Botanical Society

Threatened Plant Garden Working Bee

Sunday 4th May, 1pm

Working bee in the new threatened plant garden.Please bring gloves, old clothes and boots for weeding.

Meet: 1 PM at Waikato University Gate 8, Hillcrest Rd, outside Science and Engineering main entrance (E‐F link stairway).

Contact: Angela Simpson 021 239 2554021 239 2554 / simpson.angela1@gmail.com


Volunteeers for the Waikato Environment Centre

Do you have a few hours to help out in the Environment Centre?

If you enjoy collating, organising and tidying you could help with some one off tasks like

  1. Sorting, collating and filing our large collection of posters,
  2. Tidying and categorising the pamphlets, booklets and magazines on display.

If you have a few hours on a regular basis and are great at admin I would also be grateful of some ongoing support with things like facebook and newsletter postings, noticeboard and website maintenance, centre displays and basic reception duties.

For those of you who are TimeBankers we can offer Time Credits for your assistance, and if you are not a TimeBanker but would like to be, we can even sign you up.

Give Ruth a call if you can help 839 4452.

Waiwhakareke working day this weekend

Posted 10 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 26 April

9am - midday

Meet in the carpark opposite the Zoo on Brymer Road

We will be weeding/releasing plantings as we don't think it's rained enough yet to plant. Bring gloves and secatuers (helps to cut away strong weeds and thistles) and most importantly bring morning tea.

Also, given the May FOW working bee is the day after the Arbor Day plant we have postponed it as many of you will be going to that planting on Friday 30 May 2014.

See you Saturday.

Cheers Moira

Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke

New Manager at WEC and Forest and Bird AGM

Posted 10 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

New Manager at the Waikato Environment Centre

Welcome to Ruth Seabright who has taken over from Katherine as Manager at the Centre, pictured here with Trustee Marianna Tyler

Ruth recently set up Hamilton Timebank and has experience in the Community and Voluntary Sector, and is looking forward to working with groups and organisations in the environmental sector, so come by and say hello to her soon. She is keen to meet everyone, and there are some exciting projects coming up in our Environment Centre.

Katherine is away overseas for a few months. She has really enjoyed her years working in the Centre and being involved with all the hard working groups but after 11 years it is time for a change.  Best wishes to Ruth in her new role.

Thursday 24th April

Forest and Bird AGM

7.30pm at Hamilton Gardens

Guest Speaker: Jeanette Fitzsimmons “New Zealand’s latest binge on fossil fuels: deep sea oil, extreme coal, and fracking”.

Jeanette will talk about the impacts of all this on our climate and our biodiversity and what we can do about it.

Jeanette Fitzsimons retired 4 years ago from her work as Green Party co-leader in Parliament. Since then she has worked mainly with Coal Action Network Aotearoa to stop new coal mines. In November she sailed on the Vega with Greenpeace to confront the Texan deep sea oil drilling ship in the Tasman Sea.



Great Barrier Reef presentation

Posted 10 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday 9th April 2014

5.00 pm
NZCS Waikato Regional Event: The Great Barrier Reef Coastal Ecosystem Project

by Donna-Marie Audas, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

You are invited to a presentation by Donna-Marie Audas from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.  Donna will discuss the whole of landscape approach the Authority has been working on to manage the Great Barrier Reef including the development of catchment maps and an ecological calculator.  Their aim is to improve awareness and provide critical knowledge about the role of coastal ecosystems to inform the community and decision makers.

"One of the greatest challenges for Great Barrier Reef managers is to understand the role played by coastal ecosystems in maintaining the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef.  There has been growing recognition of the important role the catchment plays in influencing the water quality and quantity that flows to the Great Barrier Reef and the need to manage the landscape to support the long term health of the Great Barrier Reef.  The Great Barrier Reef coastal ecosystem project has been initiated to better understand the value of coastal ecosystems, their function and role in the resilience of Great Barrier Reef ecosystems." 

This event is open to both members and non-members so please share among your networks. Some drinks & nibbles will be provided.

 Where: Waikato University, Hamilton, S Block, lecture theatre S.1.02
When:  Wednesday 9th April 2014, 5.00 pm (presentation starts at 5.30 pm)
Please RSVP to christin.atchinson@waikatoregion.govt.nz by Tuesday 8 April.
Look forward to seeing you there.
