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EDS Coromandel Campaign

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Media Release: EDS campaign to save the Coromandel Peninsula

The Environmental Defence Society has released a highly critical submission on the new Thames Coromandel District Plan and is calling for public support for its campaign for better protection for the Coromandel Peninsula.

“The plan is far too permissive and fails to provide enough protection for the coast, for indigenous biodiversity and for scenic values,” said EDS Chairman Gary Taylor.

 “The Coromandel Peninsula is a national treasure with its long, varied coastline, white sand beaches and forested hills. These all need to be carefully and sensitively managed so that the environment improves rather than deteriorates over time. This plan will determine the future direction of the area for the next 10-20 years. It is crucially important.

“Our analysis shows that the proposed plan lacks strategic focus and would lead to further poor quality development on the Peninsula’s outstanding coastline. This continues an unfortunate historical trend and we say enough is enough.

“The proposed district plan has pretty much ignored the earlier Coromandel Blueprint project that proposed limiting urban growth to 3 main settlements: Thames, Whitianga and Whangamata. Instead, it proposes weak policies and rules that effectively open the entire district to development.

“The Council has identified the extent of the coastal environment in the plan but there are few corresponding rules to protect it. This is unacceptable and contrary to the provisions of the Resource Management Act and the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement.

“We argue in our submission that any development should be concentrated in areas already compromised and the balance of the rural and coastal areas protected.

“We are also concerned that the plan will lead to degradation of the Peninsula’s valuable biodiversity. The Council has failed to identify significant ecological areas and the proposed plan includes few provisions to protect existing biodiversity.

“It is time to implement an approach that ensures there is no net loss of biodiversity from the district.

“EDS is committed to putting a major effort into improving the plan. This will involve pursuing our submission through a lengthy hearings process and possible Environment Court appeals. We expect that our concerns will resonate broadly with local residents and ratepayers,” Mr Taylor concluded.

EDS is calling on the public to support its campaign to Save the Coromandel by making donations to the Coromandel Plan Project on the Society’s website www.eds.org.nz

More: Gary Taylor (09) 810 9594(09) 810 9594

To view the submission, click here.

WRC Draft Annual Plan, Healthy future Talk

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 13th March   (tomorrow)

Waikato Room, 401 Grey Street, Hamilton
(Go in the Grey St entrance)
Anyone  is welcome to attend the 2014 WRC Draft Annual Plan presentation to ACRE members at Waikato Regional Council tomorrow afternoon.
Please let Katherine know if you would like to go along.

Thursday 20th March

Talk: Good lives, Healthy future - Green MP Kevin Hague will be offering an assessment of the challenges facing us all in the Health area, and positive green solutions for those challenges,including a focus on preventing illness in the first place.
6.30pm  Migrant Resource Centre,  89 Boundary Rd, Claudelands Park




Help Student's research

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Letter from Kiri:
Hi there everyone,

I have had some trouble with people tampering with and destroying some of my urban restoration ecology experimental sites, and stealing expensive data-logging equipment. I would like to try to spread the word about my sites in the hopes that there will be some accountability and awareness of what they are and that people should take care of them if possible. I know that to an extent, vandalism is just part of urban research though.

I'm sending you this email because I'm hoping you can forward on this little flyer about my research to many others in your networks such as community group members, etc.
This awareness might also help with innocent attempts to weed and/or change conditions in the experimental area during the experiment (which is not desirable).

Thanks so much and I'm always happy to answer any questions!


Kiri Joy Cutting
Ph.D. Candidate
Biological Sciences
University of Waikato
Room F.G.16b
07-838-446607-838-4466 ext.6585 (W)
027-939-9440027-939-9440 (M)

KiriCutting Urban Ecology- Hamilton.pdf

Workshop in Coroglen

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Saturday, 29 March, 2014

Field Workshop - Weeds, Plant ID and Ecological Restoration - Coroglen, Coromandel

You are invited to attend a FREE workshop for Community Groups and Landowners (pdf flyer attached - please circulate)
Meet at 444 Rangihau Road, Coroglen Alfred Stielau-Pallas property

Topics: Weed surveillance and management, plant ID and restoration (including GPS use and animal pest management)
Presenters: Waikato Regional Council and Department of Conservation
Morning tea provided. Bring your own lunch.
Petrol vouchers and morning tea provided to Community Groups by Trust Waikato through the Waikato Environment Centre
For details and RSVP by Wednesday 26 March 2014, contact Moira Cursey 0800 2463480800 246348 or m.cursey@xtra.co.nz.

Coromandel workshop flyer Feb 2014.pdf

Arbor day registering, Whole Earth Summit

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Email link for registering for the Arbor Day planting event (May 30th):

March 11th – 13th


Free on-line conference on vision for a resilient world, featuring conversations and talks from 30 global leaders on topics such as food sovereignty, regenerative design and social transformation. You can track it live or if you sign up, download sessions for 48 hours. There are some really interesting people participating.

Events March - May

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

In this newsletter:

Sun 15 March
Thurs 20 March
Sun 23 March
Sat 29th March
Fri 11 - Sun 13 April
Sat 12 April
Sun April 6 &13
Thurs 24 April
Fri 30 May
Pukemokemoke working day
Forest and Bird Talk - Chris Gaskin
Hamilton Bicycling Network workshop for cyclists
Organic Farm NZ (Waikato) Field day
Waikato Show
Bat Fun day
Living Streets' Strolls
Forest and Bird AGM Jeanette Fitzsimons
Arbor Day 2014 Waiwhakareke

Saturday 15th March

Pukemokemoke Reserve working day
1-5pm. Fred will be in charge of operations!

Because Easter falls on the third Saturday in April, we will hold the April working bee on Saturday 12th April.
Look forward to seeing you all. Main work is still releasing though some of the tracks will need some maintenance work.
For more information contact Alan Leadley

Thursday 20th March

Forest and Bird talk
7.30pm Chartwell Room, Hamilton

Speaker: Chris Gaskin
Chris’s talk will look at Important Bird Areas (IBA) programme – taking a bird’s eye view and identifying areas that are important for New Zealand’s seabirds. The marine IBA network provides a comprehensive overview
of New Zealand’s seabirds allowing researchers to visualise where they breed and the extent of their foraging across the marine, and for inland breeding gulls and terns, freshwater environments.

The IBA programme places that in global context. He will touch on the role we all can play in taking the IBA programme forward.
He will also talk about some of his experiences with seabirds, both here in New Zealand and elsewhere in the
South Pacific.

Chris is currently coordinator of the BirdLife International Important Bird Area (Seabirds) Programme in New Zealand (on contract to Forest & Bird, BirdLife’s NZ partner).

Sunday 23rd March

Hamilton Bicycling Network workshop for cyclists
9:45 am - Meet outside R&R Sports in Barton St.
10 am  Bike Clinic - adjusting various types of brakes including V-brakes & mechanical Disk-brakes
10:30am  Networking at Sierra Café - $6 coffee & muffin

Saturday 29th March

Organic Farm NZ (Waikato) Field day
The topic is ‘Growing your Soil’ presented by Peter Downard and Tony.
Everyone is welcome to come along, but numbers attending will be limited – please register by emailing Tony Banks.

Peter Downard – four decades in the horticulture industry, owner and manager of organic orchards, teacher and organic certification auditor
Tony Banks – small farmer and gardener, Chairperson of OrganicFarmNZ Waikato
We will cover:

• Beneficial soil organisms, how they provide nutrients to your plants and grow your soil
• How to introduce beneficial organisms to your soil via compost, mulches, actively aerated compost teas and the use of appropriate plants

15 Te Awa Road, Tamahere
Time: 1.00 - 4.00 pm
Afternoon tea: organic food provided by Ceres
Cost: $5.00 per person (pay

11th - 13th April Waikato Show

Dates have been changed - so put the revised dates in your diary!
Register your interest now with the Waikato Environment Centre to have a site in the EnviroExpo. Info packs coming any moment.

12th April Bat Fun Day

Organised by Waikato Museum and WRC, this will be at Hamilton Gardens 4pm - 7.30. More details to come.

Sundays April 6th and April 13th

Living Streets' Strolls

Both starting at 2pm.

6th: Guided tour of Waiwhakareke (Horseshoe Lake), led by Maxine Fraser, a long-standing member of the working group that has developed the area. She will be able to point out the area currently being debated for sale or inclusion in the reserve area and discuss its significance.

13th: Our second walk is in Te Rapa, taking in local parks and shortcuts and incorporating a very pleasant section of the riverbank walkway below the St Andrews Golf Course. We will start from the corner of Morrow St and Totara Drive.  More details and a map will be available closer to the day.

Thursday 24th April

Forest and Bird AGM

7.30pm at Hamilton Gardens
Guest Speaker: Jeanette Fitzsimmons

“New Zealand’s latest binge on fossil fuels: deep sea oil, extreme coal, and fracking”.
Jeanette will talk about the impacts of all this on our climate and our biodiversity and what we can do about it.

Friday 30th May 2014 - Arbor Day 2014


Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park   
  meeting at Brymer Road opposite Zoo.

The Council  want people to register  so they know how they are  going for numbers of participants.  They need at least 3000 people to help plant 30,000 plants  - that’s 10 each which would be achievable.

Some of you may have friends and work colleagues who can be encouraged to come and plant a few trees.  Maybe some workplaces would be happy to support their workers to attend. Check it out with your workplace......

DOC training days

Anyone interested in learning how to do bird counts, plant ID,weed management etc have a look on the DOC calendar
First one in Hamilton is Five Minute Bird counts on the 29th - 30th April.


Funding and workshops in March

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Funding opportunities coming up:

Hamilton City Council Small Grant

The old Envirofund morphed last year into the Community Wellbeing and Sustainability Fund which has now been lumped in with a couple of other funds and is now the Small Grant (Community) 2014, with the upshot that we are now competing in a very large pool of applications with no certainty about getting environmental projects a portion of the whole. So.... we need to get some good applications in.  

Most important for applicants is to show how your project aligns with the HCC Strategies (the more the better).If you need some help with this contact the Environment Centre.

Deadline is Monday 31 March 2014

Small Grant (Community) 2014


Vibrant Hamilton Trust Grant

Deadline for applications is 4:00pm Friday 28 March 2014. 
For more information please refer to the attachment below. For further information on this grant please contact strategy@hcc.govt.nz

 Vibrant Hamilton Trust Grant Information and Application Cover Sheet (PDF, 84.6KB)

 VIbrant Hamilton Trust - Trust Deed (PDF, 1MB)


Community Waikato Funding workshops

For more workshops - see attached pdf

10th March 2014 
5.30 – 7.30 pm
Link Centre,Te Aroha Street, Hamilton

8th April 2014
9.30am to 12.30pm
Friendship House, 55 William Street, Huntly

2014 Funding workshops.pdf


Maui's Dolphin Day Sunday 2nd March

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Sunday March 2nd

Maui's Dolphin Day Schedule

(apologies for date omission on last post)

Here's the schedule for Maui's Dolphin Day! Please note the raft race is at 11:15am! Fashion show entrants should be registered before the raft race, and report to the tent directly after the race!

And see below for a message from KASM about donating to their jumble sale...

Maui's Dolphin Day schedule!

9am - Stall set-up, raft and fashion show registration
10:30am - Karakia - All registration close - safety check
11:15am - Xtreme Waste recycled raft race!
11:45am - DJ Dubsonic
12:20pm - Raglan Area School - Maui’s Dolphin Song!
12:30pm - Twisted Timber
1pm - Dance performances
1:15pm - The Smokehouse Band
2pm - Project Maui Fashion Show (DJ Dubsonic)
2:30pm - Stand Up and Be Counted 2 - Aerial photo
3pm - Prizegiving
4pm - Closing

 Note also that Waikato Branch of NZAEE will be there with a display  looking at critters from the seashore, so bring your children along to our site and learn about identification and setting up a transect.

Message from KASM...

KASM urgently needs funds to fight seabed mining through the EPA hearing this march. They are having a jumble sale at Mauis Dolphin day and are asking for pre-loved items to put up for sale. If you have anything you would like to donate, now is a good time to de-clutter the house! You can drop things off at Cynthia's at 16 Gilmour St (right by the Old School Art Centre).
Anything appreciated, books, toys, small furniture, jewellery, garden tools, sports gear that kind of thing.


Whaingaroa Environment Centre

Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan

Phone: 00 64 (0)7 825 048000 64 (0)7 825 0480 Postal: Box 227, Raglan

