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Waiwhakareke update

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

If you are interested in getting up to date information and updates about any action,  or having your say, sign up to a new Facebook page  Defend Waiwhakareke

More information can also be seen on Sustainable Waikato

There will be a HCC meeting this Thursday 2.30pm in the Council Chamber. There is a motion to revoke the previous Council's resolution (to make the land part of the Waiwhakareke reserve)

At this stage the Proposed District Plan still has that parcel of land designated as an open spaces zone - residential development is a non complying activity. If this motion is passed then there are a number of issues that will need to be considered before this land is rezoned/available for development. At this stage it is not sure what those process(es) will need to be as the Commissioner who is considering the Proposed District Plan is not due to make their decision public until at least April.

At the HCC meeting, 30 minutes are set aside as a public forum to speak to this - 3 minutes each but you need to phone 838-6772 to register to speak before this date.

The full agenda and minutes of the Dec meeting can be found here:




Riverlea working day tomorrow

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 22 February.

Riverlea Environment Society working day
Restoring Hammond Bush is firmly on the agenda this year too, and the first working bee of the year takes place tomorrow
Time: 1-3pm
Where: Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk (by the big sign). From there we'll be heading to the riverbank just south of the Hudson St gully bridge. It's quite steep, and for those who don't want that there are new plantings to release on flat(tish) land.
Bring: covered shoes, hat, gardening gloves, and lopper and/or slasher if you have them.
We'll be releasing plants and removing some annoying jasmine weeds.
See you there if you can make it,


Dr Andrea Graves
Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated
40 Chesterman Road  Riverlea  Hamilton 3216  New Zealand
Tel. +64 7 856 1575+64 7 856 1575

Waiwhakareke working day tomorrow

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Saturday  22 February 2014

9am - midday
Meet in the carpark opposite  the Zoo on Brymer Road
We will  check over the 2010 plantings and then over to Restiad Bog area to weed.   Probably best to wear gumboots as some areas maybe wet near the bog.  And bring gloves and secatuers (helps to cut away  strong weeds and thistles)  and lastly  bring  morning tea.  Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Cheers Moira 
Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke

Reminder - Centre Manager position

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Environment Centre Manager

The closing date for applications for this position is the 14th February

Do you have a passion for the environment and love to make a difference?

The Waikato Environment Centre Charitable Trust is currently looking for a dynamic leader with strong organisational and management skills as their new Centre Manager.

Based in Hamilton, you will be working alongside environmental groups, businesses and government departments from across the Waikato, and will play a key role in managing and growing the role of the Trust towards achieving its Vision of a ‘Environmentally resilient Waikato region.’ 

Other responsibilities include the successful leadership and management of the organisation, achieving the annual Operations Plan, securing funding, managing projects and finances, liaison with key stakeholders, and ensuring the Centre meets the expectation of member environmental groups.  You will report to the Trust Board.

Opportunities like this don’t come by too often.  If you think you are up for the challenge and are ready to take the next step in your career, apply today.

The successful applicant will have:

  • Strong organisational and management skills, including strategic planning and reporting
  • Proven experience in fundraising
  • Excellent communication skills and proven experience in public relations
  • Sound understanding of the concept and philosophy of sustainability and a good working knowledge of environmental issues
  • Competence in word processing, database management, social media and website maintenance.
  • Project and events management experience

 Hours of Work and Term of Contract

  • The position is based on 30 hours per week.   Flexibility is required regarding weekend and evening work.

To apply: Email your application and CV to admin@envirocentre.org.nz by  5pm 14th February 2014.

Job Description

Permaculture Certificate and organic classes

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Permaculture Design Certificate

We have a couple of places still available in this course, so if anyone is still thinking about doing it, be in very quickly.
It is quite painless, just a day a month for 12 modules, and you will learn heaps. Good for gardeners just starting out or for those more experienced but want to learn about living more sustainably. You will visit different properties and learn from experienced tutors.

Contact the Permaculture Trust now to reserve your place on this great course. Ph 07 834 2249 or Cheryl mobile 021 139 0935  or email

Also starting in March:


Learn of methods and systems to include in your productive gardens to produce safe and healthy food with organic practices
Presented by Hamilton Permaculture Trust

Topics covered will be:

  • Planning your site
  • Composting & Wormfarming
  • Companion Planting
  • Rotation Planting
  • Organic spray
  • Seed saving
  • Lunar planting

Tuesdays - March 18th. 25th., April 1st. & 8th.
10am. to 12

Held at Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington Street, Ham. East
Please register with Waimarie 8583453

Course Fee $5
Sponsored by Bryant Trust


Bad HCC decision at Waiwhakareke

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

What a difference a few months and an election can make-

Sadly our new council has made a terrible decision at a council meeting yesterday and reversed the September 2013 decision (see last year's article below) - so much for Council demonstrating its commitment to the project. This just shows the short-sightedness of some of our newly elected conservative councillors. Only four of the old hands voted against reversing the decision.

Walking through the beautiful old trees in Parana Park I think how fortunate Hamilton is to have benefitted from the Beautification Society's activities back in the early days, preventing greedy developers from grabbing what would be top real-estate. Due to their grit and foresight it has remained public space, but now, unfortunately voters have lumbered us with some councillors  who  do not seem to understand or  care about preserving or increasing our biodiversity. The subdivision so close to the lake was always a bad idea, and now Professor Clarkson's words in September ring a bit hollow “What we’ve gained here, from an ecological point of view, is much greater control of the catchment of the lake, and therefore its restoration.”

We have just lost that again! So - time to start contacting your councillors, writing some letters, express your dismay at this decision and the importance of keeping this piece as part of the reserve.  Short-term gain from potentially selling this land off to developers will not benefit the project, and lessons should be learnt from all the other lakes around the region being negatively impacted by their surrounding catchments. This is a prime example of one that should not be built on.

Katherine (my personal rant)

Last year's press release from Council -

27 September 2013

Hamilton City Council has today voted in favour of expanding the Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park on the city’s western outskirts.
During today’s Ordinary Council meeting, Councillors voted 10-3 in favour of returning five hectares of land set aside for subdivision to the 60-hectare park.
 The five hectares of land had been tagged for a “Smart Subdivision”, which would have required any new houses built to be eco-friendly, energy efficient and modelled on principles of urban design and sustainable development.
 Sally Sheedy, Hamilton City Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Manager, says the transferral of the land to the park demonstrates Council’s commitment to the project.
“This is good news: Waiwhakareke is one of Hamilton’s most important natural areas, and since 1975, it has undergone extensive replanting and restoration work. The work at Waiwhakareke is strongly supported by a range of agencies and volunteers, for who the natural environment is extremely important,” Miss Sheedy says.
Waikato University’s Professor Bruce Clarkson, Chair of Waiwhakareke Advisory Group, welcomed Council’s decision, praising it as “visionary”: “Council needs to be congratulated for this decision – they clearly understand the nature of inter-generational projects like this one.”
Professor Clarkson says careful thought will be given to how the additional five hectares can be integrated into the wider Waiwhakareke plan.
 “What we’ve gained here, from an ecological point of view, is much greater control of the catchment of the lake, and therefore its restoration.”

Bicycling event on Saturday, Bees for sale

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

HBN Launch 1st February

Reminder - get along to Civic Plaza in Garden Place on Saturday for the Hamilton Bicycling Network launch event - great prizes to be won - come along and register and go in the draw for a GT Transeo 4 bike from Velo Espresso - the (adult) bike will be fitted to your requirements. Or you could win a helmet video camera, or lots of other prizes and giveaways.

Starting at 11am, until approx 1pm. There will be a sausage sizzle courtesy of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Mayor Hardaker will be there to open proceedings, Graham Cairns will be moving proceedings along, so all fun.

If anyone is available to give us a bit of help please get back to Katherine 839 4452 or email the centre. For things like supervising a draw box, etc. nothing arduous.

 Bees For Sale

2 topbar nucs available. (for bars 390mm long, 33mm wide). Each nuc has 8 bars. Bees only not the nuc box. Nice calm bees. Phone 027 287 9126.

Conservation Boards and NZ Conservation Authority nominations open

Posted 11 years ago    0 comments

Nominations are currently open for both the New Zealand Conservation Authority and the Regional Conservation Boards.
Note the short time frames and deadlines of 20th  and 31st  January 2014.

Nominations close on the 20th January 2014 for Conservation Board nominations (9 vacancies in the Waikato region) and 31 January 2014 for the NZCA nominations. 

Further information can be found on the website www.conservationboards.org.nz

Contact details for returning forms are:

email  rmcgovern@doc.govt.nz,

or post to    
Minister of Conservation,
c/- Department of Conservation
Attention: Rick McGovern-Wilson
PO Box 10-420
Wellington 6143


