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Events - coming up

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 21 November

Forest and Bird talk

7.30 at Hamilton Gardens

Arthur Hinds, chairman of the Whenuakite Kiwcare group, and acting chair of ACRE,  will talk about conservation work on the Coromandel.

Saturday 23 November

Reminder - The Friends of A J Seeley Gully invite you to attend a ‘Working Bee’ on Saturday, 23 November 2013 commencing at 3.00pm.

Meet at the entrance to the reserve at the end of Armagh St .
5.30: Social get together with a BBQ in the park. BYO drinks
RSVP by Wednesday, 20 November
for catering purposes.
If you would like receive further information about this project please contact the Parks and Opens Spaces customer service team by phoning  838 6622 or  email; gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz

Sunday 24 November

Miropiko Working group - 10 - 12.
339 River Rd. Bring gloves.
Queries Katherine 021 267 2773

Sunday 30th November

Riverlea Environmental Society
Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk  at 1pm with gloves, sturdy shoes, spade and loppers or similar. Two hours, all done, good feelings.

Wednesday 4th December

National Wetland Trust
Working bee at Lake Serpentine, 9 - noon    
and Lizard surveys
– still to be confirmed but either week of Nov 25th or (more likely) week of Dec 4th – will involve daytime activities (eg setting up pitfall traps, non-lethal), and night-time spotlight surveys

Contact Karen Denyer if you are interested karen.denyer@papawerageological.co.nz


Community Environment Fund Open (Ministry Funding)

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

CEF Round 5 (September 2013) is now open. There are only four weeks left to register (Step 1) and complete eligibility check (Step 2).

Please visit our website to learn about the funding process for CEF Round 5 (September 2013).

Register your organisation by using the portal. Registrations close at 12 noon on Monday 16 December.

Complete the online eligibility check for open and contestable funding rounds. You will need to complete one check for each application you intend to submit. Eligibility checks can be submitted until 12 noon on Monday 16 December

The Ministry will assess the eligibility of your project. If eligible, we will send you an application form. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 27 January 2014.

The Funds Management Team

Working days coming up November

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 23 Friends of AJ Seeley Gully 3pm
Sunday 24 Miropiko Reserve 10 - 12
Saturday 30 Friends of Waiwhakareke 9 - 12
Saturday 30 Riverlea Environment Society 1pm
Details below

Saturday 23 November

The Friends of A J Seeley Gully invite you to attend a ‘Working Bee’ on Saturday, 23 November 2013 commencing at 3.00pm.

Come along and see what an amazing gully Dr Seeley gifted to the city and help us continue the restoration project. It will also be a chance to celebrate the success of the ‘A J Seeley Gully Charity Auction’ held at the Waikato Home Show ‘Gully Xpo’ where the group raised $6300 towards the instalment of the ‘Koru’ stone seat walkway and bush boardwalk.

We will meet at the entrance to the reserve at the end of Armagh St.  You will need to bring gardening gloves, suitable footwear (gumboots are best!) and clothing for gardening. We will be removing pest plants and weeds around recent plantings.

Following the project, join us for a social get together with a BBQ in the park at 5.30pm; sausages and vegetarian burgers will be provided. Please bring your own drink and salads. If you can, please RSVP by Wednesday, 20 November for catering purposes.

If you would like receive further information about this project please contact the Parks and Opens Spaces customer service team by phoning 838 6622 or email; gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz

The success of the project to date would not have been possible without the support of a number of organisations working together and donations of artworks from local artists for the auction ; Wild Exposure Ltd , Waikato Home & Garden Show - Hannah and Associates Exhibitions Ltd , Acorn Building supplies, Green Footprint Ltd, The Greenspace, EcoArb Ltd , Bennett Contracting Volunteering Waikato volunteers, Ray White Real Estate staff volunteers, Ibis/Novatel Hotel staff volunteers and local residents from the ‘Seeley Gully Group’. Inspirit Gallery and Ray White Real Estate supported the auction with artworks by artists ; Kate Hill, Jane Galloway; Jenny Scown, Bruce Smith , Lisa Taylor Faith Tavernor and Bryce McQuillan.

Look forward to seeing you all there keen to help. Don’t forget “Many hands make light work!”.

Gerard Kelly
Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces

DDI: 07 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz

Sunday 24th November

Miropiko Reserve weeding

10.00am til 12 at 339 River Road.
Final weeding for the year - morning tea provided at 10am.
Clearing tradescantia and other pest plants.
Bring a rake, gloves, sunhat etc
Contact Katherine 021 267 2773

Saturday 30th November

Friends of Waiwhakareke 9am - midday

Contact Moira if you want to go on this e-list so you get a reminder with details about the next working day

Moira Cursey
Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke

Saturday 30th November

Riverlea Environment Society working bee

Please come along to the last working bee for 2013. I think you'll all agree we're doing a fine job down there and it's looking great. Very satisfying. There could be some steep bits this time.
Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk at 1pm with gloves, sturdy shoes, spade and loppers or similar. Two hours, all done, good feelings.

Dr Andrea Graves
Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated
40 Chesterman Road Riverlea Hamilton 3216
Tel. +64 7 856 1575

Calling community groups

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

The Waikato branch of the
New Zealand Association for Environmental Education
invites your community environmental group to

Green Networking

November 25th  5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Venue: Hamilton City Council Reception Lounge
Drinks and nibbles will be served.

Make a 3 minute presentation about your group’s work. You may wish to include where you do your work, how many/who is involved, what achievements you are getting, what ideas/concerns you have for going forward.  Datashow will be available but please use a maximum of 6 slides and include lots of pictures.

Hear what other groups are doing, share ideas and concerns and meet people like you!

We are inviting recently elected Regional and Hamilton City Councillors so that they can see what a contribution you are making and you can discuss future initiatives with them.

We hope you can make it! 

Please reply to Andrea Soanes by Friday 22 Nov using the form below:

Group name and contact:

Yes our group would love to attend thanks / Sorry we can’t make it this time   (delete one)

If attending, how many of your group members will attend (for catering):

Will your community group make a 3 minute presentation:      Yes / No  (delete one)

This is a great opportunity to have a voice in a forum that has the potential to make a difference and it will be a great night so we urge you to please make the effort to attend.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards



Andrea Soanes | Schools Programme Co-ordinator  | Resource Use Group
Waikato Regional Council
P: +64 7 859 2707
F: +64 7 859 0998
M: 021 307 323
Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240
Please consider the environment before printing this email


Shoestring Marketing for Community Groups

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Tuesday 3rd December 2013

9.30 - 4pm

At Parentline, 38 Palmerston St, Hamilton

The Environment Centre is offering FOUR places for environmental groups at this workshop! Contact the Environment Centre asap - today or tomorrow, if someone from your group is interested in going. We will send the registrations in so do not contact Exult.

This is a one day workshop that helps organisations identify what marketing really is and how they can do it effectively on a limited budget. This is a great opportunity to learn more about using local media to engage sponsors, donors etc, improve your website, newsletters, importance of story telling, lots of simple ideas that you can put into practice.

Facilitated by Kerri Tilby-Price

For more information


Waikato Branch NZAEE AGM

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Monday 18 November

5.30pm in the Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton.

The Waikato Branch of NZ Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE) will  hold its AGM on Monday 18 November – see attached invite for details and nomination form for committee members. It will be a great chance to catch up and see what is happening at national level.

 We hope you will be able to join us on the 18th.

 Chris Eames

AGM notice 2013 Waikato NZAEE.doc

Co-housing meeting

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

13th November

Meeting regarding Co-housing
5.30pm, in the Waikato Environment Centre

Are you interested in Co-housing? Want to find out more about the various possibilities and meet people with similar thoughts and requirements for the future?

This is probably something along the lines of independent living, sustainable urban housing and gardens, on public transport route, sharing resources.

We are having an informal meeting on the 13th November in the Waikato Environment Centre to meet and find out who is interested, and talk about the possibilities.

There are various models operating around NZ. One which was brought to our notice recently which is already in Hamilton is Abbeyfield. This is probably aimed at a slightly older age group, studio units, with catering, but the model could be adapted for younger more independent people who want to share some resources, gardening, etc.

RSVP katherine@envirocentre.org.nz

events coming up November

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Working days this weekend

Saturday 2nd November
Humaire Park -  9.00am - Meet Cranwell Place entrance

We are looking at continuing the walkway/ track path this weekend. Look forward to seeing you there!
Gerard Kelly  Gerard.Kelly@hcc.govt.nz

Sunday 3rd 10.30 - 12
Miropiko Reserve, 339 River Road

Bring rake if you are able. Gloves.
Contact Katherine 021 267 2773

Spring Stroll this Sunday

2pm, starting from the end Pickering Place, off Hukanui Rd at the back of Hukanui Primary School. This will be a pleasant amble around local parks, Porritt Stadium and back along Wairere Drive to return to the starting point via the gully below the primary school. As usual, allow 60 to 90 minutes depending on how fast you like to move!

Monday November 25th 

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Waikato NZAEE (NZ Association for Environmental Education)  invites your community environmental group to a

Pecha kucha Style Evening

Save the date for a free energising evening to network with your community environmental colleagues, and meet recently elected councillors.

Venue: Hamilton City Council Reception Lounge

Drinks and nibbles will be served.

 Make a brief presentation about your group’s work, be inspired by others and their work, meet and discuss issues with politicians. A formal invite will be sent in early November.


Andrea Soanes | Schools Programme Coordinator | Resource Use Group  email
Waikato Regional Council P: +64 7 859 2707

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi

