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Gardening workshops - Taking bookings now

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

2nd November
Espalier pruning Workshop

10am – 12 noon.

 Learn how to espalier your own fruit trees!

 Espaliering is a convenient method of training trees to grow flat against walls or fences anywhere that space is an issue. It is ideal for small urban properties – fresh fruit can be had even from pint-sized sections!

This is a supervised, hands-on workshop held in the Kitchen Garden, Cost is $20pp.
Prebooking is essential as numbers are limited.

Contact the Permaculture Trust to register, (07) 834 2249 or email: permaham@actrix.co.nz

Organic Gardening Course

November 6th. 13th. 20th. 27th. Wednesday Mornings 10 to 12

Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East

COST: $5

Learn the basics of planning your vegetable garden and maintaining a balanced and healthy organic garden.

Some topics that will be covered:

  • Requirements of a vege garden
  • Composting and worm farming
  • Natural pest and disease control
  • Companion and rotational planting
  • No-dig gardening and mulching
  • Seed saving.

Numbers are limited so please book in advance to secure your place

Contact the Permaculture Trust to register, (07) 834 2249 or email: permaham@actrix.co.nz



Working days this Saturday

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Saturday  26 October
Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.

9am - midday
Meet in the carpark opposite  the Zoo.
We will be releasing wetland plantings. Probably best to wear gumboots.  And bring gloves and secateurs (helps to cut away  strong weeds and thistles)  and lastly  bring  morning tea.  Look forward to seeing you next Saturday.
Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz
Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke

Hammond Park this Saturday 26th Oct

 Riverlea Environment Society are having a working bee to clear our new plantings of weeds. This is rewarding work, and we'll be able to see where we've been. From 1-3pm.

 Please bring a spade, gardening gloves, sturdy shoes and something to cut with (secateurs or loppers, the latter probably being best). Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk.

 Dr Andrea Graves  Tel. +64 7 856 1575

Professor Paul Ehrlich lecture - Avoiding Global Collapse

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday  23 October

Hamilton Playhouse Theatre at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts
Free but registrations are required.
(NB -  you need to do this online, not through the Environment Centre)

'Avoiding Global Collapse'
Professor Ehrlich will discuss the ongoing legacy of Allan Wilson in establishing humanity’s place in the natural world, and in the growing importance of understanding cultural evolution in influencing how Homo sapiens are changing that world and its own life-support systems. He will explain how the two kinds of evolution have interacted to create the human predicament - the imminent threat of a collapse of civilization - then discuss the evolutionary steps necessary to avoid that dénouement.

An amazing opportunity to hear a world famous biologist's views on the future of the planet. PDF attached - please circulate.

Porfessor Ehrlich will be touring NZ as a guest of the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution.

More information and to register

Ehrlich_Web flyer_Final.pdf

Ruru Survey 2013 - few more vols needed

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

HI there,
Andrew could do with a few more volunteers for the morepork survey next week - let him know asap if you are available any evening - there is ameeting at DoC offices in Te Rapa on Monday night so good to get in touch with him before that -

During the week of 21 October (21-25 October).

 The method and locations will be the same as last year - one hour for five consecutive nights at each of 20 sites located around the city.

Please contact Andrew Styche if you are interested in participating this year. You are also invited to nominate where and what night/s you would be available. For reference the locations are listed below.

No. Site Location of listening station
1 Pukete Mountainbike Park Kauri Grove Park, Taksan Place
2 River walkway, Flagstaff On new boardwalk between Pukete Bridge and walkway off Flagstaff roundabout
3 Gully system east of Hukanui Road Access from bottom of dip just north of Wairere Drive
4 Gully system off Hukanui Road End of Pickering Cres, behind Hukanui Primary School
5 Porrit Stadium Carpark - access from Crosby Road
6 Donny Park End of Donny Ave
7 Days Park End of Arran Road
8 Casey Ave gully Access from dip in Casey Ave
9 Claudelands Bush Access from Brooklyn Road or Boundary Road
10 Soldiers Memorial Park/Parana Park Access from River Road
11 Waikato University Trees around lakes. Access from Knighton Road
12 Hamilton East Park Cemetery Access from Hungerford Cres
13 Hamond Bush Walkway off Hudson Street
14 Te Anau Park, Glenview Access from Te Anau Place
15 Sanford Park Access from Peacockes Road
16 Lake Domain Reserve, Hamilton Lake Access from Rotoroa Drive or Ruakiwi Road
17 Edgecumbe Park Access from Victoria St or Charlemont St
18 Willoughby Park Access behind sports ground at end of Tristram Street
19 Minogue Park Access at end of Walsh Street
20 Horseshoe Lake Access from Baverstock Road

Healthy Rivers plan change reps needed

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

HI there,

Further to the post re the Healthy Rivers rep a few days ago, the deadline for nominations to be in is actually 12noon tomorrow not 5pm.

The Environment Centre has supported the nomination by Forest and Bird for Al Fleming to be the representative from the Environmental/NGO sector.

We are still looking for people who would be willing to be nominated for the community seats, and the non-allocated seats,  as in the previous post. It is important that there is a good balance of representation from outside the sectors with mainly economic interests. So have a think about it and let us know if you are willing or know someone who would be able to be encouraged to put their names forward.

Phone the Centre on 07 839 4452 or email






Back up your computers!

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Please, if your system and documents are not backed up, go now, today,  and pay $100 and get at least a 1Teribyte harddrive and do a backup - not tomorrow, TODAY!
(especially if you have all the documents and lists for other organisations on your computer)


Usually I run a mile from these sorts of stories but in this case it is for real and quite scary - the only upside is that apparently the sods are honest and do unlock your computer files when you pay up,  but then you have the hassle of totally reinstalling everything, according to the Need a Nerd Nerd I spoke to on the phone this morning. This is by far the worst hacking thing that they have known so far.
You would not even know that your computer has been hacked and suddenly it will pop up a message and if you don't pay up within a few days your files are frozen and then the key to unlock them destroyed.

So better to get an external drive and back up regularly, but do not leave it connected all the time (like I have been doing and won't do any more) as it will be infected too. All the better to have two backup disks so you can rotate them and keep one at a separate address. Sounds a bit of a pain but better to spend a few dollars and a few minutes than losing everything or having to pay hundreds of dollars a, to get your files unlocked, and b. to get your computer cleaned and reinstalled.

Keeping files in the cloud eg in Dropbox is probably also a bit safer, but these guys are getting very smart and nasty, so better to be safe than sorry.

That's the end of today's cheery news!





Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai Project

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Community and Sector reps sought for Collaborative Stakeholder Group


People wanting to make a difference when it comes to the health of the Waikato and Waipa Rivers are being asked to consider putting their names forward as representatives on a Collaborative Stakeholder Group.

The 20-strong group is being formed as part of the Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai project.

What is this about?:

Under the project, the group will be involved in making recommendations to Waikato Regional Council and iwi partners on a regional plan change. The plan change will involve limits and targets for land-based activities so as to protect the health of the two rivers. It is legally required by the Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River/Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato and the Government’s National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2011.

Places on the CSG available:

One sector representative from the environmental sector. (nominations close 5pm 18th October)
We have someone who has put his hand up to be the environmental representative - if anyone else feels that they would like to be considered for this seat please let the Environment Centre know urgently, as we would then need to have a selection process. The role will involve day long meetings during the working week so the rep needs to be able to give up that time on a regular basis.

Four general community representatives.

The purpose of these seats is to enable people living in the catchment to apply to be part of the CSG as an independent member. WRC is keen to get community representatives who can help represent the views of the general public on this group. They must live in the Waikato or Waipa river catchments - see the map on Waikato Regional Council's website for details). Nominations close 5pm 23rd October

Three unallocated sector seats which all sectors can nominate representatives for as well. (closes 23rd October) Let us know if you are interested in being nominated, or would like to put someone forward for nomination.

Council and Iwi will review all nominations with a decision expected in December. The CSG is expected to commence in February 2014.

For an application pack go to www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/healthyrivers,

Call 0800 800 401 or email healthyrivers@waikatoregion.govt.nz

More info

How were these representative numbers arrived at?

Through a consultative workshop held recently to workout the number on the group and the balance of representation.

Results from the workshop, were as follows:

Nomination process: Each sector is responsible for choosing its own representatives for nomination onto the CSG.

Size: The CSG will have 20 members.

Composition: The CSG will have 16 sector seats and 4 community seats. Of the 16 sector seats, 13 were allocated via voting at the workshop

Dairy 2 Energy 1 Environment/NGOs 1 Forestry 1

Horticulture 1 Industry 1 Local government 1 Māori interests 1

Rural advocacy 1 Sheep and beef 1 Tourism and recreation 1 Water supply takes 1

Sectors that scored less than 0.5 in the workshop votes and did not receive a seat on the CSG were:

Fertiliser, Rural professional, Central government/health, Urban/residents and ratepayers/education, Commercial fishing

As a result, three unallocated sector seats remain, for which all sectors are invited to submit nominations. Nominations are also called to fill four community seats


Reimbursement of some of the expenses of participating in the CSG may be available to those who would not otherwise be able to participate.

Returning forms

Please return completed forms to healthyrivers@waikatoregion.govt.nz or to Project Sponsor, Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai, Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240.

Contact information

If you need any further information on the nomination process, please contact Wendy Boyce on 0800 800 401 or healthyrivers@waikatoregion.govt.nz


March against Monsanto tomorrow

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Tomorrow (Saturday 12th) at 11:00am

Meet at the Frankton Market at 11am,  march at 11.30 to Garden Place where there will be speakers

Check out the Facebook page:

If you want to know why millions of people worldwide are reacting against Monsanto and other large powerful multinational corporations look on this Huffington post page or  Organic Consumers assn site for interesting background reading about the tieups between Monsanto and the US government, farmers' stories, etc.
