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SBN Green Drinks 4th July

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Don’t forget to come along next Thursday, 4th July to Progressive Group where we look forward to hearing about the exciting initiatives that they have put in to create a sustainable business and offering.  Also, we’re thrilled to be able to introduce our Regional Business Connector for SBN in Hamilton – Julia Baker to you at this event.  Come along to meet her, catch up with fellow members and SBN!  I hope to see you there.

Date: Thursday 4th July, 5:30-7pm

Venue: Progressive Group, 38C Northway Street, Te Rapa, Hamilton

Progressive Group, owned by Rodney and Angela Sharp, has operated since 1992. Having built a workshop with positive environmental aspects in 2001, other environmental practices have been woven into not only their fundamental product offering to clients but also the way in which their site has been constructed and run.  Come along to this networking drinks event to learn about how they’ve embedded sustainability into their business.

A dynamic and fun evening where you can learn about some exciting innovations and discuss ideas for any new ways forward with them!  Also - meet the regional business connector for Waikato, Julia Baker (JB).

 To get there: See here for directions of where Progressive Group’s site is.  Go about 150 metres down the unmarked road between 38 and 40 Northway Street and Progressive Group is on the right, opposite Steel & Tube.

 RSVP: Julia@sustainable.org.nz

Drinks and nibbles are provided thanks to Progressive Group

Tree Crops Sale - 6th July

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Plese reply to Community Waikato if you want to register for the Advice for Trustees of Charitable Trusts workshop on the 5th July which was in the last newsletter

6th July
|Annual Tree and Plant Sale

(Waikato Branch NZ Tree crops Association)

Wet or fine, 9.30 to 1pm in the Camellia Carpark at Hamilton Gardens.(Gate 2)
Everyone welcome: gardeners, lifestyle and small block holders, farmers, nurseries. You can buy, sell, look, talk trees and ask questions.

Waikato Branch of NZTCA will have a stall with a wide range of quality fruit and nut trees, new and old varieties, including some unusual cropping trees such as loquats, pinenuts,pomegranates, coffee and casimiroas. There will also be a good range of other stalls by private sellers of fruit and nut trees, natives, perennials, growing-on lines and produce.
Contact Don Harwood, phone 07 843 9007

Charitable Trust Workshop and Pest Funding for community groups

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

5th July
One hour free workshop: Advice for Trustees of Charitable Trusts

12 - 1pm

We are delighted to be able to offer  this one hour workshop with Matthew Peploe,  a partner at Harkness Henry with specialist expertise as a trust lawyer.  He currently acts for a number of charitable trusts and has also served as a trustee of a charity within the health services sector. 

Matthew’s seminar will cover:

  1. A trustee’s legal duties;
  2. Personal liability for trustees;
  3. Investment obligations;
  4. Governance advice;
  5. Conflicts of interest;
  6. Appointment and removal of trustees; and
  7. Any other questions that arise

Community Waikato Training Seminar Flyer-E1JULY.doc


Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund 2013
Closes 19 July

The principle purpose is to support volunteer community based groups to undertake animal and plant pest control

Sm Scale CIF 2013.doc




June/July events

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

ACRE vacancies

Two spaces on the Advisory Committee for the Waikato Regional Environment (ACRE) have come available and the Committee is now seeking expressions of interest.
Please see more information on ACRE and details on how to apply at www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/acre or contact ACRE Secretary Emma Wright (emma.wright@waikatoregion.govt.nz).

Gully Programme reminder

The “Plants for Gullies” programme has been funded by a Waikato River Clean-up Trust grant this year.

To be eligible for the programme you must be carrying out, or intending to carry out, a gully restoration within Hamilton’s city boundary. You may apply for up to 50 plants, glyphosate gel to control pest plants, geotextile matting and grass seed to help with bank stability if that is required.
Please complete the attached form and return to Hamilton City Council Parks and Open Spaces Unit by 21 June 2013 either via post or to my email.

Plant Application form.docx

Upon confirmation of your application we will notify the plant supplier who will arrange a time with you to visit the nursery and discuss your site. Plants will be allocated based on your site conditions. The supplier may also provide glyphosate gel to assist your restoration. However, the allocation of geotextile fabric for bank stability will be decided by Parks and Open Spaces after plant collection.

If you have any queries please contact
Leigh Cornes
Project Leader Ecological Developments | Parks and Open Spaces
DDI: 078386671 |Mobile: 021 245 5853 Email:Leigh.Cornes@hcc.govt.nz

29th - 30th June

Green Living Expo in Auckland
At the Showgrounds in Greenland
More info

Sunday 30th June

Miropiko weeding/working morning 10.30am - 12
339 River Road. Take gloves, rake if you have one
Contact Katherine 839 4452 or 021 267 2773

Saturday 6th July

Waikato Botanical Society trip – Moeatoa S.R Restoration Planting

Moeatoa is situated on the west coast south of Kawhia between the Waikawau River and Kiritehere Stream. Access is through private land (Nukuhakari Station) and this trip provides access to an amazing part of our coastline not often seen by the public. 

Moeatoa Scenic Reserve is home to the Nationally Endangered forget-me-not Myosotis petiolata var. pansa which is threatened by forest retreat and competition with rank grass. Other interesting plants in the reserve include Sonchus kirkii, Ptisana salicina and Scandia rosifolia.
This trip is to plant 500 plants along the coast to protect existing and create new habitat for the Myosotis.
This trip has plenty to entertain all ages from black sand beaches to a pa site and plenty of botanising for the adults.
Moeatoa is two hours drive from Te Kuiti. We will plan to be back in Te Kuiti by 5pm and people can of course leave earlier if they wish.

Leaders:   Thomas Emmitt temmitt@doc.govt.nz ph. 07 878 1055 (work) or 021 152 3030.
      9am Department of Conservation, 78 Taupiri Street, Te Kuiti
Depending on the weather 4WD is advised. Carpooling can be arranged. If necessary cars can be left at the stockyards and people can be ferried from there.
:         Picnic lunch, good footwear (the beach is nice but the rest is steep)

Monday 8th July

Waikato Botanical Soc talk

Can we turn back the clock? Managing mangrove expansion in northern New Zealand
Talk by Carolyn Lundquist
Waikato Environment Centre at 25 Ward Street from 5.30 - 7 pm.

Saturday 20th July

Bot Soc trip - Lake Okataina

In the Lake Okataina Scenic Reserve you'll see one some fine stands of warm-temperate podocarp/broadleaf forest on a pumice-infilled basin landform, and commanding views of the Twin Lakes (Rotongata and Rotoatua, volcanic crater lakes formed about 3,500 years ago).  The process of encroachment on the margins of two large clearings offers some interesting insights into forest dynamics (and divaricate plants), and there are also exclosure plots that reveal the dramatic effects of deer and wallabies on forest regeneration.  All the walks are on gentle terrain; there are no steep grades.
        8:30 am at 1 London Street carpark, CBD
     Chris Lusk, 0278763450, clusk@waikato.ac.nz
       Easy / Medium

Online Butterfly course - learn about native butterflies and how to provide suitable habitat

5 week course, next one starting 1 July. $55

Conservation Volunteers

Thanks to a generous corporate supporter we have a limited number of funded places on our upcoming away projects. On these special projects we will cover the cost of your accommodation, transport and food. Hurry, book now and avoid disappointment!

Hikurangi, Whangarei    Mon 24 June 8am - Fri 28 June 4pm
Take up temporary lake-side residence, listen to the call of nearby Kiwi, walk among a stand of century old Kauri, breathe deep and enjoy life on this idyllic Hikurangi farm. On this fascinating project you will learn about the brown Kiwi; the native bush nearby is home to several Kiwi with a release of 110 pairs over the next few months already underway. This week we'll be monitoring and identifying individual Kiwi in their natural habitat, planting by the side of rivers, waterways and wetlands, water quality testing, including identification of macroinvertebrates, plant releasing as well as managing and monitoring animal pests.

Get off the beaten track and experience Kaipara at its best - Hanerau Farms, Kaipara Harbour  Mon 1 July 8am - Fri 5 July 4pm

Marvel at the serenity of this idyllic spot on the shores of the Kaipara Harbour. You will stay at Otueri Marae and be warmly welcomed onto this beautiful Marae with a traditional Powhiri. This week we will be water testing, planting and identying and managing environmental weeds. A keen fisherman, the Hanerau Farms owner is known among this close knit community for his freshly caught smoked fish. This week you will very likely enjoy a fish or two.

Waikato Peat Lakes  Mon 8 July 8am - Fri 12 July 4pm

Spend the week on this amazing project located in the largest collection of peat lake habitat in New Zealand. You'll visit a number of the magnificent lakes such as Lake Serpentine, Lake Rotokauri, Lake Ngaroto and Lake Mangakawere where you'll see species of wildlife that can't be found anywhere else. Rare native birds like the Australasian Bittern, White Heron, North Island Fernbird, Grey Teal and NZ Dabchick, endemic fish such as the Black Mudfish and the Giant Kokopu, native plant life and rare species of underwater algae all make their home here. This week we will stay at a Hunter's cottage. We will be planting, plant releasing, track and bridge building as well as hosting a school planting day.

Poutu Topu, Kaipara Harbour  Mon 15 July 8am - Fri 19 July 4pm

This week we will be visiting a Flagship Farm in the Kaipara Harbour catchment area. Located in Poutu Topu Peninsular, at the mouth of the Kaipara Harbour, this is an area that enjoys stunning scenery and a warm and welcoming rural community. Tasks will include the removal of woolly nightshade, planting, water quality testing, marine quadrant surveying, as well as fencing to protect the waterways from farm animals. Join us. Stay at the quaint farmers cottage and experience life on the farm in rural New Zealand.

Want more information?
Meeting Place: Conservation Volunteers, 3 Esplanade Road, Mt Eden. Away projects depart from our office on Monday 8am and return Friday 4pm.

Bookings are essential. If you would like to find out more or register please call 0800 56 76 86 or email info@conservationvolunteers.co.nz

Conservation Volunteers New Zealand runs a diverse range of conservation projects throughout New Zealand. Find out more on our website at www.conservationvolunteers.co.nz



Youth Forum

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Registrations are now open for Hamilton Youth Council’s fourth annual FYI (For Youth Involvement) Youth Forum.

The FYI Youth Forum is part of National Leadership Week 2013 and is being held on 11 July at the Wintec Gallagher Hub. The forum is open to young people aged 15-25 years and focuses on youth led action and leadership. This event is run by youth, for youth.

This year, keynote addresses will be given by Rangi Pou, Recognyz Youth Awards 2012 Supreme Winner and Philip Patston, creative and social entrepreneur. Attendees will take part in various workshops and be entertained by local youth performers.

Visit www.hamilton.co.nz/youthforum to register for this fantastic free event.

Talks in June: Bill McKibben and Sir Alan Mark

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Tuesday 11th June

Do the Maths
A climate change maths lesson that just might change the world

Venue: SG.03m    Time: 6.45 pm

Internationally acclaimed environmentalist, best-selling author, journalist, and founder of 350.org, Bill McKibben is bringing his “Do The Maths” talk to New Zealand. There will be a live video-link to his Auckland lecture at the University of Waikato

A copy of Bill McKibben’s recent book ‘EAARTH’ will be given to a lucky winner whose name will be drawn on the evening!

Bill McKibben Public Lecture.pdf

Wednesday 12th (Tga) and Thursday 13th June (Hamilton)


A group of 100 celebrated and widely respected New Zealanders recently launched an appeal to all political parties to design robust cross-party strategies and policies to avert the following risks and give future generations the best chance of security, peace, social justice and opportunity for all.

The leader of this appeal, Emeritus Professor Sir Alan Mark, (Department of Botany, University of Otago), is celebrated for his involvement in many organisations and issues, will be speaking at the University of Waikato in both Hamilton and Tauranga to promote the five objectives of the appeal.

Sir Alan Mark is one of New Zealand’s leading plant ecologists, specialising in the ecology of indigenous ecology of tussock grasslands, alpine lands, wetlands, shrublands, forests and lakeshores.

He was one of the first to break the cloak of academic silence to speak out on a wide range of conservation issues. He first became actively involved in conservation over the raising of Lake Manapouri and played a key role in linking science with conservation. He is a Forest and Bird Conservation Ambassador and was a president (1987-1990); and the first Chairperson of the Guardians of Lakes Manapouri and Te Anau. Sir Alan was made a fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 1987 and was a member of National Parks and Reserves Authority and later the New Zealand Conservation Authority. Now retired, he is still actively involved in conservation. He was made a knight for his conservation work in 2010.

Emeritus Professor Sir Alan Mark,
Department of Botany, University of Otago.


Date: Wednesday 12 June 2013   Time: 6.00pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre 104, University of Waikato, Tauranga. Bonguard Centre, 200 Cameron Road, Tauranga


Date: Thursday 13 June 2013

Time: 6.30pm

Venue: Room SG.02, University of Waikato, Gate 8, Hillcrest Road

UOW ERI Sir Alan Mark Flyer.pdf

New product now available in the Environment Centre - PoultryZing

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

We are now stocking Poultry Zing

Probiotic Feed Supplement for Poultry

PoultryZing is a mixture of feed grade materials which have been fermented with beneficial micro-organisms for supplementing the normal daily feed ration of chickens.
Added to the feed of chickens it can increase the microbiological activity of the feed and its nutritional value and improve the quality of animal products. The mix contains crushed wheat , bran, NuFeed and natural beneficial micro-organisms [GRAS approved].

PoultryZing is not an animal remedy as is classified as exempt from AVCM Act.

Regular usage of PoultryZing can . . .

  • Enhance and aid the digestion and conversion of the feed
  • Enhance the intestinal microflora
  • Provide disease resistance
  • Help reduce odour and breakdown of faecal matter

Add to daily feed ration:
Chickens - 1%of daily feed – up to 1-2gms per bird per day
Layers/Broilers - 3% of daily feed-approx 5gms per day

Consult your Vet for any animal health issues.

Nutritional analysis:
Nitrogen % 2.5
Dry Matter % 91.3
Crude Protein %15.9
Ash %10.2
Soluble Sugar % 0.8
Crude Fat % 2.7
Digestability Of Dry Matter % 76.3
Metabolisable Energy % 11.3


All in all I would say the Zing improved feed digestion levels incredibly thus improving hen health and productivity which means they made more eggs while needing to eat less feed!

Price: 1.75kg Bag - $15.50

(Green Card members get a 10% discount)

Arbor Day 3013 - Friday 31st May

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

This Friday!

Tell all your friends and workmates - Join one of the largest Arbor Day events in the Southern Hemisphere.
Help us plant 25000 plants in one day! Meet at Brymer Road at 10am with spade and gumboots




