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Forest and Bird walk, AGM, Mike Joy speaking, BotSoc AGM

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Sunday 14th April

Forest and Bird walk:

Time: about 5.5 hours walking
Anyone is welcome to come along.
This is the shortest route to the summit. You drive to a carpark off Ruapuke Road, then it’s a 40-minute walk across farmland to the bush edge. From there the track climbs steadily through native coastal forest to the summit.

It is not as steep as sections of the Mt Karioi Track. On a fine day there’ll be great views up and down the coast. Share travel if possible to reduce car park congestion at the track end.
Meet at the carpark at 9.30am.
Leader: Sue Smith 07 889 5859

Thursday 18th April

Waikato Branch Forest and Bird AGM

Hamilton Gardens Pavilion
After a brief AGM, Dr Mike Joy will be the guest speaker.

“Our 100% pure delusion”

In this talk he will give the facts on New Zealand’s stark environmental and biodiversity reality - the facts that are hidden from most New Zealanders.
He will discuss the reasons for this and what the declines will cost us if we don’t change. Finally what we need to do to see some improvement.

Mike Joy BSc, MSc (1st class hons), PhD in Ecology is a Senior Lecturer in Ecology and Environmental Science at the Ecology group-Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University.

He has been, and continues to be, critical of local and central government and the failings in relation to environmental protection. He is angry that these failings have led to New Zealand having the ignominy of having the highest proportion of threatened species of any country in the world and recently being ranked as 18th worst performing country environmentally in the world.
Mike is an outspoken advocate for environmental protection in New Zealand and has received a number of awards including “ecologist of the year” from the NZ ecological Society, the North and South Magazine New Zealander of the year environment 2010 and an “old blue” award from the Royal Forest and Bird protection Society.

Everyone welcome. Come and hear this very stimulating speaker.

Monday 22nd April

Waikato Botanical Society  Annual General Meeting

Venue :University of Waikato – S Block. Room S.G.03
Time : 5:30 PM
Catherine Beard will give a talk on her recent trip to the Chatham Islands.

Landcare Fielday this Thursday update

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Sorry the previous notice for the day out at Pukemokemoke was a little out of date. Here is an update for the afternoon .

The programme for the day on Thursday still stands.
However, there is a change in the option of staying overnight at the Marae.  The option of sharing dinner and the evening programme of bat monitoring, glow worms and looking for nocturnal habits of pests will still go ahead.  People can then make their own way home (or get dropped off at the WRC Grey Street  offices, if taking WRC transport on the day).

Afternoon Schedule

  1. 3.30pm                Discussion and Close of the days programme: Andrew Sinclair, Whakaupoko Landcare Group
  2. 4.00 – 5.00pm    Botanising in the Reserve
  3. 5.00 – 7.00pm    Dinner with facilitated discussion
  4. 7.00 – 8.30pm    Bat monitoring, glow worms and nocturnal pests
  5. 8.30pm                Close of evening programme and thanks.

If you are now able to attend the dinner and evening programme, where before you may not have been able to, we would very much appreciate you responding ASAP to Bala Tikkisetty or Jenny Calvert 0800 800 401 or reply to bala.tikkisetty@waikatoregion.govt.nz.  Alternatively, if you were unable to make the day programme, but can come for the dinner and evening programme, you are welcome to do so.
As we will need to know numbers for catering, please get back to us as soon as possible.

Bala Tikkisetty | Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator
Waikato Regional Council
P: +64 7 859 0543
F: +64 7 859 0998
M:021 589 915

Sign this protest

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    1 comment

Normally the Waikato Environment Centre does not send on messages about signing protests - this is something most of us do independently anyway,  but the latest gem from the government seems so undemocratic and even unlawful that this time I urge you to sign this one and contact your local MP to express your dismay.

It is not just the content of what they are trying to push through but the way it is being done, see today's article in the NZ Herald or go to the Greenpeace form and sign. Most legislation goes to select committees, is up for consultation etc but not this one.

To quote Sir Geoffrey Palmer , "It seems to me there's a certain pattern turning up here of rapid legislation that has been ill-considered" (including the RMA reform and Crown Minerals Act)

All of which are working towards degrading the environmental protections we have at present.


Landcare networking day Pukemokemoke reminder

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 11 April 2013

 Landcare Networking Field Day 2013 – 11 April 2013

Waikato Regional Council is organising a “Landcare Networking Field Day”, in conjunction with the Landcare Trust and Pukemokemoke Reserve Trust, at the Pukemokemoke Reserve and Tauhei Marae on Thursday, the 11th April at 9.15 am (with an option of overnight stay in the Marae and looking at the nocturnal activities of certain pests and other planned events). You can still register for this with Bala or Nardene details below

The primary objective of this field day is to enable representatives from each landcare group and other community groups to get together and discuss current issues affecting their areas and to develop an understanding of each group’s programmes and strategies


09.15 am Powhiri – Tauhei Marae, Pukemokemoke, Gannin Ormsby, WRC
09.30 am Cup of Tea / Coffee

10.00 am Networking session, Facilitated by Alan Campbell, WRC

10.50 am Programme presentation Bala Tikkisetty, WRC

 11.00 am Pukemokemoke Reserve Trust

Warwick Silvester & Alan Leadley, Pukemokemoke Reserve

 11.10 am Overview of Pest Management in the Waikato Region John Simmons, Waikato RC

 11.25 am Pest management techniques, monitoring, and site restoration -Simple solutions for Animal Pest Management in Farms and Bush

Dave Byers & Matt Highway, WRC

11.50 am Pest management techniques, monitoring, and site restoration – Simple solutions for Pest Plant Management in Farms and Bush

Wendy Mead, WRC

 12.15 pm Pest management issues in the district – Phil Thomson

 12.30 pm Lunch – networking continues

 1.30 pm In the afternoon, we will climb to the lookout, studying insects and plants along the way. On a good day there is a 360 degree view from the lookout tower of the Waikato, taking in Te Aroha, Maungatautari, Hakarimatas, Hapuakohe hills and the Kaimais.

 See the real issues – visit to the Pukemokemoke bush – focussing on operational pest management issues and planting by the community group – staff from WRC, DOC, Landcare Trust, Waikato Biodiversity Forum and Pukemokemoke Reserve Trust members.

Afternoon tea in the gazebo, where Dr Warwick Silvester will speak about Tane's Tree Trust and farm forestry, and lead a discussion on biodiversity 'on the ground'.

 3.30 pm Discussions and Vote of thanks – Day 1 – Karakia  Andrew Sinclair, Whakaupoku Landcare Group

Night-time activities include glow-worms, bats, etc and in the morning after breakfast, a revisit to the Reserve for whatever people want to complete from the day before (if staying for the night, please bring your sleeping bag)

There will be transport facility, for the people who want to attend the field day, from the Waikato Regional Council (Environment Waikato) offices at 401 Grey Street, Hamilton East to the field day venue and back. The mini-bus will start at 8.30 am. Please let us know if you want to avail this opportunity.

It is requested that each group give this invitation wide circulation and encourage as many members as possible to attend this field day.

Please RSVP by 5 April 2013 to Bala Tikkisetty bala.tikkisetty@waikatoregion.govt.nz or Michelle Kingi michelle.kingi@waikatoregion.govt.nz or phone on 0800 800 401.

For further information, please contact Bala Tikkisetty at WRC on 0800 800 401 Or Nardene Berry, NZ Landcare Trust on 07-859 3725


Love DoC Day Thursday 11th April 12 - 2

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


Two environmental opportunities for youth

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Two great opportunities for your environmentally aware secondary school and university students.

Wednesday 10th April,  4pm till 8 pm

NZAEE workshop: An invitation to all secondary schools students interested in spending time connecting with like-minded, environmentally aware students

Where: Hamilton City Council reception lounge (Garden Place Hamilton)

  • Get inspired by our NZAEE youth speakers
  • Be fed with stimulating discussions and Pizza
  • Workshop solutions around actions
RSVP by April 8th would be appreciated for our pizza order, but not essential, to andrea.soanes@waikatoregion.govt.nz
( but can be up until the morning of the 10th)

We want as many students to come as possible to energise our region's green youth.
Come and listen to inspirational speakers, and make the most of the opportunity for your students to have a voice and workshop how to work together to make sustainable action happen.

Saturday April 13th 9.30 - 4pm

The Unmask Palm Oil workshop on the 13th – RSVP’s are required before the 10th for this event to go ahead, this will be an awesome event -  we had 40 students at the one held at Auckland Zoo, really inspirational speakers it will be a fantastic day. Teachers welcome.

Unmask Palm Oil Campaign workshop

Where: Hamilton Zoo
Cost: $5 for lunch
RSVP by the 10th April to rsvp@unmaskpalmoil.co.nz

18 April Green Building Symposium & Jim Diers workshops

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Creating smart built environments for a sustainable future

When: 1.00 to 4.00 pm, 18 April 2013
Venue: Student Learning Centre, University of Waikato Campus, Hamilton
The New Zealand Green Building Council and Sustainable Business Network invite you to an afternoon symposium on creating sustainable built environments and communities.

See pdf attached

NZGBC Creating Smart Built Environments - 18 April.pdf


with Jim Diers.

This not-to-be missed workshop will focus on why neighbourhoods matter, especially now, what connected and highly functioning neighbourhoods look like, how we can contribute to strong and healthy neighbourhoods and how to foster social wellbeing.

The afternoon will focus on areas of interest for your community, and will explore ideas to put these into practice.

Where: Ngaruawahia Venue Nga Miro Health Centre, River Road, Ngaruawahia (Opposite Turangawaewae)When: Thursday 18 April 2013. Time: 9.30- to 4pm

Please find attached the updated flyer for the Jim Dier's workshops in  Ngaruawahia. Registrations for this workshop to robyn@communitywaikato.org.nz

jim diers 18 april North flyer.pdf

also in Thames 

jim diers 19 april Thames flyer.pdf

Living Streets walks & Humarie Park working day

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Two Sunday Strolls scheduled, at 2pm on April 7th and April 14th

Living Streets Hamilton is holding another short series of Sunday Afternoon Strolls, both in the Hillcrest area this time. The walks will start at 2pm on both April 7th and April 14th, and will be between 5 and 7km in length (with an optional short-cut on the longer one).  (1 and 2 hours in length depending on how fast people like to walk.)

For the first one, on April 7th, we will meet in the Jansen Park main carpark, off Morris Rd, and proceed via Hillcrest High School, up to the university to explore the beautiful university grounds, and back via streets, walkways and Hillcrest Park.

The second walk on April 14th will start from the Hamilton Gardens, meeting at the bus stop in the Hungerford Tce carpark (off the "stone blanket" roundabout at the end of Galloway St). We will walk through the gardens and along the border of Hayes Paddock, and return through quiet Hamilton East streets, with the option of returning to the carpark via Nixon St or continuing along Brookfield St, through Flynn Park, Hillcrest Rd and Mansel Ave, crossing Cambridge Rd at the underpass and returning to the gardens along Howell Ave and through the old cemetery grounds.

For more details, contact Judy on 8552019. Don't forget the sunscreen/hat/raincoat/water bottle, depending on the conditions!

Sunday 7th April, at 8.30 – to 10.00am.

We have a group of enthusiastic scouts helping out at Humarie Park, removing weeds (see photos) with the intention of planting native plants back into the park later in the year.

A huge thanks to those of you that have been supporting this project so far.
The group are keen to have as many people help out as possible , so if you have some time to spare on Sunday morning (the end of daylight saving!) for about an hour and a half, they would greatly appreciate your help on Sunday 7th April, at 8.30 – to 10.00am. Meet at the park entrance, Cranwell Place.(Off Berkley Ave in Hillcrest)

Please bring along gardening gloves, suitable footwear , loppers and lots of energy!

“Many hands make light work!”
