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Localising Food Tour - Hamilton and Raglan

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


Tuesday 9th April  7pm - 9.30pm
Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St (on level 1)


Evening presentation from Robina McCurdy and Susie Lees
Institute of Earthcare Education Aoteraoa

Politics of Food Security - critical information about our rights to grow and share food in NZ followed by
Inspiring Local Food Resilience
- powerful examples of community food systems happening around our country
Contribution $5 - $20
Plate for supper

Poster for more information

Tuesday 9th April
Edible Landscape workshop.
9.30am - 5pm
Location: 28 Westvale Lane, Te Kowhai
Contact Nathan 829 7706 or 021 156 712 or email nathan@consciousstuff.com

Wednesday 10th April
Food Forest Workshop
9.30am - 5pm
Location: 28 Westvale Lane, Te Kowhai
Contact Nathan 829 7706 or 021 156 712 or email nathan@consciousstuff.com


April 5-7th
Led by Robina McCurdy and Susie Lees
Institute of Earthcare Education Aoteraoa

Friday, April 5th: Evening presentation on The Politics of Food Security and Empowering Local Food Resilience. Entry: $5-$20. 6:30pm Location: Solscape. Pizzas and refreshments available from the Conscious Kitchen.

Saturday April 6th: Empowering Local Food Resilience workshop. 9am - 4pm Location: Solscape. Costs: $35 - $135

Sunday April 7th: Garden Design & Implementation Hands-on workshop at Police Community Gardens. 9:30am - 3:30pm Cost: $25 - $125.

Home insulation opportunity

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Healthy Homes project –subsidy for home insulation for community services card holders in WEL Energy area

Since 2004 the WEL Energy Trust has been funding this project which tops up the subsidies available from EECA so that homeowners with community services cards only pay $100 plus GST for underfloor and ceiling insulation. In the case of a tenanted property, the landlord is required to contribute $500 plus GST. We still have some funding left for the 2012-13 year, so if you met the criteria below get in now and you could have your home done prior to winter!

How to Apply:

 Anyone answering "yes" to all of the following 5 questions can apply:

  1. Does someone in your household have a Community Services Card?
  2. Does someone in your household suffer from a medical issue which can be confirmed by a GP – e.g. asthma or respiratory problems – and which could possibly be helped by getting rid of draughts, mould, mildew and cold temperatures?
  3. Do you own your home OR has your landlord been made aware of the cost and agreed that you can apply to the programme?
  4. Was your house built prior to 2000?
  5. Is your house in the WEL Energy Trust area? See map here.

To apply, contact WEL Networks who manage the project on behalf of the Trust – Phone 850 3100



RMA reform submissions - due on Tuesday 2nd April

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Hi there,

With an incredibly short time for submissions on the RMA reforms, it is really important that groups and individuals submit. The deadline is 5.00pm Tuesday 2 April 2013.

Check out the MfE website for more information

There are a number of groups who have put out documents and information regarding  their concerns, and provide submission documents which can be used to help you put in a submission:

Environmental Defense Society submission

Forest and Bird Society's Save the RMA

So happy reading over Easter! Get a submission in!


volunteers wanted

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    2 comments

We are needing volunteers for:

1. 4th April, Balloons breakfast - for educating participants about compostable plates as they are handed out, and checking bins. From 6am for a couple of hours.

2. For the Waikato Show 26 - 28 April.

Volunteers will be needed to help with setting up, and helping mind the expo and individual stalls on occasions over the three days. Entry will be provided by the centre and you will be able to spend the day at the show after your volunteer time. We will have interactive exhibits such as LED screens, an observational beehive etc which we will need to supervise. Stall holders also sometimes need a break.

If you are registered with Timebank you will be able to get hours credited. (If you are not registered with Timebank, register now!

Please contact Katherine at the Waikato Environment Centre for both of these, katherine@envirocentre.org.nz


Green Drinks

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday March 27, 2013

Green Drinks
Enviroschools and the Sustainable Business Network invites you to Green Drinks at Waikato Regional Council Chambers, 401 Grey Street, Hamilton from 5pm to 7pm

 Learn more about the work of the Foundation and how businesses can engage with this valuable programme in your community. The Enviroschools Foundation is a charitable trust that provides leadership, support, and opportunities that empower children and young people to work in intergenerational ways to create healthy, peaceful and resilient communities.

The kaupapa of the Enviroschools Programme is about the well-being of the whole school, community and eco-system. It’s about working out how to live so that our society and economy nourishes the natural systems that give us life. Enviroschools gives young people an opportunity to explore real life challenges and to apply their abundance of energy and ideas.
The Enviroschools Foundation provides an essential hub that brings together a large number of diverse organisations to address the environmental, social, economic, and cultural issues facing communities through innovative solutions.

The Foundation is generously supported by Waikato Regional Council

This event will also feature Simon Harvey of The Natural Step launching the 2013 Adding Sustainable Value Programme, a six month programme which received huge recognition and commendation from those Waikato organisations who participated in 2012 www.addingsustainablevalue.co.nz

Refreshments kindly provided by Waikato Regional Council.

RSVP by COB Monday 25th March to jenny@sustainable.org.nz
Jenny Milson | Regional Manager – Bay of Plenty / Waikato

Phone +64 7 577 9355 | Mob 021 686 645
Sustainable Business Network
info@sustainable.org.nz | www.sustainable.org.nz |


Bats walk and RESI working day

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Friday 22nd March

We are holding a fairly informal ‘bat night’ walk and talk at Hamilton Gardens this Friday, 22nd March. Go in Gate 1 entrance, and meet outside the Information Centre at 7.00pm.

Please pass this onto your networks.
We will have a brief talk about bats and then take a walk up to the pine trees behind the Hamilton Cemetery. We will have a couple of hand held bat monitors to try and locate any bats in the area and check out the installed bat houses.

Gerard Kelly
Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces
DDI: 07 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nzHi everyone

Sat 23rd March

Riverlea Environment Society Inc

Working bee from 1-3pm.

Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk. We'll mainly be removing weeds that have sprouted up around our recent plantings. No point doing the planting if we let them get smothered! Bring gardening gloves and sturdy shoes.
Best wishes,

Andrea Graves
Tel. +64 7 856 1575



Support the cause - Wise Response

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

100 influencial (we hope!) people, have joined forces and  launched an appeal which is lobbying  government to take the bull by the horns and become a bit braver about how it tackles five really hard issues facing the country -climate change,  and other environmental, social and economic issues. Read the appeal

If you would like to support this initiative  you can support them on


Reminder: HCC Community Well-being and Sustainability Fund

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Deadline for the Community Well-Being and Sustainability Grant is the 28th March (just before Easter) for the previously-named Envirofund applications - Same format but different name, so get busy - only two weeks to get your application put together.

We are keen that environmental groups apply for projects around the city; if you need some help with your application contact the Environment Centre, or talk to Gareth below. Get your application started early so you can have it assessed ahead of the deadline.

Applications close 28 March.

Please distribute this information to your networks and refer interested stakeholders to the link below.

Hard copies of applications are also available for pickup on the 4th Floor Garden Place.
If there are any questions about the Sustainable Hamilton Strategy please contact Gareth Cartwright 838 6678, gareth.cartwright@hcc.govt.nz. Any general questions about the funding process need to go to the contact details on the website.


Hard copies of the Community Well-Being and Maori and Pacific Project Fund applications and guidance can be picked up at 4th Floor Garden Place or posted upon request. For more information regarding the above funding scheme, please contact funding@hcc.govt.nz or phone 07 838 6623.


