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Flaxroots conference - Tauranga

Posted 11 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Flaxroots Conference

Attend the Flaxroots Conference and access training and practical workshops, information from experts, and a chance to network with like-minded individuals, representatives from volunteer groups and environmental agencies.

Learn how to start, develop and complete your own local environmental protection and restoration work.

  • Where: Bay of Plenty Polytechnic in Tauranga
  • When: 23 March 2013
  • How much: $25

Topics include: planning your project, getting volunteers, urban and rural restoration, latest trends, professionalism, kaitiakitanga, pest control, planning, plant propagation, social media, funding models, whakapapa, conservation 101.

We’re lucky to have a thriving network of local community projects in the area, and this conference also provides a showcase and celebration of their work. Come along and meet the people making it happen for the local environment in the Bay of Plenty and Eastern Waikato areas.

Registration and enquiries

Tauranga Area Office
Phone:      +64 7 578 7677
Email:   taurangainfo@doc.govt.nz
Full office details

Flaxroots Conference is supported by: Department of Conservation, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, NZ Landcare Trust, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Tauranga Environment Centre, University of Waikato, Conservation Volunteers New Zealand and the Waikato Biodiverity Forum.

This event is part of the 9th annual Sustainable Backyards Festival hosted by the Tauranga Environment Centre.

Flaxroots conference flyer.pdf

Kootuitui - Community space

Posted 11 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Message from HCC - the Environment Centre will look at booking a recurring space if groups are interested? (or you can do this for your group if you want a regular slot)  Please get back to me asap if you are interested as I suspect space may get booked quite quickly.
What a nice name for the space!

Hi everyone,

We are launching a new community space in Garden Place Library called Kootuitui – connecting our communities.

Kootuitui is a dedicated space on Level 1 of the library, comprising of community notice boards and a ‘Hot Desk’, which we are offering to organisations, individuals or agencies to informally offer expert advice or information to the public.

The Kootuitui Hot Desk will give organisations a casual forum to reach people who may not ordinarily know about their services. The individual at the Hot Desk will have access to a dedicated display space for promotional materials. There will be a physical desk and chairs arranged to promote free and easy conversation with passersby.

 We are taking bookings for recurring time slots at the Hot Desk - an hour a week, fortnight or month as your time allows. A calendar and brochure will be published on our website each month. This service will begin in March.

I would love to discuss this further with you and show you the area. It is my view that some of your services could well be promoted for the benefit of the community in this new way. Please contact me for the Kootuitui Participation agreement.


Lisa Pritchard

Lifelong Learning Librarian

DDI: 07 838 6410 | email: lisa.pritchard@hcc.govt.nz
Mob: 021 823 405

Junats event, Forest and Bird walk, HCC District plan drop in sessions

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Friday 8 February

Hamilton Junior Naturalists

Do you want to get your children involved in an active and fun group learning about the natural environment?
New or prospective members are most welcome to come along to this event -

Our first event for Term 1 will be a BBQ beside the pool in the pleasant rural surroundings of Tony & Jane Lorimer's place.

Start time:      6.30pm onwards
Venue:            258 Tauwhare Road

This is a BYO event so please bring:
* something for the BBQ

* salad/bread or whatever you like - to share.
* plates, knives, forks
* drinks
* togs/towel

There will also be an opportunity for a tour of the honey house for those interested in finding out how honey gets from the bees into those plastic pots.
See you there.
Mike Safey
Ph 07 855 1242

Saturday 9th February

Jubilee Bush weeding. Meet on Boundary Road, 9am
Contact Katherine 839 4452 or 021 267 2773

Sunday 10th February

Forest and Bird walk - Waitawheta/twin kauris


Leave Hamilton at 8.00, drive via Paeroa and Karangahake and turn right at Owharoa Falls (just before Waikino) to meet at end of Franklin Road at 9.00am.

Apart from climbing (not very high) to see the twin kauri, two large trees left behind by the loggers, the walk is entirely flat because it will follow an old timber tramway. No avoiding getting feet wet on tracks to and from the kauri, but there are some bridges once we return to main track, which crosses the river several times as we go through the dramatic volcanic gorge. Depending on fitness and enthusiasm, can go as far as desired along the tramway.
Great family outing.

Leader: Philip Hart phone 07 856 7992

Begins next Monday, 11 February.


A week of drop-in sessions for Hamiltonians wanting to become more familiar with the Proposed District Plan
The Proposed District Plan, which is currently open for public submissions, governs the way Hamilton looks and feels and sets the rules for future development.

It includes tighter development and design rules, plans to manage the city’s growth more effectively and measures to protect the character of neighbourhoods.

The aim of the drop-in sessions is to provide more information on key aspects of the Proposed District Plan. Display panels will provide detailed explanations about some of the key changes and expert staff will be on hand to answer questions on the plan and the submission process.

The sessions are being held in the Reception Lounge, ground floor, Hamilton City Council, Garden Place between 10am and 7pm Monday to Friday, 11-15 February.

The public are invited to drop in at any time between those hours.
In addition the Proposed District Plan is available online at www.hamilton.co.nz/districtplan along with instructions on how to use our simple online submission process.


NAME: Susan Pepperell

TEL (DIRECT): 07 838 6666
021 791 264  susan.pepperell@hcc.govt.nz


March Deconstruction project

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Attached is a flyer for a house deconstruction workshop taking place in Cambridge, in March over 3 weekends

The building is older style house and all materials will be available for sale including a kitchen, hotwater cylinder, push up windows, roofing, native timber floorboards, weather boards (wide), carpet, doors, bath, hand basin etc

See the attached for workshop details.

Please contact us if you are interested in any of the materials that will be for sale.

 A fundraiser for Sustainable Cambridge.

Jenny Wilson
Sustainable Cambridge
Tel: (07) 823 74 33

Deconstruction Workshop Flyer Final.doc

World Wetlands Day 3rd Feb - tell all your contacts

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Lots of fun activities planned and note, there is a free bus from Hamilton courtesy of Mighty River Power

Air NZ Funding, Dome Building workshop, PDC Hamilton

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Funding Opportunity

The Air New Zealand Environment Trust (ANZET) will consider funding projects which have a direct impact on the restoration of the New Zealand environment. This can cover a wide range of activities from directly restoring or regenerating land or waterways, through to education and research.
ANZET prefers to fund specific projects and will not fund existing organisations to run day to day programmes. All funding applications must be submitted using the Trust's application form. ANZET will consider projects in excess of $10,000 only.

 ANZET Application Form (word version) attached


For more information : http://airnzenvironmenttrust.org.nz/

Dome and Vault Building Workshop: January 2013
At Awhi Farm, Turangi
How to build using the ground from under your feet  - very low cost but splendid quality

thumb Earth bag house - dome sample

This technique is at the top of sustainable practice.
The Earthbag house dome and vault is getting under way.

From 14-27th January 2013 we are open to students wanting to learn about building vaults and domes from pressed bricks.

Click link for more details  Vaults and Domes workshop.pdf

February 9th PDC

First module of the 2013 Permaculture Design Certificate run by the Hamilton Permaculture Trust. This is run as twelve one day workshops (9 - 5pm)  over 12 weekends throughout the year. Held at different sites around the Waikato, participants are able to experience a variety of permaculture properties.

Anyone interested contact Cheryl Noble 07 834 2249 or 0211390935 or email permaham@actrix.co.nz. Check out the www.hamiltonpermaculture.org.nz for more details of the course.

Welcome to 2013!

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

In this newsletter:
Whaingaroa Market
Pukemokemoke working days
Miranda Bioblitz
HCC job vacancy

13th Jan - Whaingaroa Market this Sunday

First market of the year will be held Sunday 13th January 9am – 2pm.  Look forward to seeing you there!

19th Jan - Pukemokemoke working days

Sorry to hear that Pukemokemoke has experienced some vandalism in December. The more visitors that go there the less there will be! Rain and warmth have meant weeds growing so go along, have a picnic and release a few trees. (Contact Alan below)

Next two regular working bees are on the afternoons of Saturday 19th Jan and 16th February.

 On Sunday 17th Feb we plan to hold another BBQ and a bat detection evening, from 5pm to 8pm. This is a time to celebrate our achievements and award the Volunteer of the Year; a time for the whole family to have fun in the outdoors. If wet, we will shift the event to the following Sunday 24th Feb.

Contact Alan Leadley Ph: 07-8552919  Cell Ph: 0272249622 Email: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

28th February -Miranda Bioblitz

 Miranda Naturalists' Trust (MNT) planned "Bioblitz" of the Miranda Coast between 6 a.m. and midnight on 28 February 2013. The area to be covered encompasses the coastal strip between the Taramaire and Pukorokoro/Miranda Streams, and the adjacent intertidal zone. It will also include the grounds of the Miranda Shorebird Centre and the grazing block owned by MNT on the landward side of the road. They need experts in every field to direct the collection of specimens and to identify them and helpers to assist with the day. Would you like to be involved?

 You can contact the Miranda Naturalists Trust and stay up-to-date with the programme as it develops on their website http://www.miranda-shorebird.org.nz/

or for more details  http://www.envirocentre.org.nz/projects_and_events/miranda_bioblitz_2013/

Job Vacancy at HCC

Project Leader Ecological Developments





Happy Christmas everyone!

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Thanks to all our volunteers and partners who have contributed to the wellbeing of the environment this year. There is still a bit of work to be done next year, so the Centre will be back in action on the 7th January 2013. 

Happy holidays! 

Katherine, Lee and the Waikato Environment Centre Trust

