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ANY DOG CAN KILL KIWI - Holiday makers take note!

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    0 comments


The fate of kiwi is in our hands.  Community groups protecting kiwi populations on the Coromandel Peninsula have come together during the busy visitor season to remind folk with dogs to be aware of the danger they pose to kiwis.

If you live near a place where wild kiwi live, or are visiting the Coromandel, you can help us protect our kiwi by making sure dogs are tied up at night, and in sight or tied up during the day. If you’re in the bush, keep your dog on a lead at all times. Free kiwi avoidance training for dogs is being offered around the Coromandel throughout January. Contact DOC for details.

Kiwi have no chance against any dog. “A dog can catch and kill a kiwi in seconds, without its owner knowing about it or before its owner has time to stop it”, says community spokesperson, Natalie Collicott. Research shows that any dog can kill kiwi. In fact smaller breeds like terriers are the most likely offenders. The worst known case was in Waitangi Forest in 1987, when one dog, left to roam, is thought to have killed more than 500 of the 900 kiwi living in the forest.

Nationally, the kiwi is in trouble and at risk of becoming extinct in the wild within 30 years if nothing is done. Of eggs that hatch, about 90% of kiwi chicks are dead within 6 months and most of these are killed by stoats, dogs or cats.

Thanks to responsible dog ownership and years of stoat trapping by community group volunteers and DOC, things are looking more positive on the Coromandel. We have the highest survival rate for kiwi chicks on the mainland and our adult kiwi in managed areas are breeding. Please help protect our kiwi this summer.

 For more information: contact Natalie Collicott, Coordinator for Moehau Environment Group, 07 8665337, Natalie@meg.org.nz

Background info:

While most Brown kiwi populations are declining rapidly in the wild, Coromandel Brown Kiwi are increasing in number thanks to efforts by community-led kiwi conservation groups and the Department of Conservation. The Coromandel brown kiwi has a current population of around 1500. They owe their survival to the combined effort of more than 12 community kiwi groups, landowners, private companies and DOC who have undertaken predator control over more than 50,000 ha of private and public conservation land, complemented by a targeted Operation Nest Egg project near Kuaotunu.



Funding Opportunities

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

South Waikato Environmental Initiatives Fund

This is now open for applications.  It closes on 15 February 2013.

The group who manage these funds are mostly local farmers administering the funds on behalf of Cater Holt Harvey Pulp.

The fund is for fencing at $2/m for a 4-wire (2 electric) dairy fence. Trees are provided free, however planting and post-planting care is the responsibility of the landowners.

The application should be in the form of a short letter to the address below with your contact details including name, address, farm location and phone number. The letter needs a short description of the project e.g. length of fencing required, length of stream bank that requires trees, area of wetland.

Send this to:

South Waikato Environmental Initiatives

James Piddock

South Waikato Distirct Council

Private Bag 7, Tokoroa 3444


Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust

Applicaitons close 31 January 2013.

This trust is currently seeking applications for projects in the Waikato catchment consistent with the Trust's objectives for the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments:

  • Enhancement of wetland values,
  • Enhancement of indigenous biodiversity,
  • Enhancement of the sports fishery and game bird populations in the catchments,
  • Mitigation of any adverse effects of the operation of the Waikato Hydro System on the ecological environments in the catchments.

Please see the website: www.wceet.org.nz for application form,s or contact the Secretary, Michelle Archer on enquiries@wceet.org.nz









Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Pukemokemoke Working Bee

Saturday 15 December

9 - 5 or any time in between

Much has been achieved this year.  Only a small section remains to be cleared and a track built to complete what will become a 'lower loop track' through the river flats.

People who can help on Saturday even if only for a few hours would be very appreciated.  Bring a pre-Christmas treat to share for refreshments/lunch.

Contact person:  Alan Leadley on 07855 2919, 027 2249622,  or  mualleadley@xtra.co.nz




Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    0 comments


We need your help to support high needs families/whānau to apply for free insulation!

Te Puna Oranga (Māori Health Service) are managing a privately-funded scheme in partnership with EECA and two insulation companies to ensure that 600 high needs whānau have their homes insulated for FREE.

Originally the programme was for residents within 30kms of Hamilton city, however, the programme has now been extended to include Tokoroa, Putaruru, Te Aroha, Te Kauwhata, Otorohanga, Te Kuiti, Paeroa and Raglan. Applicants must be able to meet ALL 5 criteria below:

  • The home must have been built before 2000 and within 80km of Hamilton City
  • The primary property resident or owner must have a community services card
  • There must be children under 16 years old living, or frequently staying, in the home
  • The house is not a Housing New Zealand home
  • The insulation is approved by the landlord (if renting)

Application forms and a FAQ information sheet are available via http://www.waikatodhb.govt.nz/page/pageid/2145840303/Te_Puna_Oranga_(Maori_Health) (right hand side of the page under free insulation project heading).

Please pass this information on to families you know, who will benefit from a warmer, dryer and healthier home next winter. There are only 150 spaces available so first in first served!

I look forward to receiving applications from each of your respective communities.

Ngā mihi nui!
Jade Chase

Jade Chase | Service Development Manager (Community) | Te Puna Oranga | Waikato District Health Board |Hockin Building | Pembroke Street |PO Box 934 | HAMILTON 3240 | P +64 7 839 8899 ext 97867 | F +64 7 8343619 | e jade.chase@waikatodhb.health.nz


Green Drinks

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Green Drinks

Tuesday 27 November,  5  - 7pm

Room MSB4.02 in the main Management School building, Waikato University

Come in the main entrance off Hillcrest Road and take the lift or stairs to level 4.  Parking in Gate 7 off Hillcrest Road.


Education and research will be key factors in enabling New Zealand to be a sustainable nation and the Waikato Management School's purpose is to inspire fresh understandings of sustainable business success in a connected world through the programmes and qualifications they offer.

Hear about how the School embraces sustainability, sees sustainability as central to the future of business and offers key programmes to prepare  business leaders to create sustainable futures.


Please register your interest in attending. Contact: Jenny Milson jenny@sustainable.org.nz by Monday 25 November.






Northern King Country Summer Programme

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Once again there is a fantastic programme of events for January 2013 - see attached pdf. Get in quickly to book, as places fill fast.


Nov / Dec Events

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 22 November
Pukemokemoke Working Bee

9 - 12 pm (approx.)  at the Reserve to weed and do track work this Thursday.  Bring morning tea and lots of sunshine for an enjoyable day.
Alan Leadley, Ph: 07-8552919, 0272249622, mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Saturday 24 November
Waiwhakareke Working Bee

 9 - 12pm Meet at  Brymer  Road entrance (opposite the zoo)
Please bring gloves and morning  tea. 
Contact: Moira  Cursey 07-846-5066.
The group will be releasing the plants that were planted on Arbor day. This will be the last working bee for the year. 

Saturday 24 November
Kiwi Conservation Club: Fantastic Bug Walk

1 - 4pm.  Meet at Wintec:  car park off Tristam Street - through Gate 2 opposite Girls' High and continue up the hill to the carpark.

RSVP Susan on 07 829 8977 or txt 021 254 1360. 
Please see previous posting for more details.

Sunday 25 November 
Waikato Botanical Society - Trip to Awaroa Swamp Wildlife Management Reserve, Lake Whangape

9 am. Meet in the Landcare Research Carpark, Gate 10, Silverdale Road, Hamilton. Easy to medium grade.  Wear footwear you don’t mind getting wet and muddy, and lunch.
Contact Paul Champion: p.champion@niwa.co.nz, wk 8561796 or 027 294 6970
Awaroa Swamp Wildlife Management Reserve is part of Lake Whangape.  It contains some of the best swamp kahikatea forest in the Lower Waikato Region.  

Friday 30 November
Biodiversity Forum: Wetland Protection

Reminder:  10 - 4pm at Te Rahu Hall, (just south of Lake Serpentine)
Contact Moira  Cursey 07-846-5066 to register.

Sunday 2 December
Forest and Bird Walk: Aotea

All welcome. Easy. 9am - 4pm  
Meet at Aotea 9am or 7.30 from Memorial Park, River Road, to car pool. (Let Adua know if you want to carpool - 843 3375)
Come prepared for a special day by the Wild West Coast!
This will be an interesting, varied day out from Aotea including farmland, bush, beach, wetland, birds, plants, local issues and history etc.
Contact: Jon Wenham 07 855 0808.

John Dodgson who has lived in the area for 10 years and worked for DoC will lead the trip. He has arranged access through farms and is very knowledgeable on all the areas listed above.

Tuesday 25th December

This Christmas, help us help our native species and their new families by buying a Forest & Bird gift. 

or shop online at the F and B shop

Give a gift membership to a conservation group

Shop at the Waikato Environment Centre for a wormbin or bokashi buckets, or the Hamilton Permaculture Trust's great book for gardeners "How to Grow your Own Food" 


"On Yer Bike" / A Roche Eco Camps

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago    1 comment

"On Yer Bike"

For those who prefer pedal power to petrol power.

An Xtracycle is a cargo bike which extends the back wheel of a standard bike by several inches and allows you to carry up to 200lbs of gear on the back!  So those multiple little trips to the shop in your car can be replaced by energetic rides on your Xtracycle!

The Californian manufacturers have a number of Xtracycle kits in 'long term' storage in Sydney much reducing the shipping fees if we access these.  Also discounts have been offered to NZers with orders of five units or more.  Harm Zuidmeer is compling a list of those interested in preChristmas purchasing and can be contacted on: harm.zuidmeer@xtra.co.nz

The manufacturer's website is:   http://www.xtracycle.com/cargo-bicycles/xtracycle-cargo-kits/classic-kit/freeradical-classic-kit.html

There is a clip about Xtracycle on Youtube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ljsqF9RoaQ


A Rocha Ecoadventure Summer Camps
