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Waikato Ornithological Society Talk / Girl's Day Out

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Ornithological Society Talk

Wednesday 21 November, 7:30pm

At the DOC offices on Northway Street

There will be two 15 to 20 minute talks:

  • The Waterproofing Qualities of Bird Feathers (by Graham Saunders, a senior university lecturer, and keen ruru counter).

  • The Morepork Survey. The talk will mainly  focus on the 2011 data.

Contact Dai Morgan at magpie.morgan@gmail.com

All are welcome


Girls Day Out: Health and Beauty

Sunday, 18 November, 10am - 4pm

At Cambridge Town Hall

$5 entry

Contact: info@sustainablecambrige.co.nz or phone: 07 823 6809





Kiwi Conservation Club / Friends of Waiwhakareke

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Kiwi Conservation Club: Fantastic Bug Walk

Saturday November 24th, 1pm – 4pm

At Wintec: meet in the car park off Tristam Street - through Gate 2 opposite Girls' High and continue up the hill to the carpark

Spend an exciting afternoon with Helen Ranson, bug specialist from Wintec, who will be helping to find and identify bugs.

Meet in the carpark before heading up to the lab for an introduction session, then head off to catch some bugs to bring back and identify and make models of.

RSVP Susan on 07 829 8977 or txt 021 254 1360.  If the weather is looking doubtful, ring Susan by 8am that morning to find out if the walk has been cancelled.

Potting morning for Friends of Waiwhakareke

Friday 16th November,  9 am - 12pm

At Tamahere Nursery (Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall)

Don't forget your morning tea.

This will be last potting session for 2012.

Contact person: Catherine Smith at 2smiths@wave.co.nz,

or 07 8558296












RSNZ Waikato Branch Lecture Series

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

"Facing the Future: Measuring the Biological Impacts of the Rena Disaster"

Tuesday November 13, 2012.  7.30 pm

Room S.G.01, Gate 8 or Gate 1, Waikato University

All welcome and there is no charge


Assoc. Prof. Nicholas Ling

When the container ship, the Rena struck a reef in October last year, it created what has been described as New Zealand’s worst maritime environmental disaster.  The incident motivated many research projects to primarily establish the ecological impacts of the Rena disaster, the extent of chemical contamination, and to examine ecosystem recovery by microbial breakdown of weathered oil and through experimental ecotoxicology.

This talk summarises the results of the ecological monitoring conducted so far and outlines the role of the experimental ecotoxicology programme in understanding sub-lethal impacts of the Rena oil and predicting long-term impacts and recovery in key kai moana species.

Nick Ling is a graduate of the University of Auckland and has more than 20 years’ experience in the fields of aquatic ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, fish ecology and conservation.  He is currently a key researcher in the Freshwater Restoration Outcome Based Investment research programme on pest fish control and heads the ecotoxicology component of the Rena Recovery Plan.










Council of Elders seek new members

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS is calling for nominations from city residents passionate about shaping the future of Hamilton.

Formed in 1993, the 15-person team aged over 60 works alongside the Mayor, Councillors and Hamilton City Council staff in an advisory capacity. Four members finish their terms this year and nominations for new members close on 23 November.
It would be good to have someone representing the environmental sector on this council. 

Chairman Dr Michael Hills says the groups’ collective city history spans almost 600 years and they help provide continuity for residents.

“We have knowledge of where Hamilton has come from. But at the same time we take a lot of interest in where the city is going.” He says the Council of Elders provides an opportunity for residents, who were not content to watch from the sidelines, an avenue to express their views.

The Council of Elders AGM is on 7 December from 10.15am in Council’s Reception Lounge.

More information and nomination forms are available on the Council website. www.hamilton.co.nz/councilofelders

 Link for info and form

Forest and Bird Waikato Branch November Events

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Sunday, 11 November

Tawarau Forest Walk
Walk to Double Falls, Tawarau Forest

These beautiful falls are reached from Appletree Road in the Tawarau Forest. The track follows a forested ridge before descending steeply to a secluded rocky gorge of the Tawarau River. We will explore limestone bluffs and caverns and note special plants of kaast landscapes. It is a great spot for a picnic lunch.

Meet at Waitomo Caves Discovery Centre at 9am. (Note - there is no fuel at Waitomo.) From here it is approximately 20mins drive to the start of the track. If you would like a ride or can offer to take someone, please phone Jane on 8562505.

The walk is average with some more difficult parts.

Wednesday, 14 November

Forest and Bird Evening Talk
Pest fish and native fish in NZ fresh waters

7.30pm Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Adam Daniel (NIWA) will give a brief history of pest fish in New Zealand and the ongoing threats of the intentional spread of invasive fish. Also, the impacts of pest fish and how the agricultural industry may be improving pest fish habitat. The University of Waikato has been removing pest fish from Waikato Lakes and implementing some innovative pest fish control measures that will be discussed.

Bruno David (WRC) will give an overview of NZ's unique and highly endemic fish fauna and discuss threats that have led to 2/3 of these species currently being ranked as 'declining' or worse. He will also discuss some new techniques and basic tools being developed to help better understand the complex life history and recruitment patterns to improve existing populations. Video clips and photos will showcase some of the amazing physical and behavioural qualities that have evolved in our fauna but that appear to be largely unknown by the general public.

To join the speakers, committee and members for a meal ($12.50 per head at 6.15pm) before the talk, please email: jane.mcleod64@gmail.com by 10th November.




Pukemokemoke Reserve

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Helpers with hammers wanted

Thursday 8 November, morning or afternoon or both

If anyone would like to help finish the boardwalk please turn up with a hammer. 

Contact person is Alan Leadley  Ph: 07-8552919 or 0272249622, or email: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz


Earth Education / Sunday Strolls

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Earth Education Gathering

Friday evening 22 March  to Sunday evening 24 March 2013

Touch the future with a little natural magic, become an earth educator.  A weekend for nature educators, teachers and anyone who is interested in creating a lasting and beneficial relationship with the earth for themselves and others. The following links lead to documents that give more information about this event.





Contact person is Louise Deane at louise@earthcamp.co.nz or

07 8684559

Living Streets Hamilton: Sunday strolls

There are two Sunday strolls for the 2012 series remaining.   The first have proved very poplular.   See our calendar for details or contact  Judy McDonald  07 8552019.

Christmas Gift Ideas

The Environment Centre has Bokashi buckets, Zing, Can-o-Worms, organically produced honey and other products for Christmas. Great environmentally-friendly gift ideas.

Fleet bikes available

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Fleet bikes available

Cycle Action Waikato (CAWaikato) have 2 Fleetbikes to loan to Hamilton Businesses.   Please see the attached for further information and an Application of Interest form. 
