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Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Creating Homes without Chemicals

ENJO Fibres were invented in Austria 25 years ago and are designed to clean surfaces with only cold water. Hard to believe?  then come along at see for yourself.

Free Enjo Workshop

When: Wednesday 13th July, 6.30 pm to 7.30pm

Where : The Environment Centre ( entry at rear)



Sharing the ENJO philosophy  to make a difference to the environment by offering a cleaning system to households that:

• Reduces the use of chemical cleaners by up to 95%

• Reduces landfill by saving on wasteful products and packaging

• Saves using chemicals


Tea & Coffee for a Koha

Please RSVP to Jan   admin@envirocentre.org.nz

healthy environments supported by thriving communities


Inspirational happenings in July!!

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments


Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Kaivolution Volunteers Recognised

2016 Volunteering Waikato Awards see Simon,Jay & Claire accept the Team Excellence Runner-Up award on behalf of the Kaivolution Volunteer Team!!

Well done to all our fantastic volunteers and thanks to Auntie P from the Hamilton Homeless Trust for the nomination!!


Sustainable Waikato Election Strategy Meeting

Where:  The Greenspace, 60 Te Aroha St, Hamilton East

When: 3 July 2016, starting at 3.00pm.

We need to decide what we will do to assist the community to identify the best candidates to support in the upcoming (October) City and Regional Council elections. Anyone who aligns with the mission and vision of Sustainable Waikato is welcome to attend and contribute. Professor Bruce Clarkson will chair the meeting.

Pukorokoro Miranda School Holiday Program

When : July 11 to July 22

In association with The Flock project we are trialing a school holiday program. It will run on week days only from July 11 to July 22 - between 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon. A story time will be followed by bird decorating (brightly painting ready-primed cut-out birds and sticking on re-used bits and pieces to add to The Flock). Admission is free. To register interest please phone the centre on 09 2322781 or email admin@miranda-shorebird.org.nz

In the first week the tides run from late morning to mid-afternoon so there should be birds to see as well. Of course, as there is also the Miranda Hot Springs - bathing togs might be handy too!



 Cordially invite you to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities while sipping on delicious barista-made coffee, nibbling on delectable brunch treats and bidding on extraordinary sustainable items!

When: 2 July 2016

Where: Miltons Canteen Alexandra Street

Details attached




The sixth and final lecture is scheduled for next Tuesday, July 5,

When: Tuesday July 5 12.10 - Professors James Renwick & Tim Naish

Where: : Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council, Garden Place

This final talk is primarily part of the Royal Society of New Zealand's 2016 ten by ten (10 x 10) lecture series (see http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/events/ten-by-ten/ten-by-ten-climate-change/), but also fits perfectly into the series you have been attending. Although there is no change from the proceedings of the last few weeks, RSNZ request that you follow the link above and register your intention to attend the lecture.

Note that this applies only to the final lecture on July 5.

The full lecture programme can be viewed at http://rsnzwaikato.org/sites/default/files/ClimateChangeSeries2016Poster.pdf



For Organic Gardeners

When: On Saturday August 6th, 10am to 3pm

Where: Beryl Le Grove's place, Ohaupo

The workshop is being facilitated by Annie Stone from OFNZ. It will be both practical and interesting!

Inquiries please contact : hamiltonorganicgardeners@gmail.com



Karen Opie has organised a pingao and spinifex planting for 12 - 14 August at Nukuhakari Station. (West Coast between Marakopa and Awakino)

If you are interested please contact Karen. Numbers are limited.

Nukuhakari is a sheep and beef station just north of Awakino where the lack of a sand dune has resulted in huge sand drifts inland. David Bergin and Jim Dahm from the Dunes Trust are carrying out two projects there.. One is a "difficult sites" project to re-establish the sand dune and eliminate sand drift and pasture loss. The hope is that this will become the framework for similar sites around the country. This has been partially funded by DOC's Community Fund. Nukuharkari is also a site for testing fertiliser made from the pest fish koi carp and comparing it to synthetic gro tabs and plants planted without fertiliser.

Karen OpieBeachcare Coordinator: Waikato West Coast




Please find attached the 1st circular for the 31st John Child Bryophyte and Lichen Workshop.

This will be held at Coroglen from 2nd - 7th December


lichen_Workshop_First Circular.pdf




Manager Vacancy

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Environment Centre General Manager

Based in Hamilton, you will be working alongside environmental groups, businesses and government departments from across the Waikato, and will play a key role in managing and growing the role of the Trust towards achieving its Vision of “healthy environments supported by thriving communities.

Other responsibilities include the successful leadership and management of the organisations social enterprise and community services, strategic planning and annual plan development, securing funding, creating budgets and managing finances, liaison with key stakeholders, and regional capacity building. You will report directly to the Trust Board and manage a team of 12 part time staff, and 65 volunteers.

Opportunities like this don’t come by too often. If you think you are up for the challenge and are ready to take the next step in your career, apply today.

The successful applicant will have:

• Excellent written and communication skills.

• Strong organisational and team building skills.

• Understanding of not for profit funding requirements and the principles of social enterprise.

• Sound understanding of the concept and philosophy of embedded sustainability.

• Awareness of the interdependence of social, economic and environmental issues.

• High level of financial literacy, experience developing and managing budgets.

• Experience in marketing/public relations.

• Understanding of empowerment and community development principles.

• High level of computer skills.

Hours of Work and Term of Contract

• The position is based on 40 hours per week. Flexibility is required regarding weekend and evening work.

• We are open to part time or job share expressions of interest from people with skills in the areas of operational management or advocacy, marketing & PR.

To apply: For further information contact ruth@envirocentre.org.nz or  p 839 4452. Applications close 4pm 13 July 2016.

Job description attached


WEC GM JD 2016.pdf


Important Message

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments


Dear WEC Stakeholder,

This message is to inform you that our fantastic General Manager, Ruth Seabright, is relocating with her family to sunny Nelson and is regretfully stepping down from her position with the Waikato Environment Centre at the end of July 2016.

Ruth joined the Waikato Environment Centre in April 2014, and in that time she has had a tremendous impact on the organisation. Under Ruth’s leadership, the organisation relocated to a more purposeful and higher-profile location, established our food rescue service Kaivolution which recently celebrated the rescue of over 100 tonne of edible food from going to landfill, she developed our E-cycle programme as a sustainable consumer choice for ethical recycling of electronic goods, as well as the establishment of a thriving enviro shop offering alternative choices for consumers at our location at Five Cross Roads, amongst a number of other initiatives. She has developed an amazing team of 12 staff and 65 volunteers that are well positioned to continue her great work.

Ruth’s efforts have had an significant impact not only on the organisation but also on our community, helping WEC work towards achieving its vision of Healthy Environments Supported by Thriving Communities.

Ruth will be sorely missed at WEC and we wish her and her family the very best in their new location.

The Trust board has commenced a recruitment process to appoint a new General Manager and we will keep you informed of our progress.

Best regards,

Pamela Storey

Board Chair

Waikato Environment Centre


Changes at the Environment Centre

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Great Changes are afoot....

After a series of popular workshops including our Kaivolution 100 tonne celebration our small meeting room has out grown its original purpose


It didn’t take long for an answer to our problem to come up. Bit of the permaculture ethos kicking in….(seeing a problem as an opportunity!!!).

And so email subscribers, when next you visit you will see that we have moved our meeting room and our retail shop; swapped them around in fact.!

What this means for you is a new front entrance to our eco shop with a totally different feel and and lovely spacious meeting / community room with more capacity.


Drop in and visit soon we are all very excited and energised by the change and opportunities this change presents.





Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Plastic Free July Event Next Week

Plastic Free July - These Waikato people are doing it - How about you?

Come and meet our Plastic Free July Ambassadors

And warm up for the Plastic Free July Challenge with a

Plastic Free Potluck Tea - Tuesday 28th of June, 5.30-7.30pm at the Waikato Environment Centre. Park out back!

With music from the Ukuladies plus tunes from Rob and Matai

Guest speakers - Paul Murray, Matua X Man from Xtreme Zero Waste

And inspiration from Nicola Turner and Tracey Cameron from Mainstream Green.

For more information on the Plastic Free July Challenge visit http://www.plasticfreejuly.org/

Hei te Turei!




Inspiring, guilt-free, entertaining, fun! Wednesday 6 July, 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Cost - $5 per person Discovery Christian Centre 9 Insoll Ave, Enderley, Hamilton

Giving kids confidence to problem solve

Solid foundations are made up of love and values

Develop a positive atmosphere in the house

Enquiries: Ruth Gilling 027 544 8341 waikato@theparentingplace.com

Roadshow 2016 A3 Hamilton Fairfield-1.pdf


Imagine Sustainabilty Event Friday 15th July

In conjuction with Waikato Regional Council, The University of Waikato is hosting a day to share with staff, students and our communities. It’s about inspiring, practising and celebrating sustainability and imagining what a sustainable future will look like. Running from 10am¬ to 4pm in the Academy, the event is free and open to the public and will include workshops, lectures, research showcases and entertainment.



We are planting this Saturday again. We will have some extra planters from the Waikato Inter Faith Community which is a real boost for us. There is talk of having a a bite to eat afterwards that you may choose to stay on for...

Saturday 25 June 2016

9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Bring a spade and gloves and wear study foot wear and warm clothes and wet weather gear if rain is forecast. Pop your gumboots in the car just in case some of us will be in wetter areas. We can grab them if needed. And bring morning tea. We’ll be asking you to sign in as you arrive as an H&S requirement. The sign in will require your contact details and your next of kin contact details. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning. Much appreciated

Cheers Moira Convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke

Moira Cursey

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Coordinator



You are invited to a Riverlea community tree planting. Children welcome, and a hot drink and baking will be provided afterwards.

When: Saturday 25th June : 1-3pm (or it may finish earlier if the trees are all in the ground sooner, which is quite possible)

Bring: a spade if you can, footwear for boggy ground, a raincoat. Some spades provided.

Weather: it will go ahead rain or shine (unless there's a metservice weather warning) - but we tend to be pretty lucky.

Where: meet at the southern end of the Hammond Park boardwalk (the end closest to Balfour Crescent).



Trip to Whewells Bush next weekend - Saturday 25th June.

Whewells Bush is an 11 ha DOC Scientific Reserve of remnant kahikatea forest halfway between Matangi and Tamahere.

When: 9:30 @ Land Care Research, Gate 10 of the University off Silverdale road or

Where: 1:00 Whewells Bush Gate Entrance at 10:00 on Swallow Lane (off Tauwhare Road) halfway between Tamahere and Matangi.

Grade: Easy

Kerry 027 747 0733



 When : Sunday 26th June

Details attached

perry parkOpening Flyer.pdf





Come and join us for our First Meeting

When: 4pm Saturday 25 June

Where: Hamilton Lido Level 1, Centre Place, 501 Victoria St, Hamilton 3204

Details attached



When: Saturday 2 July,  9 to 12 midday

Where: Hamilton Gardens Camellia Carpark

Enter Gate 2 from Cobham Drive. A short distance down the slope on the left, is the entrance to a lower carpark for buyers and an upper carpark for sellers.

Everyone welcome: gardeners, lifestyle and small block holders, farmers, nurseries. You can buy and sell, look, talk trees and ask questions.


The Waikato Branch of NZTCA will have a stall that includes a range of citrus trees and an assortment of fruiting plants suitable for the home garden.There should be a good range of public stalls selling tree crops and plants, ornamentals, farm trees and natives, perennials, cuttings and produce.

There are no EFTPOS facilities so please bring cash.

Sellers Please contact Beryl le Grove blegrove@clear.net.nz








Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments



Please visit the NO THROW site for Details http://www.nothrow.co.nz/
