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Morepork Survey

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    1 comment

2012 Hamilton morepork survey

Would you like to be part of this?  This survey has be3en planned for  the week of 5-9 November 2012.

This survey will also be conducted in Kerikeri, Whanganui, Nelson and Dunedin.

Basically, we will establish twenty sites across the city and each site will be counted every night for 5 nights - 1 hour each night. 
Please email Dai to say which nights  you would be available (it is more than okay to be involved every night!), on magpie.morgan@gmail.com  He will get back to you with further information.

Weed Workshop / HOG - garden visits

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Weed ID and Management Workshop

Saturday, 27 October 2012  9.30–2.30pm

Meet at 32 Te Mata Drive, Te Mata, Thames Coast


Presenters: Waikato Regional Council and DOC staff.

Topics: Weed ID and effective methods to eradicate weeds on land and close to waterways.

Bring: Boots or strong walking shoes, gloves, hat, sun screen, drink bottle and lunch.  Tea and coffee will be available.

For details and to RSVP by Wednesday, 24 October 2012 contact Moira Cursey 0800 246348 or m.cursey@xtra.co.nz.



Garden visits

Saturday, 3 November 2012. 11:30am

Joy and David’s garden, Claudelands

Six years ago, Joy and David took a more holistic and organic approach to their garden.  (NB.They are happy for people to eat their lunch here.)

Wendee and Mitch’s garden, Whatawhata - starts: 1.30pm

Wendy and Mitch are new memebers and have an ‘open canvas’.  They invite ideas and advice from the group.

Bring, appropriate footwear, clothing, hat.

These are free visits, koha appreciated.

Please email hamiltonorganicgardeners@gmail.co if you are interested in visiting either or both of these gardens.




Pukemokemoke / HOGS meeting

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Pukemokemoke October work day

Saturday 13 October, anytime between 1 and 5pm

Please note that this working bee is not being held on the usual 3rd Saturday - that will be Labour weekend.

The tasks will include building more boardwalk, clearing weeds and planting a few remaining trees.  Do come, bring friends and afternoon tea and enjoy!

Contact person: Alan Leadley 07 8552919 or on mualleadley@xtra.co.nz


HOGS meeting – Supporting School Gardens

Monday 15 October, 7.30pm

Te Whare o te Ata, 60a Sare Crescent, Fairfield

(Car parking spaces are limited so you may park on Clarkin Road and walk across the park.)

Avis Leeson will be speaking about her experiences of gardening with schools and children. Andrea Soanes from Enviroschools will also be talking about their school Kai project and how this might link to HOGs and community members.



Waikato River Views event

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Waikato River Views event - "The Taniwha"

Saturday 10 November 2012

This is a cycling and walking event to be held on the Waikato River Trails. The event is named “The Taniwha” and will showcase the spectacular scenery and off-road terrain along the five hydro lakes, along which the event will travel. Please go to:  www.thetaniwha.co.nz for details.


RSNZ Waikato talk series and RSNZ talk

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

RSNZ Waikato branch talk series

1) Tuesday 9 October 7pm

At S.G.01 University of Waikato, Hamilton. Gate 1

Dr. Ngaire Phillips will be talking about using science and matauranga Maori to assess sustainable management of freshwater resources.

This talk is free.

Enquiries to lectures@royalsociety.org.nz or 04 470 5781


Friday 12 October 7.30pm

Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato

Sir Richard Friend speaks on:  Paper 2.0 – making smart paper from plastic molecules.  How unexpected discoveries lead to new technologies.

This talk is free and open to the general public. However, to ensure a seat, please obtain a ticket at www.royalsociety.org.nz

Enquiries to: lectures@royalsociety.org.nz or 04 470 5781


WETMAK Training Day

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

WETMAK Training Day

Tuesday 23rd October 2012

Lake Ngaroto Sailing Club Rooms

You will need to register to attend this training.
 The day will be facilitated by the NZ Landcare Trust and places are limited to 12 people so please register on-line:

WETMAK Training Day invite-2.pdf

Recognyz Youth Awards

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Recognyz Youth Awards 2012

Nominations open!

Nominations are accepted between 10 September and 7 November 2012

This major annual event is a not-for-profit event by youth, for youth, and is all about celebrating the fantastic achievements of the young people in our midst.

Nominees must be between 12-24 years, residents of Hamilton, and their achievements must have been carried within the last two years (2010-2012). 

Nominaitons are accross seven categories:

  • Manaakitanga – for community involvement and volunteering
  • Youth 4 Youth – for leadership of other young people
  • Innovation – for innovative and creative ideas and projects
  • Dream Team – group award for community involvement and volunteering
  • Beat Street – for achievement in arts, music and culture
  • Kia Kaha – for overcoming adversity
  • Enviro – for outstanding contributions to the environment and/or sustainability of Hamilton

The final event is on 6 December at the Wintec Atrium.

Nominations can be made online by following this link http://www.hamilton.co.nz/our-council/mayor-and-councillors/youthcouncil/Pages/Recognyz-Nomination-Form.aspx

For more information or for help with nominations please contact Hannah Banks, Social Development Advisor on DDI: 07 838 6665 | Mob: 021 816 963, or email | Email: hannah.banks@hcc.govt.nz

WETMAK training day - register now!

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    2 comments

As you will know, WETMAK – the community monitoring and assessment kit is now available for download from the NZ Landcare Trust website:


To support community groups and agencies using the kit, we are holding a series of free WETMAK training days around the country with the first one to be held on Tuesday 23rd October 2012 at Lake Ngaroto Sailing Club Rooms, Waikato Region.  Please find attached an invitation. 

The second training day will be held in the Bay of Plenty in November, with a further three training days, likely to be in the Manawatu, Nelson and Christchurch areas in April 2013. 

Numbers are limited to 12 people, so if you are able to make it, please register on-line soon.  We hope you can.

Please forward to others you know whom may be interested in the day. 

Kind Regards

Contact:  nardeneandmelinda@landcare.org.nz


WETMAK Training Day invite.pdf
