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Last Ocean on TV

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

The Last Ocean is on TV on Prime Tuesday 2nd October - at 8.30pm.

If you missed it at the movies this is a good opportunity to see it and then go to the website and send a communication to our politicians to beseech them to do the right thing and protect this fragile environment.

For more information on the issues surrounding the Ross Sea go to http://www.lastocean.org 

Also good information on


Tamahere Gully Care working session

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Anyone Interested in Helping Out?

Sunday, 7 October.  Starting 1.30pm

Devine Road, Tamahere

Tamahere Gully Care Community Nursery are having a working session. Plants need moving, weeding and potting on, and some planting out.

Contact person Jan Simmons jsimmons@doc.govt.nz





Waiwhakareke Working Bee / Woofing

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Waiwhakareke Working Bee

Saturday 29 September 2012,  9am-12midday

Meet at Brymer Road entrance (opposite the Zoo)

The area to be planted is wet so wear gumboots if possible. Also bring gloves, spade and morning tea.

This will be the last planting for the year.

Please contact Moira Cursey if you can make it on 07-846-5066.

Website: www.waiwhakareke.co

Sharing Our Experiences of WWOOFing

Monday, 1 October 2012, 7.30pm

EnviroCentre, 25 Ward Steet, (Level one) Hamilton

This will be led by organic grower Judy Chrystal who has WWOOFers staying on her farm on a regular basis (WWOOF: Willing Workers On Organic Farms - a scheme whereby people who wish to experience hands on work on an organic farm can so by providing about 4 hours work a day to an organic grower in return for accommodation and food)

Gold coin donation.



Eco Design Talks

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Eco Design Advisors' Conference 2012

Monday, 31st October

Venue:  Room 1 and 2 of the Bill Gallagher Centre on the Wintec Campus in Central Hamilton.

Cost: General Admission is $175.

The general public are invited to the first day of this conference, which is a 2 day event - the second day is by invitation only. The speakers and topics are listed below:


8.30 Registrations and tea and coffee

9.00 Conference introduction

9.10 Niki Harré, Associate Professor at Auckland University and author of Psychology for a Better World. Keynote: Strategies to Inspire Sustainability

9.50 The Eco Design Advisor Network.  Their role in creating real change.

10.00 Morning tea

10.30 Roman Jaques, Senior Environmental Building Researcher at BRANZ and Hugh Campbell, Horvath Homes. Construction waste reduction.

11.30 Heidi Mardon, National Director of Enviroschools, and Craig Brown, Director at CBC Wastewater. Waste water systems on an urban scale.

12.30 Lunch

1.30 The Eco Design Advisor network.

1.40 Michael Lawley, Chief Engineer at EcoInnovation and Smartdrive guru.  PV: where we are at today and the alternatives.

2.40 Nigel Isaacs, Senior Lecturer at The School of Architecture, Victoria and Principal Scientist at BRANZ.  Understanding humidity.

3.30 Afternoon tea

3.50 Verney Ryan, Beacon Pathway.  Window insulation and why we should all have it.

4.35 Closing comments

Go to www.ecodesignadvisor.org.nz.for copies of last year's talks.

Registration: To confirm registration, contact Richard Morrison richard.morrison@kapiticoast.govt.nz, 04 296 4651 mob 027 5555 651.

Enquiries: Ian Mayes ian.mayes@hcc.govt.nz, 07 838 6773 mob 021 2846676



Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Apologies for any confussion regarding our last posting.  The correct heading should have read, "Waikato River Clean-up Fund Applications".

Opening on 24 September and closes 2 November. 

TimeBank Hui

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

TimeBank Aotearoa NZ Hui

17 and 18 November, 2012

At Solscape, Raglan

Cost: $58 per person

Bookings essential by Friday 28 September (event will be concelled if insufficient numbers)

Contact person: Ruth  ruth@joyfulinsights.co.nz



Mighty River Authority Funding

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Waikato River Authority Funding Applications

Open from Monday 24 September to Friday 2 November

The Waikato River Authority is seeking applications for the 2012-2013 funding round for river clean-up projects. 

The Authority distributes funds each year for projects that will improve the health and wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipa rivers including their associated tributaries and lakes. This year $6 million will be available for both small and large projects from organisations the length of the Waikato River from Huka Falls to Te Puuaha o Waikato and the full length of the Waipa River.

New funding criteria with six priority funding areas have been determined for this year’s funding round  to guide applicants and ensure the effectiveness of the clean-up fund.

Applicants will be notified in December 2012 whether or not their projects have been successful.

For inormation and the applicaiton form, go to:www.waikatoriver.org.nz.

Applications must be posted or hand delivered to the Waikato River Authority, PO Box 9338, Hamilton 3240 or at Level 2R, 20 Alma Street, Hamilton.



"ACRE" Members Wanted

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Six New Members Required

The Advisory Committee for the Waikato Regional Environment (ACRE) is a voluntary organization of 15 members who represent or have associations with many environmental groups regionally and nationally. Its purpose is to act as an environmental advocate and to:

  • advise the Waikato Regional Council on new environmental policy matters, to comment on the implications of existing policies and to alert Council to matters in need of attention,
  • network and promote conservation and good environmental practices in the region, and
  • act as a forum for ideas and concerns on environmental matters.

Members are appointed for a three year term and are eligible for re-election at the end of their term.  Consideration will be given to the geographical spread of applicants within the Waikato Region, their associated networks and environmental knowledge.

For nomination forms and information about the group go to www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/Acre, or contact Emma Wright on 0800 800 401 or emma.wright@waikatoregion.govt.nz.   Also Chair: Joyce Birdsall 07 864 7223, email jandbbirdsall@clear.net.nz

Nominations close on 26 November 2012.



