Everyone is welcome to come along to this - bring a green drink to go with your pizza
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago 0 comments
Everyone is welcome to come along to this - bring a green drink to go with your pizza
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago 0 comments
New Zealand is at a crossroads. As an agricultural nation we are at the point of having to make a decision between growing GE food, for which there is enormous market resistance, or growing GE free food, for which there is tremendous demand.
Green Party MP Steffan Browning is touring the country next month with two Australian farmers, who are experiencing the divisive frontline of GE in their communities.
Steffan Browning is the Green Party spokesperson on GE, organics, and agriculture. He has worked to expose the lack of compliance in GE field trials in New Zealand, and highlight the risks posed by introducing GE into the New Zealand environment.
Geoff Keey, represents a global alliance of NGOs seeking to create marine reserves in the Antarctic Ocean. The Alliance has recently produced proposals for the Ross Sea and the wider ocean around the Antarctic.
Please reserve your seat by registering online here: www.waikato.ac.nz/pathways/community/tauranga/enrol.shtml?TGA%20Oceans%
Contact person: nyree@waikato.ac.nz or phone 07 5775376
These trees provide a great food souce for tui when the kowhai are not flowering.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more you will need to order them by depositing the amount representing the number of trees you'd like, in our Westpac account: 03 1557 0463402 000. Please make sure your surname and phone number are in the detail boxes.
If you prefer, you can either deliver or post a cheque to:
Please make the cheque out to “Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust”.
The plants will have to be picked up from 7 Carisbrook Place. If there are enough orders from the south end of the city, a pick up point may be organised at a closer location.
Orders must be in and paid for no later than Thursday 9th August. Contact person: Rex Bushell 07854-0973 or 021 237 3857
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago 0 comments
Wednesday 8th August
In the Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St.
6pm for pizza and refreshments
RSVP essential (to admin@envirocentre.org.nz) $5
6.30 Presentation - entry by koha ($5-10)
Following on the heels of Nicole Foss, comes this presentation by New Zealand's own Community Development and Future Planning Strategist Laurence Boomert who will bring forward the best social and economic models for creating more Resilient, Connected and Revitalised communities.
Come find out how we can:
Ø use Cooperatives & Community Currencies - including Timebanking - coming to Hamilton soon - come and learn more
Ø create employment by answering social needs
Ø strengthen and future-proof our local businesses
Ø create healthier, happier homes and neighbourhoods
Ø prepare and make our communities resilient for harder times
Laurence Boomert has a long history in contingency planning, green business development and community up solutions. In the 1990s he founded the 500 member Environmental Business Network, He currently runs the Bank of Real Solutions, an online database of community can-do success stories.
He was a co publisher and writer for the book "Fleeing Vesuvius: Responding to the effects of economic and environmental collapse" published in 2011 by Living Economies with whom he is a board member. His essay in the book is titled, "How I Survived the End of the World in Aotearoa"
Along the way he has done everything from being an organic farmer to a television presenter (on Maggie’s Garden Show) to founding a new political party. He serves on a variety of national and local trusts dedicated to sustainable living.
Entry by Donation ($5 -$10 Suggested) Ph 027 25 888 07 for more info
Possibly the most useful information you will get for facing the future with in 2012. You will be glad you came.
Also at the meeting will be Ruth Seabright who is setting up the Hamilton Timebank as part of her masters studies and she will be there to talk to anyone interested in becoming involved in the Timebank
Please distribute the attached poster far and wide
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago 0 comments
Te Whangai Trust have the following plants available:
Hello all
Well we are back for some great July Specials!
Special 1
Buy any tree, shrub or grass and you will get to take home a plant for free. Free trees will be taken from older tree stock in the nursery. Species include Pittosporum crassifolium (karo), Pittosporum eugenioides (lemonwood), Pittosporum tenuifolium(Kohuhu), Carex species, Ribbonwood, just to name few.
Special 2
Species Common name Normal PB3 Unit Price Special Price Agathis australis Kauri 4.75 3.95 Aristotelia serrata Wineberry/Makomako 4.25 3.35 Beilschmiedia tarairi Taraire 4.75 2 Cordyline australis Cabbage Tree 3.95 2.5 Cortaderia fulvida Toe toe 3.75 2.5 Carex secta Pukio 3.75 2.95 Carex virgata Swamp sedge 3.75 2.95 Phormium cookianum Wharariki/Mountain Green 3.75 2.95 Pseudopanax arboreus 'Puahou'/five finger 4.25 3.15 Pseudopanax lessonii houpara/Coastal Fivefinger 3.95 2 Sophora microphylla Kowhai 3.95 2
Special 3
We have a great selection of PB3/4 plants ready to go. A smaller grade plant but at these prices you can get x2 for the price of x1 PB3. At these prices you can double your planting area.
Species Common name PB3/4 Agathis australis Kauri $2 Coprosma robusta Karamu 1.6 Cordyline australis Cabbage Tree 1.6 Cyperus Ustulatus Upokotangata/Giant umbrella sedge 1.5 Kunzea ericoides Kanuka 1.7 Leptospermum scoparium Manuka 1.7 Melicytus ramiflorus Mahoe 1.8 Phormium cookianum Wharariki/Mountain Green 1.6 Phormium tenax Harakeke/Swamp Flax 1.6 Plagianthus regius Manatu/Ribbonwood 1.7 Pseudopanax lessonii houpara/Coastal Fivefinger 1 Sophora microphylla Kowhai 1.8
If you have any queries, please contact me, on the details supplied below.
Yours sincerely,
John Walter
Te Whangai Trust
Employment Assessment Centre
Native Plant Nursery
Charitable Trust
Phone. 09 232 7725
Cell ph. 021 952659
Facsimile. 09 232 7764
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago 0 comments
Winter Lecture Series starts
All at HCC lounge, Garden Place, 12 - 1pm.
First of 5 lectures themed around Hope for today and tomorrow.
The first one is from Anna Cox and Rose Black,
Poverty and Inequality: Growing awareness and action for change.
Next week's (9 August) is Sally Hewlett, Programmes coordinator (Asia/Pacific Region), Childfund New Zealand. After completing her degree at University of Waikato, Sally travelled extensively to nearly 70 countries learning about the political, social and environmental issues affecting so many of the world's people before joining ChildFund NZ.
Brochures available from the Environment Centre.
4pm. Come and join in the Hands across the sand event in Raglan at Ngarunui Beach, off Wainui Road near the surf life saving tower.
For more information go to www.handsacrossthesand.com as it is happening all over the world this Saturday, primarily to protect the ocean from deep sea oil drilling.
7.30pm Anyone is welcome to attend
‘Understanding Soil Reports for the Organic Grower’: a presentation by certified organic grower and teacher Peter Downard
Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton
Tony Banks Chairperson OrganicFarmNZ (Waikato), ph 07 856 461
The 2012/2013 Community Grants Funding Round is now open. Application forms can be completed online or downloaded from our website www.welenergytrust.co.nz. Please ensure that you read the Community Funding Guidelines attached to the application form in order to determine if your project is eligible for Trust funding.
Applications close on 31 August 2012. All sections of the application form must be fully completed and returned to the Trust Office, together with supporting documentation, by no later than 5pm on Friday 31 August 2012.
Trust staff are available to assist with any enquiries so please either phone us on 838-0093 or email us at funding@welenergytrust.co.nz.
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
The planting will be in a wet area so wear gumboots if possible.
Bring gloves, spade and morning tea. Look forward to seeing you there.
For enquiries: Moira Cursey 07-846-5066 www.waiwhakareke.co.nz
Meet at Balfour Crescent end of the boardwalk
The Riverlea Environment Society will be planting at the opposite end of the boardwalk this time. Come with spade and sturdy shoes, although recent rain may have made it boggy.
It is quite accessible and flat, so children can join in.
Enquiries: Andrea Graves on 07 856 1575 www.resi.org.nz
Nominations for this are encouraged from the general public. It is a chance to recognise and highlight the achievements of NZers who are making a positive contribution to our communities and country.
For help with a submission phone 0508 692 927. You can nominate on line at www.nzawards.org.nz
For further information contact Phil McCabe on 027 294 3451 or phil@solscape.co.nz. www.solscape.co.nz
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
Hamilton City Council has now made available a website to encourage carpooling. www.letscarpool.govt.nz, provides a matching service for Waikato motorists who want to carpool or hitch a ride.
By registering for free and entering your trip details, you will be matched with another traveller in your own area, whom you can then contact to arrange a trip.
For materials to promote the website in your workplace or if you would like to sign your workplace up to the website, please contact kerryn.merriman@hcc.govt.nz
Kevin's contact details are: DDI: 07 838 6871 | Mob: 021317079 | Email: kevin.hogg@hcc.govt.nz
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
The Friends of Pukemokemoke are taking delivery of the first trailer load of plants on Friday at 1pm. Fred and Warwick will be there to sort these - it would be good to have some helpers for this.
On Saturday bring a spade, gloves, gumboots - the grass is long and wet. There are about 750 plants to plant - so the more people the better.
BBQ sausages and tea/coffee will be supplied - please bring your own mug and any other food.
Phone Warwick Silvester for further details 07 855 8236 or 027 681 8426
Tim Newton is leading a free hands-on workshop. This will include building a tunnel house from recycled materials, and pictures and ideas for other forms of shelter you can build for your plants, such as green houses, cold frames and cloches. Join them to lend a hand, ask questions and share ideas.
Bring hand tools (if you have them), ideas and enthusiasm. Wear shoes or boots and warm clothing - we will be working outside.
Clare and Tim WIC Community Garden Mentors ph 021 0387623 021 224310