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Organic Waste Job Opportunity

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

The Waikato Environment Centre is looking for someone to undertake a feasibility study into organic waste collection in the CBD in Hamilton.
This will be a short term position, for someone with excellent communication skills, and an interest in environment and waste,  starting within the next month.

If you are interested in this position or want more information please contact Katherine at the Environment Centre, katherine@envirocentre.org.nz or phone 07 839 4452
Job Description attached.

Closing date 6th July




Waste Job Description.doc

Educational Bird Identification Activity

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Waikato EnviroCentre currently has a fun educational  activity which  checks people's current levels of NZ bird species knowledge.

This is more for children, however adults often like to check what they (think they know!) as well.

The School Holidays may be a great time to visit our centre to encourage your child's interest in nature and awareness of environmental concerns.

We are open every weeekday from 10am-4pm at 25 Ward Street

Contact Lee or Katherine on 07 839 4452 if you specifically would like us to present any particualr information.

We also have information on children's nature clubs, eg. Kiwi Conservation Club (KCC) and the Hamilton Junior Naturalist Club "Junats" which caters for older children.

Building workshop

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Please pass this on to anyone in the building industry - 

Friday June 29, 8:00-11am

Construction and Demolition Waste Management on the Building Site

Hamilton Gardens Pavillion, Chartwell Square Room
Enter at Gate 2 Hamilton Gardens, off Cobham Drive

Entry: free event for all builders and LBPs operating in Hamilton and around the Waikato.

Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor at Hamilton City Council will go through the practical applications of dealing with construction waste on a building site and how to implement goals of a waste management plan to achieve a reduction in C&D waste, by reducing wastage, increasing recovery and re-use, and recycling.

Heidi Mardon, architect and owner of the Hamilton Eco-house, will share her experience of working with her builder and contractors on waste management on her own building site. She is also interested in hearing about the barriers to the successful implementation of a waste management plan on the building site from builders’ perspectives.

2 LBP points have been allocated by the DBH for participation in this event.

RSVP asap:  Megan Edmeades
grEEnme Environmental Education Services
M 021 414 529
P  07 884 6825


Tamahere Gully Care Field Trip

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Sunday, 1 July 2012, 1.30pm

Whewell's Bush Scientific Reserve at Tamahere.

This reserve is an 11ha kahikatea stand that is normally accessible by permit only.

The Tamahere Gully Care group has a permit and intend to look at the trees and to assist the Whewell's Bush Volunteer group with bagging tradescantia. Extra hands will make all the difference to getting the job done. Bring your gardening gloves.


The reserve can be accessed from Swallow Lane - a short no-exit road off Tauwhare Road between Bruntwood and Lee Martin Roads. Park on the roadside beside the bridge.

Be at the entrance around 1.20pm as we will depart from the bridge at 1.30pm. Latecomers may have difficulty locating the group - they are walking through to the far side of the reserve.

There are a number of drains that need to be  crossed either by jumping or going through them so gumboots are recommended.

For further information contact Jan Simmons on  07 8581010 (w) or 07 856 8995 (h)

Tree Crops sale, Sirocco visit

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 7 July, 2012

Tree Crops Sale Hamilton Gardens, Camellia Carpark
9:30am to 1pm - wet or fine

Enter Gate 2 from Cobham Drive. A short distance down, on the left, is the entrance to a large sealed area, with room for buyers and sellers to park.  Everyone welcome
Buyers:  First in - first served! There will be a solid backstop of good quality grafted fruit and nut trees of all sorts, new and old varieties – including many varieties of citrus, apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, avocados, feijoas, almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, berryfruit, ornamentals, farm trees and natives for shade and shelter, growing-on lines, and some more unusual cropping trees.

Sellers: Set up and sell from your car-boot, trailer, ute or pavement. This is a great way to sell any trees, seedlings, herbs, garden plants or any excess produce. Sellers should be in place by 9 am and strictly no sales prior to 9.30 am.  
Commission on Sales: There are no site charges but a 10% commission on all sales is payable by sellers on the day, so please report to the Tree Crops information tent before you leave. This money will be used for Tree Crop trials and projects within our Waikato Branch area.

Please contact Don Harwood (chairman of Waikato Branch)
Ph: 07 843 9007

15 August 2012

Sirocco is Coming!

Maungatautari is the only place in New Zealand to host Sirocco this year.
The world famous kakapo is due to arrive at Maungatautari. MEIT is gearing up for visitors from all over the North Island (and further afield) wanting to see this living legend. Sirocco is so popular he previously sold out at other sanctuaries.

People are needed to help during Sirocco's stay. If you are interested in taking part in this exciting project, you can download a draft job description from website www.maungatrust.org.

If you are not currently a volunteer, you could fill in the Sirocco Volunteer Response Form and send it to our volunteer co-ordinator Ally Tairi (ally@maungatrust.org), or for further information, call her on 07 823 7477.

 If you can’t give up your time to volunteer, visit our website and keep an eye on facebook/savingmaungatautari for information. Better still come and see Sirocco for yourself!



Food Foraging / Pukemokemoke Planting Day

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Food Foraging

Monday, 18 June 2012, 7:30pm

Te Whare o Te Ata, 60A Sare Cr, Fairfield

Foraging food has become popular around New Zealand, and the world.

On Monday, we'll talk about what's happening in Hamilton and surrounds and what could happen!  Also, HCC have provided some info about where fruit and nut trees are located in public areas in Hamilton.  For more information: http://hogs.wainet.org/  

Note Radio NZ hosts interesting talks about foraging.  Their link is:


We also discuss garlic, what to do to produce big bulbs...it's time to plant this delicious medical herb.

* Seed and plant swap, and you're welcome to sell items on the sales table.

Everyone welcome.  Gold coin entry to cover costs.


Pukemokemoke Bush Planting Day

Saturday 21 Jul 2012.  9:00 to 4:30pm

We have 1000 native trees and shrubs to be  planted and will need spades, wheel barrows, golves and lots of helpers.

Getting there:  Drive north on SH9 through Gordonton, then turn right on to Whitikahu Road going towards Tauhei.  After 10 km you will see a hill and quarry on the left.  The entrance is signposted.

Pukemokemoke Bush Reserve consists of 40ha which is open to the public.  It is a lovely place to go for a walk or picnic


Waikato Botanical Society Evening Seminar Series

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Monday, 25th June 2012

5.30 pm – 7 pm

Environment Centre, Level One, 25 Ward St, Hamilton

Gold coin donation to cover costs - thanks.

The new president,  Paula Reeves (Senior Ecologist Wildlands) will give a presentation on the:

“Ecology of Te Tuhi I Oioroa Aotea Heads Scientific Reserve"


Te Tuhi I Oioroa Aotea Heads Scientific Reserve is a large (590 ha) transgressive dunefield on the northern head of Aotea Harbour. It is a fascinating place containing a range of habitat types including tall (120 m) migrating dunes, coastal forest, dune slacks, deflation plains and a small dune lake. It has a very long history of Maori use and occupation that has played a significant role in its current ecology. The Department of Conservation now manage the area jointly with local hapu. In February this year I undertook a comprehensive assessment of the flora to help guide future management and restoration and will discuss some of the findings including the first NZ record of the highly invasive sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias).

There will be opportunity for further discussion, followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant for those who wish.


Also on Monday 23rd July:

Dr Catherine Beard (Waikato Regional Council Ecologist) will speak on “The Much Maligned Mangrove – Coastal Icon or Unwanted Invader?”

Any queries please contact Cynthia Roberts, email: croberts@doc.govt.nz; 8581034 (work) 021 123 1060 (cell).

Film and Pizza Evening

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    2 comments

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Waikato Enviroment Centre, Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton

Help the Hamilton PermacultureTrust celebrate Winter Solstice with pizza and a video:


"Seed Savers celebrates the keepers of the seed, the farmers and gardeners who share & source our diverse food heritage. Seedsavers is filmed across 11 countries with twenty tribal groups showing common threats to food quality and health showing local solutions."

Bring seeds to swap

Book your place and pizza

Contact Cheryl:  8342249, permaham@actrix.co.nz



