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Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments



Discussing Meat Free May - is this an ideal campaign or can meat consumption be sustainable?

Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting. Monday June 27th of June, 12pm-1.30pm at the Waikato Environment Centre.

Discussion led by Tony Banks - Environmental Lawyer, advocate, and chairperson of Waikato Organic Farm NZ.

The Waikato Sustainability Network is an informal lunchtime network that meets every month at the Waikato Environment Centre - topics vary - all are welcome!

Bring your lunch. Coffee and tea provided.








• New page created

• Giant Willow aphids causing mayhem

• Pest control

• Rototuna Primary School Enviroschools activities

• Trees for gullies scheme canned

• Check out mister frog

Click here to view: http://gullyrestoration.blogspot.com/

Interesting Predation Control Interview with Kim Hill

New Zealand scientist Rob Knight is Director of the Center for Microbiome Innovation, and Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, at the University of California San Diego. He has been working since secondary school on ways to genetically engineer a pest species to produce all male offspring. With a range of collaborators, he has lodged three bids for research funding to pursue this idea, most recently a new proposal for the 2016 Smart Ideas round, which specified that proposals must contain risk.




New Meetup group: It’s [not] Easy To Be Green is a community group for the environmentally aware and is designed to fascilitate sharing knowledge, time and resources to help members in their pursuit of a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. We welcome seasoned greenbees as well as those who are newly interested in this way of living. The group will meet once a month to discuss a dedicated topic. Additional events will be added as they arise.


This group supports:

- Reuse: Avoid single use items, find a reusable alternative. Repurpose items instead of throwing them away.

- Make / fix it: Make or grow your own instead of buying mass produced. Consider fixing before replacing.

- Swap it: Share resources and swap produce, goods, ideas, skills and knowledge.

- Buy responsibly: Buy from companies who are are cruelty free, environmentally conscious and follow sustainable practices. Support local farmers and industry.

- Off grid living: Generate your own power, collect your own water, manage your own household waste, grow your own food.

First meeting is at 4pm on Saturday, 25 June. To join or for more information visit the group meetup page: http://www.meetup.com/its-not-easy-to-be-green/








Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Permaculture Design Workshop

Built Environments Module 5

Tutor Ian Mayes ( A Guaranteed Information Loaded Workshop to Make You Stop and Think!)

This module will give you an interesting perspective on building performance and how our houses affect our health. You will go on an insightful journey and learn how to design built environments to optimise thermal performance, energy, water and waste while integrating with the landscape around them. You will come away with the skills to be able to calculate things like energy use in the home and understand Passive Solar Design.

You won’t look at building design the same way again when you are guided through the pro’s and con’s of the options that are available.
When: Saturday, 11 June; 9am–5pm.
Where: Raglan.
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members).
Note: This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate (Zone 0, Module 5).
To find out more and to register call us on 07839 4452.


If you believe that through shared action and advocacy we can make this a more beautiful, sustainable, and greener Waikato, I invite you to join me on Sunday 19 June from 11AM until 3PM at the Waikato Environment Centre.

I will be facilitating an environmental hui and strategy meeting to bring together the different threads of the Waikato environmental and climate action sector.

Matthew Lillis


Interested Follow this link

PLease NOTE  this is event is not organised by the Waikato Environment Centre. You must  follow the link to register your interest


FELLOW POTTERS date 10 June2016

We will be potting at our temporary location at West Rd, Ohaupo for the next few sessions. West Road is opposite Ohaupo Primary School off State Highway 3. Travel down West Road to the gate just past number 172 (which is opposite Norrish Road). 172 is Annette’s place and we will be parking in their yard area and using the nursery facilities at their neighbour’s place. If travelling from Cambridge, Kaipaki Road is the best option and then into Norrish Road.

Starting time is 9.00 am and as usual, bring a thermos and snack for your morning tea. There are plenty of seedlings ready to be potted so it will be great to see as many of you as possible.

We do look forward to your presence as there are plenty to do!!

Thanks Catherine blchsmiths@gmail.com



Our First Friends of Waiwhakareke planting morning will be held on

Saturday 11 June 2016

9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Please respond if you are intending to come along. It is really important to have an indication of numbers so that we know how many plants to have on site. We do need plenty of people so that the task is lightened.

Bring a spade and gloves and wear study foot wear and warm clothes and wet weather gear if rain is forecast. Pop your gumboots in the car just in case some of us will be in wetter areas. We can grab them if needed. And bring morning tea.

We’ll be asking you to sign in as you arrive as an H&S requirement. The sign in will require your contact details and your next of kin contact details.

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning. Much appreciated

Cheers Moira Convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke m.cursey@xtra.co.nz



SAM - Initiative of Waimarie: Hamilton East Community House, in getting kids into sport, music and other cultural activities who would not normally have the opportunity.

Goal: To enable primary aged children who would not normally be able to participate in organized cultural activities, due to financial constraints, the opportunity to do so, by providing equipment and/or payment of fees.

We have acquired funding from the Lions club of East Hamilton Charitable Trust to be used to subsidise or pay fully sports fees, music tuition fees, drama or dance class fees or other suitable cultural activity.

Waimarie do have criteria that a family needs to meet to access these funds.

  • A family must have a Community Services Card. We would need one form of photo identification.
  • An application form needs to be filled out
  • The children must be of School age (5 to 12years old).
  • There has to be a commitment from the family to support the children in the sport, music or cultural activity.
  • The family must live in South East Hamilton.  


http://waimarieham.wainet.org/fund  to download the application form.

If you can help us to use this funding on suitable and deserving children please contact me.

Anne               admin@waimarie.org






Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Craft Group Monday 13th June 1pm to 2.30pm

Contact Anne Morgagni 07858 3453 admin@waimarie.org

Healthy Homes Workshop June 2016

Are you interested in the health and wellbeing of your Community?

Do you work directly with families or do you work with organisations that do?

Details attached

Creating Healthy Homes Workshop June 2016.pdf

LECTURE SERIES ON CLIMATE CHANGE for The Waikato Branch of the Royal Society of NZ

see flyer attcahed 

climate chnge poster.pdf



We have Landscape Architect Naomi Crawford to speak about

“Attractive Cycling Infrastructure”

Location: The Londoner, 596 Victoria Street, Tuesday 7th June,

Start 5:15pm-5:30pm,

Naomi Crawford works for Opus and is lead Landscape Architect for

Western Rail Trail plus more cycle projects, her jobs is to make a

place attractive for people. She will speak for about 30 minutes on

Signage, Furniture, Bridges and crime prevention along biking paths.

“Attractive Cycling Infrastructure” is about creating places

that feels special. Because cyclists are humans and good bicycle

paths are more than just good engineering.

Bring a friend, join the conversation at “The Londoner”, Vic

St, Tuesday 7th June, Start 5:15pm-5:30pm,

Regards Peter H Bos

Cycle Action Waikato is a local Group of Cycle Action Network (CAN)




Carrie Barber is involved in a study of infant sleep and is looking for participants for a survey - including grandparents! If you can help, or if you can forward the information on to others who may be interested and able to participate in the survey, please contact Carrie, and re-post the information as appropriate.







Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments


 Sunday 12 June 5pm

Have a look on our facebook page for the event https://www.facebook.com/events/1020115668057521/

This meat-free potluck doubles as a fun cooking contest. Bring food for the vegetarian or vegan section. Prizes incude Best-looking Dish and Fanciest Name, so get busy!


Please join us on Saturday 28 May for a tree-planting session in Hammond Bush. This is the most fun part of bush restoration! It gives instant, rewarding change.

When: Sat 28 May 1-3 pm

Where: Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk in Hammond Bush

Bring: a spade, gardening gloves, gumboots if possible, layers of clothing, a raincoat.

RSVP: by Friday 27 May (so we know how many plant to supply)

The event will take place rain or shine (except in the event of a severe weather warning).

This is not ideal for children because the new plantings are quite spread out, and many of them will be in places that are steep or boggy. However, next month (Sat 25th of June) we will plant in more child-friendly areas, and it is a great family thing to do.




If you are considering joining us on the Ed Hillary Hope Reserve trip this Saturday, the weather forecast is not promising for Saturday morning, we may well postpone until Sunday, but will make the final decision and notify everyone using this email list on Friday.


Mike ClearwaterM: 021 203 2902




Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments


Congratulations to Janice Hall of Glenview the winner of our Enviroexpo worm farm. Janice caught the bus from Glenview  to pick up her prize, and was absolutely thrilled to win the worm farm ( as she never wins anything!)


Hot on the heels of Meat-free May, it's time to show off your recipes and share some kai.

This meat-free potluck doubles as a fun cooking contest. Bring food for the vegetarian or vegan section. Prizes incude Best-looking Dish and Fanciest Name, so get busy!


We aim to inspire more plant-based eating as part of a practical response to climate change.Come along to keep warm, meet like-minded people, and eat some great food.


We can't heat up food at the venue. Please bring a serving spoon. We'll give you a card to fill in when you arrive to say if your dish contains gluten, dairy, eggs or nuts, so be aware of what you've added. Lots of parking is available in Five Cross Roads carpark; access to EnviroCentre is through the back door.


5pm Doors open 5.20 Last call for cooking contest entries

5.30 Speeches 5.45 Eating! 6.15 Prizes

7pm Finish


Be there to support this final step

The classification of the 5.2 ha is back on the agenda (this Thursday 26 May) of the Ordinary Council Meeting starting at 1.30pm in the Council Chamber. Item 9 Waiwhakareke Land: Declaration of Reserve. Please come along to make sure this final crucial step goes as planned. See you there!



You are invited to participate in a workshop for Environment / NGO groups and individuals interested in the Healthy Rivers Project. The purpose of this workshop is to:

• update the Environment / NGO sector on the likely plan change recommendations the Collaborative Stakeholders Group (CSG) will be making to the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Committee on 7 June

• discuss various issues associated with those recommendations.

• seek a mandate from the Environment / NGO sector regarding the Environment / NGO sectors bottom lines to be tabled at the CSG workshop 7 June.

• discuss where to next and possible actions for the Environment / NGO sector, e.g. submission guidelines.

Workshop details are:

DATE: Friday 3 June

WHERE: Rotary Room Hamilton Gardens

TIME: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

Coffee / tea will be available on arrival. A lunch will be served at the end of the workshop. If you do wish to attend please RSVP by 31 May for catering purposes.

Al Fleming A.Fleming@forestandbird.org.nz


Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc.

PO Box 70 171 · Tauranga 3155 · New Zealand

M 021 988 295


When Saturday  4 June 8am to 2pm Apple Orchard In Newstead

           Sunday    5 June 8am to 2pm Persimmon Orchard Tamahere

Email: pickfruithamilton@gmail.com or text 021 253 1526






Creating Living Buildings Short Course

Offered in partnership through Ara and Otago Polytechnic Centre for Sustainable Practice this Professional Practice course will support you to design and deliver living buildings in Aotearoa NZ.

- Two day block course on the Living Building Challenge and Integrated Design - Webinar support to apply your learning on real projects for following 2 months- Facilitated by Jerome Partington

Why enrol?

- Valuable information sharing towards co creating a regenerative future

- Inspiration to play your part in creating a sustainable future

- Professional development enabling diverse and rich dialogue and learning that supports your creation of authentic sustainable projects and outcomes

- Learn how to use the Living Building Challenge goals as drivers for positive change

- Learn to work together to create the best outcomes within budget, time and quality constraints

Who for?

- Construction professionals. design professionals, engineers, clients

Where and When:

Christchurch: Wednesday 8 & Thursday 9 June 2016

Auckland: Wednesday 23 & Thursday 24 June 2016

Dunedin: Thursday 7 & Friday 8 July 2016 (TBC by demand)


$997 including GST. Some EECA 50% bursaries available for small businesses and masters students.

More info http://www.op.ac.nz/study/sustainable-practice/creating-living-built-environments-short-course/

Talk to us :Jerome Partington 021 716 212 jnpartington@gmail.com

Steve Henry 021 705 873 Steve.Henry@op.ac.nz Otago Polytechnic

Bernadette Muir 021 403 635 Bernadette.Muir@ara.ac.nz ARA Christchurch



HCC is calling for feedback, and for registration to make verbal submissions on July 7, at a hearing on the future of the Founders' Theatre.

Because the decision that is made could have considerable influence on the future functioning of the CBD, it would be great if you could take a few minutes to fill in the on-line feedback form, even if you don't want to appear at the hearing. The site for reading the background and providing your feedback is: http://www.hamilton.govt.nz/our-city/artsandculture/founders-theatre/Pages/default.aspx



further detail here



For Migrants starting 7 June please see attached

Wellbeing Programme at the centre-1.pdf


If anyone is interested in joining an established organic food co-op that regularly orders directly from Ceres, please contact Ravi Talele. Ravi Talele <cerescoop@gmail.com>

The co-op is based in Rototuna but there are members in various parts of Hamilton so shared pickup is possible.



Men’s Health Event to be held on Monday 20 June 10am – 1pm at the Celebrating Age Centre, 30 Victoria Street, Hamilton.

The goal of the event is to raise awareness of men’s health and the preventative steps men can take to improve their health and well being.

This FREE event aims to offer health checks – hearing screening, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, heart risk assessment, and diabetes risk assessments. You can even walk through the inflatable colossal colon. You can talk to our friendly nurses and other health professionals. You can even try to win a raffle prize.


A reminder our trip to the Ed Hillary Hope Reserve is planned for this Saturday May 28.

More details below and on our website


Our first visit to the new Ed Hillary Hope Reserve, established by the Native Forest Restoration Trust and opened in May 2015. The new reserve contains 180 hectares of established forest and more than 280 hectares of farm land well suited for restoration. It adjoins the Four Brothers Scenic Reserve, and is crossed by the Hamilton Raglan Road. The reserve and restoration project contribute significantly to the network of protected native forest areas within 20 kilometres of Hamilton. It will also become part of Waikato Regional Council’s Halo Project, which involves active pest animal control at selected sites near Hamilton to support birdlife such as tui and kereru.

To assist restoration and protection efforts, more information is needed on the existing flora of the reserve. Meet at the Landcare carpark in Hamilton at 9 am, or the reserve entrance on Old Mountain Road (approximately 826 Old Mountain Road), Waitetuna at 9.45. If the weather is bad we will consider postponing to the Sunday. Send the trip organiser an email if you are planning on coming and wish to be kept informed of any changes, and/or check this site.

Waikato Branch RSNZ Lunchtime Lecture Series on Climate Change

To Members and Friends of the Waikato Branch of RSNZ,

We have created a lunchtime lecture series on climate change with the objective of presenting current knowledge on the subject to a larger audience than our talk series usually reach. To accomplish this we are taking the series into the city, where the venue is the Reception Lounge in the Hamilton City Council building in Garden Place. The idea is for people to come along, eat their lunch, and learn about how climate change could effect them and what possible mitigation measures there are. The series begins on Thursday June 2 and continues with one lecture each week for six weeks – the final lecture is on Tuesday July 5. There is no charge and everyone is welcome. The full programme is available at: http://rsnzwaikato.org/sites/default/files/ClimateChangeSeriesFlier.pdf

Please note that the final lecture is actually part of the Royal Society of NZ's 2016 Ten by Ten (10x10) Series, which fell nicely into place with what we are doing.

. If anyone receiving this message has any useful suggestions on getting the word out, or is able to post a flier somewhere visible could you please contact us on info@rsnzwaikato.org

Looking forward to seeing you at a lunchtime lecture soon.


Paul Taylor






Environment Centre Membership 2016

Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments


Healthy Environments;

Thriving Communities

Help us help the environment and the community,

become a member or financial supporter today

On behalf of the Waikato Environment Centre, Pamela and I want to thank you for your contribution to the centre’s work and to the positive change that we are making together. The last couple of years has seen considerable growth at the centre and we are proud of what we have achieved in collaboration with you.

Kaivolution has grown beyond expectation and has rescued over 100 tonnes of food since its inception. Our ethical E-waste recycling service has taken off, and people are bringing in their e-waste by the boot load – it’s fantastic. Our sustainable living conversations are proving to be a hit, creating engaged communities of learners throughout the city. And this is just a fraction of the work we do.

I know we all agree that our natural environment needs protecting, preserving and enhancing – let’s face it humanity depends on it.  There is so much work that we can do together – the possibilities are endless. However, like many social change organisations we are reliant on the generosity of the community and the generosity of people like you.  We need you to help us sustain and develop the work we are doing and to achieve our vision of Healthy Environments Supported by Thriving Communities.

We invite you to join us in our mission by becoming a member and/or financially contributing supporter of the Waikato Environment Centre – the hub of sustainable action in the Waikato.  Just a little from a bunch of us can go a long way.  With a bustling and busy centre and lots of ways to engage, we believe now is a good time to sign up, become a member and empower the centre to do more with the community.  We have several membership options from as little as $15 per year, and also invite you to consider becoming a regular giver.  Every dollar you give is a valuable contribution. 

As a WEC member or regular giver you will be supporting all our activities, services and programmes.  As a valued member you will receive:

  • Notification of regional events and issues
  • Discounts on training and workshops
  • Priority registration for events
  • Discounts in our Sustainable Living Shop
  • Invitations to special celebrations
  • Promotional opportunities for businesses
  • Discounted use of facilities for groups
  • Exhibitor discounts at the EnviroExpo
  • Voting rights at our AGM

Over the next year we have some exciting initiatives planned, including, just quietly, maybe new premises for Kaivolution and E-Waste.  Your financial support has contributed to our success so far and we hope you choose to continue to support us into the future as we continue to create change towards healthy environments and thriving communities.


If for any reason you are unable to support us financially, then please remember that every positive action you take makes a difference, so please consider donating your skills by volunteering, engaging with one of the many groups we support, or shopping with us.  Working together, communities really can make a difference and WEC is here to support you all the way.



Posted 8 years, 8 months ago    0 comments




Many thoughtful leaders are suggesting Divesting from Fossil Fuels - but what does this mean? What is Divestment?

Robert Moore, Social Justice Enabler at Anglican Action, has been working with the Anglican Church on their Divestment Strategy. Robert will lead a discussion on Divestment at the Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting,

Monday the 23rd of May, 12-1.30pm

Waikato Environment Centre,

242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

Come and chat, network, learn and share. Cup of tea provided



This is going to landfill at the end of this week. Can anyone use it please?

Its 1.9m x 1,4m. Rimu veneer with solid rimu shelving inside





Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park - Planting Working bees for the coming month

Working bee on Saturday 28th May cancelled due to Arbor Day planting

Friday 3 June Arbor Day planting 9am -midday in the Zoo carpark with schools. There are $20,000 plants to go in the ground -come along if you can to help the students plant trees- the odd plant can go in the ground upside down and need tipping up the right way!!

Thursday 8 June with Wintec students -come along if you can spare some time to help them.

Saturday 11 June Friends planting 9am -midday meet in the carpark opposite the Zoo. Bring your own spade if possible and gloves, wear gumboots bring wet weather gear just incase.

Saturday 25 June Friends Planting 9am -midday meeting place etc same as above

Saturday 30 July Friends Planting 9am -midday meeting place etc same as above

Saturday 27 August Friends Planting 9am - midday meeting place etc same as above

We'd really like a heads up on number who can attend on Saturday 11 June planting as we need to bring the correct number of plants to the site. If we bring too many we have to take them back and it's a lot of double handling. So can you please RSVP to the 11 June planting by Monday 6 June.

Last year we got such as good turn out to the largest planting that we were finished before midday which was really satisfying. Bring along friends and family and spread the work amongst your networks.

Cheers Moira Cursey

Convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park



Upcoming Mangakotukutuku Stream Care planting dates

Saturday 21st May, 2.00pm, Sandford Park, Meet at bridge , access off Peacockes Road entrance, park along access track.

Saturday 11th June, 3.00pm, Sandford Park Meet at bridge , access off Peacockes Road entrance, park along access track.

Saturday 2nd July, 1.00pm, Edgeview Subdivision, Edgeview Crescent, access off Edgeview Cres , park on road just past #39

Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Group

Enhancing the biodiversity and health of urban streams




Native plants, well-grown, eco-sourced, plantable now, at competitive prices, surplus to own restoration project. Available: Manuka, Wineberry, Karamu, Kawakawa, Kowhai, Pate, Totara.

Please contact Betty Collins ph 07 -8478271 email: collb@vodafone.co.nz for more details.




Waikato Botanical Trip Coming Up 

Room Change for AGM tonight, now in SG.03 at UOW km8j1s@gmail.com

A date for your diaries, a Botanical Society trip coming up in two weeks time.

More details will be provided closer to the date.

Our first visit to the new Ed Hillary Hope Reserve, established by the Native Forest Restoration Trust and opened in May 2015. The new reserve contains 180 hectares of established forest and more than 280 hectares of farm land well suited for restoration. It adjoins the Four Brothers Scenic Reserve, on the Hamilton Raglan Road. The reserve and restoration project contribute significantly to the network of protected native forest areas within 20 kilometres of Hamilton. It will also become part of Waikato Regional Council’s Halo Project, which involves active pest animal control at selected sites near Hamilton to support birdlife such as tui and kereru.

To assist restoration and protection efforts, more information is needed on the existing flora of the reserve. Trip details are yet to be finalized, but those coming from Hamilton will probably meet as usual at the Landcare carpark in Hamilton, then at the reserve entrance on Old Mountain Road, Waitetuna. If the weather is bad we will consider postponing to the Sunday. Watch this site for more details.



2016 Conference 6-8 July





Posted 8 years, 8 months ago    0 comments


Dishy Hand Finished BRUSHWARE, brooms ( made of  Rice Straw), nail brushes, pot scrubbers and vegetable scrubbers ( made of tampico fibre)



Are you involved in Not for Profit Work

Have a look at this attachment to help tell your story


A Rocha _ On field Media June 16-3.pdf

St Andrew’s Coffee Series
Dr Kevin Tate – Climate change

VENUE :  The Link: St Andrew’s Church Community Centre
Corner River Rd & Te Aroha St, Claudelands, Hamilton.
DATE :  7.30pm for 8.00pm, Thursday 19 May 2016

Details attached

Kevin Tate poster 25Apr16[2]-1.pdf


Photographic Exhibition and Tours Of Seeley Gully

Living Street Call Out

You may have noticed an absence of meetings and suggestions from Living Streets Hamilton recently.

Because of increased pressure of work and some family matters that take priority at the moment, I'd like to ask whether you think we can keep the group going with a more collaborative approach. It's been fun organising our annual spring strolls, and I'm sure there are lots more places we can explore together or revisit. Also, it's been a worthwhile task presenting submissions to local and regional government to try to keep pedestrian safety and the value of pedestrian-friendly environments in the awareness of those who hold the purse strings.

If you think these things are worth persisting with, and even better, if you've got ideas for other things the group can do, or better ways of doing them, it would be great to hear from you.

If we can set up something where lots of people do a little bit and get together occasionally to discuss what new directions the group can go in, it would be easy for everyone.


If you do have time, or ideas, or anything else, please email me. In case we get enough answers to warrant a get-together, either by email or in person, can you indicate whether you'd be happy to have your email address circulated to other like-minded members who have also responded? My email is  judy.c.mcdonald@gmail.com

Many thanks for your interest so far, and here's hoping we can keep Living Streets walking happily on into the future!


Waikato Botanical Society AGM

Our AGM is on next Wednesday night the 18th at the University in S block.

We will start with refreshments at 5:30 then do the AGM and this will be followed by a talk on the flora of Chile by Chris Lusk.

Chris was recently in Chile for the Southern Connection conference, and took the opportunity to get reacquainted with the plants, landscapes and culture of Chile. Chris has previously spent a number of years living and working in Chile, researching vegetation dynamics.

Please send your nominations for president, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, committee to Kris Kramer-Walter, secretary@waikatobotsoc.org.nz.

The job of being on the committee is not onerous. We have about 2 - 3 meetings a year.

Any questions please email km8j1s@gmail.com


Toah-NNest Regional Hui 2016 Hamilton 3 June

FREE sexual violence prevention and intervention professional development opportunity

This is a TOAH-NNEST Tauiwi Caucus initiative for our members. We also invite all those working in the sexual violence specialist sector to join us for a day of networking and a workshop. These hui are for everyone, whether your focus is prevention, survivor services or the treatment of harmful sexual behaviour.

We have two great workshops:

Ending Sexual Violence Together

This workshop will provide a space to reflect on and extend how we think about stopping sexual violence, as individuals and collectively

We will introduce a 12 point prevention matrix as a tool to think about how we can collectively end sexual violence.

• Share knowledge and projects with others doing the work.

• Break down misconceptions about sexual abuse and find ways to prevent sexual violence through all areas of your work.

Discussions facilitated by Rachel Fabish (TOAH-NNEST), Melanie Calvesbert (Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation Wellington) and Rachel Harrison (CAPS Hauraki)


Challenging Assumptions: perspective from minority communities

This interactive workshop will allow conference attendees to hear perspectives of service use from within minority communities

We will be looking particularly at questions of:

• How can I be more inclusive when I deal with clients?

• How can our agencies be more inclusive?

• Common traps and misconceptions

• Perspectives on preventing sexual violence

Discussions will be facilitated by Anjum Rahman and Rebecca Fraser, organisers of Campaign for Consent Hamilton and members of Taku Manawa Kirikiriroa, Hamilton's Human Rights Network.

More information:http://toah-nnest.org.nz/about-us/news/events














Kevin Tate poster 25Apr16[2]-1.pdf
