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Changes to Gully series events

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Message from Tim Newton re the events planned for this weekend - 

Greetings gully restorers and interested folk

Due to rough weather warnings today we have postponed the events planned for yesterday and today. I hope to reschedule by moving events forward two weeks and will send out confirmation next week.

But . . . Note that the Sunday Tour at Mangaiti will go ahead as planned

Mangaiti Restoration Tour Group tour with Rex Bushel Meet at 10am on the footbridge between Coleraine Drive (Next to no 52) and St James Drive (Next to No 64).

And . . . . Project Echo's Bat Fun Day
Another event coming up is the bat fun day on Saturday 10th at 10 am. Follow the link for more information

Access via ROW next to 82 Riverlea Rd or river walk way.

Hope to see you at the Bat Day and rescheduled events

Envirofund Applications closing date; Trade Aid Hamilton moving; Graduate Diploma “Not for Profit Management”

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Envirofund Applications close

Friday 30 March 2012

Applications seeking funding from Hamilton City Council’s Envirofund must be made by close of play Friday 30 March 2012.

Previously Envirofunded projects include green design, energy efficiency, waste minimisation, water conservation, planting and restoration education, and much more.

To apply, or to learn more about this fund, go to www.hamilton.co.nz/envirofund or email gareth.cartwright@hcc.govt.nz


Trade Aid Hamilton moving

Last day of trading at Alexandra Street shop will be Saturday 24 March 2012, reopening on Worley Place, Hamilton Thursday 29 March 2012.  See flyer attached.

Kind regards, Laurel Snowdon, Shop Manager Trade Aid


Graduate Diploma: “Not for Profit Management” 2012

Qualification for managers, coordinators and board members working in community, voluntary and tangata whenua organisations.  Programme is run at the Community Waikato office, Hamilton.

Values-Based Management And Leadership 

30 April - 2 May and  28 May – 30 May

Students identify the distinct history, role, values, culture and characteristics of the not for profit (NFP) sector, and of their own organisation, and then analyse what this means for their own approach to management, leadership, and learning.

ENROLMENT/ENQUIRIES:  nfpadmin@unitec.ac.nz or www.community.unitec.ac.nz

The programme is supported by Unitec scholarships and Community Waikato scholarships. To learn whether you meet scholarship criteria, check: www.unitec.ac.nz or www.communitywaikato.org.nz.

Coromandel Coastal Clean-up postponed; Worm Tea; Visit to Mangaiti Gully; Workshop - Child Cycling Injury Prevention & Safety

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Due to the strong winds and heavy rain forecast for this weekend, the

Great Coromandel Coastal Clean-up

is postponed to Saturday 10 March 2012

Otherwise, event plans remain the same. To get involved, turn up at one of five clean-up locations between 10am - 2pm:

  • Long Bay Boat Ramp in Coromandel
  • Kuranui Bay Reserve in Thames
  • Whangamata and Pauanui Surf Life Saving Clubs
  • Whitianga Wharf

Sign in, get your clean-up equipment (provided for free), and hit the beaches. To find out more and to register to volunteer: www.sustainablecoastlines.org


Worm Tea

Our ever-hungry composter worms have been digesting and peeing prolifically again, so we have a small quantity of nutrient rich worm 'tea' available here for collection at the Waikato Environment Centre - first in, first served.

10am - 4pm, Mon-Fri

Waikato Environment Centre: Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton


Visit to Mangaiti Gully

10am Sunday 3 March 2012

HCC in conjunction with Continuing Education Waikato University is running a number of Hamilton gully open days and lectures on gully restoration. Join us this Sunday to catch up on what is happening within Mangaiti Gully.

Meet at concrete pad below foot bridge between 1 Grenache Place to 60 St James Drive, Rototuna, Hamilton.


Safekids NZ, in partnership with Te Runanga O Kirikirora Trust Inc invitation:

Campaign Information and Planning Workshop:

Child Cycling Injury Prevention & Safety Out And About

9.30am – 2pm Tuesday 1 May 2012

Te Runanga O Kirikirora Trust Inc, 59 Higgins Road, Dinsdale, Hamilton

No entry fee, participation is open to public (registration necessary).

Receive the latest injury data and key safety messages.

Network with a multi-sector groups, and plan collaborative injury prevention initiatives within your community.

Gain tools, templates and new resources to help build skills for your coalition and projects

Queries regarding content, please contact victoriaj@adhb.govt.nz

Workshop Modules include:

  • What’s New – Safekids Presentation

- Child Cycling Injury Prevention

-Update on 2010-2011 Safekids Campaign on Driveway Run Over Injury Prevention. Let’s hear what you’ve been doing.


  • Guest Speaker: Community Constable Willie Cuthers
  • Planning Session: Collaborative Planning for local projects

To register: RSVP by Tuesday 24 April 2012 to Kereama Paraha kereama@terunanga.ogr.nz, 07 846 1042 extn 805.

Environmental Initiatives Fund; WBF Walk, Bike and Bush Picnic; Waikwhakareke Picnic and Walk; Volunteering Waikato Consultation Workshop

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Environmental Initiatives Fund

application closing date: 1 April 2012

Waikato Regional Council's Environmental Initiatives Fund provides one-off grants to projects that directly enhance and/or benefit the environment or provide environmental education.

For full details: http://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/Community/Whats-happening/Funding-and-scholarships/#Heading1


Waikato Biodiversity Forum: Walk, Bike and Bush Picnic


Saturday 17 March 2012

Walk or cycle beside the Kaniwhaniwha Stream, Te Pahu and along the Nikau Track (Mount Pirongia) while enjoying beautiful native bush and restoration plantings.

AND go on a guided walk to explore caves, find out what’s in the stream and watch electric fishing (weather permitting), learn about the birds and plants of the forest, and hunt to find bush treasures.

Sausage sizzle provided along with drink and snack bar.

Bring additional water and picnic lunch.

Shared transport available from Hamilton to Kaniwhaniwha Stream

Bookings by 14 March 2012 to Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz, 07 846 5066, 0272223791

If weather is wet, call 0800 BIO DIV (0800 246 348) before 8.30am for notification of cancellation.


Waikwhakareke Natural Heritage Park - Picnic and Guided Walk

3 - 5pm Sunday 18 March 2012

Gate at Baverstock Road, Nawton, Hamilton

Unique opportunity to hear about what's happened at the Park, take a guided walk around the area, and learn about future plans.

BYO picnic food and drink.

For further details or cancellation: Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz, 07 846 5066.


Volunteering Waikato Strategic Plan – Consultation Workshop

 10am - 12pm Tuesday 27 March, 2012

Community Waikato, 33 Victoria Street, Hamilton

Volunteering Waikato’s Board is reviewing its strategic plan and will be seeking valuable input from stakeholders.  Please attend the Consultation Workshop to let us know as to how we can improve our services to meet your needs and how changes in your organisation over the next 5 years may inform how we work with you.

Coffee/tea available from 9.45am, start promptly at 10am. Light lunch supplied at conclusion.

RSVP to manager@volunteeringwaikato.org.nz before 20 March 2012 for workshop planning and catering purposes. 

For those unable to attend, a report of the meeting will be circulated for input.

Friends of Waiwhakareke Working Bee, Green Ribbon Awards Nominations

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Friends of Waiwhakareke Working Bee

9am - 12noon, Saturday 25 February  2012

Meet:  Brymer Road entrance opposite Hamilton Zoo

Weeding around trees planted on Arbor Day. This is a really important working bee to save small plants from smothering by weeds.

Bring gumboots, gloves, weeding tools, morning tea.   

Enquiries: Moira Cursey 07 846 5066


Maui’s Dolphin Day

10am - 5pm 10 March 2012

Te Kopua Domain, Raglan

Current stage schedule and list of stallholders follows. If you would like to be a part of the day, contact Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan  07 825 0480 or wenvc@kol.co.nz


10am Welcome

10:10am Kindy Rock

10:50am Peggy Oki introducing...

11:00 am Dr. Liz Slooten – Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins

11:40am Raft Race

1:00pm Blue Stratos (Ashley Knox)

1:30pm Sustainable Coastlines – marine debris

1:40pm ASR – marine debris in Whaingaroa catchment and sea

1:50pm Project Jonah – what they do

2:00pm Antonio Te Maioha

2:20pm Department of Conservation

2:30pm Little Lapin

3:00pm Karin Bettley

3:40pm Marten ten Broek

4:20pm Peggy Oki introducing…

4:30pm Prizegiving with Dave Rastovich

5:00pm Screening of Minds in the Water (in Sustainable Coastlines container)


Forest and Bird

Whiangaroa Environment Centre


Sustainable Coastlines education shipping container


A Rocha

Department of Conservation

Project Jonah

Raglan Community House

Let’s Face It – visual petition

Waitetuna Community Group (food fundraiser)

Raglan Kindergarten (food fundraiser)

Waikato Regional Council – Bruno David - unconfirmed

Fisheries Education Trailer – unconfirmed

Green Party – unconfirmed


Ministry for the Environment's

Green Ribbon Awards

Nomination deadline 5pm Friday 23 March 2012

Presented by the Minister for the Environment to recognise outstanding contributions by individuals, organisations, businesses, and communities to protect and enhance NZ's environment. 

Awards available in 12 categories - see www.mfe.govt.nz/green-ribbon for details of awards, and details for making nominations.

You can nominate yourself, your organisation, community group, service or product, and you can nominate someone else who you think deserves recognition (if you haven't time or enough information about someone else, you can email their details to green.ribbon@mfe.govt.nz and the Ministry will send them an invitiation to submit a nomination).

Exciting Job Opportunity

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Centre Administrator

The Waikato Environment Centre is looking for a replacement for our administration/reception person, who is heading off overseas in March.

The person we are after needs to have excellent communication and written skills, be positive and friendly with sound general knowledge of environmental issues, and experience with normal office procedures.

Much of the job entails face to face with the public and our members, but there are also opportunities to work independently and undertake or help with projects .

You will be responsible for being at the centre during the opening hours, thirty hours per week, looking after those who use the centre, selling products, producing online newsletters and helping environmental groups publicise events, answering queries, and, in conjunction with the Manager, helping with funding and financial recording.

If you are interested in finding out more about this position, a job description can be viewed on our website 


Hamilton Organic Gardeners (HOGs) Meeting

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

7.30pm Monday 20 February

Te Whare o te Ata, 60a Sare Crescent, Fairfield, Hamilton

"Top Crops and Flop Crops"

Seed and plant swap and you’re welcome to sell items on the sales table.  Fish fertiliser for sale.  All welcome. Gold coin entry to cover room hire costs.

For details about Hamilton Organic Gardeners: http://hogs.wainet.org/

Kiwi Conservation Club Trips, Seed and Seedling Swap, 2012 Volunteer Excellence Award nominations

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Kiwi Conservation Club (KCC) is Forest and Bird's junior club for children of all ages

New members always welcome


KCC trips are organised monthly.  Upcoming trips:

Raglan – Wainui Reserve Walk and Bush Safety Talk (easy)

Sunday 26 February 2012, 10am

Di Farrell, Raglan resident and recent addition to the KCC coordination team, leads us on a gentle walk in the Wainui Reserve.  Friends of Wainui have done a lot of work to transform this part of the Wainui Valley from farmland to regenerating native bush. Di will meet us at the Friends of Wainui Bush Reserve car park at 10:30am. Pam Bovill, another Raglan resident and long time Mountain Safety Council member will talk about bush safety. Then we will set off along the Bush to Beach track (approximately 40 minutes, fairly easy going), making our way across the stream, through the bush reserve and across the ridge, before descending the walkway over the dunes to the beach. You'll have time to dip your toes and build castles in the sand before heading back to the cars for a picnic lunch. The rest of the day is yours, with other walking tracks to enjoy and the sea perfect for swimming.

For more information go to http://raglan.gen.nz/about-raglan/wainui-reserve/

Directions from Raglan: Down Wainui Road, past Poihakena Marae and Kereopa Drive, both on the right. Friends of Wainui Bush Reserve car park is approximately 500m beyond Kereopa Drive.

Contact Susan Baucke 07 829 8977 or 021 254 1360 regarding attendance and carpooling.


Tiritirimatangi Island – Day Trip (easy)

Sunday 25 March 2012

Tiritiri Matangi is one of New Zealand’s most important and exciting conservation projects: an island wildlife sanctuary 4km off the tip of the Whangaparaoa Penninsula. The island was stripped almost bare of native bush during a century and a quarter of farming. Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of volunteers, who between 1984 and 1994 planted something in the order of 300,000 native trees, 60% of the island is forested.

The island is accessed by ferry from Gulf Harbour Marina (Pier Z) at 9:45am.  Free parking available at the marina. Ferry bookings must be made direct to 360 Discovery Cruises - http://www.360discovery.co.nz/timetables-fares/tiritiri-matangi-island-timetable.php or 0800 360 3472.

Gulf Harbour Marina is about a one hour drive north of Auckland at the end of the Whangaparaoa Penninsula, meaning an early start from Hamilton.

Some attendees are staying Saturday night at the F&B Tai Haruru Lodge at Piha - http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/what-we-do/lodges/tai-haruru-lodge for details if you'd like to join them.

On Tiritiri Matangi we will be met by a DoC ranger for a compulsory briefing before setting out on one of the recommended circular tracks (duration 2 hours). This takes in Hobbs Beach, the Hobbs Track, the Lighthouse and the Wattle Track before returning to the Wharf for lunch.

NOTE: No food is available for purchase on the island.  Tracks are either hard surface, grass or boardwalks, with many wooden steps. If bringing a pushchair be prepared to do a bit of lifting.

After lunch the time is your own to further explore the island, making sure you’re back at the Wharf to catch the return ferry at 3:30pm (arriving back at Gulf Harbour marina approximately 4pm).

More information go to http://www.tiritirimatangi.org.nz/

Contact Susan Baucke 07 829 8977 or 021 254 1360 regarding attendance and carpooling.


Seed and Seedling Swap

7.30-8pm, Wednesday 22 February 2012

Raumati Room, Waimarie Community Centre, 53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton

WIC and HUG are having a seed and seedling swap!  For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/301085409950123/

All welcome!


 Volunteering Waikato’s 2012 Volunteer Excellence Award nominations

Open Thursday 1 March 2012

Deadline Monday 16 April 2012

A wonderful opportunity for the community to come together to recognise the contribution and achievements of outstanding volunteers. You can nominate;

  • Individual volunteers, including a category for Youth volunteers
  • Teams (e.g. project teams) - maybe your Board of Trustees, or a group of volunteers carrying out a vital function within your organisation.

Any community organisation in the Waikato region can nominate (you need not be a member of Volunteering Waikato).

To nominate, obtain forms from www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz or request one by email admin@volunteeeringwaikato.org.nz, or phone 07 839 3193 and Liddy will post nomination forms to you.

From Thursday 1 March 2012 nominations can be completed online (without needing to fill in paper forms) at www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz.
