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Volunteering Waikato Workshop, Sustainable Coastlines, Kalu Yala Internship

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Volunteering Waikato Workshop

Retaining Volunteers

- how to keep them engaged, productive and happy

Tuesday, 6 March 2012, 9am – 1pm (morning tea provided)

NZ Red Cross, 422 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton (next to Bunnings. Parking in Bunnings Carpark)

Booking essential (see form attached)

Workshop Facilitator - Jenny Magee

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that has.” Margaret Mead was so right and volunteers have the capacity to transform your organisation if you provide the conditions to encourage and support them.

Workshop covers:

• Understanding the motivation to volunteer

• Key principles of volunteer connection

• Managing the critical points of the volunteer life-cycle

• Rewarding the behaviour you want in ways that they will appreciate

Retaining Volunteers Registration Form 2012.pdf


NZ beaches: 100% impure

Sustainable Coastlines are involved in coastal cleanup sessions around the country - particularly during summer when human activity along our coasts increases signficantly. 

If you'd like to be involved, some upcoming cleanups in this region include The Great Coromandel Coastal Cleanup  3 -5 March 2012, and the Hyundai Tour Coastal Clean-up at Port Waikato 2 - 3 March 2012. For full details visit http://www.sustainablecoastlines.org.

You might also find this NZ Herald article informative: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10780372


Kalu Yala Internships

Kalu Yala is in the early stages of developing a 7,000 acre river valley property in the Panamanian highlands. The project aims to develop a sustainable town, by harnessing the efforts of an outstanding group of people who believe in sustainable practices and lifestyles.

Interns are now being selectred for the upcoming (Panama) summer term. Summer 2012 internship packet is attached with details and a program application.

Summer2012Internship Packet.pdf

Incredible Edibles Tour, Native Plant Potting Session

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Incredible Edibles

Garden Visit - Wednesday 15 February 2012


Opportunity to visit Incredible Edibles' gardens of fruit and edible plants. http://www.edible.co.nz

Their 2 hectares of land in Katikati includes mature gardens that are used to evaluate new varieties of fruit and edible plants, and generate new stock for their production nursery.

Tour includes a history of the gardens and nursery development , and information regarding the gardens' plants.  Plants will be available for purchase (cash or cheque only).

Walking shoes and reasonable level of fitness required.

Lunch can be purchased at nearby bird gardens, or BYO lunch.

Transport: EasyRider Bus leaves Flagstaff shopping centre (Hamilton) 8am, travelling via Waihi to Katitkati.

Tour starts 10.30am.

Bus seats are limited, book by 8 February 2012: Hillary (EasyRiderNZ) 07 829 89 25, 027 273 6767 or larry@easyrider.co.nz


Native Plant Potting Volunteeers Needed!

With all the wet weather recently, some urgent potting up of plants for Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park needs to be done.

Please help us: 9am-12 noon Friday 27 January 2012 at Tamahere
Gully Nursery, Devine Road, Tamahere (next to the Tamahere Primary School Hall).

Bring morning tea - and any willing friends!

Queries: ring Catherine Smith 07 8558296 or 2smiths@wave.co.nz

Gully Restoration, Funding Workshops, Landcare Action Conference

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Gully Restoration

Hamilton's Gully Restoration scheme for 2012 is cracking along; check out www.gullyguide.co.nz to keep up to date, including;

Waikato University, in conjunction with Hamilton City Council, is running their Hamilton Gullies Series 2012 at the Centre for Continuing Education University of Waikato Pathways College.

Gully Series_BRO_2012_2.pdf

For more information about Gully Restoration Service Providers, and the "Plants for Gullies Scheme", see the attached PDFs.

Gully Restoration - Contacts - web version - 1 - 2012.pdf
Gully Restoration - Plants for Gullies - web version - 1 - 2012.pdf


Funding Workshops Schedule 2012

A reminder regarding free workshops throughout the year (see attached flyer) organised by Trust Waikato and facilitated by Community Waikato and HCC. The workshops provide excellent training for grant funding, application and planning for non-profit organisation administrators.

Funding Workshops Flyer 2012 .pdf

February's workshop: "Basic & Sustainable Funding" is being held;

8 February 2012, 5.30–8.30pm at Hamilton Multicultural Centre, 89 Boundary Rd, Hamilton


13 February 2012, 5.30–8.30pm at Community Waikato, 33 Victoria Street, Hamilton.

RESERVATIONS ARE ESSENTIAL: Community Waikato: 07 838 1583 or anne@communitywaikato.org.nz


Landcare Action Conference

NZ Landcare Trust hosts a 2-day conference starting 29 February 2012 at the Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato Campus, Hamilton.

The conference celebrates the work of rural communities within New Zealand, explores the role community leadership plays in sustainable land and water management, and examines sustainability in a broader commercial context, investigating how sustainable land management can make good business sense both to farmers and the wider business community.

For more information or to use our secure online registration service, click here: www.landcare.org.nz/conference


More re: Bikes!

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

If you saw our newsletter regarding David Wilson's penny farthing expedition, then you might like the Hamilton Press' article:



Come ride our electric bike!

Nip up to our offices Thursday and Friday this week (10am - 4pm) and ask to a ride an electric bike around the block a few times - we'll even loan you a helmet.  

At the moment the bike is loitering at the stand outside our office - 25 Ward Street, Hamilton. Feel free to admire it. Then come up to see us on Level 1 for the key and helmet.

The bike is easy to pedal, and turning on the power to enjoy effortless travel is even more fun! We're told the battery allows a travel distance of up to 50km but we'd prefer you came back within 10 minutes. The pedal crank is fitted with a chain guard to avoid trouser legs/long skirts catching in it. 

We look forward to seeing you!



Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

"eZee Liv" Electric Bike - Available for Trial

Come play with the "eZee Liv" electric bike here at the Waikato Environment Centre (Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton) on loan this week from More Mobility Hamilton (www.moremobilityhamilton.co.nz). Feel free to drop in to our offices between 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday this week to prod the bike and take it for a short spin. If you're already keen on buying an electric bike of this kind, then do contact Brian at More Moblity Hamilton.


Penny Farthing Expedition

In November 2011 Mr David Wilson ('The Judge') set out to ride the length of NZ on a ‘PIONEER SPIRIT’ 1880s-style, 54 inch high-wheeled penny farthing bicycle replica manufactured in Oamaru, wearing the breeches and knee high socks of the 1880-era cyclist, and carrying only one change of clothes.

We were fortunate to meet David as he stopped for a break this morning in Ward Street, Hamilton. David is travelling alone, relying on his own resources and the kindness of strangers for comfort.

We're impressed by David's enthusiasm for biking, and his sustainable approach towards resources in carrying out this massive journey. Details of his experiences are here:



Environmental TV programmes this week

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Some TVNZ programmes this week will be of interest to many of you:

TVNZ1 Tuesday 17 January 2012 at 7.30pm - Primeval New Zealand

A place where wild meets weird - and nothing is quite what it seems. Presenter Peter Elliott unravels the ancient past of New Zealand revealing astonishing new facts about the origins of our iconic animals. Be prepared to be shocked.

Followed on TVNZ1 at 8.30pm by BBC's “Frozen Planet” (narrated by David Attenborough).

TVNZ7 Wednesday 18 January 2012 at 10 pm “Sins of Seven Sisters”; seven oil companies and their control of international politics/economics.

Note: TVNZ7 is due to close shortly.  If you wish to register your displeasure about the demise of TVNZ7 and haven't yet done so, go to: http://issues.co.nz/savetvnz7/Sign+The+Petition


Save Our Sea Lions

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Help stop New Zealand sea lions from becoming extinct

A new DOC study reveals our nationally critical New Zealand sea lions are likely to become extinct in just 23 years at the current levels of by-catch.

For full details regarding the study, and to add your name to a petition calling for our Government to take immediate action to prevent the extinction of this threatened species, see the attached document or visit Forest & Bird's webpage:  http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/saving-our-environment/marine-and-coastal/sea-lions-our-southern-pride/nz-sea-lion-petition  


F&B sea lion appeal 2012.pdf

Public Meeting: HCC Review of Waste Management

Posted 12 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Hamilton City Council is reviewing their Waste Management Plan and the Hamilton City Refuse Bylaw 2002.

The Council proposes to revoke its Hamilton City Refuse Bylaw 2002 and adopt the draft Hamilton Solid Waste Bylaw 2012, and proposes to adopt the Proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.

The review’s submission period is now open.

Public Meeting – to discuss and obtain further information regarding the Proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, and the Proposed Solid Waste Bylaw 2012, please attend:

 12.30pm- 2.00 pm, Friday 13 January 2012

Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council

 For further information: www.hamilton.co.nz/consultation
