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Morepork Census Helpers Wanted

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    2 comments

Morepork Census Helpers Wanted

24 - 28 October 2011

Hamilton's first ever morepork survey needs helpers. Each night, for an hour after dusk, all 20 sites around Hamilton will be visited in order to listen out for morepork - weather dependent. Sites are not 'dangerous' to visit after dark. A minimum of two people will visit at each site, so we require a minimum of 10 x 2 people, but the more the merrier (and you will home earlier).
Contact Dai Morgan (magpie.morgan@gmail.com; 07 8482522,    0211150773. Dai is undertaking the survey with Andrew Styche from DOC.


Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Important Oil Spill Updates


Today (Thursday 13 October 2011)

1pm Papamoa Sport and Recreation Centre, Parton Road, Papamoa

6pm Mount Maunganui College Hall, Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui

Tomorrow (Friday 14 October 2011)

1pm Mount Maunganui College Hall

6pm Papamoa Sport and Recreation Centre

Note: These are the correct times and venues - there was an incorrect press release from Maritime NZ this morning stating different locations, but that has now been corrected to the above.

Keep checking Tauranga Environment Centre's website www.envirohub.org.nz for updates.

Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials course (Institute of Directors of New Zealand Inc)

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

From: Institute of Directors of New Zealand Inc

Would you or the members of your not-for-profit board benefit from a better understanding of how boards operate and how board members can add greater value?

Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials course

16 November 2011



The Institute of Directors’ "Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials" course is structured specifically for those on not-for-profit boards, to explain the fundamentals of governance and how a board works. The one-day course covers:

  • The New Zealand NFP sector
  • Governance legal framework and codes of practice
  • NFP governance roles and functions
  • Board composition and competencies
  • Board protocols
  • Strategy and NFP performance
  • Board and management relationships
  • Essentials of good board papers
  • Board meetings
  • Working with the board

If you have any questions about the course please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Director Development team

PO Box 25253, Wellington 6146, phone: 04 499 0076, fax: 04 499 9488



Rena oil spill: volunteering for clean-up

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

If you'd like to register your interest as a volunteer (and for further information about the Rena grounding) go to Martime NZ's website: http://www.maritimenz.govt.nz/Incident/cleanup.asp

Maritime NZ has created a website on which you may record your details.

Mangaiti Gully Working Bee; Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting - "Weeds"

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Mangaiti Gully Working Bee

This Saturday 15 October 2011

Meeting at the foot bridge (between St James Drive and Grenache Place, Huntington, Hamilton) carrying out follow-up weeding in areas already cleared. This is generally light work requiring only secateurs, although a hand fork or trowel may be useful. Gumboots and gardening gloves are a must. Bring something for your morning tea!I

To get involved, register via gullyrestoration@gmail.com.

Co ordinators Rex Bushell 07 854 0973 or Rod Lugton 07 855 9966. Further details: http://gullyrestoration.blogspot.com/


Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting - "Weeds"

7:30pm Monday 17 October 2011

Fairfield/Chartwell Community House, Te Whare o Te Ata, 60a Sare Crescent, Fairfield, Hamilton

Talking about weeds – the good, the bad and the edible. Bring some along to identify. All welcome. Gold coin entry. Bring along any plants, seedlings, seeds, produce to swap on the donations table or sell on the sales table.

EXITO Course: “Introduction to Resource Recovery”

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

EXITO Course: “Introduction to Resource Recovery”

Book a spot for you and your staff now! Take this opportunity to complete group assessment with other community recyclers!

Registration extended until Friday 14 October 2011


EXITO’s focus is to encourage experienced community people into the Limited Credit Programme (LCP) course “Introduction to Resource Recovery” and start you on your pathway to National Qualifications. The Community Recycling Network 2011 Hui is taking place 1 – 3 November 2011 in Wellington. CRN Executive members suggested to EXITO that we combine our course with the hui, so you can get the most out of your trip.



A four hour assessment course, with follow-up practical assessment at your site. Unit standard assessment is not only about written knowledge, but about demonstrating your practice in the tasks you carry out in your workplace. The assessor, Sheryl, needs to observe you doing this to complete the assessments with you. You will be awarded the Limited Credit Programme (LCP) Certificate Introduction to Resource Recovery to recognise your skills in this valuable environmental service industry. The Certificate leads into National Certificates in Resource Recovery, and in Zero Waste Principles.



$200 fee to EXITO, $450 Assessment fee, plus Assessor travel costs to your site. You have 4 months to complete the follow up assessment after the course, so plenty of time to organise cost-effective transport to your area.


1. If you complete the LCP assessment within 6 months of signing with EXITO,

2. and manage your own arrangements with Sheryl to come to your site for follow up assessment,

EXITO can offer you a rebate of $200 per person upon completion.



You will sign a training agreement with EXITO to undertake the LCP assessment. We need your enrolment and training agreement in order to arrange the resources for you in time for the course on 1 November 2011. So get in quick to get your space!

Let me know if you have any questions;

Susi Batterbury

Training Advisor (resources north)


585 Wairakei Road

PO Box 2623

Christchurch 8140

03 964 4715, 027 228 9461





Rena Oil Spill (as at 11 October 2011)

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Maritime NZ is tasked with maintaining the New Zealand Marine Oil Spill Response Strategy and National Contingency Plan.

For details of the Rena grounding on Astrolabe reef on 5 October 2011, the resulting oil spill, the response operation, and how members of the public can help, we recommend you first read the comprehensive information provided by Maritime NZ: http://www.maritimenz.govt.nz/


Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Many of you have no doubt received information from elsewhere about the spill. We (Tauranga Environment Centre) have received a number of inquiries about it, so here are the latest updates:
* Please call (0800) OIL SPILL = (0800) 645 774 if you wish to help with the cleanup. Alternatively, email Maritime NZ at iccrena@gmail.com with your details. They will contact you to let you know how you can help.
* Officials are talking about the cleanup taking months, so it'll be a big effort.
* Please report any oil-covered birds or other wildlife by calling (0800) 333 771. If you have time after calling, try to stay with the animals until they get collected.
* Do not touch or try to clean up oil or animals yourself unless you have received relevant training, as the combination of oil and the dispersant makes for a very toxic sludge.
* Frustration and questions about the cleanup have been expressed, both in the media and privately. Action by concerned locals has led officials to set up a briefing tomorrow night at 7pm. In attendance will be Maritime NZ, local MP Simon Bridges, local mayors, and the chairman of BOP Regional Council. We encourage you to attend this official briefing if you'd like more information.
Date: Tuesday 11 October 2011
Time: 7pm
Venue: Graham Young Youth Centre, Tauranga Boys' College, Cameron Road, Tauranga

Tauranga Environment Centre
07 578 6664
