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Retrofitting Workshop; Stoat Traps on Karioi; New Book

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Retrofitting Workshop

"Make Your Home More Energy Efficient"

Thursday 25 August 2011 - 10 am to 12 noon

Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East


Workshop looking at the major areas that can be addressed in retrofitting a typical house in Hamilton.  If you are considering retrofitting your house or just have a passing interest, join us with Ian Mayes, eco design advisor for Hamilton City Council, as he does an assessment of the Waimarie.

Waimarie: Hamilton East Community Centre

Tel: 858 3453







A Rocha together with Te Whakaoranga O Karioi, the Department of Conservation and the Raglan community are now set to deploy up to 40 stoat traps across Karioi Maunga main track.

Various volunteer options - depending on your fitness, ability and availability. Training will be provided.

Traps will be deployed and set on the Saturday – weather permitting – and checked monthly by volunteers (Sunday is the back-up deployment day).

Please RSVP if you can help on 3 September, or if you would like to be a volunteer at any other time.

If you are not able to volunteer your time perhaps you will consider donating $60 for a stoat trap in your name?

A Rocha Aotearoa NZ
PO Box 19104
Hamilton 3244



Manaaki Whenua Press

Now in stock – Humpback Whales of the South West Pacific

Glenn Edney was a marine mammal protection officer for DOC in Auckland before heading to Tonga in 1993 to experience his first encounters with humpback whales. He set up a whale watching and diving business so that others could share this incredible experience, and wrote this book to communicate what he has learned about these majestic but vulnerable beings and their environment. RRP $35.00




Free Flax Plants; Potting up plants for Waiwhakareke; Waikato Biodiversity Forum; Moving Planet; “New Zealand’s Native Trees"

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Free Flax Plants

Riverton Estate in Flagstaff, Hamilton, have hundreds of metres of 7 year-old flax for anyone who would like to take it away – what is not taken will go to landfill on Friday. The  flax was planted by the developers, unfortuantely the origin of the flax's seed is unknown.

The flax is from the front verges, and is 1.5m wide and rolled up.  Riverton Estate contact, Jolie, is on 07 8544 0622. The flax could be used for stream/gully planting programmes and the like, but individuals are also invited to pick up what ever they want for their homes.


Potting up plants for Waiwhakareke

9am-12 noon this Friday 19 August at the Tamahere Gully Nursery, Devine Rd, next to the Tamahere  Primary School Hall. There are a lot of things to do!  Bring morning tea (and any willing friends). Queries; Maxine Fraser 07 8551968 or forestgarden@xtra.co.nz


Waikato Biodiversity Forum

Calling for newsletter items for the August edition. To be received by Moira (details below) by Wednesday 24 August 2011.  Photos are great to have alongside the articles for added interest.   

Moira Cursey

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Co-ordinator

31 Friesian Place


07 8465066

027 2223791



Moving Planet; a Worldwide Rally 24 September 2011

Get moving this September for a clean energy future

Moving Planet is a worldwide rally on 24 September 2011, aiming to fill the streets with sustainable movement and show the scale of support for getting moving beyond fossil fuels. Lace up your shoes, jump on your bike or put on skates for climate change.

Read more at moving-planet.org

In New Zealand, 350 Aotoearoa will be mobilising people from all over the country with the message to our leaders – don’t be fossil fools, move us away from fossil fuels. With lignite and other dirty energy sources threatening our environment, communities and the global climate system, there has never been a more pertinent time for New Zealanders to take action for renewable energy.

You can check out and join the actions registered around New Zealand at http://www.moving-planet.org/map. Or if there isn't an action in our town, you can register an event now and get busy planning!

Find out more by visiting 350.org.nz


“New Zealand’s Native Trees"

Manaaki Whenua Press are offering an early-bird special on this book (both the ‘Standard’ and ‘Delux’ versions) until 30 September 2011. They expect stock to arrive in the week beginning 12 September.

 Order book online from www.mwpress.co.nz

Campaign for Better Transport; Waikato Regional Council Velodrome submissions; Review of the Incorporated Societies Act; Volunteering Waikato Training Workshops:

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Campaign for Better Transport

Public meeting:

Hamilton - Auckland passenger train and public transport in Hamilton, Monday 22 August 2011
7.30 pm Methodist Centre, London Street, Hamilton

Come along and hear what local MPs and political parties have to say about passenger rail and public transport in Hamilton. MPs have been invited from all the major political parties.


Sustainable Waikato Supporters submission request re: Waikato Regional Council Velodrome

A trust was recently formed to pressure Waikato Regional Council (WRC) to contribute $6 million towards the construction of a velodrome and offices on private land owned by St Peters Private School between Cambridge and Hamilton on SH1.

In order to help make a decision on this funding, the WRC has called for submissions with a deadline of 4 pm on Monday, 22 August 2011.

You can make submissions. Submissions can be made by:

 - Printing a form (available at http://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/PageFiles/19732/submission%20form.pdf ) then completing it and forwarding to Waikato Regional Council.
 - Making an on-line submission at http://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/Forms/Enquiries/Cycling-Centre-of-Excellence-submission-form/

Review of the Incorporated Societies Act

Forums will be held by Community Waikato in conjunction with the Law Commission, on;

31 August 2011 at St Peters Cathedral Community Room, 33 Victoria Street Hamilton 1.30- 3.30pm.


1 September 2011 at WINTEC Building, Thames. 10am -12noon.

See attached for more details.

Microsoft Word - Incorporated Societies Review Forum.pdf


Volunteering Waikato Training Workshops

See attached for more details:

Leaders of Volunteers: 23 August 2011

Leaders of Volunteers workshop - AUG2011.pdf

Developing Volunteer Orientation and Training Programme: 6 September 2011

Orientation and Training Registration Form SEPTEMBER 2011.pdf

National Wetland Trust AGM; 5pm - 6.30 pm, 6 September 2011

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

National Wetland Trust AGM

5pm - 6.30 pm, 6 September 2011

Don Rowlands Centre, Gate 2, Mighty River Domain, Maungatautari Road (10 mins south of Cambridge).

Nominations for Trust positions, agenda items, and apologies to; Don.scarlet@mightyriverpower.co.nz

The AGM will be followed by a fund-raising dinner, see invite below.

RSVP: karen.denyer@wetlandtrust.org.nz

Karen Denyer

Executive Officer

National Wetland Trust

PO Box 177

Pukekohe 2340

021 031 2716


Working Bees: Pukemokemoke Reserve, and Threatened Plant Collection. Tui 2000 AGM.

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Threatened Plant Collection Working Bee

Saturday 13 August 2011

We will be permanently fixing some custom-made, eye-catching new species information signs at the new threatened plant garden site, E-F link at the main Science School entrance, Hillcrest Road. Please bring gloves, old clothes and boots for weeding, planting and propagating activities as well.

Meet: 10am at Waikato University Gate 8, Hillcrest Rd.

Contact: Liz Overdyck ph 07 825 9743 or mob 021 155 3622, email eg3@waikato.ac.nz


Tui 2000 AGM

7pm Wednesday 17 August 

Environment Centre, Ward Street, Hamilton

A reminder to all Members and 'Friends' of Tui 2000  that the AGM is 7pm next Wednesday 17 August at the Environment Centre, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton.

It would be great for the various 'Friends' groups to meet  each other - our Waiwhakareke group, Barrett Bush, and Maungakawa (Sanatorium Hill).

Catherine Bryan will be reviewing the planting at Barrett's Bush, reviewing mistakes made, and infill planting.

Nibbles and drinks will be served.


Next Working Bee at Pukemokemoke Reserve

20 and 21 August 2011

The next Pukemokemoke Reserve working bee will run across the weekend of 20-21 August 2011.  While the regular third Saturday afternoon from 1pm - 4pm will still take place, some people will be there from 8.30am until about 4pm on both Saturday and Sunday if you'd like to join us at another time over the weekend.

Bring spades for planting on the northern ridge and/or sickle, weed-eater, loppers, for the continuing work with weeds and privet.

Contact: Alan Leadley ph 07 8552919 or mob 0272249622, email: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz



Reminders re Applications this month

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Community Post 2011
due 31 August

 Through Community Post, we are looking to support organisations which have projects which are committed to the education, health and wellbeing or business partnerships that make our communities great places to live.

Postage will be donated to successful applicants in the form of free postage paid DLE envelopes for applications up to 500 for sending letters and documents within New Zealand. For organisations applying for more than 1000 envelopes, an undetermined number of branded C4 and C5 envelopes will be available.

Work out which category your organisations project fits in and apply for your Community Post envelopes online before 31 August 2011.
You can find out more information, apply online, or pick up an application form at your local PostShop. Applications close at 5pm on 31 August 2011.

Community Environment Fund (Round 2)
closes 5th September

 The Ministry for the Environment wants to work with you to help make a positive difference to the environment. The purpose of the Community Environment Fund (CEF) is to provide funding to ensure that New Zealanders are empowered to take environmental action.
Each year there are two opportunities/funding rounds to submit an application. The second funding round is currently open and will close 5.00 pm Monday 5 September 2011. Successful projects will commence in early December 2011.

All applications are assessed against the CEF eligibility criteria, the Ministry’s key priorities, funding principles and their merit compared with other applications. The CEF is particularly focused on supporting community initiatives that contribute to:
· Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
· Improving freshwater and coastal management
· Improving air quality
· Protecting biodiversity.

For more information visit our website

There are two application forms. One form is for CEF funding of $50,000 or more (for a 1, 2 or 3 year project) and the other form is for CEF funding of $50,000 or less (for a one year project).
For more information contact Allison on 04 439 7546 or email CEF@mfe.govt.nz

WEL Energy Trust - 2011/2012 Community Funding Round
Closes 31 August

The 2011 funding round opened on 1 August 2011 and closes on 31 August 2011. Application forms are available from the Trust website or office during this time.

For further information please contact the Trust office on 07 838-0093 or call into the office at Norris Ward McKinnon House, 1st Floor, corner London and Victoria Streets, Hamilton.

Working day, Movie, Seed swap, Forum, July/August

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Saturday 30 July 2011

Friends of Waiwhakareke Monthly Working Day

Meet on Baverstock Road entrance beside the Park sign.
Bring gumboots, spades, gloves and morning tea.
Anyone and everyone welcome - come along and see what is happening!

Moira Cursey for Friends of Waiwhakareke
Any enquiries: Moira Cursey 07-846-5066

Wednesday 3rd August

MWH presents the second of three screenings in their Reel Earth Winter Film Festival
5.30pm in the Waikato Environment Centre

(The Environment Centre will be screening the Reel Earth Film Festival Tour films at a later date, so if you miss this one there will be another opportunity to see it. MWH are supporters of the Reel Earth Festival and screen a few of the movies for invited people but there may be some spare seats available) Pls contact Raewyn below to book.

Deep Green, Director Matt Briggs - provides an encouraging look at the solutions available to address climate change. It focuses on solutions, on options available either now or in the immediate future.

Places are limited - bookings essential, so to reserve your place please phone Raewyn Winter on 07 839 0241 or email Raewyn.Winter@nz.mwhglobal.com

Thursday 4 August

Hamilton Urban Gardeners - Seed and Seedling Swap
4pm - 5.45pm

Fairfield Community House, 60a Sare Crescent

All are welcome.

Please bring gold coin for the room.
Map: http://www.fairfieldcommunity.org.nz/contact-us

Hamilton Urban Gardeners (HUG)is a facebook page that mainly exists as a tool to organise seed/plant swaps in Hamilton. It is open to everyone!

Wednesday 10 August
Noon - 1pm

Invitation to Mayoral Forum
Lecture Theatre, Waikato Museum, 1 Grantham Street, Hamilton.

You are invited to a Mayoral Conversation with Professor Bob Evans

“Fair shares, self interest and environmental planning – will Hamilton cope with the changes of the 21st Century?”

Bob Evans is Professor of Environmental Planning at the University of Waikato. He has worked as a town planner in local government, the private sector and for community organisations and was previously Professor and Director of the Sustainable Cities Research Institute, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He holds degrees in politics, town planning and sociology and has a PhD in environmental planning. He has published widely on local sustainable development, land use and environmental planning, with an emphasis upon issues of governance and environmental justice. His most recent book is Governing Sustainable Cities and he is editor of the international journal ‘Local Environment’.
He has undertaken numerous major research projects into sustainable development for the European Commission and for other funding bodies, and has worked on research projects in Japan, China and New Zealand in addition to Europe. Recent research has included work on local governance for sustainability; civic engagement in renewable energy projects; and the development of soft infrastructure for urban sustainability.

This is an open invitation for you, your colleagues and interested parties to attend. RSVP is not required however please note that seats are limited


Wild About Birds 28th July

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Wild About Birds Waikato Museum school holiday programme

When:  Thursday 28th July 2011

Time: 9am – 12pm

Age Group: 7 – 12 years

Cost: $15 per child

Join the ‘Wild About Birds’ rangers for a fun, educational walk along the Waikato River. Use binoculars to search for Hamilton City’s birdlife and be inspired to see more! Find out about your favourite feathered friends and what you can do to attract them to your garden. Learn about the food they like and construct a bird feeder. If you’re interested in nature and want to know how you can help New Zealand’s endangered birds then this is the programme for you!

To book a slot simply call Wendy on 07 838 6583.

Please note:

- Children must be accompanied by an adult for the first 1 ½ hours while they explore the river-bank.

- Children may bring along a snack for morning tea break.

- Rain or shine – bring wet weather gear just in case. If it is too wet we will spend more time in the museum galleries.

