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Land Transport - GPS submission and TV7 programme on Seoul highway

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Please find attached a document released yesterday afternoon on the proposed direction for the next Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding, and a covering letter inviting submissions on its proposed direction. Deadline for submissions May 27

As you can see our present government is all about economic benefits of building more roads.

Don't know if anyone else watched a programme, on TV 7 about Seoul tearing down its motorway and replacing it with a park. There was a comment that traffic is not like a liquid flowing, it is more like a gas filling available space. The Koreans did not have increased traffic on surrounding roads after they removed this one, the amount of traffic decreased and the public transport improved.

Here is a link to an article about the project - I found it gobsmacking that a huge city could be so brave as to remove such a huge piece of infrastructure - and what a fantastic result - have a look -


Engagement Document for GPS 2012.pdf

Kakapo movie

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Monday 23 May

Waikato Natural History Society are showing "The Unnatural History of the Kakapo." If you missed it at the Environment Film Festival last year this is a chance to see it.

The film will be screened in R2.06, at University of Waikato.
There is no charge, but koha would be appreciated and will be donated to the Kakapo Recovery Programme (www.kakaporecovery.org.nz).
Please bring drinks and your own snacks and get ready to enjoy a fantastic film about the lovely kakapo.

 "The Unnatural History of the Kakapo" is a film produced, directed and narrated by Scott Mouat over four years of difficult filming of one of the world's rarest birds. The amazing efforts of the staff, volunteers, funders and supporters involved have seen the kakapo slowly creep back from the brink of extinction to now numbering more than 120 birds from a low point of about 50.

All are welcome, and RSVPs would be appreciated to Marie Brown, mab57@waikato.ac.nz.

James Hansen this Saturday in Auckland

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments


 a People’s Assembly on Climate Change

 with NASA scientist James Hansen
James Hansen is identified as one of the world’s most prominent and leading climate scientists.


 entry by koha


For more info go to  http://planetfestival.org.nz/

Tree Crops Sale 2nd July

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments


Waikato Branch

Annual Tree and Plant Sale

Saturday 2 July 2011           Wet or Fine

10 am to 1 pm

Venue:  Hamilton Gardens, Camellia Carpark

Enter Gate 2 from Cobham Drive. A short distance down, on the left, is the entrance to a large sealed area, with room for buyers and sellers to park.

 Everyone welcome:  gardeners, lifestyle and small block holders, farmers, nurseries. You can buy and sell, look, talk trees and ask questions.


Anything could turn up for sale on the day. First in - first served!

There will be a solid backstop of good quality grafted fruit and nut trees of all sorts, new and old varieties – including many varieties of citrus, apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, avocados, feijoas, almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, berryfruit, ornamentals, farm trees and natives for shade and shelter, growing-on lines. Usually there are some more unusual cropping trees, such as pinenuts, pomegranates, carobs, macadamias, casimiroas, and persimmons.

Set up and sell from your car-boot, trailer, ute or pavement. This is a great way to sell any trees, seedlings, herbs, garden plants or any excess produce.
Sellers should be in place by 9.30 am and strictly no sales prior to 10 am.

Commission on Sales:  There are no site charges but a 10% commission on all sales is payable by sellers on the day, so please report to the Tree Crops information tent before you leave. This money will be used for Tree Crop trials and projects within our Waikato Branch area.       

We would appreciate if sellers could let us know they are coming:

Don Harwood (chairman of Waikato Branch)

Ph: 07 843 9007  OR   email:   don.harwood@philips.com

Green Building Network visit

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    2 comments

Sunday May 22

Waikato Green Building Network

Eco-home tour

Building re-use - The former Richmond Downs school, Matamata area

Register with Megan megan@greenme.org.nz or 021 414 529


Cafe Scientifique - Slugs

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Tuesday 17 May

7.30pm at: Café Français, 711 Victoria Street (formerly BBC Café)

Mike Wilson from AgResearch in Hamilton will speak about everyone’s favourite animal, the slug. If we’re really (un)lucky, he might bring some props along…

They’re slimy, they’re widespread and every year they cause millions of dollars of damage to crops throughout the world. Why are slugs so successful? One reason is that they are extreme generalists in terms of what they eat. Gardeners know that slugs damage a wide range of flower and vegetables. Commercial growers of lettuce, strawberry, peas, potatoes, wheat and oilseed crops to name but a few, also suffer from slug problems. In this Café Scientifique, Mike Wilson will give an overview of the unique biology of these animals that enables them to become crop pests, will try to give reasons for why they have become more important over the last few decades. A range of methods for controlling slugs and snails will also be discussed ranging from the use of simple barriers, through to state of the art biotechnology. Join us to learn more about everyone’s favourite animal.

For more information about Café Scientifique, contact Marcus Wilson, m.wilson@waikato.ac.nz

May happenings

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Tuesday 3rd May 4pm
Wednesday 4th May 8.10pm

QUEEN OF THE SUN -  What are the bee's telling us? (G) DOCUMENTARY SPECIAL

Victoria Cinema

 A documentary exploring the current global honeybee crisis. What crisis? Bees are disappearing in mass numbers with no clear explanation. Since 2006, media has been reporting the phenomenon with commercial beekeepers reporting losses of an average of 30% of their colony (some losses are as high as 90%). Scientists call this phenomenon Colony Collapse Disorder. Told through the stories and opinions of biodynamic beekeepers, scientists, farmers, and philosophers from around the world, this film investigates the history of beekeeping, how our historic relationship with bees has been lost due to mechanised industrial practices and the dire implications of the crisis.

Saturday 7th May

Forest and Bird Native Plant Sale

Pak'n'save Carpark, Mill St,
Get in early - 8am start.
Bring your shopping trundler and fill it up!
Heaps of very reasonably priced plants.
Info Colleen Brimblecombe 07 855 5626

Thursday 19th May

 The 2011 AGM of the Riverlea Environment Society will take place at 46 Chesterman Road, Riverlea, at 7pm on 19 May. The AGM will be followed by a talk by Wiremu Puke of Nga Mana Toopu on the traditional Maori garden Te Parapara in the Hamilton Gardens. A light supper will be served after the meeting.

Nominations are called for Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and committee members. Nominations should be proposed and seconded in writing to the Secretary, Linda Fell, 40 Chesterman Rd, Riverlea, or by email to riverlea.soc@gmail.com by 5pm on 12 May.

Biodiversity Condition and Advice Funds - Funding round open

The next funding round is now open for applications and will close 3pm Wednesday 1 June 2011.


Prior discussion with Fund staff can be useful for anyone proposing to submit an application. Additionally if you have any questions or wish to discuss any aspect of your project please feel free to call us on 0800 86 2020. Notification of outcome is anticipated in September 2011.

How to apply:
You need to familiarise yourself with the Biodiversity Fund Guides and Exclusions for funding www.biodiversity.govt.nz/land/nzbs/pvtland/conditionapps.html

Please use only ONE of the following methods to apply:
* Online applications: you are strongly encouraged to submit applications online using the appropriate form for the Advice Fund or Condition Fund www.biodiversity.govt.nz/apply Refer to the online application guide for helpful notes and hints www.biodiversity.govt.nz/land/nzbs/pvtland/Guide_4_Electronic_Online_Applications.pdf

* Manuel applications: If you are submitting an application manually you must use the appropriate and revised applications forms for this round www.biodiversity.govt.nz/land/nzbs/pvtland/conditionapps.html

Further information and assistance
Please call our free phone 0800 86 2020 and talk to Meg or Susie James


www.doc.govt.nz | www.biodiversity.govt.nz


Waikato DC Waste consultation

Posted 13 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday 27 April

Waste Assessment - Stakeholders Workshop

On behalf of Waikato District Council, we would like to invite you to a workshop on 27 April 2011 to discuss the future of waste services in the Waikato district.
The purpose of the workshop is for Council to hear the views of the community on how waste management and minimisation services in the district should be developed.

Under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, all councils must review their Waste Management and Minimisation Plans (WMMPs) prior to June 2012. As part of this review, Waikato District Council is undertaking a Waste Assessment and two independent consultancies, Eunomia Research & Consulting and Waste Not Consulting, have been engaged to help with this process.

A Waste Assessment is an integral first step to producing a new Waste Management and Minimisation Plan. The Waste Assessment takes stock of current services, looks at potential future demand for waste services, and develops initial options for addressing the future demand.

Waikato District Council believes the views of key stakeholders in the community are vital in shaping any plans, and are keen to ensure these views are taken into account at an early stage. There will be further public consultation during the WMMP development process.

The workshop is scheduled for 4.30-6.30pm, Wednesday 27th April 2011 and will be held at the Waikato District Council offices (15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia).

If you wish to attend, you are asked to RSVP asap to:

lisa@eunomia-consulting.co.nz, ph 07 308 5336, 021 02062206.

Yours sincerely
Duncan Wilson, Director (Eunomia)

