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Posted 8 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Beginner's Guide to Growing Vegetables.

Free workshop

Covering the basics to get you started.

Find out what you really need

What to plant when and where

Seed sowing

Who can help you

Saturday 16th April 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Rain or shine

Grandview Community Garden, 180 Grandview Road, Nawton

(Behind the Salvation Army Building)

Brought to you by Grandview Community Garden and Future Living Conversations, Waikato Environment Centre,

For more information contact Tania at tania@envirocentre.org.nz

 For more detail please see  

Grandview Community Garden poster_proof.pdf


You are Invited to Te Whare o te Ata 2016 Annual General Meeting

FREE Mental Health and Wellbeing workshop

  Please note there are 2 dates available – same content will be presented at each

We will cover practical tools, knowledge and skills to better support and understand Tangata Whaiora (those who experience mental health issues) in our communities.




mental health flier.pdf

Enviroexpo Weekend Is Here

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


Get ready for our Enviroexpo

  Friday 8th, Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th

10am to 5pm

We are part of a larger show including NZ Craft Show, Wellbeing Show, Home EXPO so there is plenty to see

$5 entry fee

Love to see all of our supporters .Please pass this on to two people  AND spread the word




Wananga and Workshop Wonderland

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Maori Arts and Crafts Wananga - this weekend. 


Mainstream Green Workshops in Waipa

Mainstream Green is running workshops in Waipa this month where people can learn ways to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle. 

The business was started by two local women who had gradually introduced sustainable practices into family life, and felt others could benefit from their experience.

The workshops will give examples about how making one small change "doesn’t need to have any impact on lifestyle, but makes a huge difference in terms of sustainability." 

The Mainstream Green workshops are on two topics, fashion and beauty or eating and around the home.

Places at the workshops are limited, and bookings are essential.


Cambridge, Rouge Café
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Eating and around the home - 5:30pm-7pm
Fashion and beauty - 7:30pm-9pm
Cost: $15 for one workshop, $25 for both.
Café counter open for hot and cold drinks (payment applies).

Te Awamutu, Walton St Café
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Eating and around the home - 5:30pm-7pm
Fashion and beauty - 7:30pm-9pm
Cost: $15 for one workshop, $25 for both.
Café counter open for hot and cold drinks (payment applies).


Email mainstreamgreennz@gmail.com to reserve your spot.



Evolocity at the EnviroExpo

Discover the joys of electric bikes at these awesome Evolocity workshops - April 8-10th at the Waikato Show, Caludelands Events Centre



Posted 8 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Enviroexpo April 8-10 2016

Claudelands Event Centre 10am to 5pm Friday to Sunday

Big Call out to any of our supporters who may be able to help in the Permaculture, Timebank , Kaivolution, E Waste and the Environment Centre Store.

We need your help!  We are after all sorts of help from Gophers to Survey Takers, talkers and helpers. We have two to four hour slots  please email admin@envirocentre.org.nz

Get Ready for our Star Event of the


Win A Worm Farm and Win a Refurbed Laptop at the Enviroexpo.

Please spread the word ! We have Bicyclorama, Quikes, Evolocity, Sew Love, Grandview Community Garden, Make,Tui 2000, Wild Care Trust, NZ Tree Project  to name a few!





National Permaculture Hui  April 2016

This year, the hui will run from April 23-25 and be located at a quiet and private retreat situated on the banks of the mighty Waikato River at Lake Karapiro. To recognise the importance of the river to our region and the interconnectedness to our lives here, the theme will be Wai Whenua: Water & Land.



The Nursery at Tamahere has been under pressure for some time to close. We are now at the point of closure. So please note the following:-

1. There will be no potting session on 15th April.

2. If anyone can save us moving plants by buying them, please contact Jan Simmons on 8568995 or email her at


3. If anyone can help with the huge job of relocating the Tamahere Nursery please contact

Jan Simmons on 8568995 or email her above

Finally, we do have a temporary location to move to and a permanent location is under discussion with Waikato District Council.

Thanks for all your help and we hope to be potting again in May so please don't put away your gloves and thermos!!

Best wishes,



Waikato Botanical Society AGM 18th May

The Waikato Botanical Society AGM will be held at the University of Waikato on the 18th May at around 6:00 PM. There will be drinks and nibbles before hand from 5:30.

Chris Lusk will be our speaker for the evening after the AGM. Chris will talk about the flora of Chile from his recent trip there.

All positions for newsletter editor, committee, treasurer, secretary and president are open for nominations.

Work on the committee is not an arduous task - we have about 3 committee meetings a year.

Please send your nominations to our secretary Kris Kramer-Walter email : kkramerwalter@gmail.com


Bricks Free To Good Home

Please email Sharon@smartlivingspaces.nz


Plenty Permaculture Courses

Interested in Soil Foodweb, Permaculture Design &

Holistic Decision Making?

Soil Foodweb: 30 April. This one day workshop is an introduction to using a microscope for assessing the micro-organisms of your compost or liquid extracts or compost teas.

Permaculture Design: Starts 28 May. Have a property you want to improve but don't know what to do first? Lonely studying on-line? Become part of the Bay of Plenty permaculture community with this 12 month introductory program. Two spots remaining.

Holistic Management: 25 June. This is a game-changing leadership and management tool, empowering decision making that is socially, environmentally, and economically sound in the short, medium and long term. Enrollment limited to 20.

Please email contact@plentypermaculture.co.nz for further information





Dine with Sustainability this week

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Lunch on Tuesday - Talking Transition

You are invited to the Waikato Sustainability Network lunchtime discussion group. Tomorrow (Tuesday the 29th of March), 12-1.30pm at the Waikato Environment Centre. 'Talking Transition' - How do each of us talk about the work of sustainability? Are we hopeful and inspiring? Are we inclusive and welcoming? Do we turn people off or bring them on board? How do we share our stories? Come along and find out how other people are building momentum for change and transition to a more sustainable future. Coffee, tea and good conversation provided.


Breakfast on Thursday - Sustainable Business 

Kia ora! You are invited to attend an 8-part workshop series organised by the Sustainable Business Network in partnership with the Waikato Environment Centre. Please see below for details. Come and network with like minded others and be part of the the Sustainable Business Network in the Waikato. Scrummy museli and inspiring ideas provided!



News Including Two Vacancies

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Next Working Bee at Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park

I've pushed the working bee scheduled for this Saturday (which is Easter Saturday) forward a week.

So the next bee for WNHP is

Saturday 2 April 2016. We will be weeding and /or releasing plants and with the rain keeping the ground moist this summer there's plenty of weeding to do. It would be really helpful to have a great turnout.

9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Best to bring gloves and wear gumboots in case we're working in wet areas. And most importantly morning tea.

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning. Much appreciated

Cheers Moira convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke


Reminder of Single Year Grant

Hamilton City Council Single-year Grant supports not-for-profit community organisations that support small community led projects that are aligned with Council plans and strategies and contribute to the social wellbeing of the city by delivering community wide services.

Single-year Grants will fund organisations for:

• Operating and administrative costs

• Equipment and resources that support the project or organisation

• Programme development and implementation

For more information and to apply online go to: https://hamilton.smartygrants.com.au/singleyear2016

If you have any queries about the application process please contact Renee Doughty, Community Funding Advisor on (07) 838 6630 between 8.30am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday or email funding@hcc.govt.nz



Green Ribbon Awards - Call for Nominations - Update

An email was sent yesterday with an incorrect date. Please note the change highlighted below.

The Green Ribbon Awards is now in its 26th year. The Awards recognise outstanding contributions to sustaining, protecting and enhancing New Zealand's environment. The Minister for the Environment and Minister of Conservation will present awards to individuals, organisations, businesses and communities at a ceremony at Parliament on Tuesday 7 June.

Nominations close 12pm Friday 15 April 2016

For more information visit our website


National Conservation Event

18 - 20 May 2016.

Details attached

ConsInc2_Circular#5_14 March 2016.pdf


Please don't hesitate to contact us should you want more information.

And remember to register NOW to secure your place at this national conservation event!

Sue Murray sue@yeptrust.org.nz



Rhode Street School Kai Festival


If you would like a space to set up a display of your organisation at our Kai Festival, please contact the school and book a space for the 7th April.

Many thanks

Shane Ngatai

Principal and proud of it

Standing: 07 847 7245

Running: 021 968 750



Waikato Vegetable Fruit & Food Competition

 at the Waikato Show from 8 to 10 April.

There are a few different categories to enter. These are:

â–¡ A Garden Bounty Basket – Individual (to include 5 items from your garden)

â–¡ B Garden Bounty Basket – Whanau/Family (to include 5 items from your garden)

â–¡ C Garden Bounty Basket – Kindy/School/Community Garden (to include 5 items from your garden)

â–¡ D Best Jam, Chutney, Preserve

â–¡ E Best Home Made Apple Pie

â–¡ F Funniest looking vegetable photo competition – FREE ENTRY

Waikato Vegetable Fruit and Food Competition Entry Form 2016.pdf

Vacancy 1

We have a very exciting development at RESI. We have a job vacancy going for a Conservation Project Co-ordinator! It’s for a contractor, actually. Please see this ad – could you circulate? We want to get the best person possible.




Shama is a vibrant social service agency providing support, advocacy, and programmes in order to empower all ethnic women, their children and their families.

The Board of Shama invites applications for the position of Community Development Worker, a Fixed Term (1 year), full-time position with an attractive package to support the successful applicant.

The role of the Community Development Worker is to work alongside ethnic communities to identify and address key issues for ethnic people and youth in Hamilton. Over the period of appointment, the CDW will keep consulting and mapping exercises with communities, carry on working alongside the advisory groups, and organise specified events for ethnic adults and youth.

The “right person” would have appropriate tertiary qualifications, experience in community development, and familiarity with using a community development framework. The selected candidate would be a competent facilitator, capable of working collaboratively, and ideally would have prior experience working with ethnic communities.

Find more information about the role on:


If this sounds like you, please send your covering letter and CV to the following address:

Silvana Erenchun Perez – manager@shama.nz

Phone: 07-8433811 Mobile: 027 391 7971


Reminder of Eco Design Conference

Dear friends of the Eco Design Advisor Network.

This is a friendly reminder that our Conference Workshop is only 4 weeks away, with registrations closing 1 April - Register now

Please go to http://www.ecodesignadvisor.org.nz/2016-conference/ to see the invitation. The conference schedule is attached.

If you would like to stay overnight, the Eco Design Advisors recommend the Distinction Hotel. http://www.distinctionhotelspalmerstonnorth.co.nz/. If you would like to take advantage of the special Eco Design Advisor Conference superior room rate of $135, please email james.ratuki@fcmtravel.co.nz. Remember to say you are a conference delegate.

Our conferences are for anyone who is interested in the EDA service and holistic approaches to home design and management.

eco Schedule.pdf

Hamilton Older Person Open Forum

The Hamilton Older Persons Advisory Panel are wanting to hear from older people in the Hamilton Community. They will be hosting an open forum on 4 April 2016.

This will be an opportunity to hear from the panel about what work they have been engaged in with Hamilton City Council, and also provide you with time to talk with them raising any important issues you would like them to discuss.

The forum is open to both older people in Hamilton, and also agencies and service providers who interact with Older People.

When – 4 April 2016, 10:00-11:30am

Where – The Link, Te Aroha St (plenty of parking and access via public transport)

Catering will be provided

Please rsvp to nick.chester@hcc.govt.nz by Wednesday 30 March 2016.

Older persons forum.pdf






Waikato Business Sustainability Event Next Week 30th March

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Community Fruit Hamilton Hui - Tuesday 22nd of March

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Community Fruit Hamilton Hui -

1pm Tuesday 22nd March  at Waikato Environment Centre,

242 Peachgrove Road ( parking at rear)

For all those interested in being part of this awesome community initiative - there are opportunities galore - not just picking!

Coordinating, posting, driving, boxing, delivering, preserving - so many ways to contribute. Interested? Please come along and be part of this wonderful movement that appreciates the kai all around us!


