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Mokihinui River campaigns - get active and save this beautiful river

Posted 13 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Hamilton Mokihinui River Forum with Kevin Hague

Thursday, 17th February

7:30pm - 9:30pm

Where: S.G.03 Waikato University

You are warmly invited to a special forum hosted by Kevin Hague MP about the Mokihinui river.
Kevin will screen 'A Tale of Two Rivers' and excerpts from Craig Potton's 'Rivers' TV series, followed by a discussion on the Mokihinui, the proposed dam, and what we can do.

 For more information about the event contact Cathy Legg on greatcathy@yahoo.com.au . For more information about the Mokihinui river and campaign, see http://www.greens.org.nz/mokihinui .

Damn the Dam: Save the Mokihinui

There is also more information on the Forest and Bird website -http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/what-we-do/campaigns/save-mokihinui-damn-dam
At the mouth of this deeply incised granite gorge, Meridian Energy has proposed a vast hydro scheme –an 85 metre high dam that would radically changing this spectacular gorge. Recently this state-owned enterprise was given resource consent to go ahead with this proposal.
Forest & Bird, along with DOC and other NGOs have started the expensive and time-consuming task of appealing this decision. The hearing is not until early 2012, but with sufficient public pressure there is a chance we can stop it before it goes to the courtroom! Help us by becoming an activist.

 For more information on our appeal see here.

Reminder World Wetland Day event - tomorrow

Posted 13 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Get out to Lake Serpentine tomorrow to see the WWDay fun - 9.30 start.

You can still enter a team - contact Karen.denyer@wetlandtrust.org.nz

but otherwise just come and watch and have a fun day out.

Target 40 Wetland Challenge.

Outplay your oponents in a fun day of wetland-related challenges! Earn more than 40 points and your team's in to win some great prizes, including a Maungatautari After Dark Experience valued at $360

Where: Lake Serpentine, between Hamilton and Te Awamutu, SH3
Suitable for all ages, families, friends, flatmates, business teams, sports clubs, students.

Team Entry fees (4 people per team) Adults 18+ $10 each, under 10s free, Children $5.

All welcome - if you can't enter the challenge bring a picnic and watch the fun!
Registrations essential. Register at www.wetlandtrust.org.nz or phone 0800BIODIV (0800 246 348) or email Karen.denyer@wetlandtrust.org.nz for a registration form. Hurry, spaces are limited!

Target 40 is an event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Ramsar Conventions on Wetlands of International Importance.

Mayor in the Square, Bikewise challenge starting

Posted 13 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Mayor in the Square

- a new, public drop-in-chat launched by Mayor Julie Hardaker.

Tomorrow (Wed 2 Feb) ‘Mayor in the Square’ will be in Garden Place beside the stage from 12-1pm.
How does it work? At ‘Mayor in the Square’, Mayor Julie Hardaker will be at a set location from 12-1pm. During that time any member of the community is welcome to drop in and chat to the Mayor about anything they like - no appointment necessary!

Future dates and times will be advertised at: www.hamilton.co.nz/mayorinthesquare

Bikewise Challenge

Tuesday 1 February kicks off the 2011 Bike Wise Challenge! If you haven't already been to the fantastic new Bike Wise website, what are you waiting for? Check out all the great events in your region and register your organisation for the Bike Wise Challenge.

Here's a few tips for getting you going for the 2011 Bike Wise Challenge:

New to the Bike Wise Challenge
That is fantastic, it's going to be so much fun! Registering for the BIkeWise challenge is easy, just head to the new registrations page and sign up. You will then be able to select your organisation and department to start logging your kms for the team. If your organisation is not already registered, you can add your organisation and you will automatically become the default coordinator. This can be changed at a later stage by selecting another person in your organisation to become the coordinator.

RPS info evening cancelled Wednesday 26th Jan

Posted 13 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Due to low numbers replying we have decided to cancel this information evening - some of those who did reply will be attending another presentation, so if anyone was intending to come, but had not replied, please contact the Environment Centre if you want any help with a submission.(839 4452 or email katherine@envirocentre.org.nz



World Wetland Day event

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Please forward this to your contacts, particularly those in the Auckland/Waikato/BOP area.

We’d love to see a great turnout for this fun event. Consider forming a family or corporate team yourself and/or encourage your friends to sign up.
See you there!

 Saturday 5th February 9.30 - 2.30

Play and Win!
Come and celebrate World Wetlands Day. Bring a team of four, and join us on Lake Serpentine for the

Target 40 Wetland Challenge.

Outplay your oponents in a fun day of wetland-related challenges! Earn more than 40 points and your team's in to win some great prizes, including a Maungatautari After Dark Experience valued at $360

Where: Lake Serpentine, between Hamilton and Te Awamutu, SH3
Suitable for all ages, families, friends, flatmates, business teams, sports clubs, students.

Team Entry fees (4 people per team) Adults 18+ $10 each, under 10s free, Children $5.

All welcome - if you can't enter the challenge bring a picnic and watch the fun!
Registrations essential. Register at www.wetlandtrust.org.nz or phone 0800BIODIV (0800 246 348) or email Karen.denyer@wetlandtrust.org.nz for a registration form. Hurry, spaces are limited!

Target 40 is an event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Ramsar Conventions on Wetlands of International Importance.

Supported by: Wetland Trust, Waipa District Council, Dept of Conservatoin, Landcare Trust, NIWA and Mighty River Power.

Correction - RPS deadline 24th February

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Sorry everyone!

I am a little enthusiastic about submission writing - the due date for the RPS submission as per the last news post is the 28th February at 4pm, not January.

So, plenty of time to formulate your submission after the presentation next Wednesday. If you are coming, (which of course you are), it would be good to have some indication of numbers, so email back to katherine@envirocentre.org.nz. Thanks

RPS presentation 26th January

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Please forward this to all members of your group or organisation.
Submissions are due on the 28th January, 4pm.

Come along to a presentation at the Environment Centre on the proposed Regional Policy Statement on Wednesday 26 January at 5.30 pm by Environment Waikato Programme Manager, Blair Dickie, and Waikato Regional Councillor, Paula Southgate. There will be a brief presentation, followed by discussion / questions.

Have you ever wondered why councils have particular policies or rules? In some cases, it's because of a planning tool called the Regional Policy Statement (RPS). Councils are directly influenced by the RPS, so it ultimately has a bearing on what they do to enhance the environment, and what you or your business can do when you use the region's resources.

The Proposed Waikato Regional Policy Statement (RPS), which was notified on 3 November 2010, identifies the region's significant resource management issues for the Waikato region. It sets out through objectives, policies and methods how air, biodiversity, coastal environments, freshwater, geothermal resources, landscapes, land and soils will be managed in ways that provide for the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to provide for their needs.

For information on the proposed RPS, including the background document, From the Mountains to the Sea, see the home page on Environment Waikato website - www.ew.govt.nz.

Hard copies of the proposed RPS are available at council offices and libraries,  and in the Enviornment Centre. Submissions can be made online.


World Wetlands Day - February 5th

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments
