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Restyle 2011, Weeds in Restoration, e-waste reminder

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

ReStyle 2011 Categories Announced

ReStyle transforms everyday waste and enables art to perform on stage in the hottest event on Hamilton’s cultural calendar. The competition is open to anyone and challenges designers to create ‘wearable art’ by recycling and reusing materials that would normally be seen as waste. The 2011 categories have just been released and are available to view online at www.restylehamilton.co.nz.

Aaron Fleming
Strategic Advisor (Strategy Co-ordination)
City Strategy Team
Hamilton City Council
Private Bag 3010 Hamilton 3240
DDI: (07) 838 6483
E: aaron.fleming@hcc.govt.nz  www.hamilton.co.nz

Saturday 6th - next Saturday!

- reminder to get all your ewaste out of the attic, roof space, dark cupboard, and get on down to Te Rapa

Saturday 13th November

 Managing Weeds in Restoration

A workshop for any of you who want to update or learn about weed management . This is a Waikato Biodiversity Forum and Hamilton City Council partnership workshop

 In Hamilton (Venue to be advised). Two 2 hour sessions Starting at 10 am and 1.30. Lunch provided, no charge. more details and registration.

 Please register with me, Moira Cursey, m.cursey@xtra.co.nz and I'll send you details of the place we will meet. Here is the web link for registration.



Reel earth movies this week

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Tuesday 2nd November 7.30

All in the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St.
Parking at the corner of Ward and Anglesea in the Wintec carpark

Flood Children of the Holdibari

Director: Mary Matheson
Bangladesh 2008 (5 mins)

Bangladeshi children look at practical measures on their river island to make life easier during the floods that have become more extreme with climate change.

Milking the Rhino

Director: David E. Simpson
USA 2008 (83 mins)

The Maasai of Kenya and the Himba of Namibia are two of Earth’s oldest cattle cultures. Conventional African wildlife documentaries often depict both cultures — if at all — as a problem for conservation: in conflict with wildlife, poaching, killing for bushmeat, turning habitat for wildlife into sparse, sere pasture for bony cattle. In contrast, Milking the Rhino gives the Maasai and Himba their own voice in conservation, and offers “…complex, intimate portraits of rural Africans at the forefront of community-based conservation: a revolution that is turning poachers into preservationists and local people into the stewards of their land”. One of this festival’s top films, Rhino busts myths about wildlife conservation in Africa.

Thursday 4th Nov 7.30

Soil in Good Heart
Director: Deborah Koons Garcia
USA 2008 (13 mins)

“You can imagine things that would replace oil; I can imagine no replacement for good soil.” — Dr. David Montgomery

The aural beauty of a mandolin’s harmony opens this short sampler of a documentary currently in production by Deborah Koons Garcia, director of the landmark film, The Future of Food. This new film celebrates the beauty of healthy soil and plant production in a sustainable organic context. The importance of understanding, preserving and rebuilding this essential resource is the foundation of sustainable agriculture.


Director: Ana Sofia Joanes
USA 2009 (70 mins)

“When I was in college my roommate was from Pakistan and he says, George, he says, you know Americans fear only one thing — inconvenience.”

With a charming mix of humour and pragmatism, Fresh celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who have begun to change the industrial model of food production to a healthier, sustainable system. The setting might be the US, but the problems caused by that industrial model — food contamination, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, morbid obesity and others — threaten New Zealand as well. Fortunately, we’re not yet as far down that industrial road (despite the best efforts of the Mackenzie Basin dairy farmers), but the risks remain. Why repeat the mistakes of the US; why not learn from the examples set by the likes of urban farmer and activist Will Allen, sustainable farmer and entrepreneur Joel Salatin, supermarket owner David Ball and others — people who show clearly that producing good, healthy, bountiful food doesn’t have to cost the Earth.

 Friday 5th November 7.30

 New Zealand Shorts

The Break Up
Director: Charlee Collins New Zealand 2009 (4 mins)

Director: Peter Holmes and Steve Ting
New Zealand 2009 (28 mins)

Silver bullet or slippery slope? In Aotearoa, 1080 poison offers the gift of life to some animals but inflicts a painful death on others. With remarkable objectivity, Holmes and Ting explore one of the hottest debates about the New Zealand environment in their debut effort in short film. As the poison rains from the sky, some say the risks don’t justify the means while others claim it’s the only hope for protecting our native wildlife from public enemy number one. Informative, challenging, and creatively filmed.


Director: Iain Frengley and Edi Saltau
New Zealand 2009 (26 mins)
New Zealand filmmakers Iain Frengley and Edward Saltau trace the story of the albatross, immersing the viewer in the beauty, majesty and vulnerability of these birds as viewed through the dramatic prism of Coleridge’s famous poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Using some of the most innovative visual effects in documentary film, the work distils a vast collection of natural history, harsh reality and folklore in a well paced viewing experience.

 Vegetables from the Sea 6 mins

Carving the Future
Director: Guy Ryan and Nick Holmes
New Zealand 2010 (25 mins)
This short film debut by Guy Ryan and Nick Holme stirs hope and challenges the viewer with an inspirational account of how young New Zealanders are leading change for the betterment of our environmental future. The film shows how one person might change the future. It aims to inspire tomorrow’s leaders to act today on the challenges posed by climate change and short sighted management: challenges that are already damaging tomorrow’s environment. Grassroots, youth-driven community action inspired the film. Features the music of Raglan band Cornerstone Roots.


International Short Films tonight 7.30

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

In the Environment Centre
$8 or $7 to our members, includes refreshments

Reminder about the great variety of movies on tonight - Lines of Flight is about climbing, not birds, by the way!

Rethink the Shark 1 min

Rethink Happiness 2 min

Lines of Flight
Director: Sal Brown & Martin Wood
United Kingdom 2009 (22 mins)

“The discovery of a direction they didn’t know.”
Connecting industrial towns and the barren wilderness of the northern English moors and their gritstone outcrops, film makers Sal Brown and Martin Wood portray the adventure and sheer joy of escape through the physically and mentally demanding world of solo rock climbing. Using spectacular ascents of some of the Pennine region’s iconic gritstone climbs, the film considers the impact of social and economic transformations on the landscape and on the minds of a few individuals. A magnificent meditation on environment, place and humanity. As for the solo climbing — it’s for none but the utterly fearless (or foolish)! A film for any thoughtful person, whether you climb or not.

United Kingdom 2009 (22 mins)

Director: Joe York
USA 2009 (16 mins)

“My beef is just like industrial commodity beef except it’s healthier, safer, better for the environment, and it tastes better. Other than that it’s exactly the same.” — Georgia cattleman Will Harris
Grass-fed beef, the family farm and a dog named Possum: it could be anywhere in New Zealand, but this is the US. With humour and insight, fourth generation cattleman Will Harris provides a timely reminder that, in the grand scheme of things, grass fed beef in an organic context is a surprisingly sustainable land use and wealth generator.
The paradox for the New Zealand viewer is to see a farmer being held up by the environmental community as a paragon of agricultural virtue while remaining part of the USA’s environmentally disastrous approach to animal production. In New Zealand, that same farmer and his system would be slated by some environmentalists. What a difference a country and a context makes. A film guaranteed to dismay vegetarians and horrify vegans, but offering a different perspective on agriculture. Frank and refreshing.


Director: Jules Dervaes
USA 2009 (16 mins)
“You are in danger of becoming free.”

Fifteen minutes from downtown Los Angeles, an urban homesteader pioneers a journey toward self sufficiency. Inspired by a homesteading stint on New Zealand’s West Coast, Jules Dervaes went on to raise a family and run a microfarm enterprise on a tenth of an acre of land in a residential neighbourhood in Los Angeles. This homespun short film tells the story of how a vision for sustainability can enrich a person, a family and a community. An inspiration for kitchen gardeners and sustainability enthusiasts alike.

Dark Clouds 2 mins

The Hidden Life of the Burrowing Owl 5 mins

A Simple Question: The Story of Straw
Director: Kevin White and David Donnenfield
USA 2009 (34 mins)

Can a child’s question change the course of history? STRAW traces how an innocent question spawned an amazing response that restored not only a natural area network but also helped restore and connect a community. Starring a tiny shrimp, a massive watershed, politicians, mothers, farmers and youth, the well paced, hopeful story shows how a trickle of inspiration can develop into a cascade leading to healthier communities and healthier streams and creeks. The informal camera work and creative energy lend an accessible element to the film and story. One of the most inspiring short films of the 2010 Reel Earth Festival Season.


Sustainable Building events in November

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Three sustainable building events below:

1. Site Considerations workshop, as part of the Green Home workshop series

2. End of year celebration networking and 'free form' seminar where Ian Mayes will answer all your questions
3. Eco Design workshop weekend, final workshop in the Green Home workshop series.
RSVP, bookings enquiries to Megan Edmeades  greenme@xtra.co.nz

 Site Considerations - Green Home workshop

Saturday November 6
Wintec Hamilton

Cost $20

This workshop focuses on the environment outside the house, how the house sits in or fits into the environment, and the different zones around the house. Content covered will include the implications of geographical aspects such as wind zones and prevailing directions, soil types, contour, and climate, together with tree placement, shelter belts, landscaping and garden design, poultry, compost, and fruit trees. Other sustainable design considerations with affects on the inside of the house to be covered include rain water tank placement, waste water system location, and shading and cooling in the house relevant to trees and wind.

 RSVP by Monday November 1

 End of year celebration and seminar evening

 Hosted by the Waikato Green Building Network in conjunction with the Green Homes workshop series

Tuesday November 16
Cost $20 - includes seminar fee and contribution for catering

 To be held at the Greenspace Te Aroha St, Hamilton. Check out this award winning eco-friendly design venue at www.thegreenspace.co.nz
Guest speaker - TBA. Details to come closer to the date.

Email in your burning sustainable design and building questions for Ian to answer

RSVP essential for catering. Let me know you will be attending by Friday November 5 and go into a draw for a copy of 'A Deeper Shade of Green, sustainable urban development building and architecture in New Zealand' - great Chrissy pressie! (The draw will be held on the night, so you have to be there!)

Eco Design weekend Green Homes workshop
- final one for the year

Saturday Nov 27 - Sunday Nov 28
Wintec Hamilton, and site visit
9:30-4pm daily
Cost $70

Bringing everything you know and have learned together into a one-on-one design weekend, using computer modelling to measure the energy efficiency of a real or hypothetical design. The weekend finishes with a visit to an eco home. Everyone welcome. More details on enquiry.

 RSVPs sooner rather than later would be great!

October/November 2010 events

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

News - We are on Facebook!

Check out and 'Like' the Waikato Environment Centre Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/WaikatoRegion#!/pages/Waikato-Environment-Centre/123268667727260

Don't Forget - Reel Earth movies
The Age of Stupid today - Thursday
International mixture of short movies on Friday.
All start at 7.30. $8 pp, includes refreshments. (no icecreams or popcorn  sorry) In the Environment Centre 25 Ward St.
First in first served unless you have booked.
Parking down on the Wintec corner - ok after 5pm.
Thursday 4th November movies will follow the Hamilton Permaculture Trust AGM and are for people interested in growing and eating good food and caring for the soil.

Saturday 30 October

Hammond Bush weeding
From 1pm
This is also a critical time to get on top of the weed species in Hammond Bush. Please consider joining us for a couple of hours on the 30th.
We'll meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk.

Stephen Hamilton
Chairperson, Riverlea Environment Society Inc.
Tel. +64 7 856 8355    www.resi.org.nz

Also Saturday 30 October

Biodiversity Forum at Tamahere

As this is on a Saturday and close to Hamilton this time, some people who would not normally be able to go may be able to attend this one. These days are well worth attending, interesting speakers, and visits. The outline of the day and Registration form attached. 


RSVP by Wednesday 27th October

Saturday 6 November

e- Day 2010
Clean up NZ's Waste - Recycle your electronic waste - computers, mice, computer speakers, printers and cartridges, scanners, laptops, mobile phones, keyboards, networking equipment, cameras.
Not tvs or appliances
Habitat for Humanity, 29 Bryant Rd, Te Rapa, 9am - 3pm.
Cars only - no trailers.

Saturday 6 November

Seed and seedling swap  at 4pm, at 154 Old Farm Road.

Everyone is welcome.
There is a facebook "event" page here:

November 3rd. 10th. 17th. 24th.


Presented by the Hamilton Permaculture Trust

Wednesday evenings for 4 weeks 6 to 8pm.

Learn the basics to siting a vegetable garden and maintaining it with organic practices
Prepare to put sustainable practices in place for a successful summer garden
• Composting
• Worm farming
• Liquid fertilizers
• Mulch
• No-dig gardens
• Companion planting
• Rotational planting
• Seed saving
• Lunar planting

WHERE: Held at Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East.
With a community garden on site to view examples.
Course includes a guided tour of the Sustainable Backyard
COST: $10 / class
CONTACT:Cheryl 834 2249 or 0211390935

9th November

Erosion workhop - Te Kuiti
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is sponsoring a series of eight workshops around the North Island on the impact of soil erosion on economic and environmental sustainability. These workshops are supported by Regional Councils and will provide participants with expertise in erosion recognition, processes and treatment options.

Environment Waikato would like to invite you to attend the Te Kuiti Workshop on the 9th of November from 9am to 5pm. The workshop will be held at the Community Cultural and Arts Centre Corner of King and Jennings Streets Te Kuiti. Admission is free and lunch is provided.
The day will be led and presentations given by Garth Eyles and Norm Ngapo who have an immense knowledge on erosion, its impacts and mitigation, having been involved in related fields since the mid 1960’s. They are joined by local Environment Waikato Land Management Officers Rien Van de Weteringh and Adrian Jepson.
This is an open invitation so feel free to bring along anyone who you feel could benefit or has an interest in erosion including your neighbours, farm managers/staff or colleagues.
Please register before Wednesday 3rd November by phoning: Su Davie on (07) 859 0857 or 0800 800 401 or emailing su.davie@ew.govt.nz.

Yours faithfully
Tane Desmond, Rien van de Weteringh and Adrian Jepson
Environment Waikato
River and Catchment Services

Sunday 21st November

10am to 2pm.
Phone Nick on 853 2660 or 027 404 5384 to reserve your site.
Camellia carpark
Bring a trailer of plants and sell to all the plant enthusiasts.
Site Fee $20
Please send to N. Aitken, 23c Howden Road, Fairfield Hamilton 3214
email mystery@webnet.co.nz


Reel Earth movies starting next week

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Two weeks of environmentally themed movies - Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for the next two weeks, starting 26th October.

All in the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, at 7.30pm
$8 pp or $7 for Environment Centre members
Includes refreshments
Flier attached - please print and give to your friends or contact us for hard copies
The schedule is also on our website 

Tuesday 26th October 7.30

Love in Cold Blood

Director: Jane Adcroft & Carla Braun-Elwert
25 mins
New Zealand film makers Carla Braun-Elwert and Jane Adcroft tell an enchanting love story as they bring to life the slow courtship of Mildred and Henry, two elderly tuatara in Invercargill’s Southland Museum. And when we say slow courtship, we mean it: they’ve finally decided to mate at the ripe young ages of 80 and 111 years. It’s an event forty years in the making, but their partnership means a lot, not just for the passionately dedicated people who care for these rare animals, but for the very survival of this rare, iconic species still sailing aboard ‘Moa’s Ark’.  tuatarafilm.wordpress

Unnatural History of the Kakapo

Director: Scott Mouat
New Zealand 2009 (77 mins)

Most New Zealanders know at least something of the story of the kakapo’s rescue from the brink of extinction. What more can be said that hasn’t already been documented? The Unnatural History of the Kakapo uses a strong, well-written storyline, sound information and excellent filming to show the answer is, “Plenty”. For the last several decades, the outlook for kakapo was bleak, as if the efforts were only slowing rather than preventing inevitable extinction. But recently-developed scientific techniques showed much of the problem arises from the birds themselves: they’re too closely related, leading to infertile eggs and dead embryos. The film shows how the combination of careful thought, good science and a diverse range of skilled and passionate researchers and support staff identified the problem, worked out what to do about it, and put those plans into action. The result was the most successful kakapo breeding season on record.
Sometimes funny, sometimes emotionally difficult, but always gripping, Kakapo portrays powerfully the story of one of New Zealand’s most internationally famous conservation successes and the people who confronted the apparent inevitability of this wonderful bird’s extinction.

Thursday 28th October 7.30

The Bill
Director: Peter Wedel
Germany 2009 (4 mins)
These German blokes in a pub talk like us, but get the bill presented in a whole different light. Bring your wit and speed reading glasses, and be sure to see this one!

The Age of Stupid
Director: Franny Armstrong & Lizzie Gillette
UK 2008 (88 mins)

“I think everyone in the future will perhaps blame us for not thinking to protect the environment. We knew how to profit but not to protect.”
Almost flawless, cleverly structured, and with an opening worthy of a Spielberg film, The Age of Stupid delivers an extraordinarily thought-provoking take on modern civilisation’s oil-fueled drag race against planet Earth. In the devastated world of 2055, the curator of an archive of relics from the last days of human civilisation (Pete Postlethwaite) lives alone among books, documentary footage, pickled animals, skeletons and echoes from the past. “Why,” he asks, while looking at footage from our present, “didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?” The film takes risks and makes them pay off, delivering a mainstream message in a novel way and creating a film that’s intriguingly complex but not confusingly complicated. Powerful emotive content backed up by sound information and a structure that links disparate threads produces a compelling argument; moreover, it engenders a strong desire to do something to counter the stupidity that’s ruining our Earth. Despite its apparent prognosis The Age of Stupid doesn’t depress — it galvanises. Essential viewing.

Friday 29th October 7.30

International Short Films

Rethink the Shark     1 min

Rethink Happiness   
2 min

Lines of Flight
Director: Sal Brown & Martin Wood
United Kingdom 2009 (22 mins)
“The discovery of a direction they didn’t know.”
Connecting industrial towns and the barren wilderness of the northern English moors and their gritstone outcrops, film makers Sal Brown and Martin Wood portray the adventure and sheer joy of escape through the physically and mentally demanding world of solo rock climbing. Using spectacular ascents of some of the Pennine region’s iconic gritstone climbs, the film considers the impact of social and economic transformations on the landscape and on the minds of a few individuals. A magnificent meditation on environment, place and humanity. As for the solo climbing — it’s for none but the utterly fearless (or foolish)! A film for any thoughtful person, whether you climb or not.

Director: Joe York
USA 2009 (16 mins)
“My beef is just like industrial commodity beef except it’s healthier, safer, better for the environment, and it tastes better. Other than that it’s exactly the same.” — Georgia cattleman Will Harris
Grass-fed beef, the family farm and a dog named Possum: it could be anywhere in New Zealand, but this is the US. With humour and insight, fourth generation cattleman Will Harris provides a timely reminder that, in the grand scheme of things, grass fed beef in an organic context is a surprisingly sustainable land use and wealth generator. The paradox for the New Zealand viewer is to see a farmer being held up by the environmental community as a paragon of agricultural virtue while remaining part of the USA’s environmentally disastrous approach to animal production. In New Zealand, that same farmer and his system would be slated by some environmentalists. What a difference a country and a context makes. A film guaranteed to dismay vegetarians and horrify vegans, but offering a different perspective on agriculture. Frank and refreshing.

Director: Jules Dervaes
USA 2009 (16 mins)
“You are in danger of becoming free.”
Fifteen minutes from downtown Los Angeles, an urban homesteader pioneers a journey toward self sufficiency. Inspired by a homesteading stint on New Zealand’s West Coast, Jules Dervaes went on to raise a family and run a microfarm enterprise on a tenth of an acre of land in a residential neighbourhood in Los Angeles. This homespun short film tells the story of how a vision for sustainability can enrich a person, a family and a community. An inspiration for kitchen gardeners and sustainability enthusiasts alike.

Dark Clouds 2 mins

The Hidden Life of the Burrowing Owl  5 mins

A Simple Question: The story of Straw
Director: Kevin White and David Donnenfield
USA 2009 (34 mins)
Can a child’s question change the course of history? STRAW traces how an innocent question spawned an amazing response that restored not only a natural area network but also helped restore and connect a community. Starring a tiny shrimp, a massive watershed, politicians, mothers, farmers and youth, the well paced, hopeful story shows how a trickle of inspiration can develop into a cascade leading to healthier communities and healthier streams and creeks. The informal camera work and creative energy lend an accessible element to the film and story. One of the most inspiring short films of the 2010 Reel Earth Festival Season.

Tuesday 2nd November 7.30

Flood Children of the Holdibari
Director: Mary Matheson
Bangladesh 2008 (5 mins)
Bangladeshi children look at practical measures on their river island to make life easier during the floods that have become more extreme with climate change.

Milking the Rhino
Director: David E. Simpson
USA 2008 (83 mins)
The Maasai of Kenya and the Himba of Namibia are two of Earth’s oldest cattle cultures. Conventional African wildlife documentaries often depict both cultures — if at all — as a problem for conservation: in conflict with wildlife, poaching, killing for bushmeat, turning habitat for wildlife into sparse, sere pasture for bony cattle. In contrast, Milking the Rhino gives the Maasai and Himba their own voice in conservation, and offers “…complex, intimate portraits of rural Africans at the forefront of community-based conservation: a revolution that is turning poachers into preservationists and local people into the stewards of their land”. One of this festival’s top films, Rhino busts myths about wildlife conservation in Africa.

Thursday 4th Nov 7.30

Soil in Good Heart
Director: Deborah Koons Garcia
USA 2008 (13 mins)
“You can imagine things that would replace oil; I can imagine no replacement for good soil.” — Dr. David Montgomery
The aural beauty of a mandolin’s harmony opens this short sampler of a documentary currently in production by Deborah Koons Garcia, director of the landmark film, The Future of Food. This new film celebrates the beauty of healthy soil and plant production in a sustainable organic context. The importance of understanding, preserving and rebuilding this essential resource is the foundation of sustainable agriculture.

Director: Ana Sofia Joanes
USA 2009 (70 mins)
“When I was in college my roommate was from Pakistan and he says,
George, he says, you know Americans fear only one thing — inconvenience.”
With a charming mix of humour and pragmatism, Fresh celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who have begun to change the industrial model of food production to a healthier, sustainable system. The setting might be the US, but the problems caused by that industrial model — food contamination, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, morbid obesity and others — threaten New Zealand as well.  Fortunately, we’re not yet as far down that industrial road (despite the best efforts of the Mackenzie Basin dairy farmers), but the risks remain. Why repeat the mistakes of the US; why not learn from the examples set by the likes of urban farmer and activist Will Allen, sustainable farmer and entrepreneur Joel Salatin, supermarket owner David Ball and others — people who show clearly that producing good, healthy, bountiful food doesn’t have to cost the Earth.

Friday 5th November 7.30

New Zealand Shorts

The Break Up
Director: Charlee Collins   New Zealand 2009 (4 mins)

Director: Peter Holmes and Steve Ting
New Zealand 2009 (28 mins)
Silver bullet or slippery slope? In Aotearoa, 1080 poison offers the gift of life to some animals but inflicts a painful death on others. With remarkable objectivity, Holmes and Ting explore one of the hottest debates about the New Zealand environment in their debut effort in short film. As the poison rains from the sky, some say the risks don’t justify the means while others claim it’s the only hope for protecting our native wildlife from public enemy number one. Informative, challenging, and creatively filmed. 

Director: Iain Frengley and Edi Saltau
New Zealand 2009 (26 mins)
New Zealand filmmakers Iain Frengley and Edward Saltau trace the story of the albatross, immersing the viewer in the beauty, majesty and vulnerability of these birds as viewed through the dramatic prism of Coleridge’s famous poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Using some of the most innovative visual effects in documentary film, the work distils a vast collection of natural history, harsh reality and folklore in a well paced viewing experience.

Vegetables from the Sea   6 mins

Carving the Future
Director: Guy Ryan and Nick Holmes
New Zealand 2010 (25 mins)
This short film debut by Guy Ryan and Nick Holme stirs hope and challenges the viewer with an inspirational account of how young New Zealanders are leading change for the betterment of our environmental future. The film shows how one person might change the future. It aims to inspire tomorrow’s leaders to act today on the challenges posed by climate change and short sighted management: challenges that are already damaging tomorrow’s environment. Grassroots, youth-driven community action inspired the film. Features the music of Raglan band Cornerstone Roots.  


Robert Donze talk Tues 26 October, Cambridge

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago    0 comments


Presentation by
Robb Donze,
Managing Director, InterfaceNZ

5.00pm, Tuesday, 26 October, 2010

Presenting the business case for enterprises to strive for sustainability – InterfaceNZ shows a New Zealand perspective

Interface began in 1973 with a staff of 15, manufacturing modular floor coverings. It has grown into a billion-dollar corporation, named by Fortune as one of the “Most Admired Companies in America” and the “100 Best Companies to Work For.”.

 Plus find out more about Sustainable Cambridge- the vision, projects and initiatives, the people involved, and the benefits to Cambridge.

Venue: Committee Room, Waipa District Council, Wilson St,

Time: 5pm to 6.30pm.

Refreshments provided
RSVP is appreciated but not essential
E-mail: sustainablecambridge@clear.net.nz
Tel: (07) 823 7433


Oil report, track building workshop, lunchtime learning, Adult education meeting

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

News today - fuel price increases - something many of us are expecting to happen but at least the government is having it spelt out to them and hopefully our new and old councillors also take on board:
To read this online visit:

 Saturday 16 October

Gully Restoration Track Building workshop

This Saturday 16th October there is a track building workshop at Silverdale School starting 1 pm. Learn how to build simple tracks and steps which can help to stabilise gullies as well as providing access for restoration.

Following Department of Conservation principles of creating permanent low maintenance tracks which blend with their natural surroundings we will be building a small section of track with a couple of boxed sections and a piece of flat track at the top of the gully next to recently planted Silverdale School Gully garden.

Feel free to come for the afternoon or to drop in for a few minutes and have a look.
Park on Barrie Crescent and head across the playing field to the far corner of the playing field next to the swimming pool.

Tim Newton
Gully Restoration Officer
DDI 07 838 6878  Email tim.newton@hcc.govt.nz

Tuesday 26 October 12-1pm

Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council, Garden Place Hamilton.
You are invited to a Lunchtime Learning with Ian Mayes

What defines an Eco Home and why would we build them?

In this presentation, Ian will look at some of the terminology used around Eco Homes and what those terms actually mean. He will look at what technologies are utilised in an Eco home and how do we define an Eco/Green or Sustainable Home.
Ian also investigates why we are interested in building this way as opposed to the standard way of building today. What is driving the current trend toward Greener Homes?

Ian Mayes has been a designer and builder for twenty years in London and L.A. He specialised in high end custom interiors but also worked on various commissions including a series of foot bridges for a Country House in England and a Beach house in Malibu. Ian came back to NZ in 1999 and completed a Permaculture Design Course. This bought about a total change to the way he viewed Buildings. He designed and built his own Eco Home in Raglan 2001. Established the Timber and Building Materials recycling programme at Xtreme Waste in Raglan in 2004. He joined HCC as the Eco Design Advisor in 2006.

No need to RSVP – open invitation for you and your colleagues to attend. Please forward to anyone who may be interested!

Attached to this email is a poster-handout advertising an Education public meeting.

Thursday 28 October

7.30 pm
Celebrating Age Centre
Victoria Street, Hamilton

Public Meeting: The theme is "Is Quality Public Education under attack in the Waikato?"

 It is a joint meeting involving ACE (Adult and Community Education), NZEI, PPTA and the Student Associations.
It covers the impact of government policy and budget cuts on education from Early Childhood through to Adult Education - the entire education journey a person may take in their lifetime.

Speakers from each sector will un-pack what the impact of government policy means for them.
Please feel free to pass this information through your networks to anyone you think will be interested.







