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Conservation Week activities and Spring Lecture series

Posted 13 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Conservation Week 12–19 September

Tui 2000 and Biodiversity Forum present:
A Barrett Bush Experience

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Show your natural affection for NZ by:

• Exploring a bush reserve that is not readily accessible to the public
• Learning more about native plants and testing your knowledge
• Helping plant trees as a memento of your visit
• Having fun finding and indentifying insects in the bush
• Releasing native trees to grow strongly

Time: 10.30am -1.30pm
Place to meet: Koromatua School, Koromatua Road, off
Tuhikaramea Road to be transported to Barrett Bush
What to bring: Lunch and drink, strong boots/shoes/wet weather gear
PRIZES Families welcome
Limited to 30 people
Organised in partnership with the Waikato Biodiversity Forum and Tui 2000 Inc
To book contact Moira Cursey, Waikato Biodiversity Forum 07 8465066 or email m.cursey@xtra.co.nz.

Poster to put up at your workplace:

ConseravtionWK Barrett Bush activity Aug 2010FINAL.pdf

For other events during the week see the attached brochure 

Waikato Conservation week events Sept 2010.pdf

The University of Waikato is proud to present the

Spring Lecture Series

‘Our City, Our Region’ is at the heart of Waikato University’s annual Spring Lecture Series. In this series of five free public lectures, local experts will talk about issues facing our region.

Wednesdays, 1 - 29 September
Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Venue: WEL Energy Trust Academy of Performing Arts, Hamilton Campus
A cash bar will be open from 5.30pm. Complimentary parking is available via Gate 2B, Knighton Road, Hamilton.

Wednesday 15 September

Smart Grids and Smart Cities
Dr Julian Elder, CEO, WEL Networks

New Zealand has started down the track of rolling out smart meters. This presentation will cover where the world is headed with smart electricity grids and the developing smart city concept. These initiatives are driven by the need for better resource use and improved services.

Wednesday 22 September

Demographic Challenges and Opportunities in the Waikato Region: An A-B-C Approach to Population Ageing.

 Professor Natalie Jackson, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, University of Waikato
Demographic change is bringing with it many challenges, but also many opportunities – those who understand their local demography and its broader context will be better placed to respond.

Wednesday 29 September

Connecting the Landscape: Linking Terrestrial and Aquatic Restoration

Professor Bruce Clarkson, Dean of Faculty of Science & Engineering, University of Waikato / Professor David Hamilton, Chair of Lakes Management, University of Waikato
This presentation will examine the system-wide effects of terrestrial and/or aquatic restoration using local examples to demonstrate how biodiversity and ecosystem services can be enhanced.

Special thanks to WEL Energy Trust for its support of this series.


Sustainable Cambridge 'Grow your Own' expo

Posted 13 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Sustainable Cambridge's "Grow your own" Garden expo

Sunday 12th September, Cambridge Town Hall 10 - 4
Speakers' timetable -







Micky Cunningham

Sustainable soil management, healthy soil for a healthy garden

45 min


Marcia Meehan

The fascinating life of bees.

1 Hour


Cheryl Noble
Permaculture Trust

 Introduction to permaculture

30 mins


Deb Brookes

Choosing the best varieties for all year  Fruit

30 mins


Peter Downard

 Soil biology, and natural pest control

1 hour


Cheryl Noble

Companion Planting - what grows best with what

30 mins


Rachael Goddard

Composting and Worm farming

1 hour

Mini Presentation
Main Hall





Sheryn Clothier

Orchard Establishment

15 min


Sheryn Clothier

Living off the Land

15 min


Pat Williams

Propagating native plants

15 min


Today reminders

Posted 13 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday 8th September

Reminder - Wine and Wetlands at the National Wetland Trust’s 10th AGM.
Waipa District Council, Te Awamutu, 5pm today

All welcome

If you wish to join the National Wetland Trust see our website for membership form: http://www.wetlandtrust.org.nz/aboutus.html

In the Environment Centre tonight

6pm - Jubilee Bush environmental education resource for primary schools - Katherine Hay. We will show a historical video of Jubilee Bush in the pre-boardwalk days.
7pm - Wayne Bennett, Forest Flora - will talk about the importance of biodiversity and ecosourcing


Reminder - Visit the Environment Centre for Cycle talk this evening

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Reminder that there is a cycle talk on today from Matt from Velo Espresso  at 6pm, about comuter cycling, and then Greg Locke is demonstrating his amazing electric pushbike which he has put together. He admitted he was up to over 60 on it the other day!

So come along, nibbles are available, and find out about the Green Card and all the businesses which are supporting the Environment Centre.

Tomorrow 6pm, will be the talk about water efficiency in your home's plumbing department, and all the latest in tapware.




Green Drinks this Friday

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Green Drinks is being hosted by the Environment Centre this Friday (10th September) at 5.30pm, 25 Ward St.

As usual, food and some drinks will be supplied. BYO extra alcoholic beverages.

This is the end of our launch week for our new membership Green Card, so come and find out what this is about, see our revamped centre, and our changed name now reflecting our Waikato regional focus.

See you there!


Announcing the new Green Card September 6th - 10th

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

The Environment Centre is celebrating its new more regional name as well as launching our great new “Green Card” for those who become individual members of the centre. Forty two local businesses have come on board and are offering a range of discounts to our members.

During the week, the Centre will be open til 8pm, with talks on each evening, and culminating in Green Drinks on Friday at 5.30pm. 

Drop in anytime, or in the evening or at lunchtime for free nibbles and a movie, have a look around at the information we offer, what groups are doing, and find out which other businesses we are partnering with to encourage more sustainable purchasing.

Support your centre, bring your friends or workmates!

The evening talks next week are:

Monday 6th 

6pm - Velo Espresso - Matt Keen will discuss Velo Espresso's cycle commuter  facility
7pm - Greg Locke will talk about and demonstrate his recently converted electric bike 

Tuesday 7th

6pm - Plumbing World / Felton with the speaker Roger Marty will talk about water conservation products for the home

Wednesday 8th

6pm - Jubilee Bush environmental education resource for primary schools - Katherine Hay. We will show a historical video of Jubilee Bush in the pre-boardwalk days.
7pm - Wayne Bennett, Forest Flora - will talk about the importance of biodiversity and ecosourcing

Thursday 9th

7pm - The Nappy Lady, Kate Meads - will discuss using cloth nappies in the 21st century.

Friday 10th

5.30 - Green Drinks.  The Environment Centre is hosting Green Drinks this month - a regular social networking event for anyone interested in environmental matters. Nibbles and drinks are provided.

Go in the Special Draw!
Be amongst first 100 members who sign up as members of the Waikato Environment Centre to go in the draw for a great prize of products sponsored by Captain Compost, Naturally Healthy, Jumpin' Jacks, the Herbal Shop and Clinic, the Hamilton Wine Company and the Environment Centre.

Any enquiries please phone the Centre 839 4452 or email envirocentre@paradise.net.nz
If you are thinking of coming to a talk we would be pleased to have some idea of numbers.




NZ draft Energy Strategy submissions due 2 September

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

This has come from WWF, and raises important issues within the document -

Dear Friends,
I am writing from the Climate Change team at WWF-New Zealand to ask if you have considered making a submission on the government's Draft Energy Strategy, currently out for public consultation?

 WWF are deeply concerned with the themes of this document - it prioritises mineral and fossil fuel extraction as a means to economic growth while failing to address fundamental domestic energy issues of road transport emissions, unstable oil prices or local energy generation to name just a few. I've attached our analysis for your information.

If you are a position to do so, please make a submission on the Strategy by next Thursday 2 September. We've created a draft submission you may want to use. It's on the WWF website here: http://wwf.org.nz/take_action/draft_energy_strategy__have_your_say/.

More information on the strategies and on making a submission can be found at the Ministry for Economic Development site here: http://www.med.govt.nz/templates/ContentTopicSummary____19431.aspx

We believe taking forward the strategy as it stands will be damaging to New Zealand's society, environment and international reputation for many years to come.
Your voice is crucial to ensure we get this right.

Thanks for your time.
Kind Regards,

PS: Please extend this call to your contacts if you can. We've got just over a week to summon support!


Lee Barry
Climate Change campaigner
WWF - New Zealand
DDI: +64 (0)4 471 4297
Mob: +64 (0)21 052 5857

WWF analysis of the draft Energy Strategy_08.10.doc

Garden Expo- Grow Your Own

Posted 14 years ago    4 comments

‘Grow Your Own’

Sept 12th, Cambridge Town Hall, 10am to 4pm

Exhibits & Speakers; for the beginner to the experienced gardener.

Composting, bees, organics, worms, permaculture, natural pest control, growing fruit, vegetables and herbs.

Contact Jenny Wilson for info: sustainablecambridge@clear.net.nz





Micky Cunningham

Sustainable soil management, healthy soil for a healthy garden


Marcia Meehan

The fascinating life of bees.


Cheryl Noble
Permaculture Trust

 Introduction to permaculture


Deb Brookes

Choosing the best varieties for all year  Fruit


Peter Downer

 Soil biology, and natural pest control


Cheryl Noble

Companion Planting - what grows best with what


Rachael Goddard

Composting and Worm farming
