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URGENT request for Volunteers re: NZ Coast Oil Spill Cleanup

Posted 13 years, 3 months ago    21 comments

On 5 October 2011 container vessel Rena struck Astrolabe reef 12 nautical miles off Tauranga and is leaking large amounts of oil.

New Zealand Wildlife Health Centre is calling for volunteers to assist in the recovery and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife.  Significant numbers of volunteers are required immediately and over a prolonged period of time.  You work will be paid, and as such will be subject to the Centre’s health and safety plan.

New Zealand Wildlife Health Centre is looking for a wide range of skills including field biologists, helping with the recovery and rehabilitation of birds, driving a vehicle to transport oiled wildlife, administrative tasks.  These are just examples of how you can help.  There will be something you can do!  Please call Jim Lilley  0275 387 566 for further information on how you can help.

A number of oiled birds (dead and alive) that have already been recovered, as well as an oiled seal on Papamoa beach.  New Zealand Wildlife Health Centre  is gearing up to respond to a significant number of animals affected by the oil spill, so please do respond if you are able.



Pam Merwood
13 years, 3 months ago
Have just spoken to the co-ordinator. He said that they are dolding a meeting a 3:00pm and will have more info for volunteers after that. He said to keep an eye on the Maritime Website for details on how to register.
13 years, 3 months ago
Paid volunteers?
13 years, 3 months ago
Happy to put the word out to our friends. The "paid volunteer" thing confused us, too. Best of luck.
13 years, 3 months ago
Do you accept as volunteers people from other countries to bring them from overseas?
13 years, 3 months ago
Thought:The oil companies should have a required reserve cash supply to under-write the response to these types of disasters before the disaster ever happens, so response can be swift and robust when needed.If they have no reserve for this, they should be barred from transporting oil at sea.
Marny Bonner
13 years, 3 months ago
They will be covered by insurance. As for "paid volunteers", it does seem confusing but putting volunteers on to the payroll enables the Response Command Centre to better manage people and the response generally. Whilst many volunteers often turn up with their hearts in the right place, the Command Centre needs to be able to rely on people on an ongoing basis in a controlled manner. The ship's insurer pays for it. Best wishes to everyone involved - Australian Seabird Rescue is standing by.
- Marny Bonner, President, www.seabirdrescue.org
13 years, 3 months ago
Be carefull guys ive just heard that there is some dangerous chemicals on board that ship as we as the dispersant they are using (which is highly toxic) and not working KIA KAHA!
Aaron James
13 years, 3 months ago
Please watch this and pass it onto anyone you think may know how to contact the clean up crew. This method of cleaning up oil spills is non-toxic and highly effective with out the use of dangerous dispersants, and simple. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMUNHhD-Ws Stop them before they poison us please.
13 years, 3 months ago
more than willing to help!i live at papamoa.
victoria burgess
13 years, 3 months ago
Long time ago but experience with SANCCOB in Cape Town, could you use me?
13 years, 3 months ago
I am willing to help, a few friends and I have recently finished Marine Biology degrees at Victoria, is there any information on help getting volunteers up to Tauranga and what we are able to help with? Couldn't see any information on the maritime website. Cheers.
13 years, 3 months ago
I would love too help , only prob is i don't drive! but if i can be of help let me know!!
Sabrina van Saarloos
13 years, 3 months ago
Hey I'd love to help. Is there any specific time/date/length that we are required for? I am currently in hamilton but next week me and a friend will be free to come over.
13 years, 3 months ago
Hi I can get a few car loads of people to help out. Sadly we are personal trainers, and holistic therapists so may not know much about earth sciences haha. But we have gumboots and spades ready to go. Where do we find out where to go in tauranga for this?
Please can someone phone me to let me know where to go.
Bex and the Gang from Matamata
0210430526 (as i dont use this forum at all)
13 years, 3 months ago
Hi, what a tragedy, NZ is such a wonderful place!

I'd like to help I am a British Citizen based in China....is there a plane I can take with someone or a charitable or cargo...please me know how it is possible to help out thanks!

Please email me at digiart2010@yahoo.com

13 years, 3 months ago
I tried to call the number from Melbourne but I couldn't get through. Is there any other way I can contact you? I really want to do something about this disaster and I am a research student working on the oil spill control. I'll be glad to help in a any possible ways.

13 years, 3 months ago
Just found a link on the Maritime Website for those who've not been able to locate the details for registering as a volunteer:


If the link doesn't work, the details: to register as a volunteer, email iccrena@gmail.com with 'Volunteers - 1 for all' in the subject line. The NZ phone number listed is 0800 645 774.
Vy Foo
13 years, 3 months ago
Be happy to assist where possible. However only able to do labour or admin jobs. No experience in environmental disaster or cleanup.

Please email vywenfoo@gmail.com
Waikato Environment Centre
13 years, 3 months ago
Thanks to Sylvie for drawing attention to the Maritime NZ website.

In our later postings, we've provided Maritime NZ's details and pointed out that Maritime NZ are tasked with co-ordinating responses to maritime disasters in NZ waters, and in particular the Rena grounding.

Maritime NZ's site provides the most up to date and comprehensive information regarding the grounding and recovery process.

Many members of the public have posted comments generously giving of their time and energy to assist with the recovery efforts. We (Waikato Environment Centre) love that you are interested and wish to assist, however we are unable to take your details.

If you wish to volunteer, you need to need to contact Maritime NZ directly to register your details.

The Tauranga Environment Centre, being in Tauranga, also has some of the most up-to-date information and you wish to contact them directly: http://www.tgaenvcentre.org.nz/

(But please note, Tauranga Environment Centre are similarly NOT able to take volunteer details - you still need to contact Maritime NZ directly).

Waikato Environment Centre
Bill Reeder
12 years, 9 months ago
Oil Spill Eater II
The OSEI Corporation has the worlds most experienced oil spill clean up product that will actually address 100% of a spill. OSE II has cleaned up over 18400 spills since 1989, and over 8900 of them have been on fresh and salt water spills. OSE II speeds up mother natures process and actually detoxifies the spill rapidly so as to prevent on going ecological damage, and prevents secondary areas from being contaminated by causing the oil to float and remain on the surface only impacting the original area of contamination. OSE II also reduces the adhesion properties rapidly so as to prevent migratory birds or marine species from becoming coated in oil. You can see OSE II at www.osei.us OSE II is simply the easiest, and most complete experienced oil spill clean up product in the world. OSE II also cleans up bilge water, ballast water, decks, and cargo hulls. OSE II will save Time, money and will reduce fines and clean up costs.

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