News Items 14 April 2008
items have been covered already so just their dates are included here as a
Tuesday 15th
Urban Design – How to buy a better house – 7pm
Continuing Education 858 5209
Wednesday April 16th Men’s Shed Meeting - this sounds like a great initiative - (I am hoping that they will be able to fix all the broken objects around all our places!)
If anyone has tools they no longer want get in touch with Neil
2nd Monthly
Men's Shed Meeting - 7pm @ 80 Sunshine Avenue.
As a representative of the steering
group / Board of Trustees, I can say we
are single minded in our support for having the Hamilton Community Men’s Shed
operational at a more practical level from this meeting on. We are preparing to
have the shed open more frequently than the regular monthly meeting confirmed
as the third Wednesday of each month. This will assist us in preparing the shed
for projects that will be discussed this Wednesday evening. You as possible
members or advocates for men are important in this regard. Without men offering
skills and help this will not happen. Your suggestions are welcomed.
Welcome and Introductions
to date and issues to be discussed
Speaker - Kim McKENZIE an Environment
Waikato navigation safety officer is in his 60’s and has a wealth of
information, an interesting background and experiences to share and great sense
of humour.
and focus confirmation
project (Neil to introduce)
Bank….next monthly meeting.
more information contact: Neil Bruce.
Hamilton Community Men’s Shed
Contact details Neil Bruce ph 07 843 6934 Fx 07 843 4627 mob
021 1545 026
Saturday 19th April
Waikato Botanical Society - Hangitiki Wetland, Waitomo
Scenic Reserve has a mixture of forest types including regenerating scrub, tawa
and rewarewa dominated forest. The wetland lies in the centre of the reserve
and is dominated by manuka and raupo with kahikatea bordering and also contains
Gratiola concinna and G. sexdentata. The forest has a large
healthy population of king fern and Dactylanthus has been recorded here in the past.
This trip
will provide a good opportunity to compile a species list and locate several
threatened plants (as well as the odd weed such as pampas and willow).
Meet: Waitomo Tavern Car park at 10 a.m.
Contact: Thomas 07 878 1055 (wk) or 07 878
3437 (hm)
Next Monday: 21st April,
5.30pm in the Environment Centre
Transition Towns meeting – for anyone interested in looking
at positive solutions for our community to the problems created by increasing
oil prices and possible future reductions in supply.
Most people
are familiar with climate change and the issues involved. Not so many
understand the theory of Peak Oil and its implications for the future. While
the two are inextricably linked, the effects of peak oil are already directly
impacting on our society, and are likely to intensify both here and globally.
Not only in our transport system, but nearly everything we use has an oil-based
meeting is about positive and creative thinking, linking and celebrating the
things already happening in Hamilton, and finding ways to spread the
message so that our city looks at alternatives and develops a resilience to
future problems.
For more
information contact the Environment Centre 839 4452
21st April also – Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting, 7.30 Fairfield Community House
Sunday 27th April
Modern Nappy Options Workshop
Venue: Parents Place, Boundary
Road, 2 sessions - 10-12 and 1-3
Many parents start to look for
nappies online and end up overwhelmed and possibly give up. Kate's
workshops are hands on. She will have examples of seven leading brands of
modern cloth nappies available and will review each system individually.
There will also be a chance for parents to try them out on supplied dolls so
they get a feel for each nappy system. As well as parents, these
workshops have been of great interest to midwives who want up to date
information on the different systems so they can advise their clients of their
options. Kate runs her own business NappyDays and stresses the workshops
are a nappy promotion, not a business promotion. She is an experienced
speaker and has run similar seminars at Parent and Child shows, for councils
and environemtn centres around the country and has appeared of morning
television to talk about parents options. Come along and find out how you
can be more environmentally aware and reduce your carbon foot print.
Bookings to Environment Centre Hamilton 839 4452
Sustainable Living Course
Starting on the 6th May at
Wintec, for 7 weeks
Being run by the Environment Centre, with
various experts to be brought in where appropriate.
Venue: Room
Charge: $5 per session
7pm – 9pm
This study series is about options that
are available to you, and how to influence the everyday choices that your
household members make. These affect what money you spend, and also concern
protecting your family’s health and the health of the natural world.
It’s not about guilt from past actions,
but about the future that we shall soon live in and what is being passed on as
a legacy to future generations from today.
We are hoping to give information and
support so that participants can make lasting changes in their lives. It will be a fun and interactive course, with
practical solutions.
The course
will cover:
1st Session: Introduction - Sustainability
2nd Session: Waste Minimisation
3rd Session: Conscious Consumption
4th Session: Energy efficiency
5th Session: Transport/travel
6th Session: Gardening/organics
7th Session: Construction/ecodesign
Bookings to the Environment Centre, 839 4452. or email envirocentre #at#