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Waikato Ornithological Society Talk / Girl's Day Out

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Ornithological Society Talk

Wednesday 21 November, 7:30pm

At the DOC offices on Northway Street

There will be two 15 to 20 minute talks:

  • The Waterproofing Qualities of Bird Feathers (by Graham Saunders, a senior university lecturer, and keen ruru counter).

  • The Morepork Survey. The talk will mainly  focus on the 2011 data.

Contact Dai Morgan at magpie.morgan@gmail.com

All are welcome


Girls Day Out: Health and Beauty

Sunday, 18 November, 10am - 4pm

At Cambridge Town Hall

$5 entry

Contact: info@sustainablecambrige.co.nz or phone: 07 823 6809





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