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NZAEE meeting on Thursday

Posted 16 years ago    0 comments

A reminder about the Waikato NZAEE AGM this Thursday at 5.30 - 7pm at the Environment Centre in Ward St.

At 6pm we have an exciting guest speaker, Nelson Lebo, from the USA who has come to the Waikato to research for a PhD. He will be looking at how to use Permaculture ideas in secondary science education. Nelson is a teacher, organic farmer and environmental educator.

Everyone is welcome

After the speaker, we will hold a short AGM.

Hope to see you there.

Chris Eames
Dr Chris Eames
Centre for Science and Technology Education Research
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, 3240, NZ
Ph (07) 8384357
Fax (07) 838 4272


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