Hamilton District Plan review
Have your say!
The District Plan controls what activities people can carry out on their land and how they go about it. The plan affects all of us – it sets out all of the rules and policies for anyone who wants to develop and use land in Hamilton. This covers many things including the management of significant issues like urban growth and the protection of environmentally sensitive areas, as well as more minor matters such as how close buildings may be built to property boundaries.
The District Plan is a legal document prepared by Hamilton City Council under the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA). The District Plan defines the way in which the city’s natural and physical resources will be managed to achieve the purpose of the RMA - to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
Info about the plan: http://fastforwardhamilton.co.nz/page/5-Home
or go straight to Submission form
Waikato River Independent Scoping Study
NIWA is holding three consultation meetings with stakeholders as part of this study. This is the second round of meetings to confirm that the information collected accurately reflects the views of the community.Participants will also be asked to provide comment and feedback on the values and issues.
Attached is information and agenda for the meetings which are being held on the 16th and 18th February at the Genesis Energy Room, Waikato Rugby Stadium.