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Waikato Forest and Bird AGM includes speaker on NZ bats

Posted 12 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


Waikato Branch Forest and Bird AGM

includes Speaker


Thursday 19th April

7.30 pm

Hamilton Gardens Pavilion


Dr Stuart Parsons from the School of Biological Sciences,
University of Auckland


  Bats in the Waikato – survival in a highly modified landscape

  "New Zealand has only 2 species of bat, the lesser short-tailed bat and the long-tailed bat. Together they represent New Zealand's only endemic terrestrial mammals.

  While the short-tailed bat is restricted to the interior of old-growth native forest, long-tailed bats appear to be more flexible in their habitat selection. This has allowed them to survive in New Zealand's ever-changing urban and agricultural landscapes.

  We have been studying the behaviour, ecology, and persistence of long-tailed bats in the Waikato for the past 10 years, including studies at the rural/urban interface of Hamilton and the production forests to the south. These studies have told us a lot about what landscape features appear key to the survival of bats in the Waikato.

   In this talk I will summarize the knowledge we have gained, and how it is being applied to inform conservationists, developers and planners."


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