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Tamahere Nursery potting morning, Pukemokemoke working bee, Kay Baxter talk

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Tamahere Nursery potting morning

Friday 16th May, 9am - 12 noon

Devine Road, off Airport Rd

Don't forget your morning tea. For more information, phone or email: Catherine Smith, 07 855829607 8558296, 2smiths@wave.co.nz


Pukemokemoke working bee

Saturday 17th May, 1pm onwards

Contact Alan Leadley, 07 855 291907 855 2919, 0272249622, mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Bring friends and family!


Kay Baxter's National Speaking Tour

Join the urgent race to save New Zealand's heritage seed.  Two talks, one night, in Hamilton on Wednesday 22nd May, For more info contact www.koanga.org.nz/tour/



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