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Trust Waikato Funding round due next week

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

June Donation Round

 Just a friendly reminder… Trust Waikato’s next funding round closes on Friday 11th June for those who have not received funding in the February round. Our third and final round for 2010 closes on 17 September.

 If you require an application form, please visit www.trustwaikato.co.nz. There are some great resources to help you fill out the form under the ‘Resources’ menu on our website.  You can also call us on 0800 436628 and we’ll send an application pack to you.  

 NB: Please note that applications must be received in our office by 4.30 pm on closing day – late applications will not be considered.

Trust Waikato
2 London Street

07 838 2660
0800 436 628


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