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Dairy submission and Sustainable Management Fund

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Canterbury Dairy Farms

If you wish to make a submission on the resource consent applications by the dairy farming groups in Canterbury, near Omarama, make sure you get them in before 5pm  tomorrow

If you want information and help have a look on http://www.dave.co.nz/factory-farming/

You can do it online - there are three to fill in
Five Rivers  (5pm 18 Dec)

Southdown Holdings  (by 5pm 18th Dec )

Williamson  Holdings  (15 Jan 2010)

Keep in mind that the resource consent applications  are for discharge consents, not for the activity itself.

Ministry for the Environment’s Sustainable Management Fund (SMF) - 

funding round for the 2010/11 financial year will not proceed

The rationale behind this decision is based on two key factors:

  1. In addition, having administered these funds for a number of years, the Ministry has identified that more flexibility is required around management and allocation of funds and that there is a need to develop a consistent and stream-lined approach to funds administration.

2       Reallocation of funds:  It has come to the Ministry’s attention that there are some large nationally significant projects, with high environmental risks, that are in need of immediate financial assistance.  As a result the Ministry has decided to reallocate funds from the 2010/11 SMF funding round towards these projects which will have immediate and significant environmental outcomes. 

 SMF projects that were approved multi-year funding in previous funding rounds will continue to receive their funding.  The total commitment for these existing projects in 2010/11 is $1.0m.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is now available on the SMF website www.smf.govt.nz  If you have further questions that have not been answered please contact me.

There are a range of alternative funding options from other Government and non-government agencies also available on the SMF website www.smf.govt.nz.



10 December 09

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Friday 11th December - Tomorrow
Candlelight vigil

from 9 to 10pm by the Christmas tree in Garden Place.
We want to add our voices to the world-wide bottom-up pressure that has persuaded Obama and other world leaders to go to Copenhagen.
Bring your own candle.

Flora of Aotearoa/New Zealand course (Biol226C-10)
5 - 19 February 2010 at the University of Waikato

Places are still available.
No prerequisites required, just a keen interest to learn more about plant identification and New Zealand's amazing flora!
This popular second year paper is for anyone keen to learn how to identify plants and about the origin's of New Zealand's unique flora. This course provides an introduction to field identification, philosophy and techniques of plant systematics focusing on endemic New Zealand plants. Skills include field identification of plants and knowledge of plant families, genera and species representative of the New Zealand flora. This intensive two week course starts with a field trip to Pureora Forest Park. The next two weeks are spent in lecture, labs, and two more day trips. Students then complete an independent project.
Contact Chrissen Gemmill gemmill@waikato.ac.nz for further information.

and comments sought - something to do over Christmas!


The Waikato Regional Transport Committee (RTC) is currently reviewing the Waikato Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS). The RTC has prepared a Regional Outcomes and Challenges Discussion Document which provides an early opportunity for regional stakeholders to engage with the RTC in its review of the RLTS.

The Discussion Document outlines the RTC’s proposed vision and outcomes for the region, and presents the existing and emerging challenges for transport in the Waikato region out to 2040.
The Full Discussion Document and a Summary Document, together with a feedback form can be downloaded from the EW website http://www.ew.govt.nz/Policy-and-plans/Regional-Land-Transport-Strategy/Review-of-the-Waikato-Regional-Land-Transport-Strategy/
Should you require a hard copy please contact Maelene Brake at maelene.brake@ew.govt.nz

The Discussion Document includes a number of key questions that the RTC would like your feedback on. General comments and feedback on other aspects of this document or the RLTS review are also welcome.

Feedback, preferably on the Feedback Form, can be provided in a number of ways. Emailed to rlts@ew.govt.nz
Posted to: RLTS Feedback, Environment Waikato, Box 4010 Hamilton East 3247
The closing date for receiving feedback is 5pm on 22nd January 2010.
Your feedback will be most appreciated and will be used to inform the next stage of the RLTS review.

If you have any queries please contact
Bill McMaster
Programme Manager Transport Policy
Environment Waikato Email bill.mcmaster@ew.govt.nz;
Phone 07 8590815

2.  Hamilton District Plan

Deadline for submissions 28 February - fill in the form online

Consultation on a new Hamilton District Plan begins this week with the release of the District Plan review’s first public discussion document. The District Plan affects all Hamilton residents as it sets out the rules and policies for how people can develop and use land in the city.

The Discussion Document is aimed at identifying the most significant resource management issues for the city which will eventually be addressed by the District Plan. It is stage one of Council’s two-year review of Hamilton’s District Plan, named Fast Forward.

"Based on Council's experience, the Discussion Document sets out what Council believes are the most significant resource management issues for Hamilton. It is a starting point for working with the community to identify what they think requires attention as part of the District Plan review."

Those key issues include:
* Residential intensification
* City Heart vitality
* Economic development
* Character and heritage
* Social well-being and recreation
* Transportation and accessibility
* Environmental sustainability
* The river
* Hamilton City Development Manual

Included in the Discussion Document is a short series of questions designed to encourage comment from members of the public. People who wish to make comment can do so using the form at the rear of the document or online at www.fastforwardhamilton.co.nz .

The deadline for comments is 28 February 2010.
View online: http://www.hamilton.co.nz/news/pageid/2145848092
More information: www.fastforwardhamilton.co.nz


Conservation Volunteers NZ (Hamilton)  Please note that the closing date for one of the positions will be 20 December.

The positions available are:
1) Project Support Officer ($42,680) - available from 4 January (negotiable): the closing date for this application is 20 December 2009, Sunday.
2) Team Leader ($40,196) – available from mid-late January (negotiable): the closing date for this application is 17 January 2010, Sunday.

Please see the attached position descriptions for more details. For both positions, applications are to be received at employment@cva.org.au (Attention to Kathie Surridge)

Full NZ driving license and passion for the environment are essential. CVNZ’s mission is ‘to attract and lead a force of volunteers in practical conservation projects for the betterment of the environment’. If you would like to learn more about CVNZ, please visit our website below. If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Hamilton Project Support Officer Dec 09.pdf
Hamilton Team Leader Dec 09.pdf

SURVEY - Help wanted

Basman Mazahrih is a PhD student at the University of Waikato researching the topic ‘Incorporating environmental issues into banks’ lending decisions: policies, procedures and practices’.
He is seeking help with his research and needs a survey filled by peolpe in the environmental sector.If you can help and have not already done this please find the survey attached.

About the survey:
This topic can be easily understood from the following examples:
a) Assume a chemical company seeks a loan from a bank, but the company’s activities may have an adverse effect on the environment. Should the bank lend the money or ask the company to take the necessary steps to reduce the environmental impact?
b) Suppose a start up company seeks a loan from a bank to buy environmentally friendly technology; for example, to buy machines that have potentially high environmental benefit, such as, for recycling, windfarming, renewable resources. Should the bank give automatic status and priority to this company?
I believe this research will ultimately benefit New Zealand banks, the wider community and New Zealand environment.
Participants are requested to express their personal views in response to the survey questionnaire rather than those of their organization or business.
The survey contains two categories of questions. Four questions give you the opportunity to indicate your personal views. Other questions are socio-demographic, which we will use to help analyse the responses.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on the following address:
Basman Mazahrih, PhD student
Department of Finance, Waikato Management School, the University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton
Email: bjsm1@students.waikato.ac.nz
Telephone: 07/858 5090; Mobile: 021 1283 701

survey two .doc

Hamilton East Heritage Festival

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    1 comment

This Sunday, 6th December, 11am - 4pm, at Steele Park

There is heaps of fun entertainment for all the family

The Environment Centre is having a stall.
Helpers wanted: If you would like to help and/or bring some information to promote your group please contact Katherine at the Environment Centre
ph 839 4452 or 021 267 2773.


Reminder - Rail meeting tonight and Tour de Melville

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Support good public transport -

Speakers include: MPs from all major parties (for and against the rail services)
Hamilton City Council Mayor
Cr Dave MacPhearson ( Hamilton City Council)
Campaign For Better Transport, Jon Reeves


CBT is a non politically aligned transport lobby which seeks to promote modern, sustainable transport solutions which benefit the economy as well as the environment. We seek to promote better use of New Zealand's transport assets. These include road, rail, sea, cycling and walking transport modes.
CBT is a voluntary organisation with a rapidly growing membership base across New Zealand, Australia, Unitied Kingdom and Switzerland.
You can join CBT online visit : www.BetterTransport.org.nz <
http://www.BetterTransport.org.nz>  and click on "Join Us"


Tour de Melville 5th December

 Please support this excellent Community initiative.

$2 entry fee, Registrations close at 9.30am, then 1 km ride for littlies, followed by the 12 km main race.
Melville Community Center (Bader St)

Spot Prizes include: - two bikes, bike lights, bike helmets, drink bottles.

Winner's prize: - Official Tour de Melville Jersey.

 Rob Davidson, Cycle Action Waikato

SBN trip to Te Whangai trust

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Friday 4 December 2009

Te Whangai Trust

The Journey so Far.....
Join us and visit Te Whangai Trust who recently won the Not for Profit Category and the Waikato Sustainable Business for 2009.
Te Whangai Trust founders Gary and Adrienne Dalton manage a native plant nursery in Miranda employing at-risk members of the community and encourage them to become positive about their contribution to society.

 The charitable trust, founded in 2007, has developed a unique business model that is comprised of revenue and self-sufficiency through the native plant nursery and the social aspect of giving employees a hand up and getting them back on their feet into full-time employment. Every dollar spent in Te Whangai contributes to the environment, saves a dollar from welfare and reduces the need for mental health and associated social services.

We invite you to come and meet the people of Te Whangai and see this fabulous CSR / Environmental business in action.

Venue: 945 Findlay Road Miranda
8-to approx 12/1pm 

Te Whangai have organised a courtesy van that can pick guests up from Wintec Hamilton at 7.45am please note seats are limited.

RSVP:  Waikato@sustainable.org.nz by 30 November 2009

December 09 - January 10

Posted 15 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Tuesday 1st December

Public Meeting - Where's the train now?

Speakers invited include:

MPs from all major parties (for and against the rail services)
Hamilton City Council Mayor
Cr Dave MacPhearson ( Hamilton City Council)
Environment Waikato Councillors
Auckland Regional Council Chairperson, Mike Lee
Campaign For Better Transport, Jon Reeves

Question and Answer Session

7:30pm - 9 :30 pm
Hamilton City Council Meeting rooms,
Garden Place
Hamilton Central

Jon Reeves
Waikato Commuter Trains NOW!
Campaign For Better Transport
021 535 295

CBT is a non politically aligned transport lobby which seeks to promote modern, sustainable transport solutions which benefit the economy as well as the environment. We seek to promote better use of New Zealand's transport assets. These include road, rail, sea, cycling and walking transport modes.

CBT is a voluntary organisation with a rapidly growing membership base across New Zealand, Australia, Unitied Kingdom and Switzerland.
You can join CBT online visit : www.BetterTransport.org.nz <http://www.BetterTransport.org.nz> and click on "Join Us"

Thursday 3rd December

The Waikato Botanical Society and University of Waikato Centre for Continuing Education present

An Evening of Islands
with award-winning documentary film-maker Robin Kewell

We are having Robin Kewell present a film evening again this year, following last years Eden Project film. This year he is showing two island films with a conservation/natural history theme: 

The Auckland Islands- Journey to the Isles of Despair ( Film 25 mins) 

Robin presents film footage taken as he sailed with natural history experts to the remote Auckland Islands 900 kilometres south of New Zealand. Situated at 50 degrees south, these islands are beyond the Roaring Forties and in the Furious Fifties...the average wind speed per day is over 35 knots. On the west coast cliffs rise sheer to a 1000ft, this is a land covered in snow and ice for many months but far enough from the Southern Ice cap to have a huge range of flora. See Hooker Sea lions, penguins, parakeets, albatross, bell birds, twisted wind-torn forests, and many weird and wonderful plants.

Planet Aldabra- No Man's Land ( Film 27 mins) 

An award-winning film commissioned by the Seychelles Islands Foundation about the largest single raised coral atoll in the world, Aldabra. North of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, home to 10,000 giant tortoises, the flightless rail, mangrove forests, roaring tides and now a World Heritage Site.

6.30pm for nibbles, 7pm film starts, lecture theatre L1, Waikato University.
All welcome $5 nibbles provided

January 2010

Tongariro Eco-adventure: a summer youth camp with A Rocha Aotearoa NZ and Scripture Union NZ

Powerful volcanoes, wild rivers, magnificent forests, delicate alpine flowers, beautiful birds, extraordinary insects. Join a group of young adults to explore the amazing ecosystems of Tongariro National Park.
Walk the Tongariro Crossing, meet real-life scientist and help on a conservation project.
Tongariro Eco-adventure is a partnership between A Rocha Aotearoa NZ
and Scripture Union. Combining a love of Tongariro's magnificent
ecosystems with all the fun and adventure of a kiwi summer camp, it
promises to be a wonderful experience. Registrations are now open. For
more information and contact details, visit www.scriptureunion.org.nz/camps/tongariro.htm

WHERE: Crusader Lodge, Mt Ruapehu
DATES: 10 – 15 January 2010
WHO FOR: 16-20 years old Co-ed
COST: $190
TEAM LEADERS: Richard Storey and Keith Hamill

Starting January 6th January

Northern King Country 2010 Summer Nature Programme
Heaps of wonderful trips, hardcopy of the programme available in the Environment Centre, Bookings to the I-site Te Kuiti Visitor Centre 07 878 8077. OR check out the DoC website.



this week

Posted 15 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 12 November


Local experts Helen Ranson and Bill Fairweather will give you the low down on creepy-crawlies and Don Horne will show his top slides, of these Fang-tastic creatures.

Their new book will be on sale.

No charge, everybody welcome Venue: Hamilton Gardens 7.30pm

Sunday 15th November

Hamilton Protest March – Garden Place   2009­­  2 - 4pm

Health Freedom Waikato protest organiser’s contact details are:

 Mischele Rhodes  T 07 847 7405   tommopmog@gmail.com

Pat McNair  T 07 855 8162  patsyanne@actrix.co.nz



Fleet bikes, EDS RMA workshop and gardening tools wanted

Posted 15 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Fleet Bikes available:

Cycle Action Waikato (CAW) have 2 Fleet-bikes available for a Hamilton business to lease FREE of charge*

Why? With congestion and other traffic and parking issues increasing, these bikes will enable your staff to reduce their vehicle usage for short work trips.
They are great for getting to and from inner city meetings and, the bikes are fitted with large saddle bags for carrying all the goodies you may need.

Your organisation could be the next to benefit! - REGISTER NOW.
Fill in the attached form and email it to John.Meekings@plantandfood.co.nz
Applications must be received by: Friday 27th November, 2009
Lease period from November 2009 to end of September 2010.
*Minor Maintenance costs apply - (See the attached application form).

Fleetbike application form 2009.doc

Environmental Defense Society

23 November 2009
8.30 - 1pm at Rendezvous Hotel Auckland

Free Half-day Workshop on the lastest Resource Management Act changes. A workshop aimed at environmental NGOs and community groups. Will also cover the Environmental Protection Authority and Callin.
For more information or to register www.eds.org.nz

Tools for Gardening project

Does anyone have any of the following items that they are not using and could give to Parents Place for their new garden project:

2 x trowels
2 x buckets
soaker hose and fittings
hose reel
Please contact Christine Cave 855 7517

