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Green Drinks friday 3 cancelled

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    2 comments

Due to other commitments, and decided lack of interest last month (apart from a dedicated 5 people) Green Drinks is cancelled this Friday.

However we will be springing back into action next month when Green Drinks will be hosted by the Permaculture Trust, and held in the community garden in Wellington St and the pizza oven will be in action, so put November 7 in your diaries.

If Green Drinks Hamilton is to continue we definitely need more support and are happy to change the venue, day, come to your place or whatever it takes to get people along.

Cheers Katherine

Environmental Movies on this weekend

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments


Victoria Cinema
Adults $12.50 and Students $10
Next weekend - see www.envirocentre.org.nz for three more sessions

Saturday 27th September 4pm

Mohikinui River
5 minutes

Shooting to Learn
New Zealand (2007) 18 minutes
Director: Dwayne Fowler
Shooting to Learn is the compelling story of a man driven by passion for the Himalayan tahr - a specieswhose right to exist in New Zealand is hotly debated. Set against the magnificent landscape of alpine South Island, this is a story of determination, patience and the inherent tensions of conservation issues in a local and global context.

Common Scents
Canada (2007) 3 minutes
Director: Steve Whitehouse
A whimsically animated tale of lust, greed and the overwhelming desire to smell good. Common Scents is a brilliantly crafted allegory warning of the dangers of mindless and unsustainable resource use.

Why Birds Sing
United Kingdom (2006) 80 minutes
Director: Archie Powell
Taken from the book of the same title, Why Birds Sing contains a rich mix of science, philosophy, ornithology, music and performance. The documentary explores the mysterious and often conflicting theories on why birds sing, and why humans are so attracted to the music of nature. An entertaining movie sure to stimulate discussion among bird lovers and musicians alike.

Sunday 28th September 12.30pm

Xtreme Waste
New Zealand (2007) 8 minutes
Directors: Talbott Walker and Lula Chapman
The story of a proactive community on the West Coast of New Zealand who has taken control of their waste issues, Xtreme Waste is a delightful, upbeat and inspirational film. Faced with the closure of the local outdated landfill and a polluted waterway, the community of Raglan took it upon themselves to address their waste issues head on. The result is a locally run, highly successful transfer station which has reduced content to landfill, created jobs, and instilled an ethos of reuse and recycling. Humorously told by the enthusiastic staff, and set to a local soundtrack, this is a highly enjoyable eight minutes.

Smalltalk Diaries: the decomposers
United Kingdom (2008) 14 minutes
Director: Martin Dohrn
Smalltalk Diaries is an amusing portrayal of the unsung heroes of our ecosystem - the insect decomposers. Looking through the ‘Translation Lens' we watch minibeasts, woodlice, earthworms, dungflies, wood ants, snails, a bluebottle and a cockroach, who manage, in between fighting, arguing and feeding, to explain the basics and importance of decomposition.

Calici: a rural conspiracy
New Zealand (2007) 24 minutes
Director: Claudia Babirat
Calici: a rural conspiracy makes for compelling viewing as it examines the illegal release of the Calici rabbit virus in the South Island ten years ago. Motivated by despair and desperation, frustrated by perceived bureaucratic delays, and with the risk of dire consequences, the farming community took the introduction and spread of the Calici virus into their own hands. The illegal introduction and spread of the Calici virus was viewed by some as a gutsy act to save farms and the nation from the devastating impacts of high rabbit populations, and by others as an act of environmental crime. With informative and amusing interviews with local farmers, MAF officials, and politicians, Calici is an entertaining and thought provoking look at ‘kiwi ingenuity' in the face of biosecurity checks and balances.

Bright Ideas
New Zealand (2007) 4 minutes
Directors: Ross Inness-McLeish, Jack Tippler, Ollie Neas , Nelson Boys College
Can Nelson Boys College be brighter about its energy bill? You bet! The cast and crew take up the challenge with enthusiasm and creativity, reclaiming kilowatts left right and centre with their school-wide campaign to educate and motivate change.

An Alchemy in Green
New Zealand (2005) 50 minutes
Director: Dave Dawson
Can the creativity and energy of one man restore a landscape? Sometimes yes. An Alchemy in Green is a compelling story of an individual's determination to restore life to a ravaged land. Following the story of Barry Brickell - artist, railway builder and nature conservationist - this film is a relevant and interesting exploration of the loss and restoration of New Zealand's impressive forests, shot on the
Coromandel Penninsula.

Sunday 28th September 7pm

The Meadow
Germany (2006) 43 minutes
Director: Jan Michael Haft
A high level production incorporating spectacular cinematorgraphy and visual effects, The Meadow is a movie of colour and form. This place, comparable to a coral reef or rainforest, is home to countless animals, big and small. A beautiful portrait of a place of beauty. But for how long?

Taking Root: the vision of Wangari Maathai
United States of America (2007) 81 minutes
Directors: Alan Dater & Lisa Merton
Fancy a Nobel Peace Prize in tree planting? Taking Root tells the inspiring story of the Green Belt Movement of Kenya and its founder Wangari Maathai, the first environmentalist and first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. At times brutal, always powerful, there is something about this film that is deeply inspiring and moving. Overseas audiences cried, laughed and were moved to action.


Ewaste day

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

eDay Hamilton Sunday October 5

9am to 3pm

Mainfreight Foreman Rd - off Avalon


Hamilton eDay is a Waikato 2020 Communications Trust event in partnership with Mainfreight and Hamilton City Council and supported by Easy Technology, Velocity Networks Ltd and Waikato Times.

Help keep e-waste out of landfills.

Bring us your unwanted computers, printers, scanners or mobile phones.
One day only. No trailers or large loads.

It's a simple, free and effective way to dispose of your computer waste and old mobile phones in an environmentally sustainable way. All items will either be reused or recycled.

Who can drop off? households, schools, small businesses (small means cars only, no trailers) and community organisations. For schools with larger quantities please contact Vanessa on 0211100226 to arrange a drop off time. Note that this is by prior arranged appointment only.

What can I bring? computer hardware a monitorsa printers a scanners a keyboards a mice a computer speakers a laptops a toner and ink jet cartridges a games consoles a mobile phones a networking equipment

What won't be accepted? televisions - stereos - photocopiers - furniture - DVD players - video recorders- other home appliances.

To find out more or sign up as a volunteer go to www.eday.org.nz

Or contact eDay 2008 Coordinator, Janet Leggett

Waikato 2020 Communications Trust
Ph 07 825 9984 Mob 021 0345 111



Pre-loved Clothing Sale September 27

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Revamp your wardrobe with quality second-hand clothing
2-4pm Saturday 27 September
St Lukes Hall
Cnr Wellington St and Grey St
Hamilton East
All items for a gold coin
Everyone is welcome
Is your wardrobe full of clothes you never wear?
We are looking for quality clothing for our sale.
If you would like to donate anything please contact Steph on 021 439 277 or rosavee@gmail.com and we can arrange to pick it up from your house.
This event is a fundraiser for Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW).
SPW is a not-for-profit organisation that works with young people in Africa and Asia to raise address health and environmental issues.

IPENZ Pickering Lecture 2008 Electric Cars

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    2 comments


Please note the revised start time of 7.00 pm
Date: Thursday 18 September 2008
Time: Gather at 6.45 pm with the presentation programmed to start at 7.00 pm.
Venue: University of Waikato - "S" Block - and theatre S 1.04.
Access: Off Hillcrest Road in Hamilton, through Gate 8 or 9 and into the Science Block.
This event is open to all interested members, friends, family and the public.
Transport faces several challenges: carbon emissions; depletion of cheap oil reserves; increasing congestion; localised pollution and long term sustainability. Why not replace conventionally fuelled cars with cost competitive, comfortable, attractive, energy efficient battery electric vehicles (EVs)? Hear why battery electric cars have not been able to compete with petrol/diesel cars and how the problems might be overcome. Find out more about the Waikato University's UltraCommuter electric car project.
Presenter Dr Mike Duke, Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, University of Waikato
Mike is currently investigating the possibility of establishing a New Zealand based electric car company. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU0806/S00078.htm
Mike has been working with electric vehicles since 1995 when he founded and managed the South Bank University Solar Race Car Team in London.
Mike's team built three solar powered race cars and competed at events in Australia, USA, Japan, France and Germany.
Long Range Electric vehicles (UK)
The team researched the feasibility of long range electric vehicles and built and tested a prototype single seat electric car. Mad Dog World Challenge
The UltraCommuter Electric Car (NZ)
Mike has been at Waikato University since 2005 where he has established a student based electric car team which works in partnership with companies in Australia and New Zealand Students built the UltraCommuter electric car to investigate the feasibility of long range EVs and tested it in the 2007 World Solar Challenge.

News from DoC

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

The 2008 funding round of the Waikato Community Conservation Fund is now open for applications from community groups seeking support for conservation projects in Waikato Conservancy. Applications close on 24 October 2008.
The application form and guidelines are available from the DOC website at www.doc.govt.nz/waikatocommunityprojects.

Jan Simmons
Department of Conservation
Private Bag 3072 Hamilton 3240 Ph 07 858 1000

Free guided walks from stream to summit

Free DOC-guided walks in the great outdoors are the highlight of Push Play month, October.

Mighty River Power Stream to Summit is a joint venture between Sport Waikato and the Department of Conservation. Free guided walks are offered throughout the greater Waikato region.

"From Waikato to Wanganui, we're offering people the opportunity to Push Play while getting back to nature at the same time - for free," Sport Waikato chief executive Matthew cooper said.
Mighty River Power Stream to Summit includes South Waikato, Hauraki, Taupo/Turangi and Ruapehu/Wanganui. There are 25 guided walks on offer, and self-guided options on the Stream to Summit website.
"Here's a chance to share family time, enjoy fresh air and really experience the great outdoors under the guidance of DOC and with Sport Waikato staff there to encourage you to keep going. And it's all completely free," Mr Cooper said.

Walks start on 27 September on Taupiri Maunga. Department of Conservation Waikato area programme manager community relations Jack de Thierry said this walk also provides a cultural experience.
"With close support and leadership from Tainui, this is an opportunity for people to achieve the summit, and also to learn elements that weave the maunga, the river and Waikato-Tainui together," he said.
"There will be a presentation on the journey of 50 Waikato-Tainui descendants along the Waikato River from Huka Falls and by River from Karapiro to Port Waikato." Participants will plant native trees at the base of the track and finish with lunch hosted by Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Lands Trust.
Spaces are limited
and everyone must register to take part through www.stream2summit.org.nz.
For more information contact:
Sport Waikato communications coordinator Megan Wetere 07 838 2657, 021 240 8157 or meganw@sportwaikato.org.nz.



Events - Film Festival, Candidates meeting

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

September 22 is Car Free Day- leave your vehicle at home! Take a bus, walk, ride a bike.

Reel Earth Aotearoa Environmental Film Festival

is coming to Hamilton once again: great variety of movies from NZ and elsewhere, short and long, six sessions over two weekends:

September 27, 4pm, 
September 28, 12.30 and 7pm
October 4th, 4pm
October 5th, 12.30 and 7.30pm

The full programme is on our website www.envirocentre.org.nz or you can pick up a programme from the Environment Centre, or phone 839 4452 and I will post you one.

This year you will be in comfort at Victoria Cinema in Victoria St.
Bookings Victoria Cinema phone 838 3036

Monday 6th October
Vote for the Environment: Pre-election Candidates Evening

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens, 7pm
This is your chance to get the views of the candidates on a range of environmental issues before you cast your vote.
Environmental groups - send in a question that you want answered to the Environment Centre by 25th September and we will circulate them to the candidates for them to prepare answers which will available at the meeting

Energy Workshop: October 11th
Bookings now being taken - phone the Environment Centre 839 4452 to register. $25 10 - 4pm at Wintec.

Saturday 15th November
Spring Greening Garden Tour
and an expert in your garden
We still want more gardens for this - if you know of someone with an interesting sustainable garden, please let Katherine know at the Environment Centre, 839 4452

Water Workshop coming up

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Water Workshop Sat 13th Sept Wintec Room A102 in "A"BLOCK (middle of campus
Bookings through the Environment Centre 839 4452
9.45am -4.00pm

This all day workshop will be covering all aspects of domestic water

Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor with Hamilton City Council will facilitate and cover general water issues.

Ben Thompson from Kapiti Coast Council water management will be giving an over view of why water conservation is important to all of us in NZ,
How water cycles work in the natural and built environment.
Storm water and its impact on the environment.

Harvesting of Rain water for use in and around the Home and all this entails from first flush to filtration.
Use reduction in the home.
Grey water systems.

Rick Thorpe from Xtreme waste in Raglan will be talking about Composting toilets.

Nik Hardy, Building Review Officer from Hamilton City Council will be on hand in the afternoon to answer queries on Councils requirements

We will also be looking at storm water control features such as rain gardens, swales, green roofs ,permeable surfaces and holding tanks.
Black water, vermiculture systems , septic tanks and water use reduction around the garden.
