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News & Events

Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

TENANCY SEMINAR like to know more about

problem-free renting see free seminar attached

Tenancy Hamilton-1.pdf


Our website URL has been updated to


to be consistent with our updated name

(Waikato rather than Hamilton TimeBank.) The old URL will point you

in the right direction as well.


Kind regards

Clementine Annabell

Assistant Volunteer Coordinator

Waikato TimeBank



Please see the attached poster to promote our English conversational group meeting at Garden Place Library on Fridays from 20 March 2015 and our introductory Maori Culture Presentation

You are welcome to distribute this as you see fit. If you would like hard copies, please contact me and I will send some out for you.


Lisa Pritchard

Lifelong Learning Librarian | Hamilton City Libraries




If you have concerns of any sort, this is your opportunity to provide some feedback to WRC's Long Term Plan. Submissions do not need to be long or complicated - a line or two on a subject that concerns you is much better than silence! Use the links below to access the documents. At present, on a cursory glance, I'm having trouble locating anything specifically connected with transport issues. If I do, I'll let you know - and if you get there first, let me know so I can alert others!

Kind regards,



Consultation for the 2015 – 2025 Long Term Plan will be available for you to

view and comment between the following dates:

Start date: 12/03/15 10:57 AM

End date: 15/04/15 9:00 AM

Please select the following link to view this event:





Invitation to our cycling conversation  APRIL 2015 and a request for help

ATE: 7th April. We always have our meetings the first Tuesday of every month excluding Jan.

My name is Claire Sherrington and I am CAW secretary. I would like to

invite you all too our April meeting. Agenda below.

It should be an interesting meeting with a verbal report from CAN national conference, discussion about the Consultation for the Hamilton 2015 – 2025

Long Term Plan


feedback on the NZTA urban fund and updates on key roading projects around



Our normal meeting chair Peter Bos is on a holiday of a life time with his

family over the next afew months. I am stepping into the chair position

while he away, so I am really in need of a 'stand in' minute taker at this

meeting, May and most likely June too. Any volunteers? Commitment is minute

taking on the night, then handing them over to me for posting on the CAN website. I can ensure an laptop is there on the night too sweeting the deal??

Please note these minutes are available ONLY to CAW members after the meeting.



Start - 5:30, open for a chat from 5:15

End - 7:00

Attendance - All CAWaikato members, a rep for other groups and opens to others from the Cyclist of Hamilton.

Location - Environment Centre at 5 cross roads

Chair - Claire (Peter on holiday)

Minutes - volunteer required please

1. FYI Ladies Social Cycling pamphlet/website


2. 10 year plan which will be released for public consultation in April


3. FYI Bikewise event update - 22nd March at 10am. Be there!

4. FYI Love to ride website -https://www.lovetoride.net/

5. Newell rd / Birchwood lane update (Claire)

6. Regional cycling strategy (Rex)

7. HCC meeting update (Ashley)

8. CAn do 2015 update (Claire)

9. NZTA relationship update (Claire)

10. Urban cycleway funding update

11. Projects - KDrive progress and near completion

12. Projects - Ohaupo rd stakeholder meeting (Claire)

13. Projects - Wairere rd & state highway

Thank you and looking forward to talking more.




Some of you may have heard about the 30 under 30 project that the Youth Council are currently involved with. Applications for the project are now open. See the intro below and please direct anyone you think would have an interest to:www.hamilton.govt.nz/30under30

Hamilton is a young city. More than 40 per cent of its residents are aged under 30 years of age.

As part of Hamilton City Council’s Youth Action Plan, Council is collaborating with the Youth Council Advisory Panel to profile 30 of the city’s successful or high-achieving young people.

30 Under 30 is a multi-media project crossing a number of platforms. You’ll see profiles of the 30 young Hamiltonians in this section of Council’s website, in the monthly City News publication, and through various social media channels.

We’re looking for young people who are achieving or contributing to our city and its community in a number of fields.

They include:

- Sport or athletic pursuits

- Academic study

- Arts and culture

- Community work

- Environmental and conservation work

- Overcoming adversity

- Employment and career

The first phase of the 30 Under 30 project is a call for nominations or applications to participate. Fill in the form below – or send a link to people you would like to see participate – to lodge a nomination or application. You can nominate someone else, but you will need to advise them that you are nominating them for this project.

Applications/nominations close on 31 March. Once all applications/nominations are in, a panel comprising Youth Council Advisory Panel and Council staff will assess applications, and in May, we’ll begin rolling out the profiles.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Nick Chester

Social Development Policy Advisor | Community Development and Leisure


Some of you maybe interested in attending the hui over Easter in Christchurch. I have attached the hui program and it is looking really good.

If you are interested in going you can book your place on the PiNZ website.


NZ National Permaculture Hui 2015 - Programme (2).pdf



Develop understanding and skills to improve how you feel about yourself and how you face the world

Self esteem April course-1.pdf



Hamilton City Libraries together with Community Law Waikato is pleased to announce another free Law for Lunch seminar. This time on employment law and covers employment agreements, minimum wage, holidays and leave entitlements. A second part to this seminar will run in June and cover employment relationships, problems and process. Even though these are part of a series they can stand alone. The seminar is aimed at everyone interested in the current law in New Zealand.

The employment law seminar will be held on level 3 in the presentation space at Garden Place Library at 12.15pm on 10 April 2015.

Please see the attached poster and promote to those who could find it useful.

You can register by contacting Toni at Community Law Waikato on 07 839077007 8390770, going onto our library website here or phoning myself or any of our staff at the libraries.

Please contact me for further information, or for hard copies of the poster.


Lisa Pritchard

Lifelong Learning Librarian | Hamilton City Libraries


We're unfortunately not going to be able to do our pair of autumn Sunday Strolls this year - however we will most definitely be back with the annual Spring strolls around Labour Weekend! For the same reason, we won't be having our monthly meeting this month but will aim for April as usual.

In the meanwhile, two things that people might like to give some thought to:

1. Thanks to some very hard work on behalf of Living Streets member Rex Bushell, we have a new updated print run of our CBD Lunchtime walks map. Some copies have already gone into the international students' orientation packs at the University of Waikato, and new supplies have been delivered to the i-Site in Garden Place and will be going to the Hamilton Gardens information office. If any of you know of other locations that might like a few (or even quite a lot) of copies of the map, do get them to email me - I'm very happy to drop copies off to anyone who can use them.

2. Peter Bos is continuing his great work with searching out and mapping places in Hamilton that might be turned into interesting walking routes. Attached is a draft copy of the available lanes and alleyways in Frankton village, which could become brilliant pedestrian and cycle shortcuts (many of them are quite wide, and they need to be imagined with some street art and some pop-up shops installed!). It would be great if we could promote this sort of thing and help to encourage HCC to get actively involved in developing such plans. This kind of thing is relatively cheap to do and could make an enormous difference to how both locals and visitors to Hamilton see the place. If you feel like emailing councillors or mentioning such things in submissions to the HCC annual plan, please do - even a one-line comment can make a difference!

Kind regards,


Frankton lanes draft 1. March 2015pdf.pdf


Te Whare O Te Ata Summer Autumn 2015 Newsletter

Fairfield 2015-1.pdf







Green Things

Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Thanks to Wriggle Farms Daniel & Bronwyn and Green footprints Tim Newton for their presentations at the first of our 2015 Worm and Chicken workshops . The Centres next workshop will be Solar Power in  mid April. Free used worm farm   email j.somerville@xtra.co.nz


A reminder our next Waikato Botanical Society trip is to Aotea Scientific Reserve, a unique area that is normally inaccessible to the public.

More details below and on our website under events at  http://waikatobotsoc.org.nz/


Other upcoming events including Pirongia / Kaniwhaniwha April 18, Chatham Islands Talk and AGM April 20, Ganoderma Awaroa hunt May 10. More will be added to our website in the coming days.

Aotea Scientific Reserve March 28-29

A very special trip to a stunning transgressive dune system on the northern head of the Aotea Harbour. We will take a boat across the harbour on Saturday to the southern end of the dunes which includes ephemeral wetlands, a lagoon and coastal kanuka forest. On Sunday we will drive around the harbour to explore the more modified northern end.

Bring: If staying overnight please bring sleeping bag, pillow, something to share for a potluck dinner on Saturday night and breakfast and lunch for Sunday.

Meet: Saturday 10am at Aotea boat ramp, end of Lawton Drive. Sunday 8.30am at Te Kauri Lodge or 9.30am at the end of Phillips Rd (north end of Aotea).

Grade: Easy – Medium

Accommodation: Te Kauri Lodge, 3700 SH31 Kawhia Road, Ph 07 871 062507 871 0625, on Saturday night $17 per person.

Organiser: Paula Reeves 07 854 725907 854 7259, 021 267 5801021 267 5801 pnreeves42@gmail.com

Mike Clearwater

School of Science

University of Waikato

The next newsletter is going to be out soon. If anyone has anything they would like to contribute, such as anything botanically related, or any upcoming events, please feel free to send an article to me to include in the next newsletter by next Friday at the latest.

Thanks very much!

Susan Emmitt






Moehau Environment Group is beginning to plan our 2015 Kiwi Listening Census.

In 2005, we conducted a census of 27 listening sites to help give us a baseline for our kiwi population.

Results from that survey indicated that the kiwi population within our Sanctuary was around 160 birds.

We now have an opportunity to repeat this census 10 years later, to see how our kiwi are benefiting from all the pest control undertaken on their behalf. We are looking for volunteers to help undertake kiwi listening at one or more of our sites between May-July 2015.

What can volunteers expect?

There are 21 sites inside the Moehau Environment Group Kiwi Sanctuary (near Colville), and a further 6 sites between Papa Aroha and the 309 Rd that we would like to survey. Each site needs to be surveyed for 2 hours, on three separate nights during the periods 8 May to 29 May; 8 June to 28 June; 7 July to 26 July. So a minimum of 6 hours listening over three nights would be expected.

Kiwi listening involves sitting very quietly in the dark and cold for two hours at a designated site, silently waiting for kiwi that may or may not call. After 60 minutes, you will solicit for kiwi calls, playing a taped kiwi call sequence at high volume on your broadcast set, repeating the same call sequence after 75 minutes, 90 minutes and 105 minutes. Stop recording after 120 minutes. Ideally you would space out your listens at each site so that they are not done on consecutive nights. However, do whatever works for you within the constraints of the moon phases.

We’d love you to involved with our 2015 census! For more info or to sign up email Natalie@meg.org.nz--

Natalie Collicott


Moehau Environment Group

07 866 533707 866 5337

027 3585281027 3585281






If you have not already heard about this fantastic project please read on below and be sure to follow their exciting progress on the website and facebook etc. The project is currently underway in Pureora Forest, as we sit at our desks...

Please see message and links below.

Hello fellow tree lovers!


I have a very special project that I'd like to tell you all about. I have brought together a team of scientists, artists (photo and video) and tree climbers with the grand aim of combining some highly technical climbing skills with some cutting-edge photographic techniques to create a state of the art exhibition about A TREE!


Put simply, we are going to do this in New Zealand


We will be designing and constructing a specialised rigging system to capture images of a Pureora rimu from a level viewpoint and without distortion. The exhibition will showcase the tree through a larger-than-life, 3D experience and will be a celebration of NZ’s fabulous forests.


For more details go to www.nztreeproject.com



The Camp this year will be at Okataina Education and Recreation Trust Outdoor Education Centre, east of Rotorua. The camp is situated in beautiful native bush 3km from Lake Okataina. For Forest and Bird members who haven't experienced a Waikato Branch camp before:

• Meet people who know and love native trees, birds etc;

• Enjoy children of all ages making fun together;

• Get some fresh air and exercise;

• Quite possibly be beyond 'reception';

• Become part of a community that explores, learns, plays, cooks, and cleans together. (Everyone is put in a team. Participation is essential and a good way to get to know others).

Beds $20.00 night adult, (children ½). Food purchased by organisers and cost shared; usually less that $50 per adult (children ½) for Friday dinner to Monday lunch. Deposit: $50 per adult, $25 per child. Help us plan by booking soon. Email: jane.mcleod64@gmail.com with questions/bookings.



Working Bee Saturday MARCH 21st 1pm

EcoQuest came early in the month with a horde of capable young workers and they got stuck into most of the convolvulus and some of the privet. They also significantly advanced the track marking project and pricked out about 900 rimu seedlings for the next stage of their growth. Capable and energetic.

After their huge effort Warwick and I have both been travelling. I looked around for the power switch to turn it off while we were away so we wouldn't come back to a tangle of weeds. There wasn't one, so I suppose that everything has kept on growing. I'm sacred to look.

This weekend there are all sorts of options on offer. More privet, of course, more track marking and more weeding too. You can choose from those, as usual.

In the next day or two I plan to check all of the tracks to locate any blockages that Pam might have caused. We already know of a couple of big privets that have been missed and need to be removed so they could go into the job too for a suitably skilled and equipped team.

I went for a walk up a hill behind Nelson a couple of weeks ago and was impressed by the care that had gone into the drainage and forming of the track. If you think you have skills to offer in this field please let me know.

This Saturday. The usual time. The usual warm welcome and gratitude that you have come. Not the usual scones - the aim is always to make a better scone than the last.




Sanctuary Mountain welcomed two new kiwi on Monday 9 March. Waipa District Councillors Sue Milner and Vern Wilson gave the birds their official release into their new burrows.

The release was done as part of a “swapping” programme run between Sanctuary Mountain and Ngati Rangi, the iwi covering the areas of Waimarino, Ohakune and the Upper Whanganui River.

Since the programme was introduced during the early days, 25 kiwi have been translocated from Waimarino to Maungatautari and 17 from Maungatautari to Waimarino in return. “Swaps” have taken place with other areas also. This is done to diversify the gene pool so that the birds can have a self-sustaining population.

New Visitor Hours and Tour Times

Our visitors centre is now open from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm and these hours will continue through all seasons. The change was made to help us capitalise on visitors who often turn up before 10:00 am, which was our old opening time. We also want to get more people enjoying the mountain earlier; after all, the birds do, so why shouldn’t our visitors?

Our tour times have also changed. Our ‘Ancient Forest’ tour of the Southern Enclosure, now runs at 9:00 am and 11:00 am. You can see kaka being fed on this tour on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

‘Secrets of the Tautari Wetland’ runs daily at 1:00 pm.

Please ring or check our website for information on tour prices and new offerings.



LANDCARE NETWORKING FIELD DAY FLYER for sending through your networks and newsletters.


9.30 am on Thursday, 9 April 2015

Rukuhia Community Hall and at Lake Cameron, Rukuhia








News & Events

Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


Don’t forget there is parking and entry at the back. Hope to see you all!

Starting this week!

Kaivolution our Food Recovery Project is now Running

Thanks to all those that have volunteered to help out ,..we are currently looking for two more volunteers  during the week ( 12pm to 2pm) and two more for Saturday  morning (10am to 12pm )if you have the time  and want to make a difference please ring Jan 839 4452

07 839 4452


Waikato Community Garden Network Meeting Friday 13th March 12 to 2pm

Rhode Street School Dinsdale Hamilton

Bring your own lunch or buy a $5 cooked lunch by students. Please let Anna know before 12pm Thursday if you would like to buy lunch".

Followed by information sharing discussion and a tour of the school garden. If you are involved in a community garden or would like to be please come along

For more information please phone Anna at the Waikato Environment Centre 839 4452



Are you concerned?

If so, we welcome you to attend this information evening explaining what is happening to the lake now, and into the future.

Cambridge Town Hall 7 pm ,

Thursday 19th March.

Cambridge meeting invitation-1.pdf



Collaborative leadership, also referred to as collective leadership, describes the skills and mindsets needed to effectively lead with other leaders when outcomes can’t be achieved by one leader alone. This workshop examines the mindsets, behaviours and skills of collaborative leaders and collaborative leadership teams. The workshop contrasts collaborative leadership with other leadership approaches. There is a focus on identifying participant’s existing leadership frameworks and strengths with a view to each participant creating a Leadership Development Plan. These enable new collaborative leadership skills to be learnt on-the-job. The workshop is suitable for informal leaders and team leaders, managers and executive team leaders.

The workshop includes:

• What is collaborative leadership and how does it contribute to organisation and overall sector effectiveness?

• When does a collaborative leadership approach to organisational change give the best result?

• How does collaborative leadership create organisational change and transformation?

• What are the mindsets, capabilities and skills of collaborative leadership?

• What are the main leadership approaches collaborative leadership is related to?

• How to develop collaborative leadership mindsets, relationship capabilities and skills in yourself and the teams you lead?

One full day workshop: $320 + GST. This includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea, all workshop materials and a certificate.


20 April 2015 - Wellington

21 April 2015 - Auckland

10.00 am - 5.00 pm




We have a very exciting event coming up on 26th March 2015 at the Hamilton Garden's Pavilion. 3 international speakers talk about food,health and what it happening to our kids. - See the attached flier. Put it in your diaries and if you can help us out with organising and promoting this event it will be fantastic. Cost is $15 presale or if you bring a friend. or $20 at the door. It is a rare opportunity to see these three speakers sharing the same platform.

Child, health and food poster A4-1.pdf

I'm loving being the WAPF Hamilton chapter leader with the learning and challenges it brings, however it seems running such an active and growing chapter is a big job and one that could easily and willingly be shared with other passionate followers. With that in mind, I'm putting a call out for anyone who may want to be involved in the administration of our chapter by creating a committee. Please email me if you are interested.

Our 3rd chapter meeting will be all about fermented beverages.

• Saturday 28th March, 1-4pm

• at Forest Lake School Link to Map to Forest Lake School

• $5 koha towards hall hire


I look forward to hearing from you.

Nāku i runga i aku mihi ki a koe


Marea Smith

WAPF Hamilton Chapter Leader.


Utilising Resources Workshop: Rotorua ( includes Solar Power)

March 29th 1pm-2.30pm

85 Te Puea Rd, Tikitere, Rotorua

Rotorua Small Farm Open Day 2015-1.doc



Nominations are now open for the 2015 Youth Awards, which celebrate young people who’ve achieved outstanding results, or people who’ve made a significant contribution to support and champion young people, says Youth Minister Nikki Kaye.

“The 2015 Awards will recognise 40 people and organisations across eight different award categories, so if you know someone who deserves recognition for their achievements, please put their name forward,” says Ms Kaye.

“Last year, recipients included the founder of the Christchurch baking army, which fed volunteers cleaning up after the Canterbury earthquakes, to an artist helping young people who had abandoned their studies to refocus on education, and young people tackling issues such as bullying and global poverty.

“The award categories in 2015 celebrate qualities such as leadership and young people who have supported youth activities in areas such as the arts, culture, sport or the environment.

“There are also awards for youth groups, youth with disabilities and for the first time this year, individuals or organisations who’ve supported or championed young people in any type of activity.

“A special category this year is the Anzac Youth Award, which is for young people who’ve helped recognise the centenary of the Gallipoli landings, or helped celebrate the Anzac spirit.”

This year, 25 youth ambassadors will also be supported to travel to Turkey to attend the Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli.

“I am pleased to announce the opening of nominations for the Youth Awards after meeting this morning with people involved in promoting social and business enterprise activities for youth, including Guy Ryan, recently named Young New Zealander of the Year.

“Guy recognises that with the right support, today’s young people can change the world, something he encourages through his Inspiring Stories Trust, which offers programmes aimed at helping young people unleash their potential.

“The Youth Awards are a way of shining the spotlight on young people showing this potential, as well as others like Guy who are helping and encouraging youth to be the best they can be.”

Nominations close 28 April 2015. For more information, see here.

Notes for editors:

2015 Youth Award categories

Change Maker

For young people who’ve embraced diversity to create change in their community


For young people who’ve demonstrated leadership in a project or organisation

Giving Back

For young people whose actions address a current need and have had a significant impact in their community

Working for Youth

For young people whose actions support other young people in areas such as (but not limited to) the arts, culture, the environment or sport

Youth with Disability

For young people with a disability who’ve made a significant contribution to the disability sector and/or their community

Youth Group

For a group of young people who’ve made a significant contribution to their community in areas such as (but not limited to) the arts, culture, the environment or sport

Anzac Youth Award

For individuals or a group of young people whose activities have helped recognise the Gallipoli landings centenary, and/or celebrated the creation of the Anzac spirit

Youth Champion

For individuals or an organisation making a significant contribution to young people in areas such as (but not limited to) the arts, culture, education, the environment, health, research or sport


Carolyn Todd

Community Funding Advisor | Community Development and Leisure


DDI: 07 958 596807 958 5968 | Fax: 07 838 6751 | Email: carolyn.todd@hcc.govt.nz

Hamilton City Council | Private Bag 3010 | Hamilton 3240 | www.hamilton.





I would like to invite you to an upcoming event on Wednesday, 29th April 2015.

This is an event for anyone who is currently supporting a family member with a chronic illness, a disability, health impairment or mental illness.

If you want to have more energy, more focus and more fun in 2015 then this is the session with Linda Hutchings is for you.

There’s no doubt we are living in challenging times and sometimes life throws us curve balls. Stuff we didn’t expect or want in our lives! So how do we maintain and even build our enthusiasm and zest for life during tough times?

In this fun, fast-paced and highly interactive session with Linda shares her top seven practical strategies for building (and maintaining!) your levels of energy and inspiration. You will come away focused, fired up and full of new ideas which will help you .


This event will be held at Wintec’s City Campus, Events Room 1, Gallagher Hub (5.30pm-7.30pm)

There will be “ self-care’ spot prizes on the night.

Spaces are limited so please RSVP by 17th April 2015 to anne@communitywaikato.org.nz


This event has been kindly supported by Linda Hutchings, Wintec sponsoring a venue, Community Waikato assisting with taking bookings and other sponsorship for catering and spot prizes.


I would really appreciate if you know of anyone else that may benefit from attending this session that you pass this invitation on.


Kind regards.

Janet Loughnan

Revitalise Flyer.pdf



Book Launch Raglan Stephen Barstow: 'Around the World in 80 Plants' tour

Stephen Barstow, Norway based, will be giving a talk in Raglan on Sunday the 22nd of this month to promote his new book.


We would like every effort from permaculture minded heads to network and promote this event, and it would be great to have your buy in.

We are currently still to confirm a venue.




National Marine and Freshwater Education Wānanga Conference 2015

Saturday 11th – Monday 13th April, 2015 - Northland – Whangārei

Whakapaumahara Marae, Whananaki, Northland


Registrations essential $390 waged professional $290 non waged/student/teacher/not for profit


For more information please contact

Samara Nicholas - Programme Director of the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust

Home office: 09 433 820509 433 8205 Mobile: 0210362019 Email: info@emr.org.nz

www.emr.org.nz www.marinenz.org.nz www.whitebaitconnection.co.nz


National Marine and Freshwater Education Wananga Conference 2015_programme_v3.pdf
Na Marine TSCT_rego_form_2015.pdf





Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

WILD THINGS addressing terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity loss

11 to 13th August 2015- Viaducts Event Centre- Auckland

An Environmental Defence Society Conference -  www.edsconference.com

Biodiversity loss is the greatest environmental challenge that currently faces New Zealand. Wild Things will investigate the underlying reasons for biodiversity decline and look constructively at how we might turn it around

Biodiversity loss is not inevitable. We have a choice



Book Launch
Vanishing Nature: facing New Zealand’s biodiversity crisis

When: Tuesday 31 March, 5.00pm - 7.00pm (drinks and nibbles will be served)

Where:  Reception Lounge, Level 1, Auckland Town Hall

Hosted by: Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse, on behalf of Auckland Council

Please join the authors, Marie Brown, Theo Stephens and Raewyn Peart at the launch of EDS’s latest publication.

The book presents an exhaustive analysis of New Zealand’s biodiversity status and management. The authors argue that the fundamental drivers of harm as well as the barriers to effective protection must be addressed if we are to halt the loss of our native species and ecosystems and maintain our natural capital. This will require novel economic institutions designed to bring private and public interests toward alignment.  The book includes a comprehensive suite of strategic, tactical and practical solutions and finishes with a vision and action plan that EDS is committed to champion in the coming years.

This ground breaking book will be available for purchase on the night at the discounted rate of $40. Saving you $5 off the cover price plus no postage cost!

RSVP by emailing us at registration@eds.org.nz.



This is a shout out to all our Kakapo Recovery supporters and beyond. We're keen to know if there's a "smart egg" out there or someone who could develop one for us! What we need is an egg that mimics one about to hatch, with movement and "cheeps"...it's for kakapo mums whose eggs are being incubated. We replace them in the nest with dummy eggs but at the moment, we have no way of preparing the mums for the moment the dummy egg becomes a real chick! We're keen to give them some signals so that it's not such a surprise and they can be ready to mother straight away... If you can help, please contact us at kakaporecovery@doc.govt.nz




Its not difficult to do please read the



There may need to be a rewording of this proposal page 4

2. Insert a clause in the bylaw which allows council to

require the owners of repeat roamers to be neutered



Update on what’s going on with the Community Environment Fund (CEF), These updates may also provide other information that may be of interest to you.

This time we have also included a link for information regarding the recently opened Department of Conservation Fund – Community Conservation Partnerships Fund (CCPF)


Community Environment Fund – Dates not confirmed

No dates have been confirmed at this stage.

We will be in further contact once dates are confirmed.

The link below provides information on the funding process, current eligibility criteria for an open contestable round and projects funded to date.



Te Mana o Te Wai Fund – Now Open


The Te Mana o Te Wai Fund provides funding for projects that support or enable iwi/hapū to improve the water quality of freshwater bodies, including lakes, rivers, streams, estuaries and lagoons.

The Te Mana o Te Wai Fund is now open for applications and will close at mid-day Thursday 30 April 2015.

The link below explains what the Te Mana o Te Wai Fund is, provides information on applying to the fund, and lists the funding eligibility and assessment criteria.




Waste Minimisation Fund – Opening 01 May 2015

The Waste Minimisation Fund (WMF) is currently closed for applications.

The 2015 WMF funding round will open for applications on Thursday 01 May 2015 and will close at midday on Thursday 15 May 2015.

For more information visit our website: www.mfe.govt.nz/wmf.


Changes to the Funds Management Team at the Ministry


We have had a few changes here at the Ministry. The functions of the Funds Management team have now been split between two teams.

The Community Environment Fund now sits within the Remediation Projects team and the Waste Minimisation Fund now sits within the Waste and Resources team.

If you have any general queries about either fund, please email either: cef@mfe.govt.nz or wmf@mfe.govt.nz.



Community Conservation Partnership Fund – PÅ«tea Tautiaki Hapori (CCPF) 2015/16 funding round now open


The CCPF is a two stage process and will close for expressions of interest at 5 pm on Thursday 2 April 2015.

For more information on the 2015/16 CCPF funding round, visit www.doc.govt.nz/ccpf  to read Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have further questions about the second CCPF funding round, contact the DOC Funds Team on 0800 862 0200800 862 020.



Allison Bockstruck


We have a number of spaces available at this workshop, please respond asap via email to robyn@coimmunitywaikato.org.nz or we will have to postpone it.

workshop flyer risk and fraud 9 March 2015-2.pdf

Kind regards,

Sally Fenwick Ridley

Training and CommunicationsCommunity Waikato


























Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Last Calls for Worm & Chicken Workshop NEXT WEEK Wednesday 11th March 7pm

Please contact Jan 078394452 to book a place


THURSDAY 26th March in Hamilton

Three International speakers talk food, health and what’s happening to our kids

Child, health and food poster - final.pdf

WAIKATO COMMUNITY GARDENERS NETWORK Meeting Friday 13th March 12 to 2pm

Kia Ora Community Gardeners,

Waikato Community Garden Network Meeting - March 2015.pdf

This is a reminder notice of the Waikato Community Garden Network meeting, to be held Friday 13th of March, 12-2pm at the Waikato Waldoph Community Garden, 85 Barrington Dr, Huntington. See facebook link https://www.facebook.com/WaikatoWaldorfCommunityGarden

 There are two entrances to the garden - I will send along some directions in a later email.

Our meeting will begin with a shared lunch, followed by a discussion and then a tour of the garden. The topic for discussion, led by Kerin Coleman, will be "Biodynamics - gardening by the rhythms of the universe".

Ngaa mihi nui,




Starts 10/03/2015, every Tuesday from 10~11:30am

Venue: Waikato Ethnic Family Service Trust (2D, Caro Street Community Building).

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the programme. I have attached the programme flyer.

Kind regards,

Kaoru Tsukigi Counsellor

Diversity Counselling New Zealand (DCNZ)



Join the Purple Walk go online for registrations

Go to www.PurpleWalk.co.nz


One of our volunteers has put together the attached flyer to hand out at events to encourage people to enter our Haiku and Selfie competitions.If you need any more information for Waikato please contact me - Maria Murphy cell. 0276992001 or visit our website thank you so much for your great work to heal protect and share our wonderful and beautiful world - our environment shared, yours faithfully, Maria Murphy



KATIKATI BIOBLITZ 2015 Public Programme

Friday 6th March

This email is an invite on behalf of the Uretara Estuary Managers would like to invite you to participate in the Katikati Bioblitz of the whole Uretara Catchment - from the mountains to the sea - on 6 March 11am - 7 March 11am 2015. You are welcome to come along and share your knowledge to help identifying species and to learn something new...

Three of the principal foci of the Bioblitz are:

1. To study the Uretara from source to sea looking not only at physical factors including pollution, but bacteria (Landcare, etc.), periphyton and Algae, macroinvertebrates, fish and birds - with particular sites associated with vegetation restoration, the impact of the Quarry, and the estuary restoration - out to the Main channel of the Tauranga Harbour.


2. To study the biodiversity of the soil/litter from the Kaimai forest habitat through the horticultural blocks (Avocado, Kiwifruit, Citrus, Olive), pine plantation and livestock grassland to the urban area and estuary margin. It is planned to look at soil microrganisms (Functional ecology and taxonomy), invertebrates and plants/weeds, birds and mammals across a series of sites in the above areas. The plant disease spectrum is of interest, particularly in the light of the Phytophthora avocado events.


3. To study the biodiversity of particularly important sites (Kaimai Mamaku Forest Park, Holwerda - Chudleigh Memorial wetland, Wilke's Bush, etc.)

We are interested in using the biodiversity survey to increase understanding of the functioning of these ecosystems in the community.


The venue is Katikati Memorial Hall (Main Street near traffic lights). Parking at rear of building. The powhiri from Ngāi Te Rangi will start at 10am on Friday the 6th. Formal opening at 11am for the Bioblitz program of fieldwork and talks (see below). We plan plenty of exhibits in the hall - including live eels, fish, spiders, insects etc. And a display of flowers and plants.

Later in the day the choir will perform (7 pm) and as it gets dark, moth traps will be set up, and nightwalks into the bush commence. At 10pm the hall will be closed to the public, but scientists and helpers will be carrying on through the night. At 8am Saturday the hall will reopen and further activities commence. The Bioblitz will officially end at 11am and there will be an 11.30 closing ceremony. The exhibits will remain for a short while before being cleared away.

It is planned to give hourly updates of the totals of the various groups of plants and animals throughout the Bioblitz. Also a 'Web of Life' will be created on the large background panorama produced by Kate Steeds.

If you are keen to be involved please email one of the above contacts or to janetplanet54@gmail.com to register. Or you can simply turn up on the day to Katikati Memorial Hall and participate in some of the many activities that will be going on over the 24 hour period.


TAIOHI TOA TRUST AGM Invite Tuesday 10th March

AGM Invite-2 Taiohi Toa.pdf


RHODE STREET SCHOOL KAI FESTIVAL Thursday 26th March 4pm to 7.30pm

Details Attached







Latest Events

Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


This week we'll skip the Wednesday working bee to save energy for this Saturday afternoon's one. 
When: Sat 28 Feb, 1-3 pm
Where: Hammond Bush. Meet at Malcolm St end of boardwalk
Bring: Hedge clippers if you have them, gardening gloves.
The boardwalk is fully repaired and open again now. The contractors completed it much more quickly than expected, and seem to have done an excellent job.
Best wishes

TONGAN St Paul’s Congregation

Come and enjoy Tongan and other ethnic food

Friday, 27th February 2015, 10.00 am until late

Friday, 6th March 2015, 12 noon until late

Market Day-1.pdf



Activist Dr. Vandana Shiva says the dependence on chemicals and fossil fuels that enable large scale agriculture is a threat to the planet, and she is advocating for a global change in the practice and paradigms of agriculture, and the food it creates.


Hear the interview here:




We are developing a neighbourhood plan for Frankton that will guide its development for the next 10-20 years.

A neighbourhood plan is a document that sets out steps to transform the area for the better

You are invited to join us at a community meeting at Frankton School Hall to discuss the plan and share your aspirations for Frankton.



We are beginning the next intake in March for our part-time Go Organic course in the following locations:

• Morrinsville (classes held once a week, Tuesdays)

• Hamilton (classes held once a week, Fridays)

Agriculture New Zealand’s (agnz.co.nz) part-time Certificate in Organic Horticulture (Level 3) is held one day per week, over 10 months.

This Organic Horticulture course has something for everyone interested in growing healthy food, building resilient ecosystems and developing healthy soil. It covers the latest science-based approaches to organic and biological farming, aiming to reduce chemical and synthetic inputs.

The course results in an NZQA qualification (National Certificate in Horticulture) as well as a certificate in Organic Horticulture .

The specialist tutors who will deliver the courses are Viv Cruickshank, Tim Cruickshank and Micky Cunningham

See the attachment for more details. For more information or to register for an information session in early March, phone 0800 475 4550800 475 455.

We are committed to community¬ based education that enables people to create a better, healthier, more sustainable New Zealand.


Micky Cunningham

Course Tutor Agriculture New Zealand Ltd

AgNZ Morrinsville Hamilton GO_130x185-1.pdf



Table Mountain Friday 27 Feb - Sun 1 March

and  Mt Tarawera  7-8 March

A reminder that the Waikato Boanical Society trip to Table Mountain is next weekend, Note a significant change to the plan - we intend to use a helicopter to fly in up to 12 people, but we will walk, rather than fly, out on the Sunday - so you will need to be prepared for the 3 hour walk out on the Sunday. To register your interest, if you havn't already done so, please email Mike Clearwater (m.clearwater@waikato.ac.nz) and Kevin Carter (kcarter@doc.govt.nz) so we know who is intending to come and we can update you with further details during the week.


Contact: Kevin Carter (kcarter@doc.govt.nz 07 867 924107 867 9241 / 021 0236 3089021 0236 3089), Mike Clearwater (m.clearwater@waikato.ac.nz 07 854 725907 854 7259 / 021 203 2902021 203 2902)


Aa reminder about the upcoming trip to Mt Tarawera in two weeks time. Please register early as places are limited and so we can plan for transport.

This year we will be going onto Ruawahia dome and walking to near the SW end of Tarawera dome. (Last year the trip was onto the NE dome of Wahanga). This area provides spectacular views over the Rotorua lakes and south along with interesting flora and fauna. Should be a good trip.

Saturday 7 March– Mt Tarawera  (Combined with Forest and Bird) (Sunday 8 March reserve day)

Leader : Paul Cashmore 07 349 743207 349 7432 (wk) or 027 650 7264027 650 7264 pcashmore@doc.govt.nz



Fee, informative workshops for the greatest job in the world!

Free Fun Informative Workshops for Parents

Contact the Western Community Centre on 847 4873 for more information. Thanks Ioana

Parenting Fuel Up.pdf


TechSoup New Zealand

 is bringing a full day Social Media, MailChimp and your Website workshop to Hamilton in March 2015.

Workshop overview:

Get started with social media and emailing marketing for your organisation, in this step by step workshop. Understand the basics of Facebook and Twitter, and how to have them setup correctly and how to create and manage content for your profiles. Start email marketing for your organisation with the popular MailChimp service and then learn how to integrate your social media, email marketing and website so they can talk to each other and streamline your digital marketing efforts.


For full details on the workshop program including location information click here.

  About the presenter – Mathan Allington, Community Engagement Coordinator, TechSoup New Zealand

Mathan Allington is the Community Engagement Coordinator at Connecting Up, where he works with the not-for-profit sector to provide training, education and understanding of the technology resources available to build their capacity.

 With a background in telecommunications, not-for-profit and small business, Mathan is passionate about new technology, and how to make it accessible and understandable for everybody.

Places are strictly limited so register early to ensure your place in the program. Click here to register.

Kind regards,

Emma Wall
Event Coordinator

Web: www.techsoup.net.nz
Email: ew@techsoup.net.nz




New In The Centre

Posted 9 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


STARTING in Two Weeks Time! MARCH 12TH





Put together with eco friendly glue and patience. Each piece of cardboard has a fact about the model..

The three concepts behind the dodo puzzle idea were ‘good-for-humans’, ‘harmless for nature’ while being ‘great fun’.  



Places still available for this specialized course and the start date has changed to Saturday March 14th. Please ring the Centre for further detail 07 839 445207 839 4452




Delicious with fruit, in smoothies or with dessert

Dairy free. Lactose-free. Kosher. Paleo. Gluten-Free. Soy –free. Nut free. Preservative Free

$14 for a 700ml jar- $13 with a jar return



This month's working bee is on Saturday February 21 at 1:00 pm.

It has been a busy month at the reserve. Mostly featuring lots of growth.

Fortunately, a solid effort at the January working bee followed by a really valuable corporate effort by Vazey Child means that all of last year's planting has been released at least twice and should now be self sufficient. Some of the manuka are growing so quickly that they have become top heavy. The dry spells haven't done any damage so far.

Unfortunately the privet has been staging a come-back here and there, so Warwick has been spraying carefully in the calm weather.

At this working bee there is an opportunity for several people to work on tracks. I have ordered 500 triangle track markers which we will install over the next few months. There are quite a few steps that are in poor condition and one track-side spring that needs diverting before winter. If you want to take part in track work, bring a spade or some loppers.

Other people could release plants on the stream bank, some hardy souls might like to do privet and the truly heroic could slog away at the gorse.

Whatever your poison it would be wonderful to see you. I plan to stay at the gazebo and butter the scones.










Posted 9 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


We have a few spaces available for the flax weaving in the Sustainable Backyard Garden on Sunday 22nd.  The cost is $50 for the course starting at 10am. to 3pm.

If you are interested please get back to me at permaham@actrix.co.nz



Simba tops off the balloons in our Flying with the Animals themed Festival this year. We look forward to 3 wonderful shapes joining us from around the world next month.

Michelle from Classic Events



Please circulate amongst your networks.

Job description national coordinator-1 2802.pdf



Kit Collection Poster_December.pdf

Think of all the things you could do if you only had a tool kit or a sewing machine; think of the fantastic party you could throw if you had the means to bake a variety of sumptuous novelty cakes! The kit collection is all about taking the time - to learn something new or to dust off an existing skill, maybe even gain a new hobby. Don't put off that DIY job because you don't have the right equipment - borrow it from your local library! Let us help you discover your hidden talent for knitting... or stargazing. Get ready to open up a world of possibilities! Kit Collection.

• 2 week loan period

$1.00 loan/hire charge

Held at Garden Place and Chartwell Libraries only

Items can be returned to any of our libraries during opening hours

No reserves and no renewals

Overdue charge 50 cents per day

• We would love to hear your thoughts about the Kit collection. Please help us by completing this short survey.

Lisa Pritchard

Lifelong Learning Librarian | Hamilton City Libraries

Phone: 07 8386410 | Email: lisa.pritchard@hcc.govt.nz



Second Hand Sunday Flyer Final.pdf

We are promoting this under Sustainable Cambridge and the SHS in Te

Awamutu on 15 March will be under Sustainable Waipa.




Buggy Run Poster.pdf

Please spread the word about this fun day coming up on Sunday! Even if you don’t have kids, come along to watch some live music and munch down a saussie and some cakes!  It’s all cheap and for a great cause!

Nga mihi

The htwnyouth Team



A reminder about our 2nd Chapter meeting for 2015 will be a Farm Tour:

• Sunday 1st March 1-4pm ish

• 22 Dodd Road, Motumaoho, 332 Link to map

• Wear sensible shoes and togs for a swim.

• Be punctual for 1pm

The farm location is between Hamilton and Morrinsville. We will be guests on Bill Grant's farm so please be punctual and respect farm etiquette at all times. Gates are to to closed behind you, keep your distance from the animals and always ask permission before going anywhere not on the tour.


• Farm Tour of certified organic beef farm practicing homeopathy with a variety of other activities which include sheep, goats, chickens/pheasants/turkeys, pumpkins for seed/oil/pigs, and self-sufficiency food production

• Tour of Self-sufficiency/ off the grid set up. See sustainable/ carbon neutral, self-sufficiency, low cost, traditional farming practice/certified organic and heritage where possible and many other ideas are translated to the quarter acre.

• WAPF friendly shared afternoon tea and there will be the opportunity to have a swim. Children are to be supervised by their family. So bring your togs and a plate.

Bring along an excess produce you might like to share with others. If you want any specific cultures you could enquire via our facebook page.



Hamilton Homeless Trust is a Charitable Trust made up of volunteers that work to provide immediate and long term help to people in need. They aspire to provide food and resources essential to survival on a nightly basis to no and low income individuals and families living in Hamilton. They also aspire to contribute to poverty alleviation by directing our patrons to other resources and services that can help improve their living conditions and livelihoods.

The Hamilton Homeless Trust are wanting to become more sustainable in the long term and require some support to do this. They are looking for someone, on a volunteer basis, to help them with funding applications and project management work. If you are interested in volunteering for this, or require further information, please contact Alvina on 027 221 6864 or hamiltonhomelesstrust@gmail.com.

Jen Murray

Community Wellbeing Manager | Community Development and Leisure

Mob: 021 243 9217| Email: jennifer.murray@hcc.govt.nz

