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Latest Environmental Postings

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Low Cost  Living Christmas

Tuesday 25th November at the Western Community Centre

The annual Low Cost Living Christmas Expo will celebrate ten years at the Western Community Centre, with advice and ideas for people searching for ways to limit the financial burden of the upcoming Christmas season.

The expo will include food tasting with recipes, low cost gift ideas, party treats and decorations, as well as entertainment and spot prizes. Several local agencies will be represented, offering ideas on low-cost services they offer.

The Low Cost Christmas Expo is on Tuesday, 25 November, from 10am to 1pm. Entry to the expo is free and is held at the Western Community Centre, 46 Hyde Avenue, Nawton.

More information please contact Ben 929 2710 or 021 315469


Waikato Timebank Social Event

Saturday 6th December at The Waikato Environment Centre, Five Crossroads : 11am to 2pm

Orientations will be run on the day for new members

More Information  please contact Ruth 07 839 4452


Reminder of Inaugural Professorial Lecture : Prof Iain White

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Environmental Planning Professor Iain White is giving his inaugural professorial lecture, tonight 18 November, commencing at 6 pm. at the Performing Academy of Arts, University of Waikato. The title is The more we know, the more we don't know: Flood risk management in the 21st Century

We would love to see you, your colleagues and friends. Details of the event can be found at:



Pip Wallace

LLB Auck LLM (Hons) Waikato PhD Waikato

Latest Environmental Events Postings

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Hamilton Organic Gardeners Meeting

How about growing some fresh ingredients for some tasty and healthy summer salads this year? Pots of potential! ...and a great way to grow herbs too.

At the HOGs meeting, last one for the year, we'll be talking about growing salad greens, herbs and edible weeds for delicious and healthy summer salads, using in pesto etc. And sprouting micro greens and making smoothies.

See you there on Saturday 6th December at 2:30pm.

We’ll meet at the Environment Centre at 242 Peachgrove Rd, near the Five Cross Roads roundabout, a few doors north of Burger Fuel. There is some parking on Peachgrove Rd and plenty behind the shops. You can enter through the back door.

The plant and produce swap table will be there so bring along your extra seedlings, produce, spare seeds etc. to swap :)

You are welcome to sell plants etc. too

 Light refreshments will be served.Gold coin entry




 Brought to you by The Dairy Farmer’s Daughter.  A fundraiser for the Waikato Environment Centre.

Monday, December 15th, 2014, 7-8.30pm at the Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

Learn how to MAKE lovely Christmas Gifts

Moisturizer , Lip Balm, Bath Salts, Bath Bombs, Bath Candies, Deodorant & more…

 Includes recipes & some samples to take home.

 MAKE products contain no preservatives or additives. You will be surprised to see how quick, easy and inexpensive they are to make in your own home.

 $20 per person—Book in early as numbers are limited. Contact Anna - 839 4452, anna@envirocentre.org.nz

Climate Reality Talk : Monday 17th November 2014

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora,

Earlier this year, Green MP Julie Anne Genter was lucky enough to attend a training by former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore to educate about climate change.

As part of the Climate Reality Project conference in Melbourne, Julie Anne spent three days learning how to provide a deep understanding of the latest science of climate change.

Part of Julie Anne's obligation as a Climate Reality Leader is to share her learnings with people in their communities about the global climate crisis and its solutions. Community by community, we are demanding action on climate change.

We would like to invite you to the Climate Reality talk Julie Anne is giving in Hamilton. Please join us, and bring along any family, friends or colleagues you would like to see better informed and inspired to help solve the climate crisis.


Where: Room SG.02, Building S, University of Waikato (entrance via Gate 8, Hillcrest Road)

When: 6.30pm Monday 17th November 2014

RSVP: giuliana.tucker@parliament.govt.nz


We look forward to meeting you and discussing the largest issue facing us, ever!


Latest Environmental Posting

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Hamilton Permaculture Trust Special Meeting Thursday November 13th

A special Hamilton Permaculture Trust meeting is set for 5.30pm at The

Waikato Environment Centre

242 Peachgrove Road Five Cross Roads




Living Streets Hamilton, November meeting Thursday November 13

Hi everyone,


This months Living Streets meeting is on the second Thursday of the month rather than the third one, as this will give us time to discuss and prepare submissions on the riverbank plan, which is open for public consultation until November 28th. This project has the potential to allow some new pedestrian and cycle bridge construction across the river, in addition to many other proposals, and it would be good to get plenty of input on what might be viable possibilities.

If you would like to take a look at the plans prior to our meeting, start here: http://www.hamiltoncityriverplan.co.nz/feedback. This page gives you access to the plans and of course there is the opportunity to make individual submissions online on any aspects that you have an interest in.

So, as a reminder again, we will be meeting on Thursday, November 13, 7pm at 29 Claude St.

Kind regards,




Tamahere Potting Notice Friday 14th November

Hello fellow potters.


We will be working at Tamahere Gully Care Nursery this Friday 14th November

from 9am-12noon. Hope to see you there. This is our last session for the



Any queries ring me on 078558296 or email is 2smiths@wave.co.nz.


Don't forget morning tea!




Catherine Smith



Latest Environmental Events Postings

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Living Streets Meeting for November – Date Change

It would be helpful to hold this month's Living Streets meeting on the second Thursday of the month rather than the third one, as this will give us time to discuss and prepare submissions on the riverbank plan, which is open for public consultation until November 28th. This project has the potential to allow some new pedestrian and cycle bridge construction across the river, in addition to many other proposals, and it would be good to get plenty of input on what might be viable possibilities.

If you would like to take a look at the plans prior to our meeting, start here: http://www.hamiltoncityriverplan.co.nz/feedback. This page gives you access to the plans and of course there is the opportunity to make individual submissions online on any aspects that you have an interest in.

So, as a reminder again, we will be meeting on Thursday, November 13, 7pm at 29 Claude St.






4:00PM TO 6:00PM

Come and join us in a working bee in the A.J. Seeley Gully,

Armagh Street, Hamilton.

There will be a variety of jobs for people of all ages and ability.

Please bring your own gardening tools and gloves. Rain or shine.

BBQ will be relocated if weather is poor.

BBQ from 6pm. Please bring a salad or side dish

to share. BYO drinks


There is an established volunteer group that works in the

Gully every Monday 9:30am-12: 00pm under the guidance

of Gerard Kelly, HCC Community Planting Coordinator.

More volunteers are always welcome. Any queries please contact:

Barbara Brook 824 1641 or Gerard Kelly 838 6501.


 Free Public Lecture -The Hybrid Mind by Richard Louv

The more high tech our lives become,

the more nature we need.

 Jointly sponsored by Victoria University of Wellington,

the MacDiarmid Institute and the Department of Conservation

The University of Waikato is pleased to announce a free public lecture from Richard Louv (author of Last Child in the Woods) at midday on the 13th of November.


Thursday 13 November – 12noon-1.00pm

University of Waikato – Concert Chamber,

Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts.

(Closest parking is in Gate 2b, Knighton Road.)


For information Contact:

Catherine Kirby

Research Support Officer

Environmental Research Institute

07 838 446607 838 4466 ext. 6517

University of Waikato


Bee Movie Fundraiser for Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari

The team at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari are holding a fundraiser movie night to celebrate Conservation Week (belatedly) at the Tivoli Theatre in Cambridge on 18 November. The movie is Queen of the Sun - What Are the Bees Telling Us?, a profound, alternative look at the global bee crisis from award-winning filmmaker Taggart Siegel. Doors open at 6.30pm with the movie starting at 7pm. Cost is $20 per ticket


You can book this directly online through the website link on the page above or contact info@sanctuarymountain.co.nz for further information.


Healthy Rivers Project meeting 10th November

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Opportunity to feed into the Healthy Rivers project:
Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai is working with stakeholders to develop changes to the regional plan to help restore and protect the health of the Waikato and Waipa rivers, which are key to a vibrant regional economy.

Our environmental representative is holding this meeting to update you all on progress - message from Al Fleming:

Kia ora koutou
Please see the agenda for the Environment / NGO Healthy Rivers workshop below. 
We currently have 8 people attending so the RSVP has been extended to the end of Thursday this week. 
The workshop objectives are:   
·         Introduce Environmental Collaborative Stakeholder Group (CSG) Representatives
·         Update on Healthy Rivers Project
·         Encourage thinking on the Environmental Sectors goals for the project
·         Gather reference material for Environmental CSG representatives
·         Gather sector feedback to present to the CSG 
Workshop details are: 
DATE:    Monday 10 November 
WHERE:   Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens         
TIME:   9.00 am to 1.00 pm 
Coffee / tea will be available at 9.00 am and a lunch will be served at 1.00 pm. 
If you are keen to attend please RSVP by Thursday 6 November for catering purposes. 
Please do forward onto other Environment / NGO representatives or persons involved in this sector you believe may be interested in attending. 
Thanks very much. Al 

AGENDA - Healthy Rivers Plan for Change Environmental / NGO Sector: Meeting 1  
Time Agenda Item Presenter
9.00 Arrive / cup of tea  

-  Objectives of the meeting
-  Role of the Collaborative Stakeholder Group (CSG) and Sector Representatives

 Michelle ArcherAl Fleming
9.30 Introduction of the Healthy Rivers Project and progress  Jo Bromley
9.45 Technical Summary  Bill Vant
10.15 Waikato RiverCare - Practical advice, difficulties and considerations of River Enhancement projects. Kevin Hutchinson 
10.30 Workshop.  Split into small groups and spend 15 minutes discussing each the following questions, collate all ideas and come up with the groups top issue for each.  Provide all notes back to meeting Chair. From an Environmental Sector perspective regarding the project and potential plan changes:
1.       What’s on top
2.       What are fears/concerns 3.       What are practical and achievable solutions to consider 4.       Any “Elephants” in the room  Guidance Note: workshop notes will be used as a reference for Al and Michelle (and their delegates) to ensure that the thoughts and priorities of the sector are in mind once the specific plan details are released.  This process is to ensure that your ideas are captured and available for your CSG representatives.
11.30 Short Break   
11.45 DiscussionFuture Environmental Sector Meetings All
12.30 Meeting finish and lunch Michelle Archer and Al Fleming
  CSG Environmental Representatives Contact Details:
Michelle Archer – 021 629 364 michelle.archer@genesisenergy.co.nz
Al Fleming – 021 988 295 
For Specific details on the Healthy Rivers Project and to sign up for newsletters please see the following link: Waikato Regional Council-Healthy Rivers-Plan for Change      
Al Fleming
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc.
PO Box 70 171 · Tauranga 3155 ·  New Zealand
DD 07 544 4987 · 
021 988 295 · 
07 544 4987 
You can join Forest & Bird online at www.forestandbird.org.nz

RSVP: A.Fleming@forestandbird.org.nz


Tree Climbing for Bats, Living Street Strolls and Building Earthships

Posted 10 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Calling all Bat people!

Are you interested in a basic tree climbing course?

One is organised for 25th of November at Wintec. Its a full day course that costs $180. It is lots of fun and will give you all the skills you need to set up bat boxes or just explore the canopy. If you have any questions or know someone who might be keen please let me know... we have 3 spaces left to fill.

Contact Catherine Kirby

Research Support Officer

Environmental Research Institute

07 838 446607 838 4466 ext. 6517


Living Streets Strolls

Just a reminder that the third of Living Streets Spring Strolls for 2014 is happening this Sunday, November 2 at 2pm and will take in assorted street art in the Melville area.

Meet outside the tennis courts in Palmerston St. Parking is available in Manning, Hammond or Fow Sts, or in the cul-de-sac end of Anglesea St.


Intensive Earthship Building Workshop

An 8 week intensive Earthship workshop,starting Mid January will cover all facits of Earthship design and construction. 40 special places are available to learn from our core crew. The dream team of experienced Earthship builders from around the globe are passing on their knowledge to build a fully approved and functioning Earthship.

 The course will be covering many topics such as Thermal, & Solar Heating & Cooling, Building with Natural & Recycled Materials, Water Harvesting, Storage and Filtration, Natural Flow Sewage Treatment, Finishing Options and techniques including cob & hempcrete, Permiculture design and food production. Solar Electric Systems, as well as the plans and the permitting process and much much more.




1 WEEK $350

1 DAY $100

If you are interested please fill out our electronic form by copying the

link below.


