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Latest News and Events

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Just Crafting Around group for regular social crafting
Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference
Student Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference
Waste Free Parenting Workshops
Hamilton Organic Gardeners Meeting and Hot Composting Workshop
Fonterra Grass Roots Fund

Just Crafting Around

Knit while you natter - sew while you crow. Crafting is even more fun when it's a sewcial occasion. Join us for an evening of crafty time and have fun on a cold winters evening.

We are a group of non-expert crafters, thrifters and refashionistas who get together every week. We often work on a project together, like sewing bags, sandwich wraps or cushion covers to raise funding for the local TimeBank, or the Waikato Environment Centre. Some people bring their own projects to work on: something to up-cycle, mend or knit, while others join in on a joint project and earn TimeBank credits. Bring materials and a sewing machine if you have access to one, we will have at least one sewing machine here to share.

We are also running a little low on material so if you have any to spare in your stashes that you won't be using we would be grateful for any donations.

The Waikato Environment Centre is being used for another event this time so please RSVP by email if you would like to come and we will be in touch with you once the address is confirmed: waikatotimebank@gmail.com

ERA Conference 

Science Open Day

Reduced rate for community members.
Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton, Conference runs 19-23 November; ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday 20th November.

A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops, a Bat Symposium hosted by Project Echo, as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com 

Student Day

The ERA 2016 conference encourages students to participate in their meeting this year. This special student day will provide an opportunity for up-and-coming young ecologists to showcase their research through oral presentations and learn from panels of experts what it means to navigate the field of ecology.

Please see the conference website for more details: (view "Programme" and select "Student Day" option). The deadline for abstracts is about to be extended.

Waste Free Parenting Workshops

With the Nappy Lady, in Meremere and Huntly. It's more than nappies, you will learn about the environmental impact of how we live, other household options and ways to reduce waste and save money.

28th July Meremere Hall, 21 Heather Green Avenue - 6-8.30pm
29th July Huntly West School, Paki Street - 9.30am-12pm.

Gold coin donation. See the attached poster for more information.

Two posters for Meremere Huntly.pdf

Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting and hot composting workshop

Saturday 6th August, 10am

Location: 89 Robson Road, Koromatua, Hamilton

Run in association with Organic Farm NZ. The facilitator will be Mickey Cunningham, who has a great reputation as a teacher of organics.

Queries: phone Beryl le Grove 027 695 6229 or 829 3272

Bring along something to share for lunch, a cup, and money for a koha for the presenter. There will be a swap table, so bring along spare seeds, plants, produce etc

Why make hot compost?

Because it kills seeds and pathogens and takes less time to break down.

Funding Opportunity for Grassroots Organisations

The Fonterra Grass Roots Fund is committed to helping the passionate, hard-working Kiwis who volunteer their time to make our communities better places to live. Enjoy the amazing stories in their video and if you’re involved with a group or project in your neighbourhood that needs support, complete the simple Fonterra Grass Roots Fund grant application here.

Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton Nov 19-23, 2016
A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com

Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton Nov 19-23, 2016


A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com

Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton Nov 19-23, 2016


A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.coA standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com


Posted 8 years, 5 months ago    0 comments


We have a pallet going free at the Environment Centre,Five Cross Roads . The one in our warehouse is not on a trailer, but is just as beautiful

phone Jan 07839 4452




Latest News and Events

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

News and Events

Getting Eco Issues on the Local Body Election Agenda - a lunchtime network meeting

Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting - Monday the 25th of July, 12pm - 1.30pm (lunchtime!!) at The Greenspace, 60 Te Aroha St, Hamilton.

Discussion focus: Getting Sustainability (aka Eco Issues) on the Local Body Election Agenda.

Some discussion questions: What role does the city and regional council play? What are some of the issues that councils might be working on over the next few years? What would your ideal council look like in terms of sustainability and community action?

This discussion will be led by Jason Sebestain, former Hamilton City Youth Council Chairperson, community representative member of the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Collaborative Stakeholder Group and a volunteer in the local youth/community sector.

Bring your lunch - coffee and tea provided. Contact Anna for more information anna@envirocentre.org.nz

And to Mr Perkins we say "Nevermind him, carry on!"

A Celebratory Farewell!

Please join us to say a fond farewell to our Centre Manager, Ruth Seabright, who is heading off to sunny Nelson at the end of July. We want to wish Ruth and her family all the best for their adventures ahead, as well as say thank you for all that Ruth has achieved here.

We are going to miss Ruth, but Hamilton and WEC's loss will be a lucky gain for Nelson. Ruth is an inspiration to staff and volunteers at the Waikato Environment Centre, a force for positive change for the community and environment, and an absolute delight to work with.

Drop in to the Waikato Environment Centre at Five Crossroads, Hamilton on 26th July, between 3 and 5pm to celebrate with Ruth and the team.

Free DIY Workshop at Bunnings Te Rapa

2-3pm Saturday 23 July or Sunday 24 July

Does this sound like you?

  • Is your home difficult to warm?
  • Do you have a high power bill?
  • Problems with dampness and condensation?
  • Want to spend less on heating?
  • Want to be more environmentally-friendly?

This workshop will give you sound advice to help you choose the most suitable DIY solution.

It’s all free and will even save you money in the future. This is too good to miss!

Just come along or if you need to know more contact Camilla or Tania on info@envirocentre.org.nz

Electric Bike Workshop

Join Waikato Environment CentreMeloYelo and electric bike expert Alex Kendon for a free educational workshop with an opportunity for test rides on July 25

  • Learn about the benefits of electric bikes
  • The pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus converting your existing bike
  • Evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric
  • What the conversion process involves and what tools you need
  • Doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help
  • New electric bikes: An overview
  • Q&A
  • Test rides

Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

When: July 25, 5:30 – 7:00pm

RSVP: By July 22 Email rob@evolocity.co.nz

Electric bike workshop invite .pdf

Planting bee

Waiwhakareke planting morning

Our next Friends of Waiwhakareke planting morning will be held on

Saturday 30 July 2016; 9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

RSVP please! Please respond by the end of Monday 25 June if you are intending to come along. It is really important to have an indication of numbers so that we know how many plants to have on site. We hope to be able to put 500 plants in the ground so we need a really good turn out.

Bring a spade and gloves and wear study foot wear, warm clothes and wet weather gear if rain is forecast. Pop your gumboots in the car just in case some of us will be in wetter areas. We can grab them after the briefing if needed. And bring morning tea.

We’ll be asking you to sign in as you arrive as a H&S requirement. The sign in will require your contact details and your next of kin contact details.


Woollen Carpet on offer

Houseload (3 bedroom) of fawn woollen carpet is on offer. Good condition. It must be collected from the Fitzroy area by Sunday. Call 07 843 9894.


Latest News and Events

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments


Permaculture Workshop: Small Animals & Orchard - Zone 2

Tutors: Liz Stanway and Rick Thorpe.

Delve into the ecology of plants and animals, plant selection and layouts for needs in relation to water, facilities, guilds and diversity. Cover the basics of planting and propagation as well as management for productivity and plant health. Learn how to best integrate with small animals (bees, poultry, pigs) along with their management and care.

When: Saturday 13 August; 9am-5pm
Where: Raglan
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members).
This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate.

To find out more email permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 839 4452.

Free DIY Workshop at Bunnings Te Rapa

2-3pm Saturday 23 July or Sunday 24 July

Does this sound like you?

  • Is your home difficult to warm?
  • Do you have a high power bill?
  • Problems with dampness and condensation?
  • Want to spend less on heating?
  • Want to be more environmentally-friendly?

This workshop will give you sound advice to help you choose the most suitable DIY solution.

It’s all free and will even save you money in the future. This is too good to miss!

Just come along or if you need to know more contact Camilla or Tania on info@envirocentre.org.nz

Electric Bike Workshop

Join Waikato Environment Centre, MeloYelo and electric bike expert Alex Kendon for a free educational workshop with an opportunity for test rides on July 25

  • Learn about the benefits of electric bikes
  • The pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus converting your existing bike
  • Evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric
  • What the conversion process involves and what tools you need
  • Doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help
  • New electric bikes: An overview
  • Q&A
  • Test rides

Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

When: July 25, 5:30 – 7:00pm

RSVP: By July 22 Email rob@evolocity.co.nz

Electric bike workshop invite .pdf


Pamela Storey is speaking at TedxRuakura

TEDxRuakura is just around the corner. The WEC Board of Trustees ‘ Chairperson, Pamela Storey, is among the speakers on 30 July.

Tickets to the Concert Chamber and Playhouse Theatre Live Stream are also selling fast so don't miss out! Get your tickets from Eventfinda, before they're all gone!


Waiwhakarekeke Natural Heritage Park planting morning

Saturday 30 July 2016

9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Please RSVP by the end of Monday 25 June if you are intending to come along. It is really important to have an indication of numbers so that we know how many plants to have on site. We hope to be able to put 500 plants in the ground so we need a really good turn-out.

Bring a spade and gloves and wear study foot wear, warm clothes and wet weather gear if rain is forecast. Pop your gumboots in the car just in case some of us will be in wetter areas, and bring morning tea!

We’ll be asking you to sign in as you arrive as an H&S requirement. The sign-in will require your contact details and your next of kin contact details.

Invitation to Celebratory Farewell for our Manager, Ruth Seabright

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

A Celebratory Farewell!

Please join us to say a fond farewell to our Centre Manager, Ruth Seabright, who is heading off to sunny Nelson at the end of July. We want to wish Ruth and her family all the best for their adventures ahead, as well as say thank you for all that Ruth has achieved here.

We are going to miss Ruth, but Hamilton and WEC's loss will be a lucky gain for Nelson. Ruth is an inspiration to staff and volunteers at the Waikato Environment Centre, a force for positive change for the community and environment, and an absolute delight to work with.

Drop in to the Waikato Environment Centre at Five Crossroads, Hamilton on 26th July, between 3 and 5pm to celebrate with Ruth and the team.


Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Creating Homes without Chemicals


ENJO Fibres were invented in Austria 25 years ago and are designed to clean surfaces with only cold water. Hard to believe? then come along at see for yourself.

Free Enjo Workshop

When: Wednesday 13th July, 6.30 pm to 7.30pm

Where : The Environment Centre ( entry at rear)

Sharing the ENJO philosophy to make a difference to the environment by offering a cleaning system to households that:


• Reduces the use of chemical cleaners by up to 95%

• Reduces landfill by saving on wasteful products and packaging

• Saves using chemicals


Tea & Coffee for a Koha

Please RSVP to Jan admin@envirocentre.org.nz


Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Free DIY Workshop at Bunnings Te Rapa.

When: 2-3pm Saturday 23rd July and Sunday 24th July

Where: Bunnings Warehouse Te Rapa


Does this sound like you?

Is your home difficult to warm?

Do you have a high power bill?

Problems with dampness and condensation?

Want to spend less on heating?

Want to be more environmentally-friendly?

This workshop will give you sound advice to help you choose the most suitable DIY solution.

Its all free and will even save you money in the future.

This is too good to miss!

Just come along or if you need to know more contact Camilla or Tania on info@envirocentre.org.nz



See a group of artists that are using recycled cardboard to create Maori sculptures with children for the public to view. They aiming to mirror the traditional process (tree  carving) by returning the tree based products to artwork (carving  cardboard).

It's exciting to have a project that combines culture, recycling, art and educating the public available at no entry cost.

Jubilee Park Project on this Saturday, 9th July 2016.

When: 9am to 12pm

The Jubilee Care Group meet at the Migrant Centre car park area.

The red dot is where the group meets and the light blue dot shows the local bus stop.

The majority of the tasks we engage in are weeding, pest plant removals and planting New Zealand native trees.

For all the projects we carry out a ‘Health & Safety’ briefing with the volunteers on site before starting projects and an explanation of tasks for the day.

Most of the sites require the volunteers to have:

1. Suitable footwear (gumboots good as many sites are wet & muddy)

2. Raincoat during (Spring/Autumn etc.)

3. Sunhat & own sun block (skin cancer prevention)

4. Gardening gloves (I have some pairs, however pays to bring your own just in case)

5. Drink (water is good, i generally provide orange juice but good to bring your own)

6. Lunch or food (not provide so volunteers if working through need to bring their own food, projects usually require physical activity so they need to have something to sustain themselves)





Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

 Healthy Soils & Fertile Gardens

Tutor: Kim Mounsey

Get down to the nitty gritty of understanding the nature of soils.

You will learn how to identify soil structure and its health as well as how to apply and make fertilisers, composting and revitalisation aids. In this workshop you will be able to identify the ecological functions as well as the characteristics of the elements in Zone 1 and observe energy flows which will help to inform your garden layout & design. You will explore preparation methods like double-dig and no-dig and the value of mulching, companion and rotation planting.

The workshop will also include an afternoon tour of the Sustainable Backyard and a copy of the Hamilton Gardens’ Sustainable Backyard Garden book to complement your course experience.


When: Saturday, 9 July; 9am¬–5pm.

Where: HGC2/3 Classroom, Hamilton Gardens

Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members)

This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate (Module 6).


To find out more or book a place email

permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us

on 839 4452.

 Sustainable Backyard Tour

Come with us on a journey through the Hamilton Gardens’ Sustainable Backyard. The garden is part of Hamilton Gardens’ Productive Collection and was designed to illustrate sustainable principles. The garden demonstrates how a typical suburban garden could be transformed into a productive, edible landscape that provides a continuous supply of organic fruit and vegetables throughout the year.

We will be firing up the pizza oven for a shared lunch. Just bring along your pre-made pizza.


Places are limited to 25 people in the morning and 10 people in the afternoon tour.

When: Saturday, 9 July; 10-11.30am or 2-3.30pm

Where: Sustainable Backyard Garden, Hamilton Gardens

Fee: Adults $13.50; Under 12 years free (Discount available for WEC members).

Includes a copy of the Hamilton Gardens’ Sustainable Backyard Garden book.

Booking is essential: call us on 839 4452 or email permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz



When: Tuesday 26th July  12.30 to 3.30


When: Friday 15 July 10am to 4pm

Where:: The University of Waikato, Gallagher Academy of Performing Art Gate 2b, Knighton Road, Hamilton

Admission: Free

In conjuction with Waikato Regional Council, The University of Waikato is hosting a day to share with staff, students and our communities. It’s about inspiring, practising and celebrating sustainability and imagining what a sustainable future will look like. Running from 10am¬ to 4pm in the Academy, the event is free and open to the public and will include workshops, lectures, research showcases and entertainment.



Book for this Free Webinar:

When: 12th July 11.00am, presented by Nan Wehipeihana

Community Research webinars are live, online events where community sector professionals, and others, share professional expertise about what’s working in the community sector.

A Vision for Indigenous Evaluation

A framework for increasing participation and control by Indigenous peoples

When: Tuesday, 12 July from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (NZST) Book here

These 30-60 minute events take place at your desk.  Places are free of charge.



When: Friday 22nd July, 2016 12.15 pm to 1pm

Where: Central Library, Presentation Space, Level 3, Garden Place, Hamilton.

What we will be talking about in relation to these two topics is really the protection or management of our assets and our personal wellbeing.

When we think about changes which impact on our assets and personal wellbeing, it includes illness, accidents, age and death.

It therefore requires individuals to carefully plan for different scenarios they may face which could ultimately leave them without the capacity to take care of their own affairs (property and personal welfare).

Today we will take a general look at tools for protection broadly speaking in two categories:

Whilst you are alive – Power of Attorney

Once you pass away - Wills

The seminar is being delivered by Solicitor- Kirsty Tyson, who has been with Community Law Waikato for the past 4 years.





